okay so i was just saying that science was developed apart from technology there are lots of technology in song era china but not a lot of science for example gunpowder china lacquer for that uh uh chairs and stuff porcelain umbrellas i don't know why that's important fishing wheels also don't know why that's important suspension bridges also don't know why that's important but the first three especially and add silk onto this and they are very important for the history of the world and the economy of sanger china porcelain in particular is going to be world changing in this case the ancient chinese porcelain is going to look like this but pretty soon it's going to look like so many of our dishes white with blue white and blue which becomes known as china dishes right in fact sometimes for thanksgiving we pull out our fine china and we we still use them although today most people for things can pull out their fine paper plates and it makes it easier and porcelain i don't know a whole lot about porcelain because i do know this you get clay and you mix it with different minerals and then you fire them at a higher temperature and so it's a little bit more than pottery i made pottery but i've never made porcelain but it's pottery on steroids yep it's very good uh and it's going to be so important for world history another great technological development is silk silk oh my goodness and the silk road you've heard in the boards of silicon it's very important you get i i think i hinted at this you get the silk worm uh in this cocoon and then you throw them in a bat of boiling water after you pick them of course and then you unravel them it's very time consuming oh so slow can you imagine uh but it produces very strong and sturdy and comfortable clothing that was in huge demand the world over i mean goodness gracious so silk was important i found this i'm not going to show it to you i think it's interesting it's one of those unesco things uh uh cerriculture which is silkworms and silk craftsmanship of china that might be interesting if you're like wanting to watch a little bit more youtube so you don't have to do your chores later today you know hey there you go so of course you got to spin it into i don't know what you call them but those like bobbins you know uh spin it well yeah you spin it into thread that you can then more than little ones that you could then use and then you put into bobbins and then you can uh uh weave it into cloth that's what i'm trying to get at right so yeah they invented the spinning wheel europe is going to later you know 600 700 years later also invent the spinning wheel but it's important here for china and also of course this water powered reeling machine you're like really really really they're really machine so uh so those are important uh siri culture or silk and porcelain historically super important the history of the song era now monopolies the government is very powerful remember it's so centralized that they don't have universities the government's in charge of everything uh that doesn't mean a centralized government can't have universities it means in this case they didn't have universities uh but mining was monopolized by the government uh iron production monopolized by the government salt silk ceramics paper making in fact some of the most important things were monopolized by the government here one of the great things that they also monopolize and monopolize is money money is important in order to produce money uh they are going to put it on paper i said that really weirdly but you know in 1024 they created the world's first paper money uh everybody had coins before the coins was supported by usually gold but it could be um silver as well uh but now austin is money and money is does not have gold inside the paper that is right uh so therefore it's gonna have to be backed up by something outside of that such as a strong enough government to make uh amount of money be worth what it says it's going to be worth or as a bank powerful enough to say it's going to be worth what it says it's going to be worth and that's what's important so they produced the first world's first paper money and they did so by something i find fascinating which is block printing i think i've hinted this but maybe i haven't you get a block of wood uh but you guys can do that if you want with like a potato and you uh carve out all the negative images right and so all you have left is the positive or do i see it the wrong way no you can't write the negative images the part that you don't want ink on you carve out right okay that means that's positive anyway and then you put ink on and press it onto paper so if you're going to do it with like a potato cut potato in half and then carve out all the places you don't want ink on then you put ink on it and press it on paper and you made yourself a little stamp maybe potato is not the easiest but that's what we used to make it with when i was a kid because potatoes were so cheap in utah which is right by idaho which has more potatoes than you can shake a finger at so you do block printing and they use block printing by the way to print images uh in the world up until the late 19th century beginning of the 20th century when they created photographic reproductions of images uh but up until then all people did this and paper money was printed on you know paper paper is pretty awesome paper is the invention to have here uh it might have been as early as the second century a.d i'm not really sure when they first invented it but i do know that by the eighth century they were producing a lot of paper and when islam came in remember they adopted incorporated paper making from china and then took it to the west so even though it's relatively geographically isolated sometimes external invasions could bring uh that technology outside of it which is pretty cool in this case here and paper is made out of uh in this case we would call it um oh don i can't remember the name of it but you get you get some wood pulp but then you also get some uh rags and uh um cloth and some cotton and you blend it all up together and then you put some some sort of glue adhesive together then you put it on as you can see here like a screen and then you could let it dry and then you can peel it off right lots of people do art on homemade paper i have a hard time with that because uh the type of pen and ink i like doing uh it it doesn't work very good with this