Transcript for:
Deli vs Bombay Play: Navigating Hustle Culture, Intimacy, and Balancing Multiple Roles

oh I'll enjoy everything at 60 you have to kiss many frogs before you find your prince we have lived in comment sections I don't want my kid to be like why do you mean I'm like different people provide different kinds of intimacy those were the best days of my [Applause] [Music] life guys test shot Sak rear the intro guys they're going to kill me we're running late there's so much traffic no time for test shot Namaste hello adab and a big hey today I'm anticipating some classic Deli versus Bombay play I think we should stop calling it dating and call it a professional game of chess boss the levels of dopamine serotonin cortisol it's all a mess in a paid partnership with Indian parents hle test procrastination laziness baby it's called The Gift of welld deserved rest internet role model yeah Kabab main character even side character energy is also fine before I introduce you to my guests don't forget to like share and subscribe with Rohan Joi Saab Bali we're going to w Vibe Vibe and VI in the morning both of us we have taken an early morning flight both of us we've landed in Delhi in different terminals both of us yes correct my defense in my defense I was on backto back flights yesterday I only landed and I was jet lagged and I could not sleep the night and then I was like okay if I pass out at 8: in the morning I'm never going to be able to make it so for you both and to make it your you both I'm not feeling at all I'm just waiting for to finish so I can just throw it back in my face be like no refuse I I was not 1 hour ref I said I will be here at 1:30 you guys came in early not my problem so how are you guys feeling today outstanding lovely how are you feeling today fantastic I'm feeling just about okay I'm a little jetlagged yeah really like yeah I'm okay actually really talking how you're feeling yeah yeah but it's it's anxious depressed tough couple of months H now you been honest already I thought the vulnerability will come at some point room conversations I mean is the most vulnerable thing oh of course Far and Away most vulnerable thing is it the most vulnerable thing what could be let's let's think about it what could be more vulnerable than pee like I don't want the conversation to go there but it's obvious peeing while being attacked by a bear or a cockroach walking that sorry I know you said you have to beep it but sorry that's my instinctive response to the word cockroach no you know I used to fear when I to cockroaches majorly phobic from the toilet an insect would come oh yeah yeah that's that's a deep oh my God a de it's only I'm I'm having mini Goosebumps right now in my engineering College there was a rumor one of those things where you don't know whether it's an legend or it happened that basically Somebody went to the toilet and a snake came out from the toilet it's not a legend these things happen but anyway you know coming back to I want to start with SBA you know SBA I've recently started I talked to you last night okay full guilty I spent two hours a sort of sentence but also sort of sentence that just sounds way more innocent coming from her than me I stalked you last night thanks for stalking me and I found out that you know you've done so many interviews you've done so many podcasts and there's this common introduction everybody gives oh you know she has this portfolio career cocktail of things she's multi-dimensional multi-talented multitasker multi multi multi multi- receiver of jawline compliments I saw that video with your mom that was really fun by the way you know love that um so is it intentional you know an actor influencer the quote and quote zato girl the the the marketeer the everything like everything that you're doing is this intentional or you're just practically trying to navigate and going with the flow like I really wonder okay that's a good question cuz I don't know if it's intentional because I never planned my life saying I need to be these five things it was just I had a lot of interests and passions and I always felt that you don't need to drop one in order to pursue the other because the opportunity cost would be too high serious 100% no no but that's a very good point though is a good point but then you have to really prioritize and categorize and we'll come back to work life balance later you know we'll come back to the work life balance later we're specifically talking about work part of your life currently so I love it but it drives me crazy it's weird it drives me crazy and it's the only thing that keeps me sane so it's like you have a toxic relationship with B it's a so is it somewhere like you know you feel that pressure of you know oh my God I'm wearing this hustle culture and you know there's this certain level of pressure that we all feel to be productive constantly and you know we don't have a day off so have you succumbed to that fully and you completely indulged yourself into that life and you said okay I'm going to show you like you know I'm good at multiple things and I'm going to show you like is that is that where it comes from so um I always believe that you have to hustle because I always wanted to be very successful in whatever I did it doesn't matter what I do but I have to be very successful and for that you need to hustle because I've only heard you need to work work work and work your ass off to get somewhere so that was kind of ingrained in me but now that I've started hustling and hustling too much at the cost of my health correct I was like SAA just you need to sit down my New Year resolution my 2024 New Year resolution actually on my phone is sit your ass down and how's that going well I've just flown in from Bombay I'm in that's going great that's going great clearly December 2023 and I'm somebody who's all about like data numbers lists math like you know it has to be like 1 + 1 equals to two and I'll make sure if I promise that to myself