Transcript for:
Memory, Reading, and Book Recall

Who is she? Why? I don't know. We start with a girl who is being let out of... jail? There's something where they're like running up a hill? Hi everyone. Oh my God, I'm so scared to make  this video. Welcome, hi, my name is Cari, thank   you for being here. Today we're going to embark - we're going to, I don't want to say embark on a   journey - we're going to test myself. We're going  to expose myself. And hopefully just have a   little conversation about something that I found  really interesting. It's something that's kind   of been going around the book community recently. I thought the conversations that we had -   I posted a real and a Tik Tok of it and  the conversations that were had were really   interesting and things that I never even  thought of came up and and yeah I just think the   comment section of this video will be quite fun  and eye openening hopefully to people. But just   before I dive in, before I forget, I would like  to give a shout out - God this is horrible - I would   like to give a shout out to the sponsor of this  video which is Squarespace. They're a service that   allows you to host any kind of online presence so  I have a personal blog - I've used them for years.   caricakes. net, you can check it out. It's just  really wonderful if you're looking to set up   any kind of website. They have really great free templates that look incredibly professional and   for people who aren't good at tech, so easy to  set up. They have analytics, things like email   subscription lists, they have comment sections  and ways to connect your social media platforms,   and they also have monetization features if you  are trying to open any kind of shop, Etc. They're   really wonderful resource so you can go right  now to and set up your website   for free, check out the free templates I have  mentioned and then when you're ready to launch   you can go to to get 10% off of your first website or domain. I'm a big fan. All that information will be in the  description box, thank you as always to Squarespace   for supporting this channel. And on to our video.  So the topic that I want to discuss, as you might   tell from the title, is memory and specifically  remembering plots of books and does how much you   remember affect whether or not it counts if you're  reading. And so there's just so many elements of   this discussion that I think we need to pick  apart. So just to be clear, before anyone says that   I like get the argument wrong - this has stemmed  from social media and other people disbelieving   or questioning how certain people can read as much  as they claim. Specifically I've seen it brought up   of people talking about how much they read  but they (and this is not, I'm just the messenger) but they are listening to audiobooks at three  times speed so they aren't, they can't really be   reading if you aren't absorbing it and stuff like  that. So that's really where the argument stems   from is people who say that they read like 70  books a month and people have problems with   that - whether or not people are lying, like I don't  really see what people get out of it and I feel   like people interacting with their content and  saying "you're a liar" is just giving them more   engagement which is what they want. If they're  lying, that's the only thing you get out of   lying about how many books you read is like people  engaging with your content. I guess, I don't know -   I don't know what there is to gain by lying  about that. So that's basically the context from   which this argument stems from, but now it has  just kind of morphed into this argument of like   if you don't really remember a book it doesn't  count and in my Reel where I was talking about   it, I brought up a quote from Patti Smith in M Train  and I remember - I don't remember what happens in   M Train let me be clear. I remember there's a scene  where she's sitting on a bench, I think she went   to Coney Island or something and she sits in  the same cafe a lot. That's my memory of M Train.   But I remember her talking about how she doesn't  remember the plots of many books - like if she's   super absorbed in it, she will close that book plot  is gone and I felt really seen by that because I'm   kind of the same. I wouldn't say I like close the  book and the plot is gone but like main character   name? Couldn't tell you. And she is a writer and  an artist and someone who loves reading so she's   clearly not just like frivolously reading a book  and forgetting about it or like reading it too   fast and not analyzing it. It's like we all  interact with reading in different ways and I   think that's kind of the main point I'm interested  in is like the definitions of all of these words.   So like the definition of reading and what  counts as reading. I think differs for everybody.   So there were a lot of people in the comments saying like well if you don't remember the plot   what's the point? And for me it's so much  about the emotional impact of a book or perhaps   just the entertainment at the time you know? Like  maybe I read a book because I was on a really long   train ride and I wanted to be entertained and it  did the job and that was a time in my life. If   I don't remember exactly what the plot was, that's  okay you know? And also what was mentioned in the   comments which I didn't think of because I don't  have ADHD but a lot of people are saying that   sometimes they just read books or they're  listening to audiobooks as a distraction to   like keep their mind at its best operating level you know? Some people need distractions around,   that's still reading. So I think that that's  one thing that we aren't all agreeing on is that   reading can be so different for so many people.  And then another definition that I think we're   all a little bit varied on, even the people who  are like that that doesn't count as reading, is   what is memory? How much do I need to remember? If I don't remember every character name, if I don't   remember every plot point, every scene - is that  enough? What's the threshold for what   you remember cause for example M Train, I remember that she sits in a cafe a lot and I remember that she   sat on that bench at the beach and that's about  it. Is that enough or do I need to know more and   who sets that definition of how much you need to  know? Like do I need to write a book report about   it? Do I need to summarize it vaguely - but  what's too vague? What's not enough for you? And   then also how long do you need to remember the  book for? There are books that I loved in my   childhood, love them so much, and as we will most  likely see in this video - I don't know if it's on   this list, I haven't looked at the list, I got  you guys to on Instagram give me books that you   know I have read, go through my storygraph or whatever and ask me what they are and   I did see one person put one of my favorite  childhood book and...Lord help us. But for   example I don't know if it's on the list but Inkheart. I loved Inkheart. What is that about?   