Transcript for:
D&I Lecture 3 Contextual Issues in Human Development/ ADHD

oh sorry so I think the virtual ones can see the slide before I fix this I just want you all to the topic is I will go fix this just think about contextual issues that affect human development contextual issues that affect human development yeah yes look look into things of nature argument look into the nature argument and think of the contextual issues that affect human development that affect human development yes just think about it because I have a debate but I think it be a bit hard to do a debate with physical uh students and virtual students so we'll just so if we talk about it a little bit you see contextual issues it there could be environmental issues or there could be environment is the nature aspect and then there's the nurture aspect where it comes from herit issues so what do you think could affect human development or rather I would ask what affects human development more nature on it that I mean I the was going to be on that have how many do we have online just to see if we can have a [Music] 9 means six six yes okay so we can do it the online month together and you okay thank you thank so much so before I get into talking about it I'd like to do a small debate so the virtual group six of you can have a group I could mute you so that oh unmute how do I do this I just uh mute your speaker mute your speaker so you can't hear me or mute their speaker right no they can't speak your speak awesome so yes virtual ones I can't touch it I [Music] think it keeps going I can't it sorry sorry s can you first tell us what you would like us to do please before either putting us in or out or whatever so we know what exactly that you want from us no worries I will tell us I'm just we are having a small technical issue here so give me one minute so the topic is on hereditary factors affect human development more than environmental factors do virtual ones can you see the screen what I'm sharing ing on PowerPoint kishani can you see this just the just the screen that you've put on now saying let's have a debate yeah that we can see so here uh this is the debate topic which is H factors affect human development more than environmental factors do so anybody wants to pick which side they want to talk no kishani or or anybody from the virtual students want to pick if they want to go with her Factor effect sorry guys shall we do the opposite where it's the environment that actually affects us affects people what do you think can we speak amongst ourselves or how does that work do we just take ourselves off mute or yeah so what I'm going to do is I'm going to mute uh from my end no but then they can speak your speak oh so I'm going to mute my speaker so you so can they have their own conversation so they you can have your own conversation and then these guys can't hear but you all are discussing oh yes might be e put them all into a breakout but we if you're on mute if you if you're on mute we just can't hear you but you can still hear us that's the thing I was also wondering unless you create a SE break yeah I was no Ian I'm just saying like your speak volum but still then we can hear a little bit no I don't no we can't because speak volume we can't hear at all yeah that's what I thought of earlier but are you sure we just mute it do that and ask guys can you talk a bit somebody are you speaking to us yeah yeah sorry that's okay yeah I muted them you're all still here yeah yeah give me one I'm so sorry give me one minute virtual students I'm trying to create a breakout group here so that you could have your own space to have this chat so St am I write that are we are we going with nurture so we're going with environment right yes you're going with environment I think somebody suggest that you want to select that so we could do that fine okay awesome thank you so am I right to assume it's uh whereit I can't I can only see Diana kishani and Stephanie let me try this who is the one I mispronounced she's not here s s are you here wait am I muted no sad are you here let me just check the group okay give me one minute e hi good morning good thank you e e e e e morning good morning oh I I can sleep some more College oh thank you yes sorry this once again is the pant like this yeah and this one is but the same brother thank you thank you what do we have do we have a few minutes left yes you have uh 1 Point 30 minutes yeah so to support what kishani said I would like to bring up uh Malala yfi um so she actually you know she grew up in Pakistan education was civil restricted and it was her dad actually who helped her who told her that she should you know study and he empowered her and because of that like look at where she is today she's a Nobel Peace Prize laurate um she's an activist so again it shows that your family and and supporting you again some other figures are also Nelson Mandela it's because he went through so much racial oppression under the apartheid that he became so um so determined to lead the anti-apartheid movement you know so there are so many of these famous figures who we look up to and who have kind of really been a benchmark to all of us that showcase that it is actually you know your your your environment that can make you uh and and give you that determination to go forward or backward whichever it really affects you I mean some others are JK Rowling she actually was very poor before she wrote Harry Potters you know her Harry Potter and um you know she just continued we had a good system and and yeah so these are some of the examples I would like to bring forth uh to support the argument okay okay all right so So Physical ones you have four minutes to defend okay okay start okay so as we said earlier genetics plays a larger role than the environment we didn't discount the fact that environment is there however genetics overrules it and taking your example Nelson Mandela he was in prison for so many years 30 OD years of his life and he faced the the the the worst part of um the whole experience however when he came out he showed compassion and he showed reaching out to all communities which actually bridged the the the division of apartheid in South Africa and he did that because of his genetics how his uh not about his environment so he didn't succumb to the environment and you could argue then that that is because of the internal makeup that he already had his predisposition that made him the leader he was and that is a classic example and if you want more pop culture example take Slum Dog Millionaire Slum Dog Millionaire shows that your environment doesn't determine who you are these things are determined by your genetics by what you bring with you and you can overcome any situation that you're in if you have it within yourself and we learn that as a human gift that we have uh we talk about uh we have what we we have everything that we want within ourselves that is taught in NLP and when you say that you have it within yourself you are not determined by your environment Steven AR kovi also said that in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People uh so there are many cases like that which say what you what you're saying about environment being the determining factor is incorrect there may be uh some impact but it is O overruled by the genetical disposition that is there in human beings hereditary factors play a massive role uh it is uh you can look at h famous sports people how hereditary has played a role in how generation after generation performs well in sports two minutes yeah so adding on to that I I will also say uh if you put two people in the same situation and give them the same sort of hardships you will not have both them coming out of it the same way uh one of course would if they have the predisposition to have the resilient trait then they will come out of B if not I think all of us would be you know where we should be uh if it's just only environment but because we have you know certain traits that we get from our parents which is hereditary is why you know we are able to do things better than other people um also I would say adding on to that in terms of like intelligence intelligence comes from our our hereditary um it comes from our parents right uh so that cognitive development all of that is something that we inherit um apart from that very interesting thing that uh Akila shared was the fact that U Hitler's family decided not to have kids thank God for that because if he did you know we can imagine the kind of life we would all go through and that is not that is just not something which is just environment that is basically nature um because if you're born and to have that kind of idea of the world and it's evil you're just going to go ahead with it there's no kind of environment that will ever influence you otherwise right that's why because even when you are like well educated we are in a good like if you look at a certain terrorist maybe you are brought up in a good family you have the education but still what you from what you learned you decided to act on the evil part of it right you just can't make bounds you need to have the knowledge of chemistry in it but then again that's how we use it it comes down to the genetics it doesn't matter in which environment you are brought up right you can having having the good things in your life but still if you if if you're genetically like a cat can be a kind animal right and a tiger can be a violent animal so you're still it's the it's how you're genetically develop towards aggression and being kind to each other nice all right virtual want you have four minutes to defend yourselves when you start I will start the clock K on there um start yeah please go ahead I'll make just one single point and the rest you can take