I'll make it happen right um it did help me making that resolution of course you know resolutions are meant to be broken quote and quote right so but there was this certain um piece that there you know that I could give to myself where I knew okay rest is productive as well you know and I put that as my in my to-do list you know and when you start putting that as a task in your to-do list then it sort of becomes second nature and then you stop feeling a little less guilty about it you know when you're resting it out or when you're giving time to things Beyond work right but Rohan like I want to Al want you to also sort of like throw some light on what your uh point of view was is on this uh I think I'm actually like sort of further down the road from you on the health thing I had that also because I spent like a good decade just working myself to the exclusion of all else like I was just always on it right like when you're building a company and building a career uh I think much like you said nothing I did was planned I mean when I was growing up I didn't even know stand-up comedian was a thing you could be like so forget planning or working towards that didn't even know that was a thing you could be and then it sort of happened and no complaints uh knock on wood I was very fortunate to have you know I think sort of success that a lot of people aspired to for a long time um right place right time but I sort of had to work to capitalize on it and all of us did at that point have to work to capitalize on it and in that sort of early comedy online landscape I think up until about like 2018 2019 I burnt myself out and then this thing that you're sort of talking about one is realizing that your health matters because here's the thing with success right what is the point of being spoken about hyper successfully uh by other people people in rooms when you're dead when you're dead right and you're not around to enjoy it plus the other thing that you said which is and this is something that I as I've gotten older have realized is that rest is its own reward all right because one is uh like you said we've always been taught I think it's an Indian thing right cuz we live in an intensity competitive system and fairly so we are told that you got to work work work work work cuz it's a big crowd it's a big race if you want to nudge ahead but I think what happens in that is that we forget that there's a time where we have to remind ourselves that like you said rest is its own reward rest is a form of productivity rest is a gift you give yourself cuz I also don't understand this idea of oh I'll enjoy everything at 60 later later no you know what like with a busted hip you're not going to be able to climb the freaking Great Wall of China or go like to Machu picu or whatever or if you don't have friends left or like spend time also sad it's very sad I mean it's like the diminishing um um productivity graph you know right constantly feel like the more productive we are the more successful we are or the more healthier we are or quote unquote the more happy we are right that's that's the notion that this whole digitalization and the you know the pop culture toxic world that we are in currently and there are obviously many benefits to it so we cannot deny that you know there's a lot that com is important with it is very you and hustling uh and sort of relating hustling to the idea of exhaustion is somewhere that that sweet spot that intersection where we I think get it wrong and that's where we need to probably Co correct a little bit and say Okay no Okay I want to hustle I want to do all of these things you know like you say you have a portfolio career I try to navigate a bunch of things myself you were going to say something I feel when I said Hustle No it's just in general like I feel like this is a word that we really need to unpack hustle it's just taken on so many different meaning it's a become like subjective it's it's very subjective but it's become like this Instagram LinkedIn buzzword right that everybody throws around have it on their phones I'm a hustler I hustle I this thing is it but and I think that there's a slightly sort of dangerous aspect of that that young people can pick up on like on the one hand yes it should mean work hard Etc all of those things right you have goals work hard to achieve them but I'm very wary of it sort of telling people that unless you're just constantly doing that you're nothing yeah that is something that I'm very wary of people I constantly have to be hustling have to be grinding I constantly have to be like no you know what 8 hours of sleep really important like you know drinking are you guys sleeping 8 hours of sleep are you guys any hey just cuz I said it's important okay I didn't I didn't say I'm doing it all right like vegetable fiber is important we're getting there we're getting there okay so what's the average sleep time both of you all have I I try my best to pack s hours um I mean try and like achieve but achieve sometimes I have good days where I wake up at 11: don't ask me when I sleep but there are days that I wake up every yeah see I'm that's pretty much identical answer don't ask me when I sleep but also I'm very fortunate in that sense to have the freelance life and get to choose my own structure been a blessing that's happened with me and I think I really like it it's amazing because then things like time Health all of that stuff sort of flow around it but then you also with that if you're enjoying and loving what you do you start taking other things for granted you know that also sort of happens like that's how you choose your happiness right and this is what your happiness is coming from F that you know I just I'm loving what I'm doing so let me just like give my all to it eventually your body will tell you but what I realized he said my my body started giving me very I mean it's not even about listening to my body choice is body has like it's an AG thing that happens in my