[Music] all right um all right so maybe some of you this is going to be the first time that i'll that i'll meet you guys but unless if i'm not mistaken last last semester i was your instructor for ids 101 so for those who were under me two semesters ago welcome back guys i'm glad to be able to be handling your subjects again and um it's just that this one you just have to think about that this is going to be your second year in nursery but you haven't been taking or sorry but i guess it's okay everyone's experiencing it in the entire world experiencing it and we just have to do our part you know what would be the best contribution that we can do is to you know [Music] to keep ourselves from the exposure of virus all right so again welcome to ips 208 and cse209 this is graphics and visual computing today's gonna be our very first class so first we're going to have our course orientation so i'm pretty sure everybody has already already have an idea what would be the orientation is all about since we could have done this before and um after the orientation we're going to right now we're going to do our we're going to have our first lesson in graphics and digital computing so to dose for pakistan i am julius r publico you can call me jules i'm a full-time ip instructor here in your spies i graduated us information technology and nursing as well and right now i'm currently completing my units for master of science and information technology university so my apologies [Music] so i'm just using a default microphone laptop so i'm not sure if you can hear me clearly but just in case if you have any clarifications maybe delete them adobe just let me know okay i'll take the silence as a yes okay so um if you have any questions or clarifications share it with the class or by the end of this orientation so today as part of our implementation we're going to talk about online and modular learning learning management systems google classroom and facebook messenger google i'm sorry our course summary and our class arrangements and of course we'll talk about our course requirements and the tools for graphics and visual computing so i'm pretty sure you already know that here universal will be doing online class most of the time and then for us to conduct our classes we'll have to utilize a platform in which we can um we can implement our classes that will be through the use of learning management systems so i guess everybody already have an idea what that is basically it's a software application used to plan implement nss ss learning process so in other words it's also called online classroom so what would be the learning management system that we'll be using so far based on your experience from the previous years that's it [Music] all right i was asking is if you can remember what was the lms or the learning management system that we used that you've used in the in the person okay all right okay so well i think thanks to google corporation we'll be using google classroom as our lms and then of course we'll be back we'll be backing it up with the messenger facial messenger because i guess everybody uses messenger right that's the easiest way on how we can communicate with each other so again the lms we'll be using will be google classroom and then we're going to back it up with facebook messenger so do i guess everybody already know this of course we'll be using google classroom for our assignments and projects so to access google classroom you can install it in your phone or you can use browsers for those who are using desktop computers or laptop computers just go to classroom.google.com all right so i'm pretty sure everybody's already joined in our respective sections you do classroom but those who haven't joined it yet so here are the links for section a i'm sorry this is section b right okay so for its 208 section b this would be the link or you can go to classroom.google.com and then type this code right again if you if you haven't joined in our classroom yet and then for csc um now but they see ac to online run enjoy okay all right and the limit cooking on okay guys um this will um this class will be uh let's say um it's emerged csc209 and ids208 section section b and cs409 there are only one section for csc 2019 currently any reason to save this engine but let's just say you see a c2 on it okay so again uh cse309 and ips 208 section this would be our uh this would be our permanent link okay the google classroom i'm sorry the google meet this will be our permanent link but the sec the schedule becomes kind of classy we're just going to decide it every week so here are the things that we're going to learn for ids 208 and csc209 so basically these this is our course summary so what are the things that we're going to learn so there might be chance that my usual it's because because of the situation that we're currently in there might be a chance namakau suppose around that vents upon helen or something like that but as of now this would be the proposal this would be my proposed learning objectives i'm not learning objectives but the list of topics that we're going to this we're going to take for the entire semester the first is we're going to discuss what is in visual computing that's the introduction and then we're going to talk about the creative process we're going to talk about the different design elements and then the principles of graphic design and on the second half of the semester we're going to learn the industry standard design software we have adobe photoshop adobe illustrator and adobe indesign now not everybody has computers or personal computers laptop or desktop at home where the only way that you can use this like adobe photoshop adobe illustrator and indesign so it might be a little bit complicated that's why on the last part hopefully mohumanat adobe softwares we're going to discuss about canva because canva is one of the commonly most commonly used uh designing platforms nowadays since quadrilateral using phones so um our our our priority would be adobe photoshop and adobe illustrator the indesign may be a little bit ambitious that i o comment will be indesign but just in case with nova type time to discuss it we're going to include adobe design to our lessons but again the priority will be adobe photoshop illustrator and canva you understand okay all right so before before we proceed do you have any do you have any clarifications or is there anything else that you would like to add or any let's say comment regarding our course summary do you have anything that you'd like to add or remove something that you'd like to be removed okay guys i did the most of them for summary all right actually if we are just um if based upon four syllables that i prepared doesn't discussion but since we have very limited time very limited resources during this modular learning so hita mailangan topics and we're just going to focus on the practical or we're going to be taking a practical approach in learning graphics and visual computing so class arrangements i know everybody already familiar familiar with the class arrangements so we will conduct a asynchronous class and say synchronous class the one that we're doing right now