Core Concepts of Data Structures

Sep 21, 2024

Data Structures and Algorithms Lecture Notes


  • Discusses data structures and algorithms.
  • Topics covered: basic data structures, Big O notation, searching algorithms, sorting algorithms, graphs, and trees.
  • Data structure: named location to store and organize data (e.g., family tree).
  • Algorithm: collection of steps to solve a problem (e.g., baking a pizza).
  • Importance: writing efficient code and preparing for job interviews.



  • Stack: LIFO (Last In First Out) data structure.
  • Example: stack of books.


  • push: add an object to the top of the stack.
  • pop: remove an object from the top of the stack.
  • Accessing bottom items requires popping all items on top.

Methods of Stacks

  1. push: add an item.
  2. pop: remove an item.
  3. peek: view the top item without removing it.
  4. empty: check if stack is empty.
  5. search: find an item in the stack.

Use Cases

  • Undo/redo features in text editors.
  • Browser history navigation.
  • Backtracking algorithms.
  • Function call management in programming.



  • Queue: FIFO (First In First Out) data structure.
  • Example: line of people.


  • enqueue: add an object to the end of the queue.
  • dequeue: remove an object from the front of the queue.

Methods of Queues

  1. offer: add an element to the end.
  2. poll: remove an element from the front.
  3. peek: view the front element without removing it.

Use Cases

  • Keyboard buffers.
  • Print job management.
  • Navigating through file directories.

Priority Queues


  • A priority queue is a FIFO data structure where elements are served based on priority.


  • Students with GPAs in a priority queue would be served according to their GPA.


  • Similar to regular queues but include priority management.

Linked Lists


  • A linked list consists of nodes containing data and links to the next node.
  • Types: singly linked list and doubly linked list.


  • Efficient insertion and deletion.
  • Dynamic size.


  • Poor random access (linear time complexity for searching).

Dynamic Arrays


  • An array with resizable capacity (e.g., ArrayList in Java).


  • Random access in constant time.
  • Good data locality.


  • Wasted memory due to capacity resizing.
  • Slower resize operations.

Big O Notation


  • Represents the performance of an algorithm as data size increases.

Common Complexities

  • O(1): constant time.
  • O(n): linear time.
  • O(log n): logarithmic time (e.g., binary search).
  • O(n^2): quadratic time (e.g., bubble sort).

Searching Algorithms

Linear Search

  • Iterates through elements one by one.
  • Time complexity: O(n).

Binary Search

  • Requires sorted data; divides search space in half.
  • Time complexity: O(log n).

Sorting Algorithms

Bubble Sort

  • Compares adjacent elements and swaps if needed.
  • Time complexity: O(n^2).

Selection Sort

  • Finds the smallest element and places it at the beginning.
  • Time complexity: O(n^2).

Insertion Sort

  • Builds a sorted array one element at a time.
  • Time complexity: O(n^2).

Merge Sort

  • Divide and conquer algorithm; splits array into subarrays.
  • Time complexity: O(n log n).

Quick Sort

  • Selects a pivot and partitions elements around it.
  • Time complexity: O(n log n) average case, O(n^2) worst case.



  • A graph consists of nodes (vertices) and edges connecting them.


  • Undirected and directed graphs.


  1. Adjacency Matrix: 2D array; space complexity O(v^2).
  2. Adjacency List: array of linked lists; space complexity O(v + e).

Tree Terminology


  • A tree is a non-linear data structure with a hierarchical relationship.

Key Terms

  • Root: top node.
  • Leaf: node with no children.
  • Depth: length of path to a node.
  • Height: length of path from a node to its furthest leaf.

Binary Search Tree (BST)

  • A binary tree where left children are less than the parent and right children are greater.

Tree Traversal

  1. In-order: left, root, right (ascending order in BST).
  2. Pre-order: root, left, right (used for copying).
  3. Post-order: left, right, root (used for deletion).

Runtime Measurement

Measuring Runtime

  • Use System.nanoTime() to measure the duration of a program.
  • Subtract the start time from the end time for the total execution time.