over from there okay um genetics does not necessarily attribute to a person being s successful uh we stand firmly by it because when we look at the successful people of the world right now Ronaldo uh Beckham or Mo H's son each of their son has all uh like great jeans in them if I may say uh they're not great people uh they will never be for the argument sake they'll never be as great as they their fathers um so I would like to say we strongly disagree with the genetics being the Power Pit but at the same time um um the environment of some people who are brought in would be very different uh for being successful and also to add to what um idam has said and also to what kishani and Stephanie has said previously there are also studies which has you know proven that uh socially isolated children uh uh are cannot be developed properly into into an environment where you know they they can develop uh or they they can be nurtured in a way that they can have a good life or they can be better people because there is a study which has been conducted in around 2006 by American Medical College Association where 20 where these children were socially isolated for 20 years the study was conducted in New Zealand and uh it was um conducted for about th more than th000 children 1037 if I am not wrong and they were you know isolated from social facilities and social socially isolated and after 26 years they concluded that the results showed that children who are socially isolated are significantly they have a risk for poor poor adult health and also they their brains does not develop properly and they do not gain the skills of Education or self-sufficient skills which they can which their minds need to develop for a you know survival and all of these kind of things so there are very strong studies which has been conducted where social isolation can and very much can affect uh people and people's growth and how they behave and what they can can become up so it's it it proves that uh environmental factors has a much more a bigger role in order to bring up people to uh their proper functionality their mental health their educational Health their physical health their social and well-being so all of this is actually more contributed from the environmental factors and also to highlight on the Slum Dog milonia which one of the colleagues highlighted from the other team where in Slumdog Millenia it's a very good example of how someone can be developed because of the environment how someone can learn from the environment how he he is not hereditary privileged person that he he was a very poor p person who's not given that you know uh uh that access to anything but whatever he learned was from the environment he had how he became a million how did he answered all the questions it was all his experience all his learnings from whatever situation that he was put in whatever situation he faced whatever the learnings he went through so from all of it actually the Slum Dog Millionaire became a millionaire so it's it is also very good fact that is presenting that environmental factors can bring huge and IM immense change on people on how they behave on what they learn and what they can demonstrate um two slide points to add to that uh sorry okay points just two quick ones to to further elaborate one was um we have the practice of Ronaldo which my colleague mentioned he has the 666 principle where he says you can transform anything six hours a day six uh six uh for six months uh and six times a week and you can transform anything so he is the perfect example really of where your your work actually defies uh your natural talent and of course there's Malcolm Wells um popularized theory that 10,000 hours will bring you skills and acquisition of practice will bring you something that you know your genes does necessarily will not sorry Stephanie I'll hand over to you no it's fine are you done yeah please go ahead oh okay right I actually also want to bring up this uh terrible experiment that was done um where they took a bunch of babies and they did not hug them speak to them so and and they tried to raise these children and these children all ended up eventually dying because it shows that you need that family love that's and and so that that goes with um Frederick uh what's his name sorry John Lock he said that all babies were born with a mind of tabula rasa because we're so it's an empty slate and it is whatever uh surrounds you that you absorb like a sponge and that's how your ideas and everything is formed and and the same thing you brought up Hitler so Hitler parents didn't go around killing people uh you know um his dad was very abusive with him although his mother was a very loving woman so um it was of of course his trauma that he he got from his father because his father was so hard and I'm sure a lot of other issues as well he within his environment that led him to that because no one before him had ever committed what he the crimes the terrible things that he did so yeah it is definitely your environment that that place such a huge focus on on on who you become okay good or bad all right sorry I gave the virtual once a little bit more time but anyway uh so nicely done both teams some um really good points were brought up uh I do have to say this Akila Akila right yeah um I have taught this uh module like from the beginning and I always wanted somebody to bring up Hitler's example you're the first because I think a lot of people don't no problem the reason is like a lot of people didn't know that Hitler's family was actually requested by the government and uh not to procreate to stop the gene like not to take the gene forward but anyway going with all the examples very nice examples good research backing so the reasoning behind like the debate I know like we are all used to debating and all that is for critical thinking right right like cuz my assignments and all other assignments I'm sure that next is giving you and then research and all you have to have critical thinking but in critical thinking and critical analysis if you noticed this topic I'm sure the ones who chose hereditary over environment and the virtual ones you both realize okay the other ones make points and these are right points we are also making right points and this topic is something that's forever going to be you know it's always going to be the balance right but in critical thinking what we have to do is show both sides right you have to show the like says the positive effects as well as the negative effects and also into um how these factors affect uh different different uh human development stages now let's just come up with let I mean we can't basically check this out right I know like Stephanie mentioned about tabaza but the thing is uh like I think it was the same with uh who I think it was Albert bandura social learning no like well can't remember who said this but he said like give me 10 children and tell me which uh profession to take this children into and I'll do it so in Psychology I'm going a little bit away from business psychology but in Psychology we have so many different schools of psychology right earlier on we we went with a lot of Behavioral psychology angle which is more into the environmental angle then we abandoned that and we went into the cognitive angle which is mind mind mind and trying so many genetic things and then we recognize no it's both right we have to look into Behavior but we also have to look into genetics which is why like you know twin studies were brought up and all kinds of things I mean when we actually look at it the environmental factors do seem like the more obvious thing right because of course like because we can't even count how many environmental factors affect a person like we are going to talk about uh after a certain number of sessions we're going to talk about cyber psychology that also can be an environmental Factor where nowadays kids are growing up with things like cocomelon and cocomelon has a lot of good habit songs and all kinds of things right you know how to say thank you how to say like so then these are also affecting human development and kids who don't have that I mean I think during covid the children who didn't have access to Internet were finding it very difficult to study so everything is starting to affect but when we are in a work environment what we need to understand is the reason a person is who they are could be both these factors and we have very different experiences because of this like for example um let's say somebody grew up in a family where the parents would very much verbally fight very loud and then they are growing up in a very like Shanty like environment and then they have to you know walk to school all that and then they come to this particular company and then another person who came up with a different background who parents were separated but then had a lot of luxuries and came up to this house and another person who had a completely different upbringing came up to the same company so all of them are going to have very different ways of creative thinking their ideas are going to be different their way of approaching a problem is different right like so it could be one person who's come up with a lot of uh like you know come up with the environment where they had to always struggle with regard to finances might try to look at the most financially friendly option for a company house or it could be the completely other way as well so this is why like every person like because the human development is always affected by so many different things it's why it's good to give them the benefit of the doubt and like not focus on the things that are missing and how different they are but what they're bringing to the table so with this we're going into the