The Human Voice

Jun 1, 2024

The Human Voice


  • Human Voice: Instrument everyone plays, most powerful sound.
  • Impact: Can start wars or express love.
  • Problem: People often feel unheard.

Seven Deadly Sins of Speaking

  1. Gossip: Speaking ill of someone not present; leads to distrust.
  2. Judging: Hard to listen when being judged.
  3. Negativity: Excessive negativity is hard to listen to; includes complaining.
  4. Excuses: Blaming others; lack of responsibility.
  5. Exaggeration (Embroidery): Demeans language, leads to lying.
  6. Dogmatism: Confusion of facts with opinions, difficult to listen to.

Four Cornerstones of Powerful Speech: HAIL

  1. Honesty: Being true and clear in speech.
  2. Authenticity: Being yourself; standing in your own truth.
  3. Integrity: Doing what you say; being trustworthy.
  4. Love: Wishing people well; temper honesty with kindness.

Voice Toolbox

  • Register: Range of the voice; chest voice conveys authority.
  • Timbre: Quality of the voice; rich, smooth tones are preferred.
  • Prosody: Melody of speech; avoid monotony, use silence effectively.
  • Pitch: Indicates emotional arousal or emphasis.
  • Volume: Modulate for emphasis or engagement; avoid "sodcasting".

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises

  1. Arms up, deep breath, sigh out.
  2. Lip trills: "bop bop bop bop bop".
  3. Tongue exercise: "la la la la la".
  4. Rolling R's: "r".
  5. Siren: from high "we" to low "or".


  • Importance of speaking consciously and listening consciously.
  • Creating environments designed for sound.
  • Aim for a world where understanding is the norm: An idea worth spreading.