meaning live through google me at least once a week only so we don't necessarily have to meet every day we're just going to meet once a week but each classmate lasts for about one to two hours so please excuse milan if mata started because we only we're we're only going to have one class or yeah once a week in a class so major tasks since based on our curriculum we are asking five hours memphian approximately three hours a discussion and two hours nah hands on but since we're doing this online class demand we're just going to do it for about one to two hours or maybe more depending on the coverage of the topic the task i uncovered a topic then there might be chance you might ask to ask but most of the time one to two hours left and in case of a class through google me i will upload a pre-recorded replay class every week to my youtube channel the assignment and assessment activities will be followed and then during asynchronous learning taking the assessment activity on time will credit your attendance for the week the assessment activities will be done through google forms so basically it's the same thing that we've had last in the previous semesters and then assignment will be posted through google classroom and then our assignment will be divided into two groups okay so spec this is specifically when we're already having our hands-on dvds let's say adobe photoshop adobe illustrator adobe indesign not everybody has computers at home so we're going to divide you guys the assignments rather will be divided into two groups so those students who have pc or laptop will perform hands-on activities based on the information provided in the class so i'm going to this i'm going to teach you how to use adobe photoshop we're going to be discussing their techniques something like and so on and so forth and then those who have computers at home will perform hands-on activities but those who don't have pc or laptop will write narrative instruction on how to perform the set activity does that sound fair fair language okay um i hope that you guys understand because again not everybody have computers and obviously those who have computers at home they can perform they can perform the activities adobe photoshop illustrator they can perform that because they have computers but those who doesn't have any computers of course not islamophobos but maybe to make it fair to make it fair to those who have computers i'm going to have you write a narrative instruction on how to perform the set activity so how exactly are you going to do that allow me to show you an example so this so actually it would be the same case okay all right so for example we're going to have an activity through um an activity using adobe photoshop that you're going to create an activity or i'm sorry an artwork that's something that looks something like this right so obviously you'll have to find in your neighborhood on your own and then i'm going to give and then for those who will be using um laptops or i'm sorry those who doesn't have any laptop computers this is what you're going to do you're going to write an instruction or step-by-step instruction and how to perform it you don't necessarily have to include these screenshots of course because sometimes you take screenshots but you're just going to write the step-by-step procedure not necessarily it doesn't have to be you know necessarily detailed video but just to get the idea on how to do it for example step one open photoshop document set to field the background there with black for example how to create this artwork so first is open you adobe a new photoshop document fill the background layer with black like this step three add your text so on and so forth all right so i know it might be a little complicated but i'm hoping that you guys will understand and you will find it fair for everyone all right so do you have any questions so far with our class arrangements oh go ahead once again there go ahead [Music] classic friday so it doesn't necessarily have to be friday kid okay um every day every day muma classy [Music] so if that's the case then we'll try it any other day aside from friday so that we can either do our class on thursdays or wednesdays about that okay not a problem anyway again the link will be this link the google mid link that i have prepared the one that we are currently on right now will be permanent but the schedule may change every week for example this week we will make friday next week we will meet thursdays because um you know the time of procrastinating seems very good without anyway because of you know there are a lot of things that needs to be done but it's a painful no problem panty lobe go ahead um it would be the same i'll give you at least a week to work on your assignment so regardless if you will be using laptop or computers or you will be using uh you'll be writing under the construction i'll give you a b so i guess that would be pretty enough i think that would be enough for a assignment anyway we're not going to be having an assignment network with io just the basic ones because um again our goal here not again but our goal in learning graphics and visual computing is to get the hang of using those the industry standard applications like google i'm sorry like adobe photoshop you don't necessarily have to master it because mastering photoshop mastering graphics designing would be would be totally up to you the only thing that we're going to do in this class is i'm going to introduce to you the software learn how to use it i'll provide you with the principles of designs and then you just have to apply it on your own because this is one man if canada and not everyone has the skill um really doing graphic design so i'm just going to introduce you to you the software teach you how to use it and then provide you with the necessarily steps or you know principles on how to create a design so i guess one week would be enough am i right agree but one week so every time you're gonna apply assessment i'm sorry every time you're not the assignment i'll give you guys enough time to prepare it all right number one question um regarding our class arrangements ah go ahead yes i'll inform you at least two days one or two days um god i [Music] but anyway thank you guys for uh joining the classroom for such short notice but again on our future lessons i'm going to inform you at least two days i guess that'll be for a couple days before it is scheduled okay i'll be surprised all right so if there are no more questions regarding our class arrangements let's proceed so again all of our classes including the one that we are doing right now i'm going to upload it to our youtube channel so this would be the link and then basically you can re-watch it in a canadian review or this is basically to give chance to our classmates and all that back then you can still watch it or if you decide to you know re review then you can just watch it already so this would be the link and anyway right after we end our class i'm going to send you the link right away to the uploaded video and then our course requirements would be basically it would be the same thing that we've had a couple semesters ago attendance would be 