whole mental health inequalities as well so there is with even with regard to mental health so we're going to I only wanted to talk about this for about an hour because it's a lot of like symptoms symptoms symptoms and I you don't have to study the symptoms or anything but this is just a uh this is just so that you all could get an awareness as to okay this is this this is this right so we go with the first first of all we go with learning disabilities so there's a lot of also is there any reason specifically why Dusty wanted me to talk about ADHD or just uh so it came up from a uh today's conversation that we were having yeah so around uh uh okay what it is kind of thing okay all right all of us have a little bit of AD all of us have a little bit of autism so that was the point okay okay want to break that point a bit can go back oh yeah you can see no problem no problem no worries no worries [Music] yeah yeah absolutely those who can stay can stay no problem so most of these slides you guys can just you can go ahead and go through everything there but just little little things that I do want to mention so learning disabilities are actually like neurological differences majority of the time and they can be seen from a very young age so a lot of child psychologists are able to diagnose children who have either learning delays or speech delays or even things like dyslexia dulia dis pronounce that other word dis graphia whatever and ADHD all kinds of things and even so autism is a little bit of a different topic because still there's a lot of studies that's regarding autism where we can't exactly pinpoint and say this is the reason but then it's just good to know a little bit about learning disabilities because you would now meet people because now a lot of people are recognizing that they are dyslexic or you know they have ADHD so sometimes ADHD which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder so some people it's just add just attention deficit disord so for them it's only about the attention uh not being really as good as other people but their hyperactivity is not really present as much as other ADHD CL so common types of learning learning disabilities are dyslexia so I think um I don't know if you watched it the T Amar Hindi movie they really give uh dyslexia very good uh self awareness I think and I know a lot of people do know the whole BD um difference are some children uh struggle with recognizing the b and a d and then they might take some time and and sometimes even if they're typing it all like as adult they're finding the the spelling they're always having spelling errors and things like that so now I think I'm happy to say majority of schools have teachers that are able to recognize these as learning disabilities and not that this child is being unruly or whatever but I know there was a time when uh people teachers were not equipped with the knowledge that they could identify so then there's things like discal kulia uh disg graphia so disia is the inability to do ma right if I'm not misten yeah and then this graphia is when your writing is like really really bad so it's not just that it's all of this but yes so I'm just going through these see dust mentioned I'll tell you the context in which he mentioned it so we were talking about the skills that are required for the future 2027 World economic Forum what they have said about the new skills that are required and he gave us his card also saying that oh this yes yeah yeah so out of this now for us to do some of these things we must understand that people don't learn the same way and there are people who are more graphical some people like to read some people don't like and and there are other things that impact that learning experience also like ADHD yes and uh so that that's the piece that he said and he said that you would be speaking about ADHD so yes so with uh ADHD you can go through the symptoms leisurely but um I'll just talk about maybe some of my clients who has ADHD so it's easy to understand from like you know how they apply it and stuff so I've had about very handful of clients who's had it ADHD who's gotten the diagnosis so in order to get an ADHD diagnosis it's always good to go with a psychiatrist who is a doctor whereas a psychologist is not a doctor uh they go as psychologist or counseling psychologist or counseling therapist whatever so with ADHD uh majority of the time people do need certain levels of medication so that in order to help them focus on one thing better and kind of help them with uh staying in the same uh topic or whichever it is even if they're talking sometimes like I've had struggles with clients who even if I'm talking they can like if my sentence is too long or if I'm going on a little bit like like what I'm doing right now they might lose focus so I'm not that could be extreme cases also but then that sort of a thing happens and then the way so ADHD journaling could also be different right like so when we are suggesting to clients to try journaling or planners so if any of if you have planners most of the time like like I mean as you can see here so this is a boc planner and here it has the date and the time and then some planners have like um this particular day like you know this time and what did you do are you grateful for this and things like that so ADHD clients don't like that level of uh rigidness they want to have a little bit more freedom right they the minute it's rigid the minutes they given like EXT dream deadlines or you have to do this by this you have to do it this way and all that they struggle a lot with it because like let's say if you're a student um in order to study for 1 hour you will have to sit in front of the laptop or whatever for about one and a half or 2 hours so that for for about half an hour to 1 hour you're trying to get your mind to be able to focus so it takes them a longer time and I know in some countries if you do get a diagnosis for ADHD you are given more time to sit for exams like a 1 hour exam you would be given about two to three hours to do that exam because they are not they find it harder to focus so that's why majority of the time medication is good so that's why psychiatrist are good but what a counselor could do would be help them to manage their symptoms so things like coming up with reminders so ADHD plans have a lot of reminders have a lot of uh um alarm and things like that even if especially if they get sick in order to remind themselves to drink medicine all that they need that and um yes I know like some people say oh I'm a little bit ADHD today because I can't sit still blah blah blah um I highly discourage people don't doing that because the reason there is I've seen ADHD and I don't know if any of you know somebody who has like really full-on clinically diagnosed ADHD it's a very hard disorder to manage and people have to work so much more harder than us who don't have ADHD like for them like for me writing a report might take a day for them writing that same report might take them five days right so that's why I prefer people not to use these terms but I know I I understand I mean sometimes people might say oh I'm very OCD I like these things like this and I know we do that a lot but I think it's good not to because or else we're taking away the importance and emphasis that these people really do this all right yes we have does that we have ADHD is it the level it is the level so I will I will share that it it comes through a later slide but I'll tell you now in order to get a diagnosis we have to have uh so the the most main thing that we say is a person should be unable because of the symptoms they shouldn't be they this is affecting their social personal and occupational life to a point where they can't function that is when you get a diagnosis so if you can't function in your occupation you can't keep a job because of these symptoms and you can't have your relationships you can't have your friendships or you can't have your personal hygiene met like this one friend is's very young if unless his mother like reminds him like every 30 minutes or every 15 minutes to eat he can't get himself to even eat so the ADH is that high so sometimes we could have symptoms but it's not a diagnosis we could have just traits right where I mean I mean I don't really have it but I know this one client sometimes I could be sitting in front of her and let's say I keep my book like this and my phone like this without even me noticing she'll slowly do this so it's not a diagnosis for OCD but she likes it in that certain way it gives her sense of control or it keeps it makes her feel familiar right so and we like things that what we like familiar right we like I mean I will always take a coffee instead of a tea because it's familiar I'm sure somebody might say she's very particular about her coffee like yeah it's familiar right so it could be things like that as well but that's the must with regard to diagnosis yes a even though it it might look like the same as if a symptom of a patient but it it is it is not that you have but it's like you have to have sort of control exactly I mean it's a way you like to address or you like to have things around you right I mean some people do have this particular taste and that's something they've gotten familiar with and that's okay see a person who has OCD would not be able to function if that happens they would not be able to hear what was been said and and what unfortunately what happens to them is they think of like these really bad negative things like oh because this is like this somebody might die because of this is like this and because of unless I do this then I'm preventing that or it goes I mean I know sometimes we also have these little um superstitious yeah there's a I always forget