Day 75 = Deut 14-16: Moses' Final Teachings on Faith and Practice

Sep 9, 2024

The Bible Recap: Moses' Final Speech

Prohibitions on Pagan Practices

  • Haircuts & Mourning Practices:
    • Pagans grieved by shaving heads and cutting themselves.
    • Moses outlaws these practices to distinguish Israelites from pagans.
    • Similar laws were given to priests in Leviticus 21.

Dietary Laws

  • Boiling a Goat in Its Mother's Milk (14:21):
    • Highly debated among rabbis.
    • Results in avoiding mixing milk and meat in kosher practices.
    • Kosher homes often have separate utensils or kitchens for meat and dairy.

Sabbatical Year Laws

  • God's Heart for the Poor:
    • Debts are forgiven; servants are released.
    • Faithful adherence ensures abundance and care for the poor.
    • Israel should remain free from debt to pagan nations.

Matters of the Heart

  • Inner Thoughts and Motives (15:9-10):
    • God cares about the heart, not just outward obedience.
    • Encouragement to avoid unworthy thoughts and grudging hearts.

Servitude and Debts

  • Comparison with Jacob's Service to Laban:
    • Work-for-debt arrangements similar to Jacob's service for Rachel.
    • Slaves could voluntarily remain with their masters, marked by ear piercing.

Festal Calendar

  • Observance of Festivals:
    • Laws reiterated for new living conditions in the Promised Land.
    • Festivals require travel to the Tabernacle.
    • Importance of remembering the Exodus (16:3, 16:12).

Reflection and Remembrance

  • Looking Back and Looking Forward:
    • Remembering past deliverance (Exodus) to stay humble and grateful.
    • Link between Jewish Exodus and Christian Resurrection.
    • Living in the "already but not yet" time between Christ's comings.

Joy in God's Presence

  • Feast of Booths (16:14-15):
    • Command to rejoice in the feast.
    • God seeks our joy, knowing it's found in His presence (Psalm 16:11).


  • Theme Across Scripture:
    • Idolatry extends beyond physical statues.
    • Encouragement to identify heart idols.
    • Resource available at

These notes summarize Tara-Leigh Cobble's insights on Moses' final instructions to the Israelites, focusing on how these ancient laws and customs can reflect matters of the heart and influence contemporary practices. The emphasis on remembrance, heart motives, and joy in God's presence highlights timeless spiritual principles.