10 assignment that would be 20 learning activities or assessments that's 20 projects that's 20 and major examinations is third major examination like mid term final is 30 that is a total of 100 percent so i just want to clarify on that then dance that then dance regardless if it's going to be online or modular but what i invent is right now of course since we're doing our online class um my google chrome will automatically cut on as of now while we are talking the kalista shaking how how much it's being recorded by google chrome so basically if you've attended the class during you know this um online or live online classes like what we're doing right now so be 10 percent oh however if i'll go ahead galetta [Music] it's okay it's okay oh i it's okay i mean for the attendance i don't really well a good guy who got three to five attendance so if would join mas mahayo if akira gave up on it that's the reason why only adding 10 percent of it and in fact to be brutally honest based on my experiences in the previous years previous semesters to be honest right but it's okay for those who join because for the internet they can still re-watch it i guess that's important that's more important is to learn anyway the attendance is only ten percent but and then if for example classic they just like what i've said i just like what i've discussed on our class arrangement there might be some week ah so instead i'm just going to upload a pre-recorded class meaning upload class a and then if you can take the assessment on time that will credit you for your attendance for the entire week okay [Music] and then here uh projects uh i don't think i can give you any projects because of the situation we're currently in and we're currently in so instead whatever it is that you'll be that you'll create sorry [Music] so that's what i've been doing for the past semesters it's because i really can't ask for any other special projects since the assignment will be i think that would be more than enough for the situation all right so the tools for graphics and visual computing so here it is guys so note this that i'm only this thing for those who have desktops and laptop computers so please install adobe photoshop it would be best if you'll be installing creatives create the creative cloud a cc version created or cs actually please disregard the cs version so whenever you're going to search it most of the time you will be seeing cc instead of cs and cs and then the cc version especially 2019 or later or newer um it's massaging compared to the older versions so if there's any way that you can install adobe photoshop on your own make sure to select cc version meaning create cloud 2019 or newer so if night 2020 was my 2021 2022 anyway i'll try to provide you with the links [Music] i'll try to find a link button down there and then once we're done with the photoshop we're going to continue with adobe illustrator so same thing cc just disregard the cs will no longer be using csgo again cc 2019 or later or new word if possible and then in design can you decide about highland nato because there might be chances but just in case uh we will use the cc still cc 2015 or later if possible all right so that's it for the desktop and laptop computers because for mobile for those who doesn't have any personal computers or laptops like i said you're just going to write the stamp assembly here so you don't necessarily have to install anything however once we got once once we're done with all of the adobe programs we're going to learn canva so for canva you can the only thing that you're going to do is you just have to install the application it's free to download through google play store canva or you can also use browser like google chrome okay so before we end our orientation do you have any questions guys do you have any other questions all right okay that's great so let's proceed to our very first lesson [Music] all right so for our very first lesson we're going to talk about the introduction to graphics and visual community so um first and foremost i'd like to i'd like to ask from anyone of you who would like to share what exactly is graphics and visual computing is all about anyone who would like to volunteer to share their idea idea what graphics and visual computing is all about you can take an animal share salam idea what would be your expectation [Music] volunteers [Music] [Music] ah go ahead that's right all right so from the term suggests graphics visual computing so basically uh we have we've had this discussion with the rest of the faculty the csit faculty here in various nurse of israel we've had this discussion one when the graphics and visual computing started was introduced to the curriculum we say visual computing is just a fancy way of graphic designing visual computing so basically you're going to use the computers to uh using computers in creating graphics creating visual visual elements something like that so basically when you say graphics and visual community yeah i would agree with mr possibly with misopostlem it's all about maybe it's all about understanding how to or i'm sorry mastering how to use photoshop illustrator or any other any other industry standard applications yeah that's correct however graphics and visual computing is more understanding not because everyone can design right even even delay business administration home course and i decide i just fancy looking at nintendo camera and i decided to practice it on my own so i can do that because there are no limit on there are no limit who can practice graphics and signing visa but by introducing this course to idea and film site we get the idea we will get a deeper idea on how um on the different principles of designs what are how to determine a good design how to create a good design and what basically it will give us the difference between us and the business ad for example business administrator what would be the difference between you and a business address both of you are good in designing so design business so by introduction by introducing the graphics and visual computing to the id students you'll get a better edge better edge you get an edge it's because you have you'll have better understanding on how to determine if a design is good named design or delay because you're going to base it on principles because there are principles in designing that you'll have to learn right so basically it's not just about learning how to use photoshop or illustrator but it is understanding how to use i'm sorry when to use the elements how to design it and what makes it what makes your design good okay so in this lesson we're going to talk about what is graphics design which we already did but we're going to talk more about it and then we're going to understand the difference between designer and artist so sometimes we we heard this word graphic designer graphic artist what are the difference between them and then what are the do's and don'ts in graphic designing and then lastly we're going to discuss what are the things that graphic designers do okay so okay a picture speaks a thousand words since ever since we were a kid we already heard this it's this phrase a picture speaks a thousand