everyone in this video we are going to go through and cover as much as possible of the details about 5G series IRS 5G Channel State information different signals it's one of the most important Channel channels or reference signals on 5G and if you can remember actually this was already it's not a New Concept in 5G because it was already introduced in LTE release then but if you remember that 4G was more relying on the Cs sales specific reference signals which is we call it usually always on because it was being transmitted all the time and in the frame and as you know that it was acquiring the complete Bandits however in the 5G they are trying to reduce this or avoid this concept of always on through introducing a lot of reference signals one of them is the dmrs and the one we are going to cover today which is a csirs however this this is like this consequences is being revised in NR was more sophisticated algorithm or technique so let's move forward to see what is today called okay and to do in today's sessions we have many different topics to be covered actually I will try to split it into two different values just to try to simplify it as much as possible because it might take like a long time so that's why I prefer to split into two videos so let's go through the contents actually what the first point we're going to cover what is the main function of the csrs then go through the K characteristics of the csrs they will be covering the main types and categories which such as the non-zero power zero power CSI interference measurement RS and so on then we'll be covering covering the the main parameters just I will go through the main parameters of csirs which is covering the resource allocation and so on uh I will give a quick description about all of them then I will be showing that which message of layer 3 can be used to check those parameters then we'll try to visualize after we'll try to visualize some of these parameters through because this branches mainly controlling the frequency time domain location or allocational structure of of the csiris so this one will try to visualize it after we show the parameter descriptions on just to make to try to make it more easy and so on then the last part will be of high level high-level introduction about the CSI reference signal planning and so on and what kind of planning is being considered considered in the csrs so moving forward let's cover the first part first part actually it's about what is the main main functions it can be used in csiris actually say PSI RS it's it's covered multiple multiple all multi-purpose functions in the long link like if you can see the first part here it's covering something called CSI reporting what it means by CSI reporting CSI first is stand for the channel State information as you know that initially they know the well-being like sending that configuration or that transmitting the csrs to the UV in the downlit information and this part actually it's covering many different information shots as cqi Channel quality indication or rank indication or be my layer layer indication and also something called CRI and L1 rsrb and other more other stuff this one actually it's required at separate station for the CSI because one of the most important but just simply or shortly this one like it's giving indication to Jane would be about the radio condition of the IV and this one can be used this treatment can be used for the link budget and so on so there you provide CSI reports which contain this kind of information secret and so on then the innodb will be using that original build being Z for the link budget the second part it's about the beam management what it by what it means by mean not being managed let's look into this figure as you know that initially the UE would be assigned will will will acquire the SSP beam usually the SSP beam is is wide this is being used right so the CSI RS will be using to refine the initial beam which is being acquired based on SSP and this will try to as you can see here for example this is the white one the yellow in the background this is the SSP this one the innov will be using uh the Cs IRS to refine the initial beam to try to set more directional beams as shown here and this actually more direction we can be transmitted using the csrs and this mod action beam can improve the link budget as well and also quality and so on so this is one of the function and also I will try to have a digital video for the B management General because this for example calls something called phase two or P2 we have three faces and B management was P1 P2 and B3 B3 is usually for the high frequencies however I've tried to cover it in different video because this is also one of the most important function uh in in 5G and so on so that as a general as summary CSI is used to refine the initial beam which is the sap selected then it will set mode Direction beam using the transmitted CSI reference signal then the third function it's about the connected mode Mobility this is like the handovers handovers usually is controlling by the SSP uh SSP blocks but still CS IRS can be used as well to to control the mobility through that detecting the user can measure the csrs report rsrb and so on either circuit and general b can take the decision based on the reporting stuff and so on but mainly and currently now the Handover is being controlled by the SSP so yeah as mentioned in another computer a service degree and so on then this part is related to the radio link uh failures or all LF detections actually that as you know first of all the data C responsible for detecting the radio link failure uh this video length fair and actually the BTS is is usually sending RC signal to configure I use a set of 3D link monitoring like for example this kind of of timer timers and counters being set through the the to the UE through the RC signaling and then you will be using this one to detect the radio link failures and this actually can be used through setting some particular thresholds and player and so on and this still the the the UE can use the monitoring of the csrs to detect the reading failure and report for example out or end of sync and so on for example if there is three out of sync so that will be starting with three t one zero timer if there is one or two uh NSYNC is being uh acquired then this means that there is still in connection and renew link value is not detected however if the three out of sync as for this