this there's a French term um where it says I will come up with it later where you know sometimes we have this little urge like you know let's say we're standing on the top of a cliff like huh wonder what is like to jump like it's a there's actually that doesn't mean you know like your thoughts are going here and there it's I will come up with the French term there but there are things like that that again doesn't mean it's a diagnosis give me a minute I need to find this once I saw this [Music] video s the cup seven times yes so that's that's a crazy level of absolutely like sh yes like Shel like the knock knock knock yeah and no how many [Music] times never but that's an extreme level absolutely theyr that you know a psychology and they got you Psychiatry their life and I think and and that person will be able to come down from seven to like you know three or something they don't do seven exactly that's the thing that happens with like you know something would happen like you know something major would happen they have these obsessive thoughts about it weird can that OCC from The Experience through yeah so there is a learned things as well right like that's what you're saying through experience or let's say it's not Superstition for us you feel like it's crazy right let's say you're you're not going to have this heavy meal because tomorrow morning you're going to spend time in the bathroom you experienced it it's not you cannot like all the people can have the nice dinner and they don't feel the same way but you felt it maybe you're not going out with a you're not going out with your friends you fear something is going to happen because if you like this like let's not put it into like examples the main condition is like if you do something good something bad will happen so you try to control how much of good you have in order to avoid the bad thing happen so you're not in a way trying to be too good because you know if you be good like if you have the positives you will meet the negatives so you like you tell yourself not to have positive you look at everything negatively and know because no point like then of course the whole and the religious of you should expect everything to know you leave everything that part comes it like like you know yourself a little bit oft so you can point that see this yeah does that like is it a like does that affect how people behave yes like that's a thinking error right it doesn't really go with the mental health disorders but it is I mean there's a lot of thinking errors like things like all or nothing thinking ignoring the good thinking and what you said was so accurate with regard to the culture because I've heard so many when I was growing up in Singa it was said so I'll translate that it means don't laugh too much you'll have to cry and we were I was taught that from such a young age like unfortunately not by my parents but like other things and so because of that we were always restricted into like you know don't enjoy something too much but that goes more into a thinking error but that can affect when you're like if you want to take a leadership if you want to go to train yourself abely if you are going to go do work for more profitability abely this might not work so you're not going to you're not going to be able to take risk you're not going to be able to feel free enough without restrictions cuz you're always going to be like yeah I mean like this is going too well this project is going too well the shoes going to drop like some something's going to happen so we always keep thinking something bad will happen something bad will happen I mean I think it's also the case with like movies right like you know if the first two minutes of the movie is all like a happy couple who's like you know they fall in love all that one person does sh you're like ah okay so I mean like that's how up like the C I don't know why I came up with up but up starts and all like all these lovey Dy things and canc so whatever and so I guess there we are building a thinking error in that but yes when we laugh off she bites her finger okay she wants to feel the pain or she scared something it's kind of like the touchwood thing right knock on wood touch wood touch gold and because some people do have that uh but yes anyway so what yes no trauma no OCD just completely biological it's a it could be a very biological thing I mean sometimes sometimes trauma too like you know sometimes you go through something so bad and in order to make sense out of it your brain comes up with a mechanism but it is at the end of the day it could be a chemical imbalance could be different different things so what are mental disorders mental disorders are conditions that affect your thinking feeling uh mood and behavior here so um the we have a okay this is I don't know why I do the a definition but we a British um so there is a uh we have a diagnostic statistical manual that is released by AA they release it I think every few years so right now we are in BS we call it DSM that right now we are in the DSM 5 version and then the British the uks have icd10 I what it stands for but that's the version they go with so in Sri Lanka when we are going through uh you know trying to diagnose plans or whatever we might refer to icd1 or dsm5 something like that so that you know to make sure because I think like you know I know a lot of people have told me they had one shot with the psychiatrist and they said oh you have bipolar you have this yeah you can't do that um if somebody's doing it it's wrong uh because there are testing there's psychometric testing I don't know I know a lot of corporates do psychometric testing in their hiring process they get their um employees the new recruits to go through like personality test or ways of coping things like that in order to identify this not in order to give them diagnosis but just so there's a lot of psychometric tests there psychometric test that's there online but then um it's better to for a professional to administer them on you but uh so mental health disord is are so then these are some very common mental health resoures where everybody talks about it so I'm going to talk a little bit about that and the little bit of The Uncommon ones as well I'm sure you would have heard all of this do I have anything that's yeah okay so depression um I think now there's a lot of campaigns that's going around where I shows different ways that depression sits right like where for some people they can't get out of the bedroom and all things like that and then for other people they are still managing at work and things like that but then they're also diagnosed with depression so there also the diagnosis comes right where since they are managing in their social personal and um occupation career it doesn't mean they don't have the symptoms sometimes they have the symptoms but they can still keep going but if if they still keep going like that they're going to end up in the place where they might get diagnosed and um the reason I'm sharing all this is because sometimes you might see people who are showing the symptoms who is coming I mean like I know I mean sometimes we do have to face with a friend or somebody that we know who committed suicide and then again I'm saying there's two sides to this some people say there were no signs and there could have been no signs but then some sometimes you could see like little by little the behavior that they used to have something has been changed like the things that they post or things that they find like funny sometimes they are making like again this doesn't mean anybody who makes dark jokes are depressed but you know sometimes you could see a behavioral change this is a person who's not like this and then now they are this and um this is why it's good to kind of know what sort of things are there in depression and how like not just to give or tell them like you should go get help but just to you know offer them some kind of support as let's say you have a team member who is going through like you can see okay their behavior is a bit off they are kind of missing that line something's really off and if you push them even more there's a big chance that person might leave for it's not going to help but whereas if you be like hey you know you seem a bit down I don't want to like you don't have to tell me what's going going on but if there's anything I could do please let me know and I work with one company uh they came up with this I don't know if they implemented this yet come up with this like a like almost like a certification process where team leaders have to go through so we made some videos uh into educating them about um emergency Mental Health Care uh emergency mental healthare treatment treatment first dat sorry emergency Mental Health Care First a where so the team lead ERS have to have the ability to identify uh if their team members are showing any mental health struggles that's you know affecting their performance or is making them look like something's going on with their behavior and then they have to kind of have a small conversation so we were we taught them how to have the conversation you know make sure it's a safe space and nobody can hear and if they are refusing don't push them but just let them know and then make sure that they get the help that they need a lot of companies now are uh providing psychological support as well where they are together with um EA employer system programs like where they're providing these like programs and stuff so that they have other counselors and on board so this done by any particular organization or no this is just one company it's a private company does this first yeah oh but but mental first a is sometimes like any psychologist could teacher like it's just it's not I