Question 1
What is the initial outcome after the protagonist drinks the potion?
Question 2
Why does the protagonist question the significance of a gray hair?
Question 3
What does the protagonist plan to achieve by the end of the story?
Question 4
What motivates the protagonist's decision to undertake a dangerous expedition?
Question 5
How does Bertha react to the protagonist's poverty?
Question 6
What prompts the protagonist to reflect on his immortality?
Question 7
Why did Cornelius Agrippa not realize the protagonist drank the potion?
Question 8
What does Bertha's protectress hope to achieve by favoring Albert Hoffer?
Question 9
Why did the protagonist consume the potion?
Question 10
How does the protagonist's agelessness affect his relationship with Bertha?
Question 11
What is the significance of the protagonist's claim about his age?
Question 12
What role does Cornelius Agrippa play in the protagonist's life?
Question 13
What was the consequence of the accident involving another scholar under Agrippa?
Question 14
How does the protagonist feel about his potential immortality?
Question 15
Why do the protagonist and Bertha move to France?