case like are you calling us old she's calling me she was looking directly at me she was looking directly at me she been aged yes yes is it is an age thing all right it's an age thing I old about list to my body my body breaks down the door and my face so like not listening is not option nobody telling you stop and listen to your body like my body my body is texting me every 3 seconds there no option but you know like research shows that you're an engineering College Dropout uh quintessential South Bombay privilege guy who recognizes his uh privilege has trouble solving basic mathematical algebraic equations yeah is single and lonely at 40 one second who said lonely what the hell hey hey hey hey first she's called you old then she's called you lonely who loves to overshare on social media and you occasionally write things and also sometimes perform and probably are one of the most accomplished comedians in this country or I'm still stuck on lonely and you and you love to cry and and I love to cry this is I have to say a very mixed review is this dating our profile cuz you need to change it no I feel like I feel like it's nowhere near this detail deted my dating I love to cry I love to cry so I want to know how does it feel to be this role model you know I am not a role model I have not lived my life as it is supposed to be in any way instructive or instructional and that is not a sort of pressure I take on myself in terms of I just feel like I go out there and I don't know live the life that I want do things and I guess the this thing is can I get home at night and sleep with a clear head and a clear conscience then it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks or what anybody just here and it's not like I thought funny he say something funny he's taken personal offense can you see that can you see that offense that you've taken and you you were sitting like this all this while having this like lonely what the heck let me clarify it's not Lonely no I'm very wary of this model right because I feel like this is a power that people give to everybody on Instagram these days right [Music] 100% I don't I'm not living to be a role model and the reason I'm saying that as long as I can sleep at night is because look we all have careers on the internet all right which means we have lived in comment sections all right which means you've heard people making the most absurd assumptions and presumptions and in some cases just so as a result of that I'm like if I had to sit and judge who I am on the basis of what these different comments think I am I'm not the person that this guy this troll thinks I am but I'm also not the person that this 14-year-old Super Fan thinks I am you know I'm not I think the truth is definitely somewhere closer in the middle grateful always grateful always grateful but I'm just say that I am I feel like and the reason I'm saying that's why you go home and you go to sleep and you feel okay is people's opinions of you will keep changing in this field especially as long as you have your nor star and your own sort of values for want of a better word that's all that matters H but part5 oh my God yes iy guy Sparks Joy iy guy iy guy oh my Gody guy iy guy next next podcast lonely icky guy what about you are you single yes I always say this like you can ask me when it's like such a Priyanka Chopra think cuz she said this on coffee with Ken but until I know that this is the person I'm going to marry and probably marry there's a rock on your finger there's a rock on my finger exactly my parents have always told me this one thing which I don't know is such a good thing to say they always said you have to kiss many frogs before you find your prince that's right yeah 100% yeah yeah yeah and and and you could still end up with a frog that's the czy that's the thing never CRA the craziest thing so till the frogs are just frogging and the prince is not there I'm I'm pretty much there could be multiple princes that could also be happened you could be the with the prince who turns back into a frog you know it could be anything there is no it's not linear at all and unfortunately you know it's I just want to take a second to speak out on behalf of like Frog as far as I can tell as an amphibious species have done nothing to hurt us very important exactly and so I don't know why we decided that they were going to be our sort of analogy for in fact I would feel like if you look at the history of humanity princes and royal families have caused more issues than frog than frogs have so if anything I would be like I would say to the people out there go out there and kiss princes until you find a frog a valuable member of the community who also knows how to swim so you were wondering why I'm single now you know now you know now so does the entire internet my mom's favorite animal is actually a frog as it should be my mom's favorite animal is a frog which I find so absurd but she loves frogs oh really but how is it any more or less absurd than any other animal like a mini frog is a tadpole have you seen tadpoles they look like huge sperms yeah and they're so jumpy like then brings us back to now what's wrong with sperm guys what the hell I just feel like there's a lot of again frogs just catching bad propaganda for no reason it's just ingrained perceptions that's it that t p of funny looking and I don't know so what's your viewpoint on dating apps are you currently on any dating app or have you been so I my experience with dating apps is a I'm not a dating a person at all because I like meeting people um even if it's rare and people say exactly like you said you know proximity you meet more people you Converse so much but I hate my phone as a person I hate I would love to go back to an Era where smartphones didn't exist some who's constantly vlogging exactly for someone who is constantly on a phone I hate my phone I really wish a smartphone didn't exist in this day and age so since my life is on my phone I didn't want my love