words this is saying that a good picture indeed without really having to explain what the home is all about but the viewers can understand it it's because we believe in the sciences the pictures for a photo for a photographer to capture this picture he has to wait patiently to get a certain conversation to that because the photographer doesn't have any control on what's going to happen for example let's just say ukrainian russia maybe knight photographer photojournalist and you really want where she wants to capture a perfect moment he or she doesn't have any control on what's going to happen because the only weapon that you have is a camera and then he or she just have to wait for the perfect moment and capture it so it's a matter of luck what if delay for a perfect moment that's why a picture speaks a thousand words however in designing okay the process of conveying visual information is a lot easier so again let's compare in designing and in photography so photography again photographer have to wait for the perfect moment among the stars and the perfect moment will appear in the front of this lens and capture it but in designing the process of conveying visual information is a lot easier because a designer can just produce a visual element necessary for his or her own composition so since in designing you leave me download for the perfect moment because you can create the movement the perfect moment on your own you can for photography you just have to wait for the perfect moment to convey the message that you're trying to capture but in designing you just have to create it so that's the difference between a photographer and a designer is that in designing it would be a lot easier for us to convey visual information so good design means good visual communication so let's take this [Music] a good design means so that is one of the goal for graphic designers is to convey the information or to convey the communication whatever it is that they're trying to convey it must be conveyed uh perfectly or maybe properly okay [Music] so maybe some of you right now is asking for artists do i have what it takes to be a designer do i have what it takes to be an artist well let's take a look at the photo let's take a look at the photo for now so can everyone please read what does it says say [Music] [Music] i'm sorry sorry about that if we're going to take a look at the picture it says our by just looking at it okay it says think outside the box all right but if you're going to take a look closer how the and then i'm not sure what letter is this and then oh and x you get it since we didn't see the p we didn't see the letter e we didn't let's see clearly if p but our [Music] [Music] again let's take a closer look do you really think that is letter t biting aside and do you think do you really think that in this area okay so menu and basanato think outside the box i don't mind what do you think would be one the explanation this one okay someone visualized [Music] okay um that's one way to put it but okay uh now you need to eat a visual or something all right basically our mind thinks we said but we might automatically go and automatically fill out the missing letters so basically one of the attributes of a good designer is being able to think visually although this is very simple yeah example but this since you're able to read it letters but if you're able to read it completely then you are already thinking visually so basically you are seeing things not releasing things but you are seeing the graphics you are seeing the picture the picture outside the class right so basically that is that sorry that is a sign that you are thinking visually this means a designer can visualize an object or an idea without actually seeing it all right so that basically that is one of the attributes of a good designer is that he or she should be able to visualize an object or an idea without actually seeing it so again we know that in this area it must be letter p in this area must be letter e is because we are thinking visually all right so looking at the photo if you really think outside the box then you have what it takes to be a designer again the only limit i'm sorry for to become a designer the only limit is if you can think outside the box or if you can visualize an object without seeing it in other words if you can think visually all right and because i i met a lot of people who are who are actually quite good in appreciating ours that's why naomi appreciation did that they are good in appreciating ours but they cannot do the art themselves in fact one of the examples that i can perhaps one of the quran one of the people all right college of arts and sciences she's really good in looking artists kabalu and she know how to design it but it is she don't she doesn't know how to do it on her own when it comes to designing so again the designer doesn't necessarily have to be good on the tools but should be able to think visually right do you understand do you catch my drift all right i feel like i'm gone over selling it but but again to not not to worry about being a designer just have to think visually all right graphics and visual computing so um basically the description of this course can be can be divided into the boom now we have graphics in other words computer graphics and then visual computing so let's try to understand it one by one computer graphics is a sub field of computer science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content so that is according to wikipedia so computer graphics is a sub field of computer science that studies the methods of digital digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content so from the term suggests methods or digital synthesizing so that is where the skills on using the tools for synthesizing and manipulating visual contents comes into place that's why we have to learn to use let's say photoshop illustrator because these are the applications that will be used as a method for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content right so visual computing is a generic term for all computer science disciplines dealing with images in 3d models such as computer graphics image processing visualization sorry image processing visualization computer vision virtual and augmented reality and video processing so i would say visually i think basically these are all all the areas for computer graphics so for example um 2d animation 3d animation graphics design in an image processing so for example if you're going to go on pagani filters on instagram right so that is already an area for visual computing so basically when it comes to processing or changing how an image look you know processing i'm sorry doing graphics design so and so forth those are visual computing so if you're going to combine all of these definitions into one maybe we can say it's all about graphics design the graphics and visual computing is just a fancy word for graphic design so what is graphic design so graphic design is the art of profession i'm sorry it is the artwork profession of visual communication that combines images words and ideas to convey information to an audience so according to soul base one of the