foreign ladies and gentlemen today I have a really really special one for you are you ready we have the staccato XC and we're going to compare it to the Sand Hawk Nighthawks and Nighthawk Sand Hawk I said that backwards this is like picking between my two children to tell you which one is my favorite it's like not going to be easy look this is just for fun guys I think these guns are similar even though the Nighthawk is like a thousand dollars more expensive they're very similar and if you're gonna drop four five six grand on a gun you really need to be make sure you get the one you want so we're gonna go future by feature I'll tell you what the differences are I'll tell you what I do and don't like if there is one I prefer over the other in hopes I can help you make a better decision but this is just for fun don't get too butt hurt in the comments my comparison videos all do really really well but people get so butter in the comments the staccato came from my friend will thank you will praise Wu praise praise Wu The Sand Hawk came from my buddy Kevin I have very generous friends thank you Kevin ah I dropped the magazine because they shoot them out all right we're gonna start with the magazines now this is the saddest thing I've ever had to say but all I have here is 10 round magazines because right Rhode Island passed the law and I'm not going to commit a felony on camera but um I have staccato mags I have Atlas mags I have Springfield Armory mags in these guns they're 2011 patents both the magazines and metal high quality I don't see a huge difference in the quality of the magazines I believe the staccato comes with 217 rounds and 120 round where the Nighthawk shockingly only comes with two magazines that blew my mind I was very surprised the Nighthawk only came with two magazines but the magazines themselves are very very high quality no issues there the mag well is drastically different again it's up to you which one you prefer and which one you want the Magwell that comes with this staccato is removable it's big it's plastic you take a pin out to take it in and out it's great if you want a big mag wealth especially if this is going to be range competition which I'm guessing this what this gun is going to be for the Magwell is enormous on it and a great great amount of aftermarket support if you don't like that one now the Nighthawk if you are going to carry it for some reason the magwell's much smaller and this will be much easier to carry I think if you want to carry this Takata you might have to take that mag well off with that said the Nighthawk the inside of the Magwell is very very generous it's not as big as the staccato but it's very very generous in doing magazine exchanges a whole bunch of them I didn't see a big difference between the Nighthawk and the staccato now the grips are drastically different and again which one I have a preference which one you like is going to be up to you the the Nighthawk has like the circle pattern on here when I first felt when I first saw them I was like well I don't know if that's aggressive enough and when I felt them I'm like okay that's pretty good and there's like zero felt recoil when you shoot this gun anyway so the gun's not moving even when your hands are wet the gun is not moving so these excuse me the Nighthawk is not as aggressive um it's this circle pattern um the grip is smaller so if you have smaller hands you may like the grip on the um the Nighthawk a little better the grip safety has a little bit more uh tension I don't think that means anything but it is what it is now the staccato grip is significantly more aggressive the texture is sandpaper-esque uh it's polymer grip I've seen a lot of these stippled it's the same sandpaper grip on all four sides you can definitely swap these out there's a lot of aftermarket support I kind of prefer the texture on the staccato even though I don't like I I don't dislike the texture on the Nighthawk but I like the size of the Nighthawk a little better the staccato is a little bit fat so again if you have very very small hands you may prefer the staccato uh magalies I can't really talk much about good or bad they're both pretty standard they drop the magazines freely they're about in the same spot no difference no issues nothing to write home button on the trigger is significantly different I mean big big time the staccato is a curve trigger it's a polymer trigger it's only two and a half pounds it is very very light they're both crisp they both have a good reset they're both good triggers the staccato is scary like several of my friends including me as we're shooting these you know we shot the Springfield Prodigy we shot the Nighthawk we shot uh Shadow systems all these different guns at the range I like to get my buddy's opinion and then we went and shot the staccato and several of my buddies as they were presenting out they're prepping the trigger and click they're like oh that trigger's too light they indeed in a safe Direction unfortunately but they indeed or if they're shooting bang bang bang uh on the on the recoil they prep that trigger in the in the and the gun went off before they were ready to go off so like I said it's two and a half pounds in the staccato you need to practice practice especially if you carry a gun that has a five six seven eight pound trigger and you go to the range with this it has a two and a half pound trigger practice be comfortable uh I don't think it's dangerous unless you don't practice and train with it and any gun is dangerous um the Nighthawk I do prefer the trigger on the Nighthawk a little bit surprisingly even though it's oh commercial uh even though it's about a pound heavier it's three and a half three point seven five pounds uh it's a metal trigger it's a flat face trigger and while the staccato trigger is great I slightly prefer the Nighthawk again they're both crisp they both have um the Nighthawk is a little bit crisper a little bit shorter reset it's a little bit nicer and uh the two and a half pounds on the staccato scares me a little to be honest so I slightly prefer the trigger on the Nighthawk but nothing dramatic rail there's really nothing to talk about on the rail they're both 1913 rails they both fit Surefire Streamlight if you're stupid in force oh light I put a bunch of lights on both of these and