mean some people are uh equipped with it but we are taught how to like so when you have that idea like what to do when somebody's going through something it's easier because I'm thinking like um this is something that I brought up early also in our bank we have HR business partners that look after all the all the different regions and the staff yes collectively they look after the whole network yeah now I I brought I actually brought in an idea that they should be taught on counseling uh coaching you mean not that they'll be counselers but to be able to have that open befriending conversation that means they'll be able to befriend the person oh absolutely build a and yeah and open up so even something like this emergency Mental Health Care never think in a first first yeah so it's just like now we do first aid training but this is something that's even mental health care because uh I worked once with Sri Lankan Airlines so they are um they have a lot of uh emergency respon they have a emergency response team in case something goes wrong know there's like plane rash hopefully no but like something like that so the team is taught how to you know handle that from a technical point of view from like you know making sure the passengers are okay and then they were all they also brought in this whole mental first angle where they were helping the employees the team to identify how do you talk to a person who's going through distress cuz you know this is a place where you need to be able to calm people down CU When you're flying everybody's quite I mean you know they're panicky they're more into anxiety they're more into losing their temper so we were teaching like think like uh ground stuff and all you know how do you make sure you go down to their level if they're sitting down you don't stand up and talk and how do you talk like even body language wise you were teaching that so mental firsted is something that's uh it's quite okay next is generalized anxiety disorder so this one uh by the way depression is very much manageable depending on client to client and um doesn't mean you always have to go with medicine and I know in Sri Lanka majority of the time people are more likely to First go ahead with a psychiatrist and then going into medicine and then start taking uh psychological medication but I know I sound very biased now uh but there what I would say is like it's like this right let's say every time I clean my room I get a like I mean I start sneezing and then I get a call so I go to the doctor and he gives me like algra or something like and then I do have to clean my room often so this happens maybe once once or twice a month I keep doing this so what a psychiatrist would do is give medication I'm just giving up with an example very very loose example what a counseling psychologist or a therapist or a counselor what they might suggest is okay maybe you have an allergy towards dust so wear a mask I mean they won't come up with the idea but you would know like okay this is something that I face when I'm going through this incident so I need to have the necessary precautions so that's the same thing with counseling I'm not saying like clients can't come back but what we like what's supposed to happen in counseling is somebody has a depressive episode then they get treatment they go through counseling all that then that means they also have to develop a certain level of skills in order to make sure if I was to face this again how do I go through yeah but depression like majority depression is psychological not biological could be an imbalance psychist biolog psychologist psycholog probably people say I think yeah so there I mean at the end of the day we have a lot of chemical imbalances that happen right so even when somebody's going through depression they are going through a chemical imbalance but that doesn't mean you always have to go with medicine in order to rectify that I mean this is a bad part about some psychologist in DSM so now we have DSM 5 right I think it was either dsm3 or dsm3 revised version I can't remember which version they went and put uh TMS as a mental health decider yes very unethical this is why counseling is all about being ethical okay because uh the reason is the argument was I mean a person can't function and also there's a chemical imbalance so they are not okay they're not behaving the way they usually do but then of course because it was highly unethical and very very sexist they took it out but that's the thing like sometimes counseling is enough to bring that chemical imbalance down sometimes it's not sometimes you need you must have medication but it depends from case to case so G8 a generalized anxiety disorder this is when a person has overall lot of anxiety and see anxiety is not a evil thing it's not a bad thing it is my anxiety that will give me the right to uh the the ability to run right now if the snake comes but if I keep thinking snake's going to come a snake's going to come a snake's going to come and the slightest movement like like the rug makes I jump off the window or something overreaction that's when it's really bad so this is what what happens with anxiety and people who have G what happens is their fighter flight is always switching on off they're always overthinking the spiral thinking that generally it's because of trauma it's not because of normal like some people they Flinch like just because some even if someone is not there but that whole feeling and that's probably because maybe they had a childh where they were beaten the thing is like with regard to I guess mental health disorder it's gen it's nature and Nur or nature or Nur because sometimes it is genetical right like but see the thing is like let's say for example a phobia um let's say a mother has a phobia towards Arachnophobia phobia towards uh spiders the child will get it too but it's very hard for us to say is this genetics or did the child learn it is it learn Behavior because a lot of children I mean even us if you look at it we might have fears towards certain things that our parents also fear I mean have you seen the whole like this very genetical thing though um the cats with the Cucumber videos yes it's a genetical thing where it's so funny like if you keep like a cucumber behind a cat and the turn they send to jump I mean I tried it on my C it didn't work but yeah she's weird it's not the Cucumber right it's just the idea it's the snake thing yeah I mean like even this fear towards snakes it's a very biblical thing and uh it's just infested in us unfortunately I can at least vouch for the Cockroach thing yeah my my wife is freaked out of cockroaches my two daughters and they are now young adults and they all three of them are freaked out about cockroach yeah yeah I'm not trying to be uh gender biased to anything but my son is not yeah and neither am I yeah and eventually one of the one of us one of the two of us has to end up chasing the to killing theow no no I get it yeah that happens I is there is probably the child's preference right it could be so your son more the father while the daughter started as fun my my my wife jumps cockroach and jumps and my daughters yeah and then they learned it yeah it happens I mean sometimes you can create allergies like that towards food that's what interesting because according to S right he was saying how females are more towards males so they like a daughter more to be like the father oh that's only towards on only on that sexual stage of the um pychosexual stages after that they yeah after that they because they model I mean they model the usually they tend to model the uh the same gender but it depends it depends a lot so this is G and then there's panic disorders so with panic disorders you would have heard of uh panic attacks so some people go through panic attacks you would I don't know if you any of you have witnessed a friend having a I have yeah how was your with um I have a couple of friends that have different U how they react when they P they have shortness of breath yes they like uh move around a lot uh they would like pacing they would PA and uh I actually learned because I had to be with one of them were very close friend for quite quite a number of years so actually Googled and learned what makes them calm down yeah I love that so what what what happened was um how they calm down is you first when you try to hug them they try to force you out they don't want to be hugged but then you're still supposed to hug them a little bit tighter than you usually do and then keep humming and that hum works like a charm I I didn't believe it when I read it first when I saw it on the internet but then it was very amazing to see uh when it's actually work and and um about um the learning from the surroundings thing something that I learned uh is children are actually born with two fears and the rest is actually that the two fears that are born with is falling and loud sounds so when you think about it when you like try to not actually drop a child but when you try to lay them down a little bit faster then usual they will uh make their eyes wide open yeah yeah like sort of to grab something so that stop the FL yeah yeah so that makes sense and the other one is loud sounds like everybody when they're sleeping and all those it was very it is very interesting to see um um but then um the other thing that I learned about penic attack is remind them to breathe breathe with them ask them to slow it down and that helps I have no I I am I I know nothing about psychology I know nothing about any of this professionally but these are the things that I've experienced and learned through Google uh fortunately unfortunately but it works absolutely and I love that you did it because I think this is something a lot of us should be