i should say great that's designer but i don't know him i just see i just saw this um caught on through google so i'm just including it here so it's so big so basic design is thinking made visible so basically again going back to our definition a while ago do you have what it takes to become a designer you just have to think so you should the only thing that you're going to do is to be able to think think visually so designing them is thinking invisible so everything that you're thinking and if you're going to translate that or yeah translate that into something that others will see that is already designing so for example something on your head that you would like others to see so you're going to join so that is designing now graphic design is the art or profession of visual communication take a look at the highlighted words visual communication and convey information so there are these maybe like terminologies but they almost have the same meaning visual communication and clinical information so you say visual communication the way of exchanging ideas and information and forms that is visible so basically if you're going to communicate with anybody but that can waste of communication right you can call them you can text them you can write them a letter so the visual communication is one way of those communications that in the form of i'm sorry informs that is visible so you can either if you can if you write your friend a letter that is visual communication if you're going to text your friend or through messenger that is visual communication because the community education is visible i so we see it in our eyes that's why it's called visual communication convey information convey information is the way of imparting or communicating ideas effectively all right so in in doing visual communication i'm sorry in in doing graphic design again the first step is to be able to visually communicate however while we are doing this while we are doing visual communication we have to convey we have to convey the information that we're trying to say in in as effective as we can so we have to make sure that the communication or the information that we are going to convey will be as effective as possible all right so that is why that is where graphic design comes into place so our main goal as graphic designers is to be to to visually communicate or communicate visually rather and convey information in graphic design your aim is to create something that is pleasing in the eye gets attention and conveys the message because it's not enough that we are able to convey information we are able to communicate visually it needs to be pleasing to the eye and it needs to be it needs to get the attention of the audience and of course so this would be our aim our goal in learning in becoming a graphic designer we need to create something that is pleasing to the eye gets the attention and conveys the message [Music] all right so i'll go ahead okay not a problem anyway i'll send you guys a link for the replay so you can just watch it later on ok i'm sorry all right it's okay all right it's okay all right anyway thank you for thank you for attending the class and please find please review nala the replay later on and then i'll i'm going to post an assignment and assessment and the assessment will sorry let me just inform you i had it in the lab the assessment will be put up until tonight at 11 00 59 pm so it will do best if after this class you'll be able to watch it right now okay all right you're [Music] [Music] us in graphic designing our aim is to create something that is pleasing to the eye gets the attention and conveys a message so let's start about piecing through the eye this means being creative and using the visual elements needed for the information you are trying to convey being creative however means there are principles of designing you ought to follow to have a good design all right so again visually communicating visually so one of the things that we're going to make sure is that the design that we're doing must be pleasing to the eye don't you worry uh we have like i said the difference between a trained ip or kamsa because you'll be introduced with the different um principles of design so we're going to discuss it in the future we're going to discuss it in the future on how can we create a design that again that's going to be our first aim or goal is to make sure that our design will be placed into the air next gets the attention a good design can make visual communication even more effective people tend to be more interested to attracting designs getting people's attention first is very important in visual communication so that is very obvious so most of us if our me included guilty back when i was a kid until right now i'm only going to read a book if not i throwing so i'm guilty on that ever since i was a kid i'm not really fine i'm not really a bookworm but i will only read a book if nasa need to be drawing so what no mind it's because maybe the designer or the publisher of that book actually did a very good job in getting my attention that even though they could work right so that's your second goal you have to make sure that the design that you do to be doing gets the attention of the viewer or the audience getting people's attention is first is very important in visual communication because take for granted right all right listen to the eyes convey okay so since we've already discussed conveys message basically convictions what are we trying to communicate what are the messages that we are trying to communicate we have to make sure that we are we're able to do it in such a way that is placing to the eye and gets the attention of the audience right next designer versus artists so we've been talking about graphic designing so on and so forth but we haven't really discussed what would be the difference between a designer and an artist so there are two ways one can call themselves when doing a conversation so it's a composition artist artists tend to express their emotion their move their ideas and their views while letting the viewers interpret their works they mostly don't care about what other people think about for as long as they are able to express his or her feelings through it so basically the artist will just focus on expressing her his or her idea her views her mood his views his move so an artist we're just going to draw whatever he'd like and then let's the viewer let's the audience interpret his work express his feelings his mood his vision his idea his etc all right so that is in our case the designer however designers make sure that their work will sell it's their job to carefully enhance and organize visual elements in religiously applying the design principles to make sure it is pleasing to look at not just to themselves but the difference between the designer and an art designers have to carefully enhance and organize the designs to make sure and indeed and design not just to them but for everyone so going back our days we're just going to express their um their emotion their mood through artwork but designer will have to make sure and design ninduk right so that's why a designer will follow design principles