Transcript for:
Counseling Exam Preparation Boot Camp

this video will give you more information to help you score big on your exam than any video I have ever produced in 2002 I created a wildly successful cassette titled 47 minute super review boot camp for counseling exam preparation today I'm going to share it in its entirety wait a minute Rosenthal you just said 2002 that's ancient dude you are kidding right I mean it's 2023 are you crazy everything will be outdated not wrong you are going to discover that 95 of what I said on this cast set 21 years ago no make that closer to 98 or 99 is still totally accurate and right on Target today yes terminology might be a hairline dated but good counseling never goes out of style perhaps the biggest difference is that the counseling field changed their position on Multicultural counseling back in the day such as on this cassette and in books and classes from earlier eras they would say this is how you console African Americans are Asian clients respond best to XY y z strategies Now sources leave this out and my presentation spends only a few minutes on this topic you might also wrongly assert that the sound quality will be horrific from a cassette you might be saying that's technology from when I was in diapers or maybe before I was born hmm did you know that Bruce Springsteen Lou Reed sting and Wu-Tang Clan mastered some of their hits on cassettes let me just say I've heard a lot worse sound quality on YouTube now yes I will be talking rapidly on this program not because I drank too many red bulls or went through the Starbucks line a few times more than I should but because I am covering an amazing amount of key material in a very short period of time this will also allow you to gauge if your studies are on the right track keep in mind this program was intended to be used as the final step in your exam preparation so here it is a true classic learn and most of all enjoy hi this is Dr Howard Rosenthal I want to thank you for purchasing this audio mini super review you may know that I don't believe in last minute cramming for the exam nevertheless A Brief Review like this the week before the exam a few days before the exam are even the night before or the morning of the exam can be extremely helpful before listening to this program you should read my book the Encyclopedia of counseling and listen to my entire audio licensing program the Paradigm I'm going to follow is kind of a zip through the major areas covered on the exam I will not I repeat not going to great detail about any single Theory or theorist if something is fuzzy please review this subject in question using my study materials or appropriate textbooks or references are you ready you know I don't like to waste your valuable time so hold on to those Managed Care applications and let's swing into action what should you know in the area of human growth and development well first let's be familiar with the nature versus nurture debate nature refers to genetics and heredity influence while nurture refers to your upbringing in the environment there are a number of prominent developmental theorists biological or physical theories stress the fact that you inherit thousands of genes from your parents psychoanalytic our so-called psychodynamic theories are based on Freud Jung Adler who emphasized birth order and Eric Erickson's eight step epigenetic psychosocial theory that encompasses the entire life span most experts believe that Freud's theory based on his observation of neurotic individuals had more impact on the study of human growth and development than any other theorist Freud's famous Dynamic five-step stage Model includes the oral stage zero to two years of age the anal stage ages two and three the phallic stage ages three to five latency stage 6 to 12 and the genital stage ages 12 and Beyond the most controversial part of Freud's theory the edible electra complex in which the child is attracted to the parent of the opposite sex occurs in the phallic stage for your exam you'll also need to recall Fraud's structural id ego and superego Theory the ID is the Pleasure Principle and is present at birth the superego is the moral seed of the personality it houses the child's moral and ethical standards that he or she receives from parents in society the ego tries to keep the ID and super ego in Balance often resorting to ego defense mechanisms to distort reality thus reducing anxiety Freud also proposed the life Instinct Eros versus Thanatos the death instinct also expect to see the name Abraham Maslow on the exam Maslow studied self-actualized people and created his now famous hierarchy of needs in which lower physiological and safety needs must be fulfilled before self-actualization can occur Jean Piaget is the number one name associated with a theory of cognitive development Piaget's stages include zero to two years old the sensory motor stage the pre-operational stage from two to six the concrete operation stage from 6 to 11 and this is the stage that conservation takes place in and the formal operation stage age 11 to 15 in which the child learns to think in an abstract manner another name in this area is William Perry who developed a nine stage four level model to explain cognitive development of college students Lawrence Kohlberg's name is another Prime candidate that can manifest itself on the exam you'll recall that kohlberg focused on morality on three levels the pre-conventional level in which the individual follows rules to avoid punishment are merely getting caught and they just want to satisfy personal needs then there's the conventional level in which the behavior is intended to please others and work toward the goodest society that is to maintain Law and Order and the post-conventional stage where the individual concludes that rules are relative and that behavior is molded by self-chosen principles Carol Gilligan was critical of