I think a girl's mom went missing and I think oh...  there's a character, I think the evil guy's name   is Valentine and I only remember that because I  did pick it up a couple years ago and I remember   reading it being like oh that's weird his name  is Valentine but maybe I'm wrong. His name is Capricorn.... That's it. I think the mom goes missing. So does it count? Does it count that I know  that I loved that book and like I would recommend   it to anyone because it was just such a great  fantasy story that I would love to reread again -   and it would be great because I don't remember the  plot at all. Does that count if I don't remember it   now? You know? So I just think like for me I don't  care is my kind of point in this discussion - is   like I don't care how you read because reading is so private and literally only happens in   your brain and I think that's why we all turn to social media or book clubs etc to share our love   of books because it is such a strangely kind of isolating thing. Only you are going to experience   the book the way that you experience it. Every  single person on this planet is going to read the   same sentence, the same paragraph and experience  it differently - we all see the books in our   head (most of us) see the books in our head like  a movie - we're all picturing different things and   that's wonderful and whatever you do to like  gain entertainment or if you're in there for   having your world expanded, if you want new ideas, if you want to learn new things - whatever it   is that you want to get out of reading, I hope that  happens for you and I don't care how you get there. I don't you know, that's my, that's what I  would hope most people would say. And again if   people are like lying about how much they read  or they aren't reading enough for you, just ask   yourself why. I don't know it's just not like a  big enough deal. So that's basically - so that's   my TED Talk, that's what started this whole  video idea is just like how much do I actually   remember? And I will say that I remember plots much better now that I am talking about books much more  - like pre-2020 and even like the first couple  years I was on booktube, I had a really hard time   remembering plots. I would have to take notes or I  would have to look them up again and be like what   actually happened to this book? And then usually  it would like jog my memory and the plot would   start to come back to me. But cold turkey? No, no I  could not just like immediately tell you the plot   of any book. And I'm getting much better just  through practice. If I was just like a casual   reader, reading for myself and enjoying the book,  I would probably forget most of the plots and I   think that's totally fine. So that's my take on it and there were like a lot of really valid comments talking about dealing with ADHD or different  kinds of things that affect your memory. Just   consider that everyone absorbs things differently and loves things differently. Unless we decide on a   very set definition of what remembering a plot  is or what reading is for people, I just don't   think it's that big of a deal, you know? So anyway that was my very long intro to this video which is testing myself on how much I remember these  books. So I asked you guys on Instagram, like I   said, to go in and pick books that you know I have read and I will see how much I remember. I'm going   to keep - it's either, I don't know which side it's  going to be on but whenever I talk about a book   I'm going to put the cover in the corner and when  I am nearing spoiler territory, because I do want   to see how much I remember, if I will be talking  about spoilers I will put a like red alert sign   up here and so you can like close your ears and  cover the screen if you want to and then I will   take that little alarm bell off when it is in  safe territory. So that's how I'm going to do it. There will most likely be spoilers but I didn't -  it's hard to time stamp you know? So that's how   I'm going to be dealing with the spoilers but I haven't looked at these at all - I literally opened   the responses and then started to screen record and I just went like I have them saved   and we're going to begin. Oh my God I'm already  scared, oh my God these are good! I'm just looking at the first ones. Let's start. I have no idea how  long this video is going to be. Here we go. And   we're starting off so strong. Katie, Katie. Sorcery  of Thorns. One of my favorite books. A book that I   reread last year because because a novella came out that was kind of like it sequel. Sorcery of   Thorns is about - I remember names -Elisabeth...oh no.  Elisabeth, Silas, no Nath-Nathaniel? Is that that's   wrong, oh no okay so, shaky on the names. It's about a girl named Elisabeth who was raised in a   library. It is a library full of spell books - grimores - and the librarian's job is to basically keep   the grimores in perfect condition because if they  get a little bit dusty, a little bit of book mold   or whatever, they will turn into these evil crazy  things right? And that's all she wants to do in her   life is to work at the library, be a guardian, live  a quiet life amongst the books. However there is a   murder that takes place in the library and she  is the top suspect so she needs to go be taken   in front of the court of wizards and the boy who  comes to pick her - is it Nathaniel? Okay I'm just   going to call him Nathaniel - the boy who comes  to pick her up, the wizard, is Nathaniel. And as they   are going to her court date, things arise and  we see that there is a much bigger plot at   play. So spoilers is - there is an evil wizard who is  trying to use all of the libraries to make like a   [pentagram] somehow and do something evil - I don't remember quite what it is. I'm assuming   he wants to like be all powerful or something and  she manages to save the day because she was raised   by the library, the spell books love her, and she  is somehow able to slay the grimoire demon and   that's it. That's all I got. And Nathaniel has  like a whole background, his like death magic   thing, Silas is his little demon friend - I think I  did pretty good if I don't say so myself. Ellias   is coming in here with the sunglasses emoji cuz  he knows what he's doing. The Thief Lord, another   one of my all-time favorite books when I was a kid - it changed, it was one of those books that like I   was just so obsessed that I would read it over