a particular example in three one zeros being detected then uh if the user failed to make any NSYNC then this will be detected or be considered as a radio link while you're detected and this is all measurement can be done through the a csiris so this is one of also the functions of the rlf detection of the csrs which can be used through measuring the csrs then the number of this part is about the beam failure detection recovery it's also the uh similar but this as you know that this beam recovery it's like mac clear responsibility uh for the link for the beam recovery and so on and this is also can be through measuring the csrs for example if you're having a very bad level and so on during the beam switching and so on so for example the beam failure instance will be reported and if this is having like based on the configuration of like achieving a particular thresholds this they can consider as being video detection and after the unit B will start trying to make the recovery and so on so still the csrs also is being used for thus far the last part actually it's related to the TRS or tracking reference signal actually distracting different signal it's like a subset or a type of the csrs this is like the track reference it's usually using almost the same concept so that the unit B is transmitting at particular front element but however that TRS is having the highest dynasty of of resource element what means by high density for example uh compared to all the CSR reference signals for example here it's being transmitted three times as you can see but it's using sync report and in general TRS is being used for fun of fine tuning of time and frequency synchronization just to like for example it's being used to track the time and frequency variation with a higher resolution that's why this TRS also is being used by the is using the csrs and all that adapted by 3gb to as a solution for this of time tracking and frequency variation and so on so this is the main function of the csrs which is very important functions but the most common used one is the CSI reporting which is the standard Channel State information and actually as mentioned below below here the procedure list is above 90 but this is using non-zero power CSI refresh signals which is being configured for something called the Channel measurement I would be covering this part in details just to show what is the differences between a channel management a channel measurement and interference measurement and so on and this is csrs in general is being using like being assigned to Theory through dedicated signaling to configure the use with the reference signal and so on also this will be covered the more details in the coming slides so moving forward actually before going to the details I just need to clear some high level concept of the CSI K characteristics just to try to simplify it before digging into the details for example this is a k characteristic of the csiris csrs as you can see it's having four main characteristics first one it's related to the number of antenna ports for example it's supported maximum up to 32 antenna ports this like from this is the number of the ports from 30 uh three thousand to the 3031 then it's having this scheduling options it can be periodic Simi resistant or a periodic and the main differences between all of them that barriosic is usually transmitted at particular slots as having a different configuration starting from four slots which is refer to 40 millisecond up to 640 milliseconds and this is It's configured we can play around usually most of the networks using other as I remember 40 milliseconds and we have another type called semi-resistant semi-resistant similar to periodic it's also periodic however this can be deactivated or the activated or deactivated by The Unit B at any time using something called Mac control element and so on then the last part is called the last dial is called abiotic and aerotic this is event based this is actually it's it's not a periodic this just can be triggered at any time through sending DCI when required then we have this part which is related to time frequency location Time free consolidation actually this would be covered in the parameters part and also I will be giving a visualization for each of the types some of those types however there is a 3gb table which is covering all the mapping tables from the frequential time domain allocations we have 18 combination that if this eating combination covering different time the number of fours for example different number of uh Dynasty and so on this is I will be covering in more details and coming slides just to try to select as much as possible then we have something called CDM types CDM actually is referring to something called good division not mixing and this we can have different types of CM for example here is mentioned low CDM this means there is no code division multiplexing could the division multiplexing simply means that also I'll be showing in the next slide it simply means that you can configure the same frequency time domain resources to two different uses two different uses different using different ports they're using different users but this is will be using this good division multiplexing to segregate to differentiate differentiate between the resources of hue and we have something called frequency Division multiplexing and this could division CDM types it's having a different types also I'll be covering uh in the next slide I'll try to visualize it and this is also part of the mapping table okay moving to forward this is one of the most important part which is usually causing some conflict during studying or doing even like reading Anton it's related to the types of the csrs types and categories actually in in the NCS and csiris we have we can say two types but it's actually it's not two types usually we say zero power and non-zero power and zero power csrs but actually it's three types we have something called non-zero power csrs and this is used for the channel management measurement which is mentioned for example all the previous functions which highlighted in the first slide this is being used using non-zero power and this is as mentioned in using for China State information being failure uh beam management beam recovery mobility and so on and this also non-zero power can use for something called interference measurement it can for example I will be showing a visualizing uh giving a