Kohlberg's Paradigm as she claimed it was primarily applicable to males females she postulated based their morality more on caregiving than males males focus on Justice the name Daniel Levinson who postulated the well-known mid-life crisis should also be on the tip of your tongue Levinson's Theory however is not universally accepted the behaviorists championed the work of Albert bandura's social learning theory that clearly promotes the notion of vicarious learning you see someone getting reinforced for a given Behavior so you engage in the behavior finally don't be surprised if you see a couple of questions on Robert havingherst who felt that stages of growth are linked with tasks such as learning to walk talk or eat solid food okay ready no rest here for the wicked let's forge on to Social and cultural foundations first let's Define culture as habits Customs art religion science and political behavior of a given group of people during a given period of time now cultures are said to be dynamic this implies that culture changes or evolves at its own rate there are different types of culture that influence us Universal culture implies that we are genetically and biologically similar or what is known as biological sameness we all need air food and water for example National culture can determine our language political views and even our laws Regional culture gives us the behavior for a certain region the Civil War has been cited as an example of a war over Regional cultural differences ecological culture is merely the notion that environmental factors such as earthquakes floods temperature and food supply can influence behavior ecological culture determines what we eat and what we wear the dominant culture in a country is often known as the macro culture macro cultures are often contrasted with smaller or so-called micro cultures also be familiar with the term race a given race has a set of genetically transmitted characteristics such as Caucasian African-American or age Asian racism occurs when one race views itself as Superior to others ethnocentrism another key term for you means that a given group sees itself as The Benchmark or the standard by which other ethnic groups are measured Multicultural counselors often talk about emik emic versus attic etic distinctions when using the emic approach based on the word immigration the counselor helps the client understand his or her culture when using the edict approach the counselor emphasizes that we are more alike than different now you also need to recall the auto plastic and alloplastic dilemma Auto plastic implies that the counselor helps the client change to cope with his or her environment aloe plastic occurs when the counselor has the client try to change the environment counselors also need to be aware that tests and nocological systems like the DSM can have a eurocentric bias I often receive emails asking me to define the term Peril language para language simply implies that the counselor or excuse me the client's tone of voice loudness vocal inflections and speed of delivery silence and hesitation must be taken into consideration Peril language is part of the study of non-verbal communication and is usually considered more accurate than verbal communication you might be confronted with the term low context communication which implies that there will be a long verbal explanation you might also see the term High context communication which implies that communication in a given culture relies a lot on nonverbals that are really easily understood by others in the culture finally Multicultural counselors must guard against stereotyping which is the act of thinking that all people of a given group are alike stereotypes can be good or bad and are either preconceived notions be familiar with the anglo-conformity theory which asserts that people from other cultures would do well to forget about their Heritage and try to become just like the rest of the folks in the dominant macro culture here are some vest pocket ideas for Multicultural counselors to keep in mind one Native Americans often speak with few words and hesitate often they do not engage in eye contact while talking or listening they do not live by the clock and tend to emphasize spirituality consider telling Native Americans a story a technique popularized by the late great Milton age Erickson combine it with advice giving also consider seeing them in their own homes number two African Americans like to be taught concrete skills and strategies for change short-term counseling and behavioral modalities work best with this group they also benefit from counselors self-disclosure and topics related to spirituality number three Asian Americans often speak in low very low voice and they desire assertiveness training and therapies that emphasize Insight are existential issues number four Hispanic and Latino clients often benefit from catharsis and every action you know getting their feelings out psychodrama techniques often work well with this group they like discussions about the family okay is this a great Mini review or what all right let's kick your brain into passing gear now because I'm going to zoom on to counseling relationships and counseling theories first of course there's Freudian psychoanalysis so psychoanalysis is both a theory of the personality and a theory of therapy it is often called psychodynamics since Freud was fascinated by physics and believed that the Mind worked by transferring energy Freud believed that talking about your problems and emotions catharsis and ab reaction were helpful he used free associations and would actually tell clients to say whatever comes to mind the key to therapy is Insight that is to say making unconscious impulses conscious so you can deal with them even if they occur in dreams Freud emphasized the importance of ego defense mechanisms that are really unconscious distortions of reality repression