and  over and over again. It is the header of my channel, if you go to my channel page, the header behind my profile picture is the cover of the Thief Lord. It   had such a huge effect on my life okay? It takes place in Venice. Was the younger brother's name Bo? I think it was. I don't remember the older brother's he had a really good name, what was it? It   was like a noun. It wasn't like Temperance, it was,  no that's proos...Prosper? Prospero? Anyway okay so   we got one name down and essentially we follow  this detective who is tasked with finding these   two boys, these brothers, who ran away because  their mom died and the aunt and uncle were only   going to adopt the little brother and the older  brother was like hell to the no, you're not taking   my little brother away so they run away to Venice  because their mom always told them that Venice was   a magical place and they end up getting kind of  adopted by this thief lord, who's just this other   kid and like his little group of kids who are  pickpockets and all this stuff. So we follow the   detective who's looking for them and then we also  follow the boys and as they uncover the secret of   the thief lord and the spoiler is, the thief lord  is actually just like a rich Venetian kid and so   the way that he pulls off all of his heists is  that he just goes to parties with his parents   at these rich people's houses, cases the place, and  then either comes back and steals stuff or just   steals stuff at the party. That's all I remember.  Ooh and there's a boy who's obsessed with boats   and radios and then there's a the girl is named  Hornet because she has a a braid that looks like   a stinger. I just remember loving every little  bit of that book. I love it so much. That's   the Thief Lord. it. Oh my God okay strange  reads came at me with two back to back that I   don't remember at all - the first one is the Memory  Police. I believe it takes place in the future - it's   it's dystopian and I forget either people are  slowly forgetting things or like it's illegal   to remember or something and our main character  is like protecting a family? I don't remember and   the ending...they lose their memory right? Like the  ending is just her descent, his or her descent into   not remembering anything and being like "life is  fine, yeah no memories" I think? I don't know. And then kind of within the same vein is the  Decagon House Murders - you picked good ones My God. I don't remember - ooh it is about a house  mhm. Where a few people go because I think it's   haunted, like I think that they're trying to - it's  basically like a Japanese take on And Then There   Were None and so there's a group of people who  go to this house and I don't remember why but   they all die one by one and I think they're  on an island? And I don't remember who done it. I don't remember anything. That's it, the Decagon  House Murders. Ooh buntcake14 you're hitting   it - you went far back in my Goodreads holy [ __ ]  okay - Mr Popper's Penguins. A man is a plumber   and he somehow comes across a bunch of penguins and he makes a penguin friendly environment in   his home using his refrigerator I think? And  I think he just goes around showing people the penguins, I think. The next one, okay, the Doom  Spell. This is a Trilogy - and this is what I   mean by remembering things. Like I have such a  strong sense of nostalgia when I see those books, when I think of those books - I remember buying  them. Like that's a memory I have of these books. I was in the UK and I bought the first book at a bookstore and I was like in third grade I think   and I read the first one and we had to go back to get the other ones or maybe it was even like   the next time I went to England I picked up the  continuation of the series - so I just distinctly   remember loving them, I remember that the author  wrote these books for his kids which I thought   was so great, and I remember it feeling very  similar to The Lion The Witch in the Wardrobe?   It had a very similar feeling to that and I just  remember it taking place in Winter and there was   an evil queen and that's all I got for the Doom  Spell but I, God, I should reread those books. And   then another one from my childhood that this was a book that like I would just pick it up all the   time. I don't know why, like I didn't love it but  it was just a book that whenever I I needed to   I needed a book, I would just open to any random  page and read it. I remember it being very short   and this was about - it was kind of like a snow  white thing where the girl was becoming more   beautiful than her either evil stepmother or  evil mother. I think she was sent away or like   I don't, I don't, I don't know actually. I don't  know but the cover comes to mind immediately   that's, Beauty. Again, another one I should read. I  should actually just reread all these books that   I don't remember at all. Stop! And Then He Ate My Boy Entracers. Oh my goodness the Angus, Thongs   and Full Frontal Snogging series - read them all, ate them up, thought they were the funniest thing the   world has ever seen okay? Love those books. The  boy entrancers are her fake eyelashes I'm pretty sure. The series just follows this girl named Georgia - and I feel like I remember this a little bit more   because I watch the movie like once a year. But we follow a girl named Georgia and these   books are basically her diaries as she is a crazy  teenage girl. I don't remember anything other than   she does get with her sex god lead singer of the  boy band character but then I think that doesn't   work out and she has this weird relationship  with what's his name "the laugh." Something the   Laugh was his name. And that's all I know.  She had a crazy cat, she had a crazy little sister. But I love them, I had so much  fun and it changed my vocabulary.   Like oh I'm having a nervy b.  Yeah just fantastic fantastic.   Carolz - We Hunt the Flame. I made a full  video about how much I love this duology. It is about a world where there is this...  there's this magical forest surrounding the   this town and we need to stop it from spreading  or else it's going to swallow the town. And our   main girl has this like prophecy told to her that  she can, she's the one who's going to fix it so she   goes off on a mission but then on our other POV,  we have this King who's sending his son to go also   find something and kill anyone that gets in the way and this girl gets in the way - but of course   he doesn't kill her. That's it, sorry I'm tapping  out. That's all I got. That's all I got yeah that's   all I got. I'm so sorry. Ooh okay A Curse So Dark  and Lonely. I was actually just thinking about   this and I don't remember why. This was a trilogy  that should have been a duology, I remember that.   