visualization for one example just to make it more clear for you but I just measure that to examine the interference from the neighbor cells from from during the multi-usual mime from different users and so on so we have a csiris dedicated to measure the interference on this is that's why we call it for example non-zero power IM interference measurement or non-zero power CM Channel measurement so if you see this for example CM this means CS non-zero about CM this means it's used to read all this kind of information by the way you need to read this confirmation or reward this information or fsim this means it's being used for the intracell interviewers then we have additional uh type okay from it's called CS imrs this is similar to the non-zero power IM interference however this part is called CSI interference measurement resources this is resources dedicated to measure the inter cell interference and this is mainly during the seumi model singular mimo just to for example to measure the interference reported or detected from enabled cells and so on our Naval sector or whatever but this is as I told you it's using something called interesting interference and they both do start two types are being configured within something called CSI report configuration this is I will be showing also the message which you can read it from the layer 3 in order to read this kind of information so so far we have two types here and these two types coming in three categories first one the channel measurement then we have IM measurement interface measure for interest and interference then you have interference measurement for international interference then the last part is something called zero power csiris and this is configured within the wt6 configuration and actually uh I as I think this is me me being mentioned many times that the the naming itself is kind of misleading gboard means it's not it's not related to any power or anything and even though the zero power is still or the csrs which is called zero power still can having a transmission within the csrs to inform the idea about many things about the most important part it's about the rate matching pattern and this is actually it's it's used in in this feature for example to inform the UV about a free resource of this issues can be used to increase the available resources for wdch and so on also I'll try to visualize this part to give you more a clear example about it so in general we have three types non-zero power csrs which is used for channel management interference measurement and we have the CSI I am this is csim RS this is used for entrepreneurial measurement but for enter cell interference then we have the zero value which is used actually to define a matching pattern and for this part as I told you it still can the the resources can be used by the serving set to transmit some information to save okay moving forward let's now try to visualize each of those examples just to try to simplify that make it more easy for us to uh and okay now let's try to uh visualize each of the uh CSI resource types just to try to make it easy more easy and just try to understand it more so the first part we are going to uh see it's about example about the non-zero power CSI reference signal not zero power CSI reference signals as you can see this figure actually is presenting here example from multi-user mimo as you can see you have three different users if she's using different beam and as you can see that there is multiple CSI resources being configured to those particular users for example here you can see that there is orange there's orange Cyrus this is for non-zero power CM which is a channel measurement which is being used for example to report the CSI Channel State information or to for example to detect the radio link failures or all the other functions being mentioned before and we have another two resources being configured to this particular users to measure the interference which is called interference measurement and I will explain why we have here too because here I'm giving example for three users right so for example this user tool also is having the same but it's being transmitted the CM at different locations just to avoid the interference so on and the same for this part and actually first part I need to highlight that you know that in multi-user mimo the special separation between the multi multi the the multi-user mime or the special service towards TX towards each Hue within the multi-user mime it's not really idle right there might be a chance for some level of interference and this case it's more meaningful to generate the cqi reporting which is being used for a reverted reported through the CSI you are through measuring this particular system CS Channel State information Channel management that it would be more meaningful to generate secure after actually acquiring or concluding the interference generated by the another release so that's why the csim comes into the play now this is the room main rule for this one and that's why it's being configured by the unity then it should be configured this part particularly to cover the interference coming from the other to a CSM or see a Chinese transformation from the other two ues just to be able to generate a accurate cqi through measuring this one so while while measuring the Cs Channel measurement for user one it will be detecting the interference generated by the other two users so it will be able to generate accuracy cqi so that's why you have this kind of combination within the month user memo and this is the main use of the channel channel measurement along with the interference measurement for the non-zero power so this is actually that's why each of the use will be converted those two non-zero power in this particular case and non-zero power the csim and one zero power CS CM so assuming that you have only two users so in this case you would require only two resources one for cm and one prime assuming you have four users this case means that you require one additional csim to measure the interference from the user number four and and and so on so this is the main function of this uh particular particular uh non-zerable CSI are uh since is and so on for none and zero power so moving forward let's now move to the second example it's about the second type which is we'll call it remember it was called CSI interference measurement if you remember I mentioned that this one is meaning used to