is the granddaddy of them all in repression something that is too painful to face is totally forgotten perhaps a client was sexually abused as a child then there is displacement you're mad at your boss but you're worried about the repercussions of yelling at him so you take it out on a safe Target say your kids hopefully you aren't doing that well are you projection is another defense mechanism here you can't accept equality about yourself so you attribute it to others projection is the act of thinking that you are looking out a window but by golly you are really looking in the mirror reaction formation is a defense in which you deny an unacceptable unconscious impulse by acting in the opposite manner a man who cannot accept his homosexual impulses might attempt to date a new woman every night then there is sublimation often cited in conjunction with career counseling you express an unacceptable impulse in a socially acceptable manner so a person that likes to cut others becomes a wealthy surgeon according to this Theory rationalization occurs when a person overrates or under rates a reward or outcome I really didn't want the promotion anyway I just have to pay more taxes uh yeah sure identification occurs when you join a feared person such as joining a gang to ease your anxiety lastly some books include denial although it is not unconscious and automatic like repression denial occurs when you purposely don't think of a situation such as paying your monthly credit card another popular theory is rational emotive behavior therapy are rebt it was called ret until recently Albert Ellis the founder says that humans are Guided by self-talk are internal verbalizations we have a tendency to think irrationally according to Alice in the cura's rational thinking Ellis uses his ABC Theory of Personality at a we have an activating event at B we have a belief system and at C we have an emotional consequence at d The Counselor helps the client dispute the irrational belief it be causing a new healthy emotional consequence at e this is a cognitive therapy or Theory okay I know that's a mouthful so roll the tape back come on do it right now listen again have you done it yet okay that's great you should also know about transactional analysis or TA by Eric burn that's b-e-r-n-e ta stresses the fact that we all possess a parent adult and child ego state or PAC for shark these states roughly correspond to Freud's superego ego and ID ta emphasizes games a game is a transaction that is not healthy because someone gets hurt first degree games are not as volatile as second or third degree games in fact in a third degree game someone gets physically hurt or even killed games involve a crossed transaction between the Pacs of two people the TA therapist is also interested in the Life script or the overall life story plan of the individual then there's good old Carl Rogers who created rogerian non-directive client-centered are what is now known as person-centered counseling Rogers believe that every client needs a counselor who practices empathy unconditional positive regard also known as acceptance or warmth and genuineness or congruence again empathy genuineness and unconditional positive regard person-centered therapists use reflection and open-ended questions a lot in the counseling process experts often refer to person-centered therapy as self-theory this approach puts little stock in Farmall diagnosis and testing the theory is said to be humanistic because it attempts to Foster self-actualization in the client now let's talk about reality therapy reality therapy is the brainchild of psychiatrist William Glasser Glasser speaks of control theory now called Choice Theory reality therapy has eight steps first you build a relationship with a client then you focus on present moment Behavior you help the client evaluate his or her current behavior developed a contract with an action plan have the client commit to the plan accept no excuses and do not use punishment and finally refuse to give up on your client Glasser believes that a success identity is imperative and it's the result of being loved and accepted behavior modification Behavior mod is based on the work of BF Skinner's operant conditioning behaviors use problems and goals that can be observed and measured skinarians rely mainly on reinforcement all reinforcement positive and negative raise Behavior punishment is intended to lower it many agencies use secondary reinforcers such as plastic tokens or gold stars that can be traded in for primary reinforcers like candy or going to a baseball game ratio schedules of reinforcement rely on work output a child receives a candy bar after completing four math problems interval schedules of reinforcement rely on time a worker receives a paycheck after 40 hours of work if the work output Remains the Same say you always reinforce after four math problems then the schedule is fixed if you vary the time or the work output say you give the child a candy bar after two minutes of math problems then after five minutes of math problems then the schedule is variable a behavior can be lessened or eliminated by a lack of reinforcement which is known as Extinction though the behavior often gets worse or increases before it extinguishes now time out is a common form of Extinction remember the key principle of operant conditioning is that behavior is affected by the consequences that come after the behavior when a counselor is attempting to teach the client a complex Behavior the counselor uses shaping with successive approximations reinforcing small chunks of behavior that lead to the desired outcome you also need to know about Joseph walpay's systematic desensitization based on Pavlov Watson and Mary cover Jones that helps remove phobias this technique that can be used in individual or group therapy uses relaxation and pairs it with anxiety provoking thoughts it can also be called reciprocal