kind of paper because it kind of bleeds in so but it's very cool you know you still make it today and wouldn't be cool to paint on something that is your own paper i made this paper and the painting on it so a lot of people make ink too which would be cool i just can't okay so to print this money you have to have some sort of printing press now i didn't say multiple type yet but they have to have a printing press something to press it on in 680 they're printing lots of seals for religious charms lots of charms uh and uh this here is uh was printed by right uh carved wood block here and then you have handbooks and official decrees government rules and stuff and buddhist scriptures right because buddhism spread from india into china uh here along that that that when i i remember the map with a relatively small trade route well it's small but it's big enough for buddhism to influence chinese history a lot in fact it went out of india so there are very few relatively buddhists in india and lots uh theoretically in china i mean a lot because historically there have been lots but in the 20th century uh for a while there because of the communist china it kind of went way down the number of buddhists but now recently it's going up once again so but buddhist scriptures and encyclopedias here right they're printing here now remember all of these they're printed by carving out the negative images negative parts that you don't need gun on wood and pushing it onto paper great piece of technology here or this one here this one is something that uh uh you could do this together and i see people do stuff like this all the time recently uh uh recently yeah nowadays you go to hobby lobby i know they have them there maybe michael's and you can get the blocks but they put today they put these little um i don't know it's rubber or clay or something on it that makes it easier to carve out right and then you get the ink and the paper and you can do it here so if you wanted to try this you could try it and be a fun um quarantine thing of course you got to go to hobby lobby to get it but you know quarantine thing i've never tried it but one of these days i'm going to so let's see let's see another thing that is very important is they invent and movable type yes before gutenberg you have the chinese now here's the problem here they invented this around 1048 d gunberg gunberg's not gonna invent it for another 400 plus years 400 years but with the thousands of characters block printing was so much cheaper in other words they invented mobile type but it was not time a time saver if it's not a time saver why really use it so it'd be kind of like if your mom says hey go to the store and get some milk and you're like i'd like to write that down and so you go and you boot up your computer and you type down get milk and then you print it out and then you fold it up in your pocket and go to the store it might be better to use the old fashioned technology of a pencil and a piece of paper and that's right uh get a post-it note and say get milk see you've just used an old-fashioned technology but it saves you time and since this is there's thousands of characters so it takes more time to print with mobile type than to carve it onto um wood and then put ink on and press it so you might as well not use it so they did not share this but they invented it so if you're ever in jeopardy though they're probably looking for gutenberg the first european to invent the movable type although you could challenge it and say however it was the chinese but the chinese did not share that knowledge because it was not useful and they lived in relatively geographic obscurity aha aha is right all right then the answer is a lot of iron which is neither here nor there so don't write it down but i'll say it anyway iron was a statement of price and by uh 1078 they're producing 178 000 tons now if we compare it with england during the industrial revolution they were only producing 68 000 so they're producing much more but this the industrial revolution is not going to happen uh begin in china one of the great questions for historians is why not hmm i don't know uh but i believe is because they are in relative geographic obscurity and in order to get your good that you make to market you're going to have to find cheap shipping routes and that's what england is going to have ability to get things to market quickly painlessly really good uh in that list of things that i said they invented in addition to porcelain and silk they also invented gunpowder this is the most important invention of ancient china uh no it's not the most important but it is an important invention of ancient china it was invented in the mid 9th century on accident and by the mid 12th century it was applied to military ends they could have great rockets grenades bombs borders guns and of course fireworks but anyway rockets grenades bombs mortise guns you're going to change world history through a gunpowder revolution once it gets to the west but it's going to take a while to get to the west because china was in relatively geographic obscurity oh akin with that cam jeez louise how's it going to get to the west kim if china was in relative geographic obscurity well the song dynasty is going to be overthrown by the mongols especially one called jingas khan chingas khan is going to be the leader of the mongols and he is going to come down and then his son and especially his two grandsons are going to conquer uh the uh asia and middle east which we at the time called the near east don't ask me why anyway but in this story here the person who gets credit really of conquering the chinese uh is going to be his grandson where is his name where is his name i had it here somewhere [Music] kublai khan is going to conquer the north and well he doesn't get credit for the north but and then the south and once he conquers all of it then he's going to change the dynasty to be called the yuan dynasty it's not got the uluz dynasty is yuan dynasty that's right all right that was not very nice to say kim anyway so if we come back down here the yuan dynasty very important in fact i just created ap world history exams did i say that already maybe not and all those exams i graded i wrote down but i can't remember about 700 exams uh um they were all about how the culture of the mongols changed as a result of the places they conquered but this here the mongols in china are going to collapse in 1368.