It's like a Beauty and the Beast  retelling. It's about a girl from Washington DC   who witnesses a kidnapping and she saves the girl  being kidnapped but instead she gets kidnapped and   she gets brought to another realm where there is  a king, prince, whatever who, Beauty and the Beast   style, needs someone to fall in love with him and  everything will be good again I guess? And it's him   and his like bodyguard. I know there's something  else, I know that she rides a horse and goes and   sees the villagers at one point. And then as  the story continues - bodyguard gets a romance, her brother is like in trouble with a gang or  like the cops or something. Spoilers - I believe   that she realizes that there's nothing for her in  Washington DC, she also has cerebral palsy I'm pretty   sure and there's nothing for her in Washington  DC so she decides to stay because they did fall in   love but the second book kind of turns him into a  Tamlin kind of figure, where he is traumatized by   almost losing his love or something something and  so he's kind of like overprotective and not nice   honestly, cuz we get another POV that makes him  very not nice. And I don't remember how anything   ends - oh I Do, I Do! The Bodyguard I think is the, is  a prince of something else? Like another group of   people and so he goes off to meet them and there's  a war? More is coming back to me, I actually think   that he is the rightful leader but then I think  he thinks that the main guy, the Tamlin guy, makes   a better King and he doesn't know how to tell  him that "hey we're half Brothers" - I think? Let me   know. The end. All of you sick people putting Six  of Crows. Okay Six of Crows was the reason that   I started this channel. I was so shaken and so in  love - I needed to talk about books with someone   so Six of Crows is the reason why I'm here today  talking to you. I remember, I remember Six of Crows   cuz I've done rereads, I've also watched the  TV show. I will say though that I didn't remember   like when people complained about certain things in the TV show like the chronology is off or   like oh they mentioned this when like actually  this was supposed to happen much later - I   noticed some of them but not all of them. So I don't remember details. There's one specific scene   in Crooked Kingdom where Inej is up on like the  top of something like a grainery or something   and she's sword fighting another girl or like,  you know, a knife fighting another girl. Who   is she? Why? I don't know. But that's a scene that like really stuck with me visually. Six of Crows  we follow Kaz Brekker who needs to come up with a crew in order to do this one huge heist that is going   to be his last big thing, like he could retire  or something afterwards. Not that he would want   to but he is hellbent on (another leigh bardugo) - he's hellbent on knocking down his rival. We find out   why they are rivals, more than just being the heads  of opposing gangs, later in the book and with that   money he could totally just like torch this man.  He gets a crew of Inej, Jesper, Matthias - well all   right let's put him down - Nina...oh my God oh my  God! Look at this, look at me not remembering! Jesper   and Jesper and - literally one of my favorite  characters, he's a redhead in the book, it's   I'm just blanking on it right now but if you...I'm  so sorry to this man. Wylan! Jesus I had an "N" in   there for Nina and I thought I was like Nathan  Nathan? No Wylan. I'm so sorry. See? Biggest fan. They head to the prison to steal this thing. While they're there, in order to get Nina to join, they had   to promise to help jailbreak this guy named Matthias - I don't know if he's going to be important - out of   the prison. So he is the sixth Crow. And they  have a little Heist. What are they trying to steal? I don't know. I don't know. What are they  trying to steal? In the moment I didn't remember   but don't worry I remember the drugs - it's all  about this amplifying magic, very addictive, I   okay guys I'm not - I'm not that - I do remember.  I'm sorry and our little Wylan-lookalike whose   name off the top of my head I will never  remember. I think they're trying to steal   a person? They're trying to steal the person who  knows how to make this drug I think? But they do   it and spoilers - the end of six of crows, just the  first book, Inej gets kidnapped. It's all a trap   somehow - I forget exactly how but it's a  trap! They kidnap Inej. That's how the book ends! I lost my freaking mind - immediately went and got  the second book. Actually my mom bought it for me   because I was like freaking out. It was one of the first books, ebooks, I ever purchased in my   life. Crooked Kingdom - uh we just  try to take down the head of the gang. I do, so I   remember like the big points I think but who  was that girl fighting Inej? I have no clue.   Oh my gosh okay this one's a good one because I'm actually going to be restarting this series   because I haven't read the second or third book  but this the trilogy has now ended and that   is Defy the Night. I remember this because it was  such a like unfortunate timing for this book. Defy   the Night is about a fantasy world where there is  some kind of fever or flu or something going on   that's like killing a bunch of people. She wrote  this book in 2019 before she knew that the world   was going to go through something like that and  so we follow our two characters who are trying   to steal medicine from the wealthy or the royalty  and distribute it to the poor who can't access it. Spoilers, the guy who's helping her steal is the prince okay. And then she has to come, she has   to go to the castle and live there for some reason?  And I don't remember why and I don't even remember   how it ends. Like I think that there's  some conspiracy where I think that somebody from   another country is like manufacturing the illness  because they control the ingredients needed to   make the cure or the vaccine or whatever. Something  like that but anyway it was just very - the reason   I remember it is because I just thought it was  so unfortunate that she came up with this idea   and wrote a relatively good young adult fantasy  and it came out in 2020 or 2021 perhaps, so   when I was reading it, it was still like especially  here in Korea like we were still totally masking   like it was very, you know, I was just starting to  become the homebody that I am now because I have   to go outside every single day or else I feel  really antsy - and so I was still in that like   transition of learning how to be inside all the  time - so it really affected me and I think   that's why I remember it more. But in terms of the actual details, sorry. I will know soon because I'm   going to be rereading