life also to be on the phone um and I'm very averse to meeting people just through texting and everything so I really like physicality like being there and meeting people like a meet cute I want a nice meet cute I don't want my kid to be like why did you meet I'm like hinge like that is just not my thing and completely fine for people who do that that's your cup of tea and this is my cup of coffee like they're completely different having said that I have been not wow after that gigantic disclaimer comes you know look all been on dating apps I we started with how she hates her phone but she's always on her phone for World story but you're a great Storyteller and also see if you're going to hate something it is more respectable to hate it after it yes so if you've never been on a dating app and you just dating app that's just Prejudice exactly thank you this experience but let me tell you the story I was on um I broke up this is in college uh I I had a breakup I was abroad and abroad everyone's like you need to live your life so you go on the dating app I went on a dating app for one day I went on one date and I deleted that app cuz that date was the worst date of my life tell us more about it us more we talk we didn't talk to the Greek guy aulus AES whatever his name was okay and we were at a pub I'm calling it a pub cuz it was UK so it was a pub and he is there and there and I've entered and the entire night we haven't spoken guys not a word it was like staring at a wall and I was trying to make conversation again cuz I talk for a living so I feel like I can talk yeah his answers were mono like half a syllable not even mono syllable not even a yes it'll be a y so what you're saying is making conversation was his Achilles heal yes so happy to run around the room High everybody for that just so anyway so we didn't talk and then uh he dropped me home cuz I was like this this is the most boring date and then he leaned in for a kiss I was like leaned in for a kiss on the first date first date I was like no you haven't asked me for food we just had one beer each you haven't gone beyond your Greek this is your name and you're doing Finance that's all I know about you so I was like okay goodbye I did try to break that block and um I met a few people here and there you know didn't work out with either of them but um and hence I'm still single but uh but yeah I feel like I'm over that block now and I feel like whatever medium that you meet somebody with as long as it's working out it's all good right like so so why keep that preconceived notion that oh I don't want to meet somebody through dating app for God's sake even if you meet somebody through your mom dad you're meeting somebody as long as you like them there's a good conversation and it's you know giving you happiness or whatever it's leading to something you know right yeah maybe I should get the app again she looking at me I just mother you mother out what a dating app what about you ran have you been I have been I have been on apps but I found like so it was okay for a bit but then what I found started happening with me is um I started noticing that I mean all these things are just gamified right right swipe is dopamine hit the left the match is a dopamine hit oh my God you sound like T he said the same thing but it is like that it is like that it's like it becomes like right it becomes like a game and then I'm like am I doing this to meet somebody or do I just now like the game of the app it is the game of the app like I've seen people just be in flights and be like I've seen that I've seen people at airports just like swiping like that these men or women are not wanting to talk to anybody by the way they don't anybody yeah it's just like kind of crush it is like that and then every matches of this thing what is the most uh underrated thing about being single underrated that you focus on yourself only and you you're not sort of answering to any body else's sort of schedule this thing whatever and you really get to work on your and there's no dependency you are your person which is great and you have to learn to do everything unless you know you find the right person who lets you be all of that while being in a relation that's the swe how how old are you s I'm younger than the two of you I know I stalked you night how old you an old person I think you're you're turning you're going to turn 30 this year this is the big three oh nice I I feel like Rachel from that I too remember those days what were you doing when you were when you were turning 30 like oh yeah I was in Bangkok partying when I was turning 30 uh 30 would have been yeah exactly 10 years ago stand up was happening um aib was happening a was happening yeah a was happening at that point my liver still work uh so I do things like good days good days so yeah my 30th birthday I was in Bangkok chilling I remember I was very drunk and eating scorpion oh interesting yeah no I'm a my 30 has become my 40 I am 40 yeah you're giving me those vibes you know like you wake up in the morning and you journal and you go to the gym and I don't Journal I go to the gym you give me that Vibe of you know that person I don't drink like people need to force me to drink I can't party but sometimes recently you don't drink by choice uh I like the feeling of getting drunk of course who would like that's amazing no inhibitions um I don't enjoy that I have to drink so much for it and like the entire process of drinking I think is very hectic like we were just speaking about it shots is great give me two shorts three shs and we done we that's that's pack it all into one package yeah just get me the like dopamine right just get me the feeling I just good feeling I don't want to go through the process or instant gratification okay no but coming back to you know what you were saying about you dabbling with um dating apps and the idea of intimacy right um now intimacy could be you know it's a very multi-dimensional here comes a serious question