will use will will adhere to the proper use of the visual elements to make sure it will say meaning so let me ask you what do you think would be our goal in learning this course graphics and visual computing by the end of this semester are we going to be an artist or are we going to be leaning to become a designer what do you think guys okay all right okay thank you that's good all right so that's correct so see again um i want to emphasize this that this course is not just for everyone to control this course is not just for everyone who campaign who know a great deal about our art okay because again what we're going to do in this course is we're going to make sure that we're we are capable of enhancing organizing visual elements and applying design principles to our artworks or our our compositions okay so let's set normal is that in this course we will try to become a designer not just an artist all right you can you can be an artist on your own but for us to pause this subject we're going to be leaning towards to become a designer right so graphic designing means visual problem solving so they're going to get an outline about doing graphic design but again this is still in continuation the difference between designer and artist so again artists but in graphic designing we have to try and solve any visual problems it is a job of a designer to make sure to provide solutions to any visual challenges on the design so ato is to make sure visual problems must have metal so what exactly are these visual challenges one of the common uh visual problems the visual challenges are classroom design designs with more fun faces and font weights used more than necessary can be messy improper alignment can be disorienting too this illustration can be pleasing to the artist here let's take a look at this picture on the right side i'm not sure with makita but this is an example of a platform design there are just too many fonts fun faces that are being used you gotta contain a gamut and then disorienting sorry um yeah alignment all right and then front twitch you say queens gold italic um there are just too many color too many font weights too many font face too many font sizes and it makes the design disorienting so this is one example of a um [Music] maybe this is pleasing to them to the artist but it's not gonna there's no guarantee that this design will sell to everyone even because of its clutter design do you see it on your design [Music] all right again no offense to quinceanera any maybe he or she just feel you know drawing this and that but again it's just fun he's just doing it to express his feelings but it doesn't have any guarantee that it will say or that all other people will love it too but again since we are designer we have to make sure that this type of designs this uh visual problem will be solved so we'll have to eliminate the proper design next eligible fonts you say eligible fonts one of the purpose of a good graphic design is to convey a message using fonts that are hard to read will just spoil the messages your design is trying so although we mentioned a while ago that a picture speaks a thousand words but there are just some cases that we have to write text to our then what give up and once we do so we have to make sure that the fonts that we're using will be will not be eligible so when you say not um so let's take a look at what we have in the right here on the right side of our presentation i'm not sure [Music] the more that you're going to look at it as a that's when you realize that taxation right so that's one of the visual challenges we have to eliminate those as a designer and then i guess this one would be the most important wrong messages maybe the worst problem a design may encounter is the confusion between the message and the picture using the design so basically that makes any message but especially this is when we're trying to combine text and graphics and that makes yeah making a one or creating confusion to the viewer so let's take a closer look at this of the picture so on the first part i'm not sure if you can see it but if you can't make sure you're on full screen so here i'm not sure if makita in you but what do you think i'm sending a picture okay can you tell yeah so we have here queen elizabeth i'm not sure if you left the car because i squint a little bit and uh uh meg i'm sorry consideration prince charles prince william all right so basically these are royal people oh yeah okay so these are royal people right but let's take a look at the headline at the bottom witchcraft threat to children so by looking at the picture and the text right below it it's us here witchcrafter children maybe this picture in here is trying to convey maybe any news about the royal family but right below it it talks about which graph so by just looking at the picture looking at it right here among a witchcraft one is crap but in fact this picture totally talks about different topic and then this it right here in which character to challenge us another set of topics right so basically these are what you call messages so as a graphic designer we have to make sure that that's not going to be happening that's not going to happen to our composition right next burger king actually sign here that says spongebob is here hiring managers what do you think do things wrong with this picture can anyone share what's wrong with the picture okay all right um i guess this is the actual logo it's a burger king before so it's fine i need a pizza but the problem here is don't you see it spongebob is here hiring managers so what what i'm sorry what what's what do you think is a problem uh kobe bryant but the problem here is the burger king is trying to convey two message meaning spongebob is here meaning nasa spongebob solo is a burger king and the second message is they are hiring managers so duwaka messaged a younger conveyor right so spongebob is here meaning nasa solution burger that's the first message second message is they're also hiring managers so meaning say burger king have for our managers but the way that they write it in the kane is spongebob spongebob is here my hiring manager since you combine and work a message spongebob is here hiding manager now as a spongebob diddy maggie old manager but that's not the case because what they're trying to say is that now as a spongebob there is a solo at the same time we are also hiring manager but because of how they place the the poster measure based on how [Music] all right okay so again as a graphic designer we have to make sure that that's not going to happen so how can we fix this let's fix it so maybe maybe we can either write it on a out an outline so for example let me open up for example we can write it so for example on first line or something like that we can say spongebob is here and then on the second line we can add another outline and let's say hiding manager all right so since we we've separated the spongebob is here and hiring manager dilemma but we're able to separate the two thoughts the two sentences making sure that the idea will be properly conveyed because again we are trying to convey communication here all right so maybe that is one way to fix