it. The Prison Healer - there  is a girl who works in the prison or she is in   prison, she is in jail but she's a good healer so they let her work in the hospital wing and there   is a woman that gets delivered - she's going  to be a prisoner but she's like really hurt so she   needs to be healed first. Either she wakes up or  she has a note - somehow a message is passed to our   girl saying like you need to guard this person  and that's it. And she takes it as a sign of her   family coming to rescue her because that's what  she's been holding out for, is her family coming   to rescue her. But then there's this new guy who  shows up in the prison...oh what happens? She has to   like do something like the royal family shows up - in order, she's like being made an example of so   they like put her through all of these tests like trying to kill her and each time she gets saved   so like she never used her powers. That's what  it was. I didn't like the book because she was   just like there around and everyone else like  saved her and then there's a huge twist at the   end and it just kind of - I didn't really enjoy it.  I don't even really remember...the twist like she, I   know that she has magic but like her mom was like  the head of the the people fighting the royals or   something is that right? I don't remember. A  Violet Made of Thorns, good Lord, I don't remember. It's about a girl who has some power - oh it's  the prophecy! She can make prophecies and so she has been like hired/adopted/raised by the palace  because they hope that she makes good prophecies   but she's got nothing - her powers are very  weak so she kind of makes up fake prophecies and I   think that gets her in trouble a little bit. But  there's like this one prophecy about the prince   that people are really worried about or like  it's controversial, I don't know. The prince and   her allegedly hate each other and then they they  actually love each other and I didn't like it. I   remember liking one of the side characters, the prince's guard or friend - I liked him. And I   just remember he was a young boy, the prince was a  young boy and he was in a carriage and he either  - he like saw her on the road or something. Why do  I? And then picked her up? I don't remember I   don't remember actually. Just.... Oh my God the Wind Up Bird Chronicle. What, what plot? So it's about... I've probably read the first two chapters a million  times. I've probably only finished the book once in   my life. It is about a man who is just like a ball of nothing, he's good for nothing - typical Haruki   Murakami character all right? He doesn't have a job, he's kind of looking for a job but not really. He's   kind of, he's doing okay as like a house husband  while his wife goes to work every day. And while   she's at work, his one thing that he needs to  do is find their [ __ ] cat because their   cat ran away and there's like this weird alley  behind their house that they think he ran off   to. So the man has to go search for the cat every  day and there's like a well and that's it - oh and   then there's a house, something about the house  next to the well. All right that's that. So many   six of crows you crazy, you crazy guys. Someone  did say Inkheart! Adrianillustration, all right yeah. Inkheart, as I said, I think the mom has been missing  for a very long time and they go into another world. People are asking for Crave and Zodiac  Academy. No. I do remember those but I think only because I do watch my videos back sometimes  and so I remember it through that. If you want   to know those plots, watch my videos. Oh okay  Enchantment of Ravens is about a girl who is   mortal, lives near the fae border. Faires cannot  make anything so they can't cook for themselves,   they can't make music - they can enjoy everything  but they can't make it. And so she is an artist - specifically a portrait artist and fae love her  cuz she makes beautiful things and one day she   gets a commission from this guy, this fairy. It's  like very weird vibes. He comes, I think he has   to come a couple times to sit for the portrait. She paints it - again weird vibes. He leaves with the portrait, comes back pissed because the portrait  showed emotion that like he wasn't expecting -   the fairies were laughing at him because his  portrait, he looked sad or whatever it was.  And so he demands that she come to his court  and explain and like apologize and blah blah blah. So then it becomes a journey of this guy taking  her to his court to explain herself and spoiler   is he is the Autumn King? He's the king of the  Autumn Court or the prince of the Autumn Court   or something like that. And what happens after that, I don't know. I remember that there's a banquet   and she sees the fae as what they really are which  is like creepy people made of sticks but in terms   of anything else - why are there ravens? Does he  turn into a bird? I don't know, I don't   remember anything actually. Ooh Sky in the Deep, Sky  in the Deep was inspired by Vikings. It's about two   different groups of people, tribes if you will. One worships the sea god, one worships the fire   mountain god? And they're always fighting. Oh  it's coming back - there's a war, the battle scene at   the very beginning. This is only going to spoil like the first chapter. There's a battle scene,   they're fighting each other and our main girl is fighting her enemies and realizes her brother   that went missing, who she thought the enemy killed,  is on the enemy's side fighting for the enemy! And   so he takes her, kidnaps her, takes her back to  their village or whatever and she has to stay   there until like A, they trust her and B, I think  wait for the snow to melt or something. And slowly but surely she falls in love with someone who is  her enemy and they have to bring peace between   the tribes there's something about a river? Sky  in the Deep, please read it. It was fine. A Deadly   Education - I thought that this was, ugh, this was  a book that I loved the concept and then I didn't   like the second book so I never actually finished  the series. But the first book is taking place in a   magical world where magic attracts demons or like demon-like things, evil things. And so when magic   people enter basically puberty, once they  become teens and their magic starts to develop,   they give off a very strong magical aroma and they  don't have the skills to protect themselves yet   so the magical world has created this little like  rift, it's like a half dimension and it's a school   where they live completely protected from these demons and they study and study and study until finally their last year they get let out and they  have to like fight their way out - like most of the   kids don't survive the final fight. And