I want to know um and you know a question and I think I want to discuss this with both of you all for that matter but Intimacy in platonic relationships is I feel like um very ignored as we start growing up a lot more right like so the adult friendships that we're particularly talking about or what do you guys think about adult friendships is it hard to navigate um and what value does that hold in your projectly like as I've gotten older it's literally become like among like my friends and people Etc the one thing that I've realized is that one of the most problematic things is that we have such a heavy focus on the idea of this romantic relationship to the exclusion of all other forms of intimacy for multiple reasons one is that's a lot of pressure to put on one person yeah right where you have to be the sole source of all my sort of intimacy right in emotional physical when I'm having a bad day whether it's a thing you have an understanding of or not that's a lot of pressure to put on one person that's a lot of pressure to sort of have also as one person B the other thing is different people provide different kinds of intimacy right different people give us different stimulus in our life right like today say for example the three of us become friends there are certain conversations which will be more Illuminating with you versus certain subjects where you know it'll be more Illuminating with you there might be C certain places where your EQ is higher certain places where your EQ is higher and I feel like as I've gotten older one of the things that I have recognized especially in people older than me and now you know see our parents generation grandparents generation one of the worrying things I noticed is that and I've been reading a lot about this and there's apparently studies Etc that support the fact that older people becoming shut in and not having adult friendships and social dynamics and relationships outside is actually huge contributor to everything from dementia to health to decline to um susceptibility to conspiracy theories and bad information and they keep everything in they don't believe everything is in yeah correct and even if they're you know going out for the those little walks that they do you know you see 60 anything but those are also sometimes not real friendships so they're not allowing themselves to share or be vulnerable they believe that they don't need to share our generation at least acknowledged likeing and it's not also even gender specific I feel this particular Dirty Laundry don't a it out and stuff that that's the 100% that form of loneliness like not is not a thing we talk about at all yeah that outside of their partner and when that partner is gone or not available children are also not there like and they also have their own lives right everybody has their own but I also feel like this is not only an old age thing like you know we're talking about Grandparents or people who I feel even at my age your you know all of us put together that play should never stop you know having people or a safe circle around you who you can confide into you know people who you are your 3:00 a.m. people beyond your romantic partner or you know your first two three family and not you know I feel like I never call my mom and dad at 3:00 a.m. in the morning to have a conv but you know that's what I agree with him because you find different forms of intimacy with different people and it's very oblivious of you to feel that all kind of intimacies can be found or curated or given to you by one person that's un to them it's great but it's also unfair to them to put them on that pedestrial because there's intelligence intim intimacy which you have through conversation which could be through anyone then there's physical obviously there's all of them um and especially in your adult life when you have exposure and reach and accessibility to so many different types of people if you find someone who's giving you that I think it's also on you to Foster that relationship because what happens is lack of time busy lifestyle everything 100% you kind of lose that one piece of advice to give to somebody if you have the time and the bandwidth to just indulge a hobby that you love as adults know yeah and to just meet somebody over that that because the other thing that happens as adults is very rare to like since you mention you meet people at work etc it's very rare to meet people in a non-transactional environment right we're always meeting somebody there a colleague or they're a client meet there AED interest to common interest and then you meet and gets fostered and like I joined a music class and I just ended up meeting like huh hey who said I sing I said music and other daily pickup [Laughter] [Applause] lines everything can be a can drunk anything anything in a t if you're drunk enough badminton became that shared interest and I went and started playing badminton every day and it wasn't much about Badminton anymore than meeting these group of people and meeting them again again and badminton is now over 2 years ago but the people have stayed in fact one of my closest friends is a friend who I met in B dancing class some 10 years ago and I I remember I'd only gone for like three classes okay like so for me it was just like oh I'd been doing katak and batam for a long time so you I recently moved to G and I'm like I want to try something new I was doing music for a really long time and music sort of then became um inst yeah but I was saying that b dancing and one of my closest friends like you know I was the bridesmaid at her wedding like you know and like she became like my tightest friend and she learned properly and all of that like you know I could move a little bit but um I think I used to then go for her sometimes as um as a plus one and I stopped paying for the class you were just a plus one I was just a plus one and yeah like today she's one of my closest friends so so yeah it's time for you to sing oh I'm