Overview of CS50 Week 2 Concepts

Oct 15, 2024

CS50 Week 2 Lecture Notes


  • Focus on using memory in programming.
  • Storytime activity to discuss reading levels and algorithms.
  • Reading levels determined by word complexity, punctuation, sentence length, etc.
  • Aim: Implement algorithms to determine reading levels of text.

Applications of Programming Concepts

  • Will explore various domains, like cryptography.
  • Cryptography: Art and science of secure communication.
  • By end of class, decrypt example messages.

Compiling Code

  • Make Command: Automates program creation from source code.
  • Compiler: Converts source code to machine code (zeros and ones).
  • Clang: C language compiler used in CS50.
  • Command Line Arguments: Modify program behavior (example: clang -o hello hello.c).

Compilation Process

  • Preprocessing: Replace #include directives with corresponding code.
  • Compiling: Convert C code to assembly language.
  • Assembling: Convert assembly code to machine code.
  • Linking: Combine machine code from multiple files into one executable.

Understanding Machine Code

  • Reverse engineering possible but difficult.
  • Intellectual property concerns with reversing compiled software.


  • Print Debugging: printf to see variable values.
  • Debugger Tool: debug50 to step through code and examine program flow.
  • Breakpoints: Pause execution at specific lines.
  • Rubber Duck Debugging: Explain your code logic to an inanimate object.

Data Types and Memory

  • Overview of data types: int, float, char, etc.
  • Memory as a canvas of bytes; variables stored in specific locations.
  • Arrays: Sequence of values stored contiguously in memory.
  • Strings in C: Array of characters ending with a null terminator (\0).

Arrays and Strings

  • Arrays allow storing multiple items of the same type.
  • Strings in C are arrays of characters with a null terminator.
  • Manipulating strings involves understanding their memory representation.

Libraries and Functions

  • String Library: Provides functions like strlen to get string length.
  • Ctype Library: Functions like toupper to manipulate character cases.

Command Line Arguments

  • argc: Argument count, number of command line inputs.
  • argv: Argument vector, array of strings from the command line.
  • Example: Modify behavior based on input at the command line.

Exit Status

  • Programs return a status code (0 for success, non-zero for errors).
  • Used for diagnosing issues and automation in testing.


  • Caesar Cipher: Simple encryption technique by shifting alphabet letters.
  • Plain Text: Original readable message.
  • Cipher Text: Encrypted message.
  • Key: Number used to encrypt/decrypt the message.


  • Importance of understanding low-level details to build complex applications.
  • Debugging, compiling, and encryption are essential skills.