doing right like because whenever we hear somebody tells like you know this is what I have or whatever I don't understand why it's so hard for people to just go and Google it right like oh I don't know what that is like just Google I mean I saw you all Google like on your phones while the debate was going on checking out researched articles right it's the same thing as that right if you I mean I know me see for me I get a lot of clients so sometimes they might have different different physical illnesses as well and I don't know them you know I I mean I can't expect myself to know all the physical symptoms in the world so the minute they say I'm like I don't know that let me check it out right and I think it's I mean if a friend of mine says like oh I was diagnosed with this this thing I would be like oh I don't know I mean of course when when somebody says it's depression or bipolar we know but like let's say if somebody says some physical like uh I mean for me I guess physical illnesses sometimes I don't really understand it like somebody says this certain cancer diagnosis I don't always know on the top of my head like which cancer is this where is it all that right so I love the fact that you went like you know Googled and checked and what to do so yes you are completely correct uh the whole focusing on your breathing that's something in panic attacks that you have to do because another thing that happens in panic attacks is because your body goes into this extreme like fight like fight or flight mod you forget to breathe and then sometimes people say like I don't know how to breathe like I'm taking breaths like it's not enough so you need to kind of Cal easier than done absolutely so that's why like in movies they do the brown paper bag thing yeah because you see it like I I don't I don't think I mentioned this but uh this is why this is not me promoting this but as well as sometimes in corporates and all people go off for a smoke when they're like really stressed out because smoking does make you focus on your breath right because you can see it you can feel it the in and out happens and so in a panic attack what we need to kind of laugh it's against his I I thought of theity is wild I was like no no this is great hearing from you because now like like uh I'm not again I'm not promoting yes so when you go like the majority why do you SM it's not good for me the always my always my answer was it's a breathing right when you're angry you go out you like count to 10 and yeah yeah okay yeah here only thing is you have a physical element like you can actually see the smoke going out yeah it's just 8 minutes you go it does nothing it doesn't get you high it does nothing to it only do best best yeah obviously obviously the it helps to calm down but then again it does nothing it's purely psychological like when you are having why do you need to smoke like like there are days that I can like sit in the morning I don't have a smoke until like in the evening but then again there can be days where I like smoke every two hours yeah it's just how you like what do you do with your time and how Focus you in your other work plus when you're real stress at work it's just giving that 10 minutes to yourself some might go and have a tea some might go to some might just go walk around talk to someone yeah it's it's just an A K I'm not I think that's the worst I get it can just to go with that but it is not the smoking part it's just seeing the smoke goes out yeah it's actually the visual component oh absolutely and and that's the thing right like even in panic attacks if we are somehow able to slowly calm down and try to focus on our breathing we can calm down it because when your body is getting a lot of oxygen the body is store oh wait if he she he or she is in in a fight or flight mode why is she getting this much of oxygen so if she's getting this much of oxygen that means she's not in under any threat there's no threat that's around her there's no Predator so let's calm down and that's why like breathing is the most ideal thing because we're like when we're taking deeper breaths our body is like this is weird right and this is also how stress feeding happens which is again a very unhealthy coping mechanism but sometimes when again not during panic attacks you should not eat during panic attacks but yeah you would choke but let's say you are stressing out you tend to eat more because when we eat our body is like wait if she's going through like a dying situation here why is she eating and the body like oh if she's eating that means we are in a safe environment because animals tend to eat when they when they feel safe so even humans would eat when they feel safe and then it's a comfort so then the fight of flight switches off that's that's uh so I was reading about that uh know the fight of flight how the amigdala you know steps in and does all that your lyic system is the one that controls all of that how you react and how uh in order to let the lyic system transfer whatever yeah reaction I mean it communicates it to a higher thinking part but that takes time and so the breathing that's why we told like you're getting angry or something count to 10 ex because it's that time that it takes to send the message to your higher think yeah yeah so it's the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system so we tell the simple nervous and let the and that's why you're now analyzing and saying hold on you're not under uh yeah you're not under threat calm down yeah so that's the same thing that happens in a panic attack where we need to kind of I mean there's different different things there's things like box breathing then that's like but again when if you are with the person who experiencing a panic attack the best thing is to be like don't do it here don't don't panic Don't Panic no don't do that you need to mirror that you're very exactly and I'm like exactly you be like okay okay we're okay like let's go outside let's have some air let's you know let's breathe don't talk and even you could do like yeah you could do the exercises with them like you know like I mean we can breathe showing with the sounds and all right A lot of people I know that's why I really wanted to uh really wanted to compliment it D on it like I love that you read on it they don't care and also another trick with panic attacks is sometimes if you it's very hard but if you have like a lemon something very sour and then you just keep it on your lip or just to taste of it because lemon is very sour so you will have a lot of saliva and then saliva is also digestive uh um you know it has a lot of digestive uh enzymes so then again when digestion starts your body thinks fight light off so that also helps there are so many things similar to that um like when people have migraine uh you're supposed to uh eat a lot of salt unless you are having any if you're normal person without having any other health complications when you eat salt that helps the brain to think about the salt more so uh the the stress goes down yeah so there are there are so many things similar to what you said just now so some of these things are like a hormonal imbalance yes or it could be like your mineral imbalance also right could so so eating the salt now the same my thing is this even this taking a deep breath and all that now these are natural things that we have within us yes and it's something that maybe um say if you look at human evolution at one point these would think that okay we we may have taught ourselves or learned of our body's natural response to things like that and so we we had that yes and then suddenly something has happened along the way where we are disregarding oh we have lost that we have lost touch with that part absolutely and we tend to sort of focus on all the negative things and we don't see a way out of it yeah because we are so dependent on everything around yes absolutely that's St may I ask a question please give me one minute Kar sorry she's been trying to talk give me one minute sorry yes yes it it is like because then like you know sometimes it could be your childhood sometimes it could be an experience you went through that I mean it created something inside of you you that stayed for a while and then now you can't like and and besides what happens is for some people when they do the overthinking I'm not talking about panic attacks I'm talking about the generalized anxiety disorder when you're talking when you're doing overthinking or spiral thinking it could be a calming method as well because you're used to so much of overthinking that it it tends to like give you a sense of calm sorry K yes just a general question please about all of these disorders Panic about anxiety ADHD um I think you you're coming up to something like OCD probably later um things like this so why is it that you know increasingly with you know the last 10 years five to 10 years perhaps possibly um if I were to specify I would say maybe postco perhaps just before that as well there's such a rise in all of these um conditions I mean I'm not saying that they weren't there before but you look at it generationally um so say for example our grandparents you know they're really quite tough they're really uh robust in their mental health and they just I suppose in some ways just got on with things you know um yes there wasn't so much to analyze not so much to talk about I'm not saying the conditions didn't exist but perhaps not so recognized but in a sense people got on with it uh our parents also are quite you know quite strong and they're sort of you know if you like you know the Baby Boomers and uh and you know growing up in the middle of world wars so they're quite know just saw soon after World Wars if you're like you know so they're they're also