if they did  survive it means they're strong enough to live in   the world with their magic, having to every once  in a while fight off demons. And so the whole book   is like they just selfstudy and then vaguely have  to either fight each other off or fight off these   little demons that get through the cracks. And our  main girl is obsessed with trying to figure out   what's going to happen to her after you graduate  because there's all of these different like, I   don't remember what they were called - every city  has its kind of club, oh I forget the word, if you   join one of them they can kind of like help lend  you magic and you lend them magic and it's just   like a - it's a good thing to be in one of these  groups. And so she is an outcast but she's trying   to find a way into one of these groups but then I don't remember anything else. I don't remember what  - oh some boy saves her life, I think he like won't  leave her alone after that and he's kind of like   this good at everything kind of golden retriever  goofball and I just remember that their food was   always poisoned. Like it was a very difficult  time getting food at the cafeteria. And then   there's some conspiracy about it because like  why would you let everyone go at the same time?   That's like a huge burst of magic so of course  all the demons are going to like congregate and   wait there to catch the students. Like if we had  a different way of doing this maybe less people   would die. That's all I got: Deadly Education.  A lot of people asking about Lightlark -   I don't remember - I remember the main girl is supposed to be from like the, she's a wildling.   She's supposed to be from the wilds and she's a seductress that her main way of seducing people   is she just dresses in basically nothing all the  time. And all of the like royalty gets sent to to   this island to fight each other to like break  a curse but I think it's more like if they just   worked together they could solve the curse. And  there's the sun guy and the darkness guy and I   think there's a love triangle there and that's it.  That's all and spoiler --- she's betrayed by her best friend but like miles away - saw that coming from the second that character was introduced, I knew I was like oh she's bad. That's all I got. Oh this  is a good one - The Sun Bearer Trials. They just   announced the sequel, I think it's a duology, I don't  know if it's a trilogy or like a series but they   just announced when the second one is coming out so it's on the brain recently. Sunbearer Trials is   about a world where there are gods and the demigods, like the children of these gods have to go to   these trials to become a sunbearer - no it's more than that. They travel throughout the realms and   they have a different battle each place that  they go and I think that it - I don't remember   why I just remember that our main character is like not expected to survive, not expected to even   compete. I remember they're like on a boat going to another realm. I just remember really liking it. I   remember liking that all the characters acted like  teenagers - they really felt like they acted their   age. A lot of great discussions - our characters trans  and just a lot of great discussion about that and   character description wise was very interesting.  I remember there's something - there's something   where they're like running up a hill? That's all I  got but I remember really enjoying it and wanting   to continue so...there's a talking parrot? He has  wings! No oh oh oh, our main character has wings   but they're kind of like not fully formed or  something and it's all about you know, I think   it's about like self-acceptance but also talking about body dysmorphia and gender dysmorphia and the wings are kind of a symbolism of that. That  is my final detail. I'm so sorry. Okay this one same   vein as Six of Crows was a trilogy that I loved  and I felt like I wanted to do a reread actually   recently and that is Gilded Wolves. This is one of my favorite series. We follow a group of friends   who are tasked with - oh okay okay here we go - our main character is used to be a part of one of the   ruling families or like the kind of high ranked  families that control the magic within this world.   He lost his spot as a member of his house and so  his whole goal in life is to be reinstated as the   head of his house, have a seat at the table kind of  thing. And so I believe they go on a kind of like   heisty thing to reinstate him. They have to find  like certain magical objects. Damn it. There's a   lot of scenes that take place in the catacombs,  there's a lot of scenes that take place in the   Paris World exhibition or whatever that took  place in the 1800s - it's kind of like belle epoque   kind of Paris if I'm remembering correctly. Yes  and there's kind of like a tragic betrayal and   a tragic end to the first book. And then the second  book they are now in St Petersburg - they are again doing something weird where they have to go to  this house and again find something, like find   a clue and once again there's a betrayal or like  a, you know, a twist. The third one takes place in   Venice and I don't remember anything about that book whatsoever except for the ending because I didn't like it. But yeah I just remember loving  each of the characters. One character is from the Philippines and talks a lot about colonialism and the effects of even though he's fluent in Spanish even though he's like an incredibly brilliant  mind, he's never given a proper seat at the table.   There's another girl who I believe is on the  autism spectrum, I believe her background she's   also Jewish and so we talk about all of those  things with her. There's a love interest who   has a power...ooh I think she's like, she's like a  burlesque dancer I think and I don't remember her   power but she has one. And my battery is about to  die but that's - I've reached the end. I've reached   the end. Oh my gosh. The Vanishing Half. Two sisters,  twins perhaps. One of which is so white passing that she lives - this takes place in like the 60s  I think maybe earlier I'm not sure - but she lives   a life letting people think that she is a white  woman. Because of that has a very different life   from her sister who is a black woman and they're living in LA but their paths never cross - did they even know that they're sisters? And then something happens where their paths converge and voila The Vanishing Half. Haroun in the Sea of Stories. Yes  that is one of my favorites. Someone said "you've   read it right?" Yes. Again one of my favorite books  that I read over and over and over again. This   is about a boy whose mother ran away and whose father is like a traveling storyteller and his   father gets hired