they were they were good to go um safety um the staccato has a bigger safety if you want something that's larger it is a little bit larger again smaller hand maybe that's a little easier for you they're um the Nighthawk comes with just a single safety and you can get it with an Ambi if you want to add to it and I believe this cicados the same way I believe it comes with a single side and you get an Ambi should check that before the video I'm sorry if I'm wrong on that one but I've been wrong many times and I'll be wrong many many times more but the safeties as far as the way they feel the tape the the shape the texture the size uh they're very very similar the nighthawk's a little smaller the Nighthawk does require a tiny bit more pressure to drop it I mean tiny bit more again I don't think it's bad or good or any different but I'm just trying to be as thorough as possible slide releases are very similar as well they're 1911 2011 shape size location all that good stuff you're not going to reach it with the thumb on your right hand you're gonna have to use the thumb on your support hand on those magazine releases or come over the top and rack the slide however you want to do it they're both extended releases the Nighthawk being a little bit longer a little bit bigger but they are both extended so they're very very easy to do magazine releases that is not going to be an issue uh the slides on both of them so as far as durability I think they're going to be about the same they have the same type of finish um the there's so much to go over on the slide the staccato has less pressure to rack the slide the spring pressure tension is less and a lot of people think that's smoother because of it the Nighthawk is a little bit smoother it just has a little bit more spring pressure to rack that slide than the staccato uh they both have front and reassurations the staccato front serrations are actually relief cuts and they are a lot more aggressive so if you like aggressive serrations you're going to like the staccato serrations better than they are the Nighthawk are okay but there's only two cutouts there I wish there was a few more the cicada observations are definitely definitely more aggressive now the sights they do carry over some similarities uh the metal sites they're high quality they're good to go the front sight on the staccato is a fiber optic it's dovetail it's actually built into the comp which is kind of cool and you can take it out if that is not your jam but I do like those sights if you're going to get a gun of this price you might as well get an optic to go with it uh the um when you don't have an optic on here you have a standard blacked out rare sight with some serrations on the back very very nice both guns when you add an optic you do lose the rear sight so you're gonna have to add that site back in there's a couple ways to do so with the staccato like this one for example has a loophole Delta Point Pro because that mounts directly to the slide without needing an accessory plate when you do that you can slide in an optic right in the loophole has a cutout so you can slide that optic right in they co-witness it's steel it's durable it's good to go other times you can get plates like an RMR plate for example that the uh the the rare slide will go into and uh I don't know if sites rear sights really necessary you can probably just look through the window and aim it up but it's good to have if this was my gun I would absolutely want to have that rare sight now one thing that's different on the Nighthawk is the front sight is 24 karat gold not like gold-plated I mean legit 24 karat gold front sight and uh that is just awesome I love it again the front side is built into the comp um it is dovetailed in and out it you want to remove it and it's just cool if you're going to flex on your friends with a gold say it's awesome say my day you have a nice high quality steel uh blacked out rare site with this one when you add the optic you lose the rare sight the optic plate on the Nighthawk does add the uh the rare sight in front of the RMR in front of the site I have no problems with it doesn't bother me doesn't distract me now the owner of this gun didn't like that he said he did not like the site in front of the optic it distracted him the 10 friends or so I had shoot this gun agreed with me they said I don't care that Optics uh the rear sights there they didn't even notice they were focusing on the Target and the dot but again I want to be as thorough as possible um I've heard people say having the site in front of the optic will help protect the optic a little bit Maybe Kinda I don't know sure why not I won't argue with that uh it is in front of there and again there's steel sites they're good to go Optics plates accessories um most both of these guns come without Optics you should spend the extra money they're both a little customizable um you can add accessories and different barrels and different sites and all sorts of amb safeties and different things to these guns and you should absolutely only add an optic even if you're not into Optics yet if you're behind the curve it's okay get the optic and you can always add the physical optic later but get it Optics cut trust me you won't regret it takedown this is going to be the awkward part of the video and please please please forgive me I can't take the Nighthawk down so the Nighthawk needs a takedown tool there's a little spot in The Recoil spring where you put the takedown tool in there to take it apart I've watched some videos it looks very easy very very straightforward very 2011-esque it does not look hard but I'm sorry can't do it please forgive me when you put that takedown tool in uh the takedown is the same as the rest of the guns yeah I'll do it on the staccato you make sure the gun's unloaded right behind the slide release cutout there's a little cutout for the takedown lever uh slide uh slide release you push it from one side out through the other side and that takedown lever comes right out you don't have to pull the trigger on either one of them now one unique thing and one small advantage of staccato has it has a Dawson precision toolless recoil guide rod spring the bobber so you push it through the front you push down on this little lever and then now The Recoil spring is captured into