quite strong um I think some of us and and and we find generationally it just seems to get weaker and weaker and we and now we talk about the snowflake generation you know where everything offends them uh I'm being hugely General um you know everything triggers them you have to have trigger warnings the other day I was watching a film and the first thing they did you know documentary and they had this trigger warning and I thought come on enough already you know really it's a little bit trying though sometimes because you know I suppose in some ways you think the more you play into it I'm not say I'm not you know um downplaying the importance of this at all but in a way I think you uh I don't know I think there is some some Effectiveness to sort of just I don't know just in a way getting on with it because the more you play into it and it's become such a huge industry does that have something to do with it it's a massive industry now yeah um and it affects the workplace it affects it's really hard to work with you know that generation of people because everything is an issue you know these triggers you know this is so that's just something that I I find quite perplexing because I suppose you know I I have a different mindset about a lot of these things yes yes no I mean that was a very good question kishani so there's a few answers I would like to give that which is for one thing um there is a lot more emotional awareness and importance that's given because of emotional intelligence because like for example I feel like nowadays parents they tend to parent their child children in a way where they're always looking into like how is this going to affect them you know like like for example a parent is more likely to hold themselves back even if they're frustrated at their child and not yell at them and they are more likely to be like why do you do this like you know and and most parents don't really right now don't really like this whole corporal punishment thing whereas our parents did and I know our grandparents def defitely did right and there what happened is even though the generations did go on they didn't give importance to emotional health I mean it could also be the rise of psychology because psychology and mental health does is a talked about topic now because now people are recognizing oh these things have After Effects I mean I this a this is joke that I have with my grandmother she's like oh you know back then love was so much stronger we stayed married we didn't do this divorce and I said yeah because back then you did the whole B which is in English where it's like you know you you have it now don't lose it stick with whereas I think little by little we I mean I know it has its ups and downs for sure because I guess nowadays Generations are more the the now like the most newest Generations if something's broken they let it go whereas there was a time when if some something's broken you fix it fix it but this is where the gray area and then the balance is very important where both are wrong it's a subjective thing right but some things if it's broken you should let it go if it's a toxic marriage if you're with a toxic partner yeah you should let it go for your yourself all that and then again there are some things where the slightest thing and you're like okay I can't do it yeah you can't do that also you need to fix it so I guess I mean something I've recognized is not I mean U my grandmother tends to do this thing like if any of our cousins or whatever like Whoever has a child she's like oh is a child fair and we're like could we stop doing this because I mean for her it's like she's not that sensitive into it but then I recognize like sometimes this becomes a part of a person again it doesn't mean that they're going to be overly sensitive about it but I mean the other day my nephew I was like playing with him and he likes to say like in Thomas and Friends this is the Train cartoon and he's like so now he's coming up with all the um different different Trends and I'm telling okay what color is Percy and he says green what color is James red what color is Thomas and he says blue then I was like okay so what color is his name is Aaron I like what color is Aaron like black and I like now I know as a child for me I would never say because for me that was was considered as such a bad thing you know that was back when fair and lovely was there right but for him he doesn't care yeah and I was like you know that's a very fresh perspective but I'm also recognizing that people are becoming so sensitive because of this like anything is I mean I guess this is where the balance is very important yeah the moderation exactly I mean sometimes there's so many things we can learn from the Baby Boomers and like you know their work ethics I mean they are considered as the generation that took care of their parents as well as their children at the same time which are Grand didn't really do when I look at my grandma I was like did you take care of your parents no but whereas my parents do did that I'm still doing it so again I guess it's a different challenges that they have because I also know the generation that's there like genes I know the little ones hav come up with but the genes do have different challenges than us are is Chang absolutely that change now looking at yes and it's another thing is co yes that was top exactly yeah because Co forced us okay get out of the social life not there uh career life also to a certain extent not there distractions not there now you are with yourself now what that's when we got understood like oh my God what's going on in my mind I think I I don't know if I told you like previous batch has a student who used to go on the silent Retreats and he used to say the first three days it's almost like you know you really feel so worried because your mind is coming up with all kinds of really scary negative things I think covid forced people to focus inside whereas earlier Generations had so many things going on they didn't have time to focus inside they didn't have time for self- awareness time for emotional intelligence now we have also sources yes sorry but also they didn't have the destruction of social media right I mean that's a huge part of it because we um we lose our personal interactions we lose the relationships that we're building of you know all of these important things yeah rather than you know uh taking that time to sort of you know build relationships you know we spend so much more time on social media right yeah absolutely and we value ourselves We compare and devalue ourselves from what we see from social media abolutely hugely impacts life which is why I think now the mental health challenges are a lot more because of this whole social media aspect I mean sure there's amazing things that it did right like we've become a part of a global Community like countries are no longer able to have like do stupid things without the world knowing right that's definitely a good thing but then again we are having so many different challenges because I mean a lot of uh like younger Generations they're having like eating disorders are becoming so common and people are promoting really bad diet I would say common because I don't know I when I was growing up all my parents generation I didn't really Rec I mean I didn't see any eating results like know sometimes like with regard to depression of PTSD now when I know about it I can actually recall and think okay maybe my grandmother like not diagnose but I understand these these things but with regard to eating disorders really that's something I have not been able to track back I mean sure celebrities had it to a certain extent I guess like you know but then again see malie Monroe was considered one of the most sexiest women Al that at that and she still didn't have that perfect figure she I mean nothing like that right she had a very human figure noral yeah very normal figure so Eating Disorders thing I don't I don't recall any of you know exactly my friends or anybody exactly where we heard of people having an eating disord this anorexia and stuff like that I mean that came to light maybe when I was a teenager and I was watching I guess bulimia bulimia and with Diana yeah Diana and also Al things like these actors in Beverly Hills 921 yes yes lot yes yes and that's where it started but it doesn't go really I think yeah absolutely all right so OC is again I think I talked about it here and there but this is when people have this really bad NE like I'll give an example let's say for somebody who has high CD they have a way that they arrange their cabinet like where they keep perfumes or whatever and this is how they keep it right so in their head sometimes it might represent something if something's changed they think oh this is representing my father now something's going to happen so they have to and some people have so OCD could be where you go into cleaning aspects or you might go into checking behaviors where you check things so many times or it's tapping behaviors or it could be like where you have to do certain things like you know oh I can't step on this type of a thing or I can't do that sort of a thing like this was not a client of mine but when I was an intern one of our one of my supervisors had a client was so bad like she had to wash her curtains three times a day and change it I mean imagine washing curtains three times a day yeah I mean she put it and then take the entire thing off and put it in the washing machine and get another one and put it and then take it off so imagine like there was so so many drying and they don't I mean how do I've never washed a curtain I don't even know know so you know what it was like her husband was so much more attractive than her and she kept thinking