cover the inter cell interference the first part here if you remember also I mentioned that this one covering interesting interference and other words for example interference within the same cells which is for example during the month using my month so this part CSI interference measurementary forces this is being configured by The genome B to the UE to be able to detect and measure the interference generated by the neighbor results so for example they assume this is a figure on the left this is the serving cell there is some resources here csir resources being configured actually I gave here patterns you know better one because this can be one of them they shouldn't be usually configured one of those patterns this is based on the parameters configuration but just the main difference between both of them that for example you can see button zeros using two by two grid what means by two by two that for example tour uh resource element and two resource element here in the frequency domain and two samples so that's in general having four this is exactly the same but this is using four by one this means it will be using four sub carriers and one time domain and so on but just in general in summary that this usually the username will be configure only one so I just get this one to cover the all the types of the csim resource so what will happen that unit B will configure this one at this particular area the UE the the UE The Unit B will not transmit anything would be transmitted at this particular example the serving cell will not transmit anything so the UE can measure the background interference originating from the neighbor cells here there is no transmission at all so in this particular case the ABS can measure the interference of the background interface is happening from the interference cell so this will be the final figure for example that this particular case can now that we can now report accurate cqi as well through measuring the interference coming from the neighbor cells and by the way this is still it can be done that the user for example can without the csim RS can user can detect for example measure first the overall signal then they try to subtract the interference coming from the the neighbor cell but this is actually it's more complicated uh algorithm that's why the introduces CSI and resources just to try to simplify it as much as possible and this is actually a New Concept also adopted by the 3gb so moving to the next type it's about the zero power reference signal as I told you zero power is like kind of a misleading uh name because actually the resources of zero power transmit information this one to transmit some information to the okay for example the figure on the left here you can see this figure on the left is showing as you can see here this is like I consider it as bdch and you have bdch resources and you have some gray information which is having no data that's and you have some this is RS for im3ps management and foreign and this is IRS Financial power doesn't fully occupy the corresponding fluency domain resources as you can see here you have still a few resources and these three resources we would like the UE to use it like to increase or maximize the gain of the throughput and so on so this for example can be used for vdch so here is where the zero power come into our zero power resource and we come into the figure what will happen The Unit B will convert these resources into uh like it will be using this zero power configuration to inform the users within these particular resources as you can see here that these resources are being free you can be using these resources they are being free for example no data being transmitted here so you can start using ubdch so this is the main concept it's called rate matching feature this is the main concept zero power is being used to form the use about the remaining frequency main resources for mapping data to increase the maximum or to maximize the gain of the robot and so on so this is one of the most important or the most Main function of zero power actually uh next part it will be about the parameters uh uh uh yeah it's about actually first before moving to the parameters point of view I just need to cover the TRS checking reference signal this is actually a tracking signal as I mentioned in the first slide it's a subset of the CSI RS it's actually adapted by csrs as a solution for the TRS what it means by this that is still it's exactly the same concept some of the resources are being used transmitted here this is CSI resources as well about it useful tracking uh tracking that frequency and time domain in order to make like the uh to like try to improve the UV ability to track time and frequency offset and so on and actually the main idea of this part that the TRS is using higher Dynasty and this one tries to improve the ability of the ues to track the the time and frequency offsets and there is additional features uh called rate matching this is actually not not very powerful the spot but try to add it to here to just to cover this part as well this additional feature of the rate match of the TRS at stereo State matching this is actually a device version no object for example for the previous one which you mentioned in the zero power for example here the the used referral bch will be uh Tranquility as you can see here it will not use for anything uh no transmission here and this is mainly used why it's being used just to avoid for example the interference caused by neighbor cells assuming that you have another neighbor cells using different applications of the TRS so there will be interference between all of them that from the TRS for example 2bdch so this part is just using to avoid the interference caused by the neighbor cells so that's why as I mentioned here for example the surfing bone interferes each other never answers and this can eliminate the interference and help to improve the SNR so this is one of the function as well actually we still have many parts to cover I will cover this next session as you can see here we have many parameters I will go for details for each and every single of those parameters and we'll try to visualize the next sessions so stay tuned and please press like and comment if you like the session and all the materials will be insured and and in the video descriptions in case if you need to add and please drop a comment if you need any more information and so on thank you very much