sing I'm still stuck W looks like oh my God looks like I think what it happened is she's gotten all the content that she wants because I saw all those like coffee hampers and all oh my God why don't you play a game with us and reward us and if I feel like singing I will cuz my thought's really G I'm instructing you to sing now oh my God you want the H what if I sing and you have to try lip sing to the best of a song song with lyrics I know summer9 okay okay I can join too what should I do we both have to lip sync okay cool then I'll just watch you both and clap I got my first I got my first six string bought it at the five and Di it till my fingers BL was the summer of 69 me and some guys School we never get oh when we look back now Su seems to last forever and if I had the choice yeah only want to be there those were the best days of my life I was quite good ah said comp beautiful Harmony was coming this try to bring some real music to the yeah Pepsi Studio P Studio P Studio Fant Studio you know I wanted to uh talk a little bit about a because how can we not how can we I'm a fan yes thank you thank you so much that's very kind you know I don't really have particular question but I feel like since it's the first time I'm meeting you and I used to watch a lot of your videos and then I remembered one night um I was in Birmingham and uh we all were sitting I was sitting with a couple of friends we were drinking and then we watched the aib roast and then we saw you know what followed post that and I remember AI roast was like the highlight of my trip to Birmingham and you know so there's a lot of like um memory there's a lot of nostalgia there's a lot uh of um happiness that that particular one heart uh gave uh to all of us you know sober or drunk you know how do you feel like is AI going to come back like you know there is this little fan inside me who wishes or hopes uh for it to come back do you think that's something that's going to happen don't or you completely moved on no I think all of us are like doing fun things in our life right now so I don't know I mean it's one of those things I can say never right now but who knows what'll happen 10 years from now 20 years from now 30 years from now we've all seen rock on right good analogy a good analogy but um I think overall in terms of how I feel is just always happy it's right like what makes me happy is when you say things like that's always like the nicest feeling is is when somebody sort of takes me aside and says something the effect of you know my friends and I one night we just got really hammered and and we watch the roast or we watch these videos or we watch this because it genuinely I'm not just saying This and like trying to be like fake humbled but I wanted to you know like you know throw some light on sahba because I've done a little bit of research on you know everything that you're doing currently and I'm extremely interested to know what is that one advice you'd like to give for any to any person who wants to have a portfolio conglomerate of things and the kind of you know cocktail career that you have you know what I've noticed is like it's a thing in India where people when you're studying something and you have another interest parents or teachers will be like no you're confused you know distracting focus focus focus and to them I'd say like it's not that they're confused they're multi-talented and it's okay to have different passions and everything so and also I feel like passions keep changing yeah they keep evolving so it's not important to shut the door so please tell people who call you confused or not focused that I'm or distracted that you're multi-talented and the fact that you're not wasting time because you know don't do music don't do dance don't play tennis Etc you know focus on what you're doing it's not like you're getting distracted you're investing in yourself this is all an investment and it's going to be better for you and the one and voice which you also said when I was talking about dating apps is something that I live my life with it's if you never try you'll never know and you always always have to give it a shot if it works out great and uh I also wanted to ask you you know beyond all of these tags and identities that you carry and you know in all your introductions there are like one thing keeps adding after the other you know I think there are 10 tag lines and identity tags I can give to you and like that happens who how would you um describe yourself beyond all of these tags who is s beyond all of these I feel she is she's also figuring out who she is but um she is a very happy go-lucky um family and food loving person all good words wow yeah good thanks thanks yeah I would never call myself happy go lucky if you believe that about yourself yeah I like to find the positives in things yeah find and believe awareness and execution ex love it yeah but okay on this note we're going to say bye-bye this was so much fun doing it with you guys I'm I think I have a lot to chew upon there was so much that I'm taking back talking to a 40-year-old not very lonely person learn time management uh you know from both of you all clearly that feels like something you learn from sa not from me sorry okay but you were on time today so you know that's my first interaction with you I kept on calling are you out are you out here have you taking your bag No but also a little bit of that um um you know Nostalgia of aib so I'm I'm glad I could live this moment with you here and of course there was a moment of Delhi Bombay also I there yeah for sure and you were trying to be diplomatic about we were all fitted against each other and I'm she's the one who straddles both words on her shoulders yes but it was fun yeah it was a lot of fun good time hi guys if you like this episode I say do not keep it as a secret like it share it with everyone far and wide and make sure to hit the Subscribe button so that you don't miss out on such cool conversations okay bye