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Ascension Gifts 1.2 - Understanding the Fivefold Ministry
Aug 28, 2024
Key Themes and Ideas
The Ascension Gifts
Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 refers to different roles given by Christ: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.
These roles, often called the Fivefold Ministry, are functions, not titles. They are chosen by Christ, not by personal choice.
Unlike other gifts of the Holy Spirit, these roles are specifically designated by Christ.
Misconceptions and Misuse
There's a trend of self-proclaiming apostles, similar to the past trend of self-proclaimed prophets.
It's critical to understand that God builds on existing foundations rather than negating previous revelations.
All roles are equal in value in the Kingdom of God, though their earthly authority might differ.
Purpose of the Fivefold Ministry
The primary purpose is to equip the Saints for the work of service, building up the body of Christ.
The Greek term 'katartizo' (to equip) is likened to a medical term meaning to set bones in place, emphasizing alignment and function.
Building and Equipping
Equip individuals to identify their calling and place in the body of Christ.
The focus is not self-identification as an Apostle, Prophet, etc., but working together in community.
Leaders should train others to be life-givers and build up the body in unity.
Unity and Maturity
Unity of faith refers to shared faith in Christ, not necessarily doctrinal unity.
The fivefold roles work until this unity and maturity is achieved.
Maturity in this context means wholeness, completeness, and operating fully in one's role.
Avoiding Immaturity
Immaturity is characterized by being easily swayed by circumstances and false doctrines.
The fivefold ministry helps believers become grounded, discerning, and mature.
Love and Truth
True maturity and unity involve speaking the truth in love.
Love governs authority and the ability to speak truth effectively.
The ultimate aim is for the body to function optimally, supported by love.
Questions for Personal Reflection
Examine personal motivations for seeking roles like Apostle or Prophet.
Ask oneself if the desire to serve is aligned with God’s calling rather than personal ambition.
Reflect on personal readiness to embrace God's call and repent of any self-imposed idols or resistances.
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