Quiz for:
Python Programming Lecture: Lists

Question 1

What is a distinctive feature of lists in Python regarding data types?

Question 2

What is the effect of 'numbers.sort()' on the list `numbers = [10, 0, -1, 7]`?

Question 3

Which function returns the number of elements in a list?

Question 4

How do you add a single element 45 at the end of a list named 'numbers'?

Question 5

What will 'numbers.count(7)' return for the list `numbers = [10, 0, -1, 7, 7]`?

Question 6

What will 'numbers[1:3]' retrieve from the list `numbers = [10, 0, -1, 7]`?

Question 7

Which method adds multiple elements to the end of a list?

Question 8

How can you access the last element of the list 'roll_numbers'?

Question 9

Which method is used to remove the first occurrence of a specified value in a list?

Question 10

Which characteristic of lists allows you to change the elements after their creation?

Question 11

How do you reverse the order of elements in a list?

Question 12

What does 'numbers.index(7)' return for the list `numbers = [10, 0, -1, 7]`?

Question 13

What does 'numbers.pop()' do when used on a list?

Question 14

What is the result of 'min(numbers)' on the list `numbers = [10, 0, -1, 7]`?

Question 15

How can you add element 32 at index 2 in a list named 'numbers'?