inhibition and it uses a hierarchy of imaginary scenes of feared stimuli this is successive approximations in the imagination if you will behaviorists also rely on assertiveness training that utilizes role-playing sometimes called behavioral rehearsal behaviorists are also keen on implosive therapy which that has the client imagined scary or feared stimuli in the safety of the counselor's office your exam will also no doubt touch on the work of Frederick Fritz pearls who created Gestalt therapy Gestalt roughly means whole Farm figure or configuration the goal of Gestalt is to make you a complete person Gestalt therapists focus on the here and now and emphasize their dreams of the royal road to integration of the personality Gestalt helps people get over Unfinished Business by enhancing present moment awareness exercises and experiments are often used to frustrate the client Gestalt popularized the empty chair technique in which a client talks to another part of his or her personality most counselors claim they are eclectic and used strategies from a number of counseling schools this approach The Eclectic approach was popularized by Frederick tharn recently family counseling is extremely popular this approach has searched at the pathology resides in the family system and not in an individual the client is the family therapists believe in circular rather than linear causality some famous family therapists include one Nathan Ackerman who used a psychoanalytic or psychodynamic approach two experiential family therapists Virginia satyr who popularized the notion that in times of stress family members resort to four in-app patterns of communication the placator who tries to please everybody in the family the blamer the reasonable analyzer Who intellectualizes and the irrelevant distractor who interrupts and changes the topic to something irrelevant enough now number three another experientialist is Carl Whitaker who could be very wild radical and creative and often utilized a co-therapist number four Murray Bowen is cited as the key name in intergenerational Family Therapy Bowen popularized the notion of triangulation that occurs when two people who are stressed bring in a third party to reduce the dyad stress level or restore the equilibrium and believe me folks it doesn't usually work Bowen popularized the use of genograms sometimes people will call them genograms that are actually pictorial graphic diagrams of the family that depict a minimum of three generations the term Fusion which is a blurring of the psychological boundaries between the self and others is associated with Bowen a person driven by Fusion can't separate thinking and feeling well the opposite of fusion is differentiation differentiation is the ability to control reason over emotion people often secure their level of differentiation from a multi-generational family transmission process number five Salvador mnuchin is the leading Name Behind structural family therapy this theory purports that changes in the family system subsystems of the family and family organization must take place in order for individual family members to resolve their own problems number six Jay Haley and Chloe madonnais are powerful names in strategic family counseling this approach also called the MRI model and the communications model in this Paradigm the therapist gives directives our prescriptions many times these prescriptions are paradoxical for example telling a client who is afraid he will shake to try to shake as much as he can other brief strategic family therapists who Champion Paradox are prescribing the symptoms sometimes called prescribing a double bind includes Stephen deshazer Paul wattslowick Don Jackson and of course Michelle weiner Davis brief solution-oriented therapists speak of first order change which is superficial and second order change that includes actual changes in the rules and structure of the organization okay let's spend just a moment recalling the term consultation consultation occurs when you voluntarily assist a counselor or counselors and we call the people you're helping consultees these consultees will be helping clients so your contact with the help ease or the clients is indirect you will also recall that Gerald Kaplan is the father a psychodynamic mental health consultation you may also recall that Edgar Sheehan s-c-h-e-i-n created what he calls a purchase of expertise model where you buy the consultant's information and knowledge he also created his doctor patient model here you aren't sure what the problem is so you hire an expert to diagnose it and treat it and then there's his process consultation model where the consultant helps the consult t with the process process models focus on just that the process while content models focus on imparting knowledge to the console t now I just want to say something if you've been listening very closely there's probably a few times in the background that you've heard my African gray parrot Bogart who could probably do pretty well on this exam by now and my quicker parrot Oliver and uh the behavior mod hasn't been working real well they've been squeaking and tweeting in the background despite my directives and and paradoxical directives not to do so now why do I bring this up because what I did here folks was I just brought the studio equipment right into my own office and my house to make this a relaxing fun sort of a setting that's what I want you to do you know take these tapes to the beach or take this tape to the park or if you relax in the drive up window of a fast food restaurant that's cool too take it there but um even though it's a serious thing studying for this exam you'll get a lot more out of it if you do it in a relaxed Pleasant setting okay in fact maybe you can use it to turn a boring traffic jam into a world-class experience how does that sound I don't know if that's a relaxing setting though probably not