by various politicians to like tell stories at their events and then you know   basically use him for entertainment to get people  to come to their rallies and stuff like that. They   go somewhere for some political thing and then his father loses the ability to tell stories - like   he opens his mouth and the magic is gone and then Haroun has to make that magic come back somehow, he has to find the tap - there's I think there's like  a legitimate tap that magic comes out of. A lot of   it takes place on a boat, on a house boat. There's  a bus ride - very treacherous bus ride through the   mountains. That's all I got and that's much more than I remember about LuKa and the Fire of Life   because there is a sequel and nothing about that  book. But I remember loving it so. Serpent and the   Wings of Night. I read this so recently, oh God. It's  about a girl a human who was raised by her father   who was like the king of the vampires and she has  been training her whole life because she wants to   prove herself in this kind of Hunger Games esque  competition against other vampires - so like she   is not on equal footing with the competitors but  she wants to prove herself and win and like become... that's who becomes the heir to the throne I guess.  During that competition, she meets someone and they   become, they like begrudgingly become allies and  then we enter spoiler territory...and it turns out   I forget what his deal is, he was a human and then  he got turned but they fall in love whatever and   I think the mystery they're trying to solve is  like what happened to her and like her mother or   something - the humans, what happened to those  humans because she believes that she was... oh it's   all coming back! She believes that her father,  the king of the vampires, saved her but I think   it turns out that he actually just like came  in and killed her family for shits and giggles   or something like that and took her and then  at the end of the battle it's them at the   end of the like Hunger Games thing - it's like a  Peta Katniss situation where it's the two lovers  - she kills him but uses her one wish or something  to bring him back to life and then he kills her   dad. Yep. To Kill A Kingdom. There is a mermaid siren  lady and her - in order to become Queen, her mom   needs her to gather like X number of Hearts, Royal  Hearts, before this time period and so she goes off   to kill a bunch of royalty and this one Prince is  like "I see what's unfolding and I don't like this, we're going to kill this siren" and they end up  working together for some reason and I remember   there's a big battle with her mom. Love books. Again that was a book I thoroughly enjoyed. Oh my God we're only halfway through. I think that a lot of these are repeats now let's see, let's see let's   see let's see - oh God Weyward. Wwyward by Amelia  Hart ,you're the reason I read it and I absolutely   loved it. Carly, I don't remember. There are three  points of views or three timelines and we follow   basically this family of like the grandma, the  mom and the daughter and it's about they are witches... that's all I remember. I'm so sorry. I also  remember enjoying it. That's all you're getting. Conversations with Friends, oh jeez. I remember not enjoying it. It's about two friends or are   they a couple? Were they roommates? Who meet  this woman who is an author that they really   admire and they start just like hanging out  with her all the time. She's an older woman - one   of them starts a relationship with the husband,  one of them maybe starts a relationship with the   wife? And I just remember it not being good  like I just didn't like it - I don't remember   why. That's it. Miss Sally Rooney. That's all I  got. Graceling - oh another one I enjoyed. This   is about a world where babies are born...and  then they will, if they are blessed, they   will show some signs of having a Grace which  is a magical power and it could be something   like I can make water boil or I can kill anyone  with a single touch. And so if you have a baby   with a Grace, you have to show them to the royal  family and they will decide whether or not they   want to like keep you as something useful to  them. Our main girl I think has the death touch  - she has some power that is very valuable to  the king as like a kind of military power. One day, one day...there's, somebody breaks into the palace? They go on some journey together. Suddenly there's a boy, they go on a journey together and  they fall in love. There's a random girl that   gets picked up along the way, I believe her name is  bitter blue. At one point - spoilers - at one point the   main guy goes blind and I think he slowly gets his sight back or maybe he doesn't ever get his   sight bac,k I don't remember. That's it I'm so - I  have no, I don't remember. I just remember they   like live in a castle and they were like - there's  somebody running around at night? Maybe she's   trying to break in somewhere? I don't remember. Oh I love Project Hail Mary! Project Hail Mary was so   good. This was about a man who wakes up and he has  no memory of where he is, what he's doing, why he's   there. And slowly as his memories come back and  he kind of explores his surroundings, we realize   that he is in a spaceship. He is a researcher  who was sent on a mission to save the world. In English we say like a Hail Mary pass which  is basically like last ditch effort, right? This   is their last shot at saving the world because  the sun is like exploding or something - there's   a plan put in place but in order to get to where they're going, they needed to be put into a coma   and his fellow researchers did not wake up so he is alone in this spaceship where they don't   think he's going to make it back in time and if he fails his mission, which he's not really sure   what it is, everyone on Earth will die. He ends up meeting up with - I forget how this occurs but   he ends up meeting up with an alien who is also  trying to save the world but he can't speak - he   has something he either can't speak, he's like a  rock. I'm pretty sure is he a rock. Hello? Hello hi. Where are you? At home. Oh this is "talk to  your husband afternoon time' Oh I love talk to  your husband afternoon time. I'm fine I'm filming   a video. No, I can pause the video. Do you want to say hi? Oh sure. Say hi. Hi. Thanks. Okay we're back. Oh my gosh The Likeness, Tana French. I remember  this one because I've mentioned it multiple   times in videos because I liked it  so much. Her other ones, all the other books by   Tana French I don't remember whatsoever. This is a thriller, this is about a girl who is missing and or killed - no she's definitely dead because they  have her body. And so they know that the detective on the case, the