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Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
Jul 11, 2024
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
Personality Factors
: Acting proactively without being told. Crucial for internal drive in entrepreneurship.
: Identifies and seizes opportunities.
Problem Solver
: Maintains good relationships with people and solves issues as they arise.
: Pursues goals despite challenges.
: Can convince people to buy products/services even if they're not initially interested.
: Plans ahead and monitors progress.
Risk Taker
: Willing to take calculated risks.
Environmental Factors
Political Climate
: Political stability and policies influencing business.
Legal System
: Laws and regulations governing business operations.
Economic Conditions
: Economic stability and growth affecting business opportunities.
Social Conditions
: Social trends and culture impacting market demand.
Market Situation
: Current state of the market including competition and demand.
Common Competencies in an Entrepreneur
: Makes accurate and fair decisions.
Good Communicator
: Effective in conveying ideas and leading teams.
: Inspires and leads employees with charisma.
Opportunity Seeker
: Constantly looks for and initiates opportunities.
Risk Taker
: Handles and navigates risks.
: Thinks creatively and out of the box.
Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship
Economic and Dynamic Activity
: Involves creating and operating enterprises to create value and wealth using limited resources efficiently.
: Constantly seeking new and better ideas.
Profit Potential
: Balancing risk with potential profits.
Types of Entrepreneurs
Innovative Entrepreneurs
: Create new things and ideas; think out of the box.
Imitating Entrepreneurs
: Follow and implement the ideas of others.
Fabian Entrepreneurs
: Skeptical about changes; initiate only after thorough validation.
Drone Entrepreneurs
: Rely on the efforts of others and avoid change.
Social Entrepreneurs
: Initiate social change and drive innovation in various fields like education, health, and human rights.
Career Opportunities in Entrepreneurship
Business Consultants
Business Reporter
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