for most of you all right let's zoom on to group counseling are you with me counseling before I go to the webcam briefly mentioned that I forgot to mention Bill o'hanlon's name as one of the Premier Pioneers in solution oriented therapy the obvious question in this section about groups is why do groups work so well well according to expert Irvin yalum there are 11 reasons number one altruism giving help to other members gives you a sense of well-being two universality simply the notion that you are not the only one in the world with a particular problem number three installation of Hope in plain everyday English the members expect the group to work number four catharsis talking about your difficulties is beneficial number five group cohesiveness or a sense of weeness six imitative Behavior as you know behaviorist Albert bandura's social learning theory suggests that we learn by watching others in this situation the members copy our model the leader as well as other group members number seven family reenactment the group helps a bet family of origin issues and feelings and the group allows you to work through them in a family-like situation number eight imparting information this could be advice or even psychodynamic insights number nine interpersonal learning members receive feedback regarding how their behavior affects others number 10 socialization techniques such as feedback and instruction are helpful and number 11 existential factors for example discovering that life can have meaning even if it is seemingly unjust and unfair at times a group can have a single leader or it can be led by co-leaders co-leadership has its advantages for example you have two role models for members perhaps even two genders co-leaders provide more feedback than one leader and one co-leader can deal with a client if the other co-leader is experiencing counter transference with that client two leaders can better see what is transpiring in the group but co-leadership can also have disadvantages including the fact that the leaders can work at Cross purposes they may be using conflicting models of therapy they could even be in a power struggle they may each decide to charge the client a separate fee Horrors group work is cost effective first you define the purpose of a group and you screen the people in the group if the group is an open group you may not let new members join after it begins this is not true in a closed group for adults eight members is a good size with no more than 10 members and no less than six for children three to four kids is generally appropriate most experts believe in stage models to explain development and Dynamics in a group the first stage is called the initial stage the farming stage are the orientation stage this is the uh kind of get acquainted stage next there is the transition conflict or storming stage this stage is characterized by power struggles for control and resistance the next stage is the working stage productive stage performing stage or action stage yes it can go under a lot of names here the group Works toward goals in a cohesive manner they kind of all pull together finally we come to the termination completion our morning and adjourning stage the member must now deal with saying goodbye you need to know that some group member roles are positive such as helping others and being a stellar role model other roles such as monopolizing the group intellectualizing too much being silent or attacking other people are considered negative roles now there are several leadership styles for running groups the autocratic are authoritarian style Advocates making decisions for members um and this approach is uh appropriate during a crisis or what a quick decision is an order but most situations it's going to Foster resentment the laissez-faire are hands-off little involvement approach is appropriate when all the members are very committed to the group outcome or goal the Democratic approach that allows input from Members unlike the autocratic leadership style but allows group members to have input into their decisions is generally the best style in the speculative style the leader keeps the discussion riveted to the present and specifically how it relates to the behaviors of the group members charismatic leaders rely on their personal power and Charisma to move the group in a desirable Direction there are several types of groups one guidance groups provide members with information relevant to their situation two counseling groups focus on conscious issues related to personal growth and development three group therapy a term coined by Jacob Mourinho who founded psychodrama can focus on unconscious material the past and personality change four tea groups that are training groups often intended for business or personal motivation five structured groups that are centered around us certain issues such as shyness or how to prepare for a job interview number six self-help groups such as AA that are not led by a professional these groups have been dubbed as support groups and those that follow the AAA model are often called 12-step groups all right now let's switch gears and discuss lifestyle and career counseling this field has several well-known theories the first is the famous trait Factor Theory also called matching our Actuarial approach on some exams the theory is associated with Frank Parsons the so-called father of guidance Parsons wrote a famous book published after his death in 1909 entitled choosing a vocation simply put this Theory assumes that a client needs to know his or her personal attributes and interests or traits next appropriate occupations should be investigated and finally match the client's traits to the occupation itchy Williamson expanded on this Theory and turned it into a six-step approach analysis synthesis diagnosis prognosis counseling and of course follow-up Anne Rowe created a needs approach that makes the assumption