young woman detective is like her  exact doppelganger, like identical - creepy. Not   related but just perfectly identical. And so in  order to interview the people at the house and   like find out - cuz she was living with, this girl  was living with a bunch of her college friends   before she died - in order to like interview them  and understand the crime, our detective goes and   lives with them because they think she's just  missing, they don't know that she's dead. Once   she gets found out because of course she does,  I think that like her life is a little, a little   bit in danger? I don't remember who did it but I remember what sets her off - she eats onions or   something, like she eats something that the other  that the other girl doesn't. I don't know, I feel   like the legality of all of that is in question. Weird little book but I enjoyed it but yeah I don't remember who done it and I love that cuz I could read it again. Dance of Thieves, a duology   I loved. Don't remember a damn thing. I think a  girl is sent to steal something, the prince stops her...oh that's all. Ooh Of Such a Fun Age! I  remember this because it took me by surprise. I thought like based on the title for some reason  I thought it was going to take place in like the   20s or something - the 1920s but it doesn't, it's  present day. Our main girl is doing night classes   or something she has like a plan but currently  she is a like part-time kind of babysitter nanny   for this family who has a little girl. I don't  know what the wife does, I think the wife is like   a social media influencer. The husband is a news  anchor and I think he says something on air that   is racist and the police and the journalists storm  their house and so kind of middle of the night, the   mom calls our main girl to be like listen I just  think my daughter is going to be really scared,   she's like four - can you come pick her up and  just like take her out of the house for a little   bit so we can get this settled or like her dad  was getting arrested, I don't even remember. But   basically can you just like take her out for  a bit? So our main girl was just either going   or going to or coming back from a party so she  was kind of in a party outfit instead of like   typical Nanny outfit so when she picks up the girl  and takes her to just like the grocery store - cuz   her that little girl really likes going to the  grocery store and they're walking around - all   of a sudden this woman sees like a Black woman in clubbing attire walking around late at night with   this little white baby and of course the woman is like "ah she's a kidnapper" or something. The police   are called, it's a whole thing, people are filming,  she gets rescued by the dad I guess and so then   I believe the mom keeps our main girl around and close in order to basically be able to say like   but we have a Black friend so we can't be racist. I don't remember anything more than that but I   just remember she was being used in that sense  but I remember liking it. I just remember going   into it thinking like this is not the 1920s. I  thought it was going to be about like Flappers... no. I love how there are so many people who are like I don't remember if you've read this like   all of our memories are just [ __ ] anyway, Nine  Perfect Strangers - this is a thriller, this is by   the author of Big Little Lies. It takes place  in Australia, it's like a retreat some kind of   like meditation health retreat or whatever and I think someone dies? I think it's again another like   And Then There Were None situation maybe or  maybe just one person dies, I don't remember. Again,   me with the thrillers, man. I can reread a  thriller like a week after I've read the book. And finally, Throne of Glass. So I have told people that I have read these books. I've given them a   try and I did not enjoy them at all so I think  I read four potentially. I read at least half   of the series. I know that people are like ah you only read the first one, it gets better...I gave it   a try. Not for me. So what I remember of Throne of  Glass...we start with a girl who is being let out   of jail? Which I think was like a hard labor camp or did she escape? Anyway she's out whether she  was let out or she got out. She ends up working for the royal family as an assassin and I think she first falls in love with the bodyguard and  then she kind of falls in love with the prince.   I remember there's some scene where there's  like a, now I can't even remember words like   a carriage? And I think there's like a bomb in it? That's all I remember. Yeah and I think we learned   that she isn't who - she isn't as like normal like just another assassin, she has a deeper a more   important history to her. I continued on and  once the witches were introduced I was like   what the [ __ ] like where are we? What's going  on? That I stopped - but yeah that's my grand   summary for Throne of Glass. Everyone asking  for my plot summary, there it is. There was a   carriage that may or may not have had a bomb in  it. So there you go. Let me know what you think of   my memory and if it counts. Do those books count?  I think I actually did better than I thought I   would but let me know which books you think I can't count as having read. Or just what your   thoughts are on the argument in general. How do  you remember books? Do you remember the feeling? Do   you remember certain scenes? Do you count that  as reading even if you can't tell me the plot?   Would love to know your thoughts respectfully - I think that was my first real big experience   of Tik Tok like booktok people are a lot less  nice than booktube and bookstagram people so that   was, yeah I didn't like that comment section so  just be open-minded and kind and please know that   everyone sees things differently all right? We're  not a monolith or else we'd all be writing the   same damn books which would be no fun for anyone!  So yeah I will catch you guys later - this was   so fun. Thank you so much to everybody who sent their suggestions in - I didn't get to everybody but   I appreciate it all the contributions. Once again  thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this video -  link will be in the description box but you can go  to to get 10% off your   first website or domain. Highly recommend and now I've got to go. My voice is gone and I'm going to edit this up for you and I will see you guys later. I think my next video is Japan related because   by the time you're watching this I will have been to Tokyo for Lunar New Year, we get a big break   here in Korea so we're jettin off going to show Kurt Tokyo for the first time, a city I know   and love. So that will be fun and yeah so I will catch you guys later okay? Thank you always bye!