one piece and it makes taking the gun apart a little bit easier you don't have to deal with springs flying and and all that good stuff after that pull the bushing down pull the barrel right out the front now the comp is built into both of these guns so the comp comes right out and having the comp on these guns does not make it any more difficult or any easier uh to take the gun apart compared to any other 2011. another thing I want to talk about is Aesthetics now this is very um personal you know what one person says is going to be drastically different to others I think staccato makes a beautiful gun um I think they're more Duty guns than they are aesthetically pleasing so if you ask uh Aesthetics for those of you who care about Aesthetics out there I think the Nighthawk is definitely a better looking Gunner I like the 50 Shades of fde I like that it looks like a double stack 1911 I Gotta Give the Aesthetics Edge to the Nighthawk here are the dimensions in the way the Nighthawk is is a definitely heavier and that's one of the reason why I'm getting ahead it's heavier uh it's more expensive um and I'm gonna leave it at that for a minute now these are MSRP prices at local gun stores you'll probably see them for less and again you can upgrade some stuff if you want to get it for more but let's get into testing I almost gave away the testing so I have close to a thousand rounds on this staccato don't tell woo and I have easily 500 rounds and then I hook probably more than I was just going through the footage before this and I shot these guns a lot once you start shooting them you don't want to stop so what I did was I shot the same exact drills with both of the guns one day we were running and gunning I did the running and gun and drill with the staccato then I did the running and gunning drill with the Sand Hawk I was drawing from The holster with one I drew from The holster from the other rang a bunch of Steel um I tried to do things that most people are going to do with these guns they're big guns they're competition guns most people are going to use that for range time so we did some static planking we did a lot of running and gunning a lot of hitting steel moving around magazine exchanges you get the point I did everything but destructive testing because those guns are too nice to do any destructive testing pretty much everyone who shot both of these guns preferred the Nighthawk the Nighthawk uh the felt recoil is less on the Nighthawk you don't feel as much of the felt recoil I don't know if the comp is more effective I don't know if it's because it's hand fit I don't know if it's because of the extra weight of the gun or all three of them but the staccato excuse me the Nighthawk definitely has less felt recoil now with that said the cicado shoots beautiful I mean absolutely beautiful first time I shot it I giggled like a little school girl I'd be proud to own it it's a great great gun so staccato Fanboys calm yourself um I in my eyes I think uh I'm getting ahead to overall here but when I look at this staccato I think Duty I think range I think hard use I think abuse I think if I owned a staccato I would have no problem beating the snot out of it it just seems like that type of gun to me with a Nighthawk I was afraid to shoot it it's beautiful it's nice I was delicate with it and went easy when I put it on this gun wall behind me I did very gentle he'll put it on there where the staccato I just wanted it's a Duty gun and I want to run it hard and beat it I don't know why but that's my mindset on both of the guns all right let's talk about Pros the staccato Pros uh I think staccato makes the best value for a high-end gut design nicer guns there's more expensive guns but for those higher end here they make the best value for a high-end tier the comp is super effective the front serrations are good the trigger is scary light scary scary light so make sure you practice with it the optic system is decent the grip texture is great love the grip texture you can remove the magazine well and uh cicados become so popular that the aftermarket support on them is great the Nighthawk is beautiful it's a work of art a one gun one gunsmith it's smooth it's sexy it's classy it's elegant again the comp kills all of that felt recoil love it the optic system is decent I like the grip I love the trigger the trigger is great um they're both beautiful guns now as far as cons let me see I wish the Nighthawk came with three magazines instead of two dude I'm dropping five six grand give me a third magazine and I wish it had another serration here maybe one or two more serrations with that said it takes no effort to rack the slide but if I could change the gun those are the things that would change the staccato um the trigger kind of scares me a little I wish it was a little heavier um and besides that I don't know I had another Con in the staccato video and I didn't write it down and I don't remember what it is I apologize I put it up on here on the screen if I can remember what it is um but I can't off the top of my head again I'm gonna I said it three times overall they're both beautiful guns they both shoot nice if you get either one you'll be happy what it comes down to is if you could happen to get your hands on both of them that'd be great unlikely you hopefully you can use this video and I told you the differences enough for you to say I think I want to try this one or try that one either way they're both guns both beautiful guns and you can't complain I want to thank Wu for loaning me the staccato praise Wu I want to thank Kevin for loaning me the Nighthawk I have the best most generous friends in the world I will try to put some affiliate links down there hopefully I can find one of these in stock for you and two a good deal which is unlikely on both but hopefully I can do that we have some swag if you didn't notice we have long sleeve shirts now to go with them short sleeve shirts we have patches if you want to support the channel subscribe and uh buy some swag those are the best ways to support the channel anyway I'm done talking it's probably gonna be a long video so thank you for sticking with me like comment subscribe enable the Bell notifications if you do any of those things definitely help me out I definitely appreciate it and I'll see you guys next time [Music]