that jobs meet our needs determined by our childhood satisfactions and frustrations she created a method of categorizing occupations by six levels and eight fields Ginsburg Ginsburg Axel rad and herma proposed a developmental theory in the 1950s with three periods fantasy birth to age 11 in which play becomes work oriented period number two called the tentative period ages 11 to 17 and the third period the realistic period 17 and up David Tidman and Robert O'Hara also rely on a developmental approach in their career development model career development is commensurate with psychosocial development as delineated by Eric Erickson stages Donald super is well known for emphasizing the role of the self-concept in career and Vocational choice and his uh life rainbow is also very popular John Holland's personality typology theory should also be discussed Holland purports that there are six personality types the realistic investigative artistic social enterprising and conventional he is also known for his assessment tools namely the self-directed search my vocational situation and the vocational preference inventory crumboldt's Mitchell and Jones suggests that career decision is based on social learning theory now this is a behaviorist position according to this Theory four factors impact career choice one genetic factors and special abilities two the environment and special events three learning experiences and four task approach problem solving skills recently we've been hearing a lot about computer assisted career guidance are cagc such as Siggy or discover to use computer assisted career Guidance the counselor should one screen the client to make certain this modality and the computer program is appropriate two give the client an orientation to describe the pros and cons of the system and three follow up to make certain an appropriate plan of action is evident to help clients make career choices the counselor will often use the dot or dictionary of Occupational titles that lists over 20 000 job titles with nine digit codes for each occupation the ooh are Occupational Outlook Handbook which gives job trends for the Futures and salaries is also a very good guide to use Richard Bowles book what color is your parachute is also a fine tool lastly I must point out that 80 of all jobs are not advertised this is sometimes referred to as the hidden job market our next topic well it's appraisal the key to doing well on this section is to know the terminology so let's review it briefly now first we say that a score is raw raw if it is unaltered next we speak of the range which is the highest score minus the lowest score on some exams one will be added to the answer then there are three averages or so-called measures of central tendency first we have the mean or the arithmetic average now I'm sure you remember this one if your gas bill for a year is a hundred and forty four dollars you wish then your mean Bill per month is twelve dollars or 144 divided by 12. then there is the mode which is the most frequently occurring score or category finally we have a median our middle score when the data are ranked from highest to lowest in a normal curve the mean the median and the mode all fall in the same point in the center of the bell-shaped curve when a curve leans we say that it is skewed if the tail points to the left then the curve is negatively skewed if the tail points to the right when you draw or graph the curve it is positively skewed another key concept is standard deviation which like the range is a measure of variability a standard deviation of 1 is a z-score of one a standard deviation of negative two is a z-score of negative two Etc T scores have a mean of 50 and a standard deviation is 10. so if your tests asks what is a t-score when the standard deviation is 2 then the answer is 70. if the test asks what is the T score for a standard deviation of minus 3 then the answer is 20. now let's talk about psychological and educational tests the most important property of a psychological test is validity does the test really test what it purports to test the second most important factor reliability is the test consistent in other words would give similar results if we administer it again and again and again now remember this write this down on your shirt sleeve and don't wash it off for a week a reliable test is not always valid but a valid test is always reliable now you're probably going to see this one on your exam what is the difference between an aptitude and an achievement test well aptitude tests predict potential a high score for example on an aptitude test for music doesn't imply that you are a great musician now it just says that with the correct training and practice you could excel in this area an achievement test on the other hand gives you current performance or the level of performance achieved up to this point in time for example she is reading at the sixth grade level some tests are power tests in these tests time is not a factor like it is in so-called speed tests other tests are known as projective tests in these tests there is no correct answer the client merely looks at an inkblot a vague picture or an incomplete sentence the client's answer is assumed to be a projection of his or her personality thus two clients look at the same Rorschach inkblot card or tat picture and see something totally different scoring projective tests is subjective thus one Raider could score it differently than another Raider this phenomenon is called inter-rater reliability finally I want you to recall a principle known as regression to the mean are statistical regression this principle states that if a client scores exceptionally low or exceptionally high on a test then the client with the real low score will go up on the next administration of the test while the client with the really high score will go down toward the meaner average chance factors are in plain