somebody would you know there would be something things and then she knew that nothing the husband's amazingly supportive and all that so in order to keep herself calm and not think about it and tell herself no no no this is okay it's again see like with these obsessive um the the behaviors it's very hard to make sense as why they do it I had one client um he was in a very bad shape when he came to me he has not taken a bath for about I guess two and a half months or something because he had a very uh extreme process of how he washes himself was like the hand from this area to this area he would have to rub it this many times and then this way this many times and the entire bathing the time period would take him like 3 hours or I mean imagine like parts and parts and parts and this was like he was 18 they came with the parents and all so like and he was getting acne because he's not shering and then and then skin issues like his neck area was turning black because of this so it was really hard so that's the extreme that o could go with so then we have phobia which is an excessive fear towards something it's almost like an over reaction so again see phobias are sometimes towards things that should actually like I mean fearing a snake is a okay we should kind of Fe a snake but not to an extent that people who have phobia s so I had a phobia towards snakes um I would call a phobia because I was at a point where I couldn't say the word snake and I couldn't say the word snake and if somebody's talking about a snake I'm uncomfortable I mean seeing like my dad love to wash like uh this do mentes and nature things and if a snake comes that's it for me like I'm very uncomfortable and so with four P again it's very treatable um where you have to slowly expose a client through therapy and all little by little and yeah when I went abroad I saw some pythons in this maker and I was like should I touch them so it's very much uh you know controllable so now even now I mean I guess now I'm like completely out of it but I think for some some people see for me it was something I could do because watching videos or something is something little by little we could expose but then there are some fears which is very very hard for people to get rid of and some fears it's okay that it's them you know like let's say fear of heights okay that could be a bit problematic when you go here and there but there are some fears where okay you know I have this fear I don't want to challenge it or whatever that's okay it depends on what you do and of course there's the eating disorders and which is unfortunately even in Sri Lanka it is becoming way too popular than it should and um that's also because I think now on Instagram and all there were like they block things that promote uh Eating Disorders or like different different these what it called rainfall diets or where you know they're forcing that the diet is actually consistent of this extreme detoxing where it's making people Dre I think it's can't remember what they call it but it's kind of like where they like really go in the bathroom for long so they're basically trying to help like make people go a lot and then it's really bad so again it depends so I think if I'm not mistaken Instagram and all they have like um ways of reflecting this and putting it all okay so that's that we're almost done with time I just want so the others you could go through this if anybody's wanting to watch this movie please watch it it's a beautiful mind um this is uh the story of Dr Johnny Nash Johnny Nash John schizophrenia schizophrenia so with schizophrenia it's untreatable and it's when somebody has types of hallucination so there's five types of hallucinations can't remember all of it there's visual uh then there's auditory then there's all Factory and I can't remember the other two types but so Dr Johnny Nash he's um was a physics Professor or some mathematician yeah so he is considered as one of the only almost like one of the only schizophrenic patients who was able to identify that he has schizophrenia so when when people have schizophrenia they can't understand that this is a hallucination but if you watch this movie I don't want to spoil it but there's an amazing way where he found that oh this is a hallucinate but you know weirdly I'm seeing this on Tik Tok now I don't know how accurate it is where some people like because they have hallucinations they have these uh emotional support animals so if the animal doesn't react to whatever hallucinations then they recognize this is a hallucination so but this is now because we have all these different different techniques but Dr John Dr Nash did not have any of this so he figured this out at a time when it was very impossible possible to so I will quickly finish this part and then we can call it off most important thing before you get a diagnosis is this episode is not attributed to psychological effects of substances because when we are taking substances sorry I'm very sorry when we're taking like substances even if it's drinking or whichever we could have these like I mean I know some people who go into paranoia who gets very paranoid who might go to panic attacks different kinds of things so we when if you're getting a diagnosis you have to be clean cuz I've had one client I said I can't give you diagnosis because you haven't been clean in a long time and and some of these things if I'm not mistaken like I think it's like or something like it stays in your blood dream or whatever like when you do this hair follicle test it stays I think three months or something right so just to be really sure General is on 40 days 40 days most of them can stay in your system yeah yeah exactly oh I didn't know about I see so yes that's one the symptoms need to be present for the required time period like for example for depression it has to be present for 14 days but see this is when psychologist also need to be very careful like once I had a client saying I have depression I can't fall asleep blah blah blah then I mean she stud I was F but then I just said like how many days could you not fall asleep it's like oh once for this entire Mon and I'm like no no it should be where insomnia should be present or hypersomnia should be present for longer period of time so it has to be there for that required time period so things like bipolar it takes about two to three months or even more some for some clients it takes years to diagnose bipolar because bipolar episodes can happen not very often right I know like a lot of people think it's a switch no like a depressive episode would stay with them for a month and then they are okay for about 3 4 months and then again they have a manic episode and then they're okay again like symtoms cause inment as what I mentioned earlier and then again it should only be done by professional even then you have to have a diagnosis so these this is just well-being at work very understandable the only thing I do want to mention as to why we talked about this is to I think we'll do this next time because I think it'll be important yeah but the reason I want all of you to have an idea is because now that you are doing a business psychology program good for you to know Mental Health Resources also the ability to identify these things and also not be judgmental towards it or anything but just have an open mind and kind of help people recognize like hey you know cuz I know some people do misuse these diagnosis but for you to know like exactly what it is again not to give diagnosis to people because something we had to force our psych students like when I was like teaching Psychology was stop diagnosing yourselves stop going and going home and diagnosing your siblings and all that you just know the symptoms you can't give diagnosis but this is just for awar all right so um next week we'll do the rest of this because I think next lecture is quite short but uh is every everybody okay if we discuss the assignments next week I will be mentioning it here and there many times but uh shall we so I will ask Sinta to open the modules uh like where you can see the case study so there is a bit of a long case study I just want you all to go through it uh it'll take about 20 minutes so I don't want to do it during class so I mean I don't want the reading to happen during class or if you can just go through the document before that'll be awesome all right then sorry I over went over time a little bit but thank you everyone avilable are they available awesome so I think it's the Desa case study right oh yes yes there's a group assignment and nice is there a case study that's uh I haven't checked yet no so uh the brief uh the assessment might be there assessment brief might be there but I don't know if the case stud is been so is yes can I just ah yes yes yes awesome so the case study is already there you can just go and check it out and read it so we can discuss cuz uh I have a teaching note on it given by that case study itself so I want to discuss it and we've made the case study quite easier for you because even though it is an individual report that you have to write we've come up with a few questions that you just have to answer so the assessment brief says it so just go through it and so this is the 1,500 exactly this is a 1,500 report the other one is on group presentation it's not that big of a deal but I'm hoping next week we could do the grouping the the putting into groups all right then thank you everyone thank you very much thank you thank you you bye see you bye oh next week it but this some sometimes you don't have this many people online yeah I don't know not even attendance like I'll write dress is leading organization change that happen that's so last week did you have a lecture in no no no no we only have the two got it