it do you agree all right next next picture attention only for disabled elderly pregnant children what do you think's wrong with the picture anyone can share what's good [Music] that's good that's a good observation so by just looking at it is only for disabled disabled nagolan i'm sorry disable nagolan and abdul singh about that so basically we're going to read it this way disabled elderly the pregnant the children so since bullets is separation [Music] information so how to fix it so basically we just have to add comma we're going to add a comma let's say [Music] elder elderly pregnant and children now but we can fix it by writing it as well or same thing that we that we did here right just to make sure that the the disabled the elderly the pregnant the children will be separated from each other okay so last let's focus let's proceed in this picture okay just here take action take control with school all right what's wrong with the what's wrong with the picture okay all right so that was a message now the graphic design or the composition is trying to encourage to quit maybe smoking or something like that yeah instead not more more convenient for um encouragement to quit smoking but you put them under a school so meaning we encourage go to school so if you're just going to read it this way then also young messages smoking and encourage them to go to school made about the encouragement right so these are just the problem of one of the problems designers may encounter so these are the examples of visual challenges there are tons of examples of visual challenges that everybody else has so these are just some of the possible challenges a designer is looking to care for when designing the designer will always make sure every visual element perfectly connects to each other next the do's and don'ts for graphic design well most people will think that having an existing talent in art ability to buy expensive designing equipment are must have to become a designer the truth is these are not necessary do these are not necessary sorry these are not really necessary to become an effective one here are some of the things everyone should think about when learning science again when you're trying to pursue the the profession of you know being a graphic designer or maybe trying to pursue uh the skills for graphic designing you don't necessarily have to buy expensive design equipment okay so here are the domes no need to be good at drawing graphic designers are visually creative there is no need for any hand-drawn input since everything will be done through photo editing software using computers you only need to be able to think visually and be very careful so again you don't need to be good at drawing because i can say that i am a good graphic designer but i am not a good i'm not good in drawing all right because you don't necessarily have to be joking you're trying to become a graphic designer because again one of your goal is to be able to think visually you have to be visually creative so if you have this design on your head if you have and then but you cannot translate that into working using your hands it doesn't really matter since we have computer software to do that for us next no need to spend a lot of money for expensive equipment most designing software does not require a very high level of equipment specification many designing software are cheap and some of them are even free that's correct even nowadays we have gunpowd so using candy bar it's free to use and you just have to use your phone and some of the required high level equipment specifications no need to spend a lot of years in studying anybody can learn graphic design without spending too much time and not learning it in schools there are a lot of tutorials and other learning platforms that offer graphic design photos online however okay so although it may be a little bit getting up first part is negative however learning the fundamentals of it in a proper school or university makes you become professional at it you will be more entitled to publisher yourself with professional graphic designers more companies will prefer you compared to designers who are going to have to design yourselves all right so yes well it is true that there is no need to spend a lot of money or a lot of years studying graphic design because basically you can just literally watch it online tutorials or watch online tutorials rather but whenever you're going to study in university just like what we're doing right now it gives us an edge you'll be more entitled to polish that professional so that's why motongb what what would be the difference between the design or design compared to your class up to you compared to a friend and let's say um let's say bspa or business administration and kabalon design so what would be the difference between you two if i'm not trained in a university or college hence right obviously more companies will prefer you is because they know since you are a trained or academically trained a designer they know you have they work on that more chances when it comes to the principle of design so on and so forth right so that is the difference the reason why we still have although there's no need to spend a lot of years but it's still better if you can do so now although all of these are not really necessary in starting to learn graphic designing having these abilities will give you edge and easier access and getting better output however here are the things every graphic designer must have to become effective so let's go back well it's true that there's no need to be good at drawing but it's a plus masma it's next there's no need to spend a lot of money for expensive equipment but it would be a bonus and then there's no need to spend a lot of years in studying but it will be bonus if you're going to do so so however here are the things that every graphic designer must have to become effective one first is you need portfolio to say portfolio it is an organized collection of selected artworks of a designer and host company who prefer portfolios more than hiring graphic designers instead of any verbal background checklist the portfolio will show how talented designer is whom he or she worked with and how long has he or she been doing graphic designing so okay we are a graphic designer applied that about most companies will prefer you providing them instead of [Music] you need a portfolio you have to show them a folder in fact actually allow me to show you my portfolio actually now to give you an idea so by showing the client a your portfolio basically you are trying to you are telling them that you have you already worked with a lot of people especially if you work with one good companies already then they're they're higher chance for you to go to you know to get the job you got to there are high chance for you to be hired because you've shown them what you are capable of doing so allow me to show you my portfolio [Music] here okay so these are this is my portfolio i'm just using instagram it doesn't really matter how you're going to do it but this is mine it's uploaded through instagram so basically these are some not every not all of the artworks that so by showing a