everyday English luck probably influenced the first score now let's segue into research and evaluation first remember that correlation is not causal correlation is simply an association or relationship the correlation between people who have an open umbrella and rain is very high but opening your umbrella does not cause it to rain correlations go from negative one to zero to positive one zero means no correlation while positive one and negative one are perfect correlations a correlation of 0.5 is not higher than a correlation of negative 0.5 in fact a correlation of negative point eight is stronger than a correlation of 0.5 a common type of research is the experiment two or more groups are used the people are picked for the groups using random or systematic sampling where every nth person is chosen the experimental group gets the IV our independent variable also known as the experimental variable the control group does not receive the ivr independent variable the outcome data in the study is called the DV or dependent variable so if we want to see if eating carrots raises one's IQ score then eating carrots is the IV while the IQ scores at the end of the study would be the DV each experiment has a null hypothesis there is no significant difference in people's IQs who eats carrots and those who don't eat carrots the experimental are alternative hypothesis is there is a significant difference between people's IQs who do eat carrots versus those that do not eat carrots when a researcher rejects a null hypothesis that is true it is a type 1 Alpha error when a researcher accepts null when it should have been rejected we say that a type 2 Beta error has occurred the significance level for the social sciences is usually set at 0.05 or less say 0.01 or .001 a t-test or students t-test is a popular test for comparing two means the Anova are analysis of variance is used when you have more than two means to compare the t-test and the Anova are parametric measures for normally distributed populations if the population is not necessarily normal then a non-parametric test such as a chi-square the most common non-parametric test are the crucial Wallace that is similar to an anova can be used if the researcher did not manipulate the variables and you are looking at after the fact data then the research is not a true experiment but rather an ex post facto are so-called causal comparative design okay now this is very important so Commit This to Memory statistics that describe the central tendency like the mean the median the mode the range quartiles uh the variance and the standard deviation are descriptive statistics on the other hand correlation coefficients t-tests and novas analysis of covariance chi-square Cusco Wallace Etc are statistical analyzes now for our final section professional orientation and ethics ACA ethics includes standards of practice the term scope of practice implies that you only practice if you are adequately trained in a given area or with a given population hence if you have no training running a Gestalt group then don't run one if you know nothing about clients with eating disorders then don't treat them you should also be familiar with the counselor's duty to warn initially based on a California Supreme Court case known as terrasoft this principle now states that if a client is going to harm himself or somebody else or both you will contact appropriate folks to ward off this tragedy another key concept is the Dual relationship which could also be called multiple relationships on your exam this concept implies that you are a person's Helper but you also have another significant relationship with that person maybe you are dating them or perhaps they are a relative or a business partner such relationships get in the way of objectivity and should be avoided whenever possible although it is not always possible to avoid them another term that you should expect to see on your exam is a legal term privilege communication set by state law privilege communication asserts that you cannot reveal what a client said in his or her session in court unless the client allows you to do so now there are exceptions to this such as cases of child abuse suicide homicide supervisory sessions or if a lawsuit is filed against you also note that you should never release information about a client outside a court unless it's child abuse suicide Etc just mentioned unless the client signs a release of information consent form remember to disguise the identity of your clients when doing research training or publication also do not guarantee clients in your group's confidentiality and take steps to protect your clients from physical and psychological harm while they are in your groups when performing family therapy do not disclose what one family member said about another in a private session without the initial person's permission do not have sexual relationships with current students or supervisees our clients you must wait a minimum of two years after the counseling relationship ends and even then you must not exploit the client boy there's sure a lot of do Nots here do not submit articles to more than one professional Journal at a time this is called multiple submissions and it's a No-No also do not accept referral fees do not accept fees from agency clients who can get the service from the agency where you work finally before you take your comprehensive exam I insist that's right insist that you check the nbcc and ACA websites for the latest information on internet counseling ethics before you take the exam these ethics are changing literally at the speed of light and the only way to keep up is to check the websites okay congratulations you've just completed your licensing and certification boot camp go have a drink non-alcoholic of course and hey remember to let me know when you pass the exam I'll be rooting for you every day I want you as my next testimonial