Exploring the Foundations of Philosophy

Aug 22, 2024

Filo Notes: Introduction to Philosophy

Definition of Philosophy

  • Etymological Definition:
    • Comes from Greek words:
      • Philia: love
      • Sophia: wisdom
    • Meaning: Love of wisdom
    • Love: Strong desire for knowledge
    • Wisdom: Correct application of knowledge

Traditional Definition

  • Philosophy as a science that studies beings and their ultimate causes, reasons, and principles through human reason.
  • Beings: All that exists (e.g., stones, trees, persons, concepts of God, soul, spirits).
  • Basic questions in philosophy:
    • What is the origin of everything?
    • Why do things exist?
    • Is there a God?
    • What is the meaning and purpose of life?
    • Is euthanasia morally right?
  • Philosophy uses reason for critical and logical understanding.
  • Different philosophers have varying definitions of philosophy.
    • Example: Karl Jaspers believes questions are more important than answers.

Major Branches of Philosophy

  1. Metaphysics

    • Etymology:
      • Meta: beyond/after
      • Physica: physical/nature
    • Study of things beyond the physical (e.g., God, freedom, soul).
    • Subdivisions:
      • General Metaphysics (Ontology): Study of being and existence.
        • Basic questions: What is being? Why do things exist?
      • Special Metaphysics:
        • Cosmology: Study of the universe's origin and laws.
        • Psychology: Study of the soul/mind and human nature.
        • Theodicy: Study of God and justification of evil's existence.
  2. Epistemology

    • Etymology:
      • Episteme: knowledge
      • Logos: study
    • Study of the nature and scope of knowledge and justified belief.
    • Basic questions: What is knowledge? How is it acquired?
  3. Logic

    • Etymology: Logos: reason/study.
    • Study of principles of valid argument and reasoning.
    • Basic questions: What distinguishes good arguments from bad ones?
  4. Ethics

    • Etymology: Ethos: custom/habit.
    • Study of morality and how humans ought to act.
    • Basic questions: What is the right conduct? What is a good life?


  • Philosophy is a vast field with divergent views and questions.
  • Encouragement to continue learning about philosophy.
  • Reminder to subscribe for more content on philosophy.