portfolio to a company basically then you it it'll give you one higher chance to be honest because you can show them ginseng about before once you design and what you exactly what you really are capable of next you need visual thinking skills so we already discussed it a while ago well graphic designing is more about visual problem solving than just mere designing being able to think visually and translate into output is one of the most important things to be found with the design so not just you should be able to think you should be able to think visually no you need to have a visual attention to this third you need to speak adobe adobe editing software is currently the industry standard when it comes to graphic designing well it really means you will focus only on adobe camera well it doesn't necessarily have to be adobe it is important if you know at least one adobe editing software and must be very good at it however there are a lot of photo editing software available in the market if you happen to know one might as well be able to start it so one of the things that every designer should you know should be is speed adobe not necessarily have to be delish i can hang adobe but since adobe is one of the is the industry standard so you do the best if you can learn at least one software i love it let's see photoshop and you have to be very good at it because you know that basically mothership if you'll be able to except adobe photoshop and then you'll do it for any task then do it okay all right and then next i think those this would be the last what do graphic designers do so with the technology getting more digitalized before the number of jobs that require graphic design skills are constantly expanding here are some of the works for graphic designers we have created director art director package designer brand id developer art production manager visual image developer broadcast designer so on and so forth so actually right now that can't function especially since 2020 they're gonna carry on trends when it comes to graphic designing let's say nfp non-fungible token uh virtual reality instagram filtering operating what's going on so that is called virtual reality right so that is one of graphic designers jobs one of the areas for graphic design so it's not just using the photoshop it's not just for adobe illustrator you can it can be you can also be a graphic designer if you can design virtual realities if you can design package you know package cover something like that logo designer multimedia developer web developer web designer that is areas that these are examples or the different areas for graphic design so design is not just about adobe photoshop right so there are tons of areas that you can you can perhaps when it comes these are some of the countless number of jobs a graphic designer can do with the help of this course you can be one of them and choose each other so for this course i'm hoping that i will be able to introduce to you the industry standard application perhaps teach you about a different principle of design how to use the visual elements properly and then maybe years from now you can be one of the great you know graphic designers that knows you can so again i'm just going to um i'm just going to introduce to you the software and it'll be totally up to you to enhance your skill all right so that will be the end of our discussion do you have a question before we end you have any questions guys okay all right so um after this class please process your learning from this from our class not just the orientation please follow this link i'm going to send it to you later on the deadline will be tonight at march 11 at the night at 11 59pm and then for your assignment i'm going to post it through our google classroom but let me share it to you but uh classic memory question like that hold on i'm also going to post it through our video classroom so but let me just show it to you in my asthma questions for clarification okay go passala okay so first time assignment number one introduction to graphics and visual computing direction from the pictures shown interpret and explain briefly how they are pleasing to the eye let's go back to our playback let's go back to our from the top in graphic designing your aim is to create something that is pleasing to the eye gets the attention and face message that is our goal so i'm going to show you pictures graphic designs and then you're going to explain briefly how they are cleaning the eye gets viewers attention and understand the message it contains all right so for example the picture is pleasing to the eye because we're going to write it it gets the viewer's attention through then you're going to write it the message is indeed so i'm going to show you pictures and only the only thing that you're going to do is you're going to assess it or evaluate it and understand why is it pleasing to the eye how it gets the viewer's attention and the message what is the message for example this this would be the first picture so this would be the first picture okay so how why is it pleasing to the eye what is the message he's trying to convey and how it gets the viewers attention so this is one of the artworks i did for somebody okay so you're going to evaluate it using this honey and then next picture is oops this is another graphic design that i did new challenges all right so how it gets the attention um the viewer's attention how is it placing the eye and what is the message to convey that's picture number two and lastly picture number three this this is my favorite because this is a picture of me and my dog before he died okay so it's me and my dog all right so you're going to evaluate how is it getting the viewer's attention why is it pleasing to the eye and what what is the message that you're trying to convey okay do you think you can do that deadline is friday march 18th 2022. you can use any microsoft word or any document editing tools or write your interpretation on a separate sheet of paper and submit a favorite folder of your work so i'm going to post it in our google classroom so do you have any questions regarding our summer all right sure okay so um just in case guys let me add if if more you prefer money if you prefer money write your interpretation on a sheet of paper and submit a clear photo of your work try to use this application i would suggest this it's called camscanning for android try to use this app because it makes these canned images a lot clearer so you can either install it on your phone if you decided to write your interpretation on the sheet of paper and submit your vote but if you're going to use this it would be much clearer okay just a suggestion all right so if there are no more questions please turn on your cameras and let's take our password again guys um next week i'm just going to schedule i'm going to set this up i'm going to set a schedule which is hopefully everybody is free so not necessarily my friday okay let's wait for everybody else please start on your cameras guys what any connection you can make all right thanks so much guys for attending the class i'll see you in our next lesson next week or next week you're welcome [Music]