he's got the verbal agreement he's got the ROI setup and there's the close RJ baits the third has done it the ref steps in it's over man nothing like old Pat Hilton reminding everybody about me winning the closure Olympics back in the day to get everybody pumped up for today finally I get to talk about the thing that I love to do the most Acquisitions locking up deals and cutting through all of the BS letting you guys know that hey anybody can do this okay there's like this rumor going around in the real estate investing world that Acquisitions is difficult you have to have a certain type of personality to be able to do this I don't think that's the case and we've proven that over and over and over again here at titanium Investments where we have literally taken people that have no idea what wholesaling is we said hey follow this formula and they've been able to lock up deals all across the country most of them kids it's funny because people talk about hey they want to hire people with sales experience they want to hire older people I disagree I love hiring people for our business that have no prior real estate experience or knowledge and I love the young ones because they don't know any better they just listen and that's what I want you guys to do today is just hear me out listen to what we're going to talk about what I'm going to show you literally the exact formula that I use to lock up 125 contracts in 50 days which is an astronomical number because prior to that when I did the first 505050 I got 86 contracts that was all with outbound marketing a lot of list pulling a lot of SMS a lot of me getting my teeth kicked in by Angry sellers want to know you know how did you get my information and explaining I'm sure you guys heard hello this is RJ I pulled a list of absentee owners wanted to reach out to see if you were interested in selling your property these have changed over the past three years now we have a lot of inbound leads coming in through lead Zolo speed to lead virtual assistance using that data and coold calling for us and the conversations were very different in 2023 I was blessed with the opportunity to be able to speak at wholesaling live just a couple months ago and what Michael Giannis Mr hustle and Uncle Charles asked me to give a speech about was how I talk to sellers how does the king closer do you know 125 contracts in 50 days how is that possible and so I put together a presentation and a speech and I gave that speech to Cassie in the car on the way down to San Antonio and that's when she said hey this is your closers formula it's a formula it's not a script because it's very fluid it's about being yourself it's about listening and so we've broken it down to five steps now if you haven't already we have broken this into an actual document that you guys can get for free all right I will drop the link in here for you guys um so you can download that for free I just dropped it in the chat um see quite a bit of comments already uh appreciate everybody hopping in here that's awesome let me drop that one more time for you guys so you can download that for free at King closers formula.com backclose all right that way you can follow along with it you can read it consume it but I'm going to break this down for you today in today's video and also answer um any of y'all's questions that you have about this maybe struggles that you currently have during Acquisitions maybe you've already read the the formula and you have struggles or you don't know how to overcome an objection uh during the middle of the conversation and in the middle of the formula that's what today's video is about but realistically it's also about breaking the mindset of Acquisitions is difficult you have to have a script you have to play mental manipulation mind games you have to pretend like you have a finance department or a manager to go talk to you have to put sellers on hold you don't have to to do any of those things it could be a simple process I believe it's very simple and I've seen it with my own eyes that anybody can do this so man we've got a lot of you guys in here this is awesome if you can drop in the comments where you're coming from I'd love to see if we've got people from other countries um I know we've got quite a few followers in like Israel Egypt uh the Philippines what's up Casey there's a fellow Titan Bud Ellis what's up bud another one Nick Robbins what's up Nick hey it's always good when someone calls me a handsome bastard appreciate that there's uh Mr Jamie LeBlanc coming in on Thursday and Friday for the closers formula here live at our office love it we got Port Orlando p Portland Oregon Chicago uh Boomer Sooner H I don't know about all that I mean Lakeland Florida lot of Florida boa ratton Ulus Clearwater Houston look at this my son does wholesaling from Geneva Switzerland um if you can whoever this was send this video to your son because what your son needs to know is is that the one dial closes is very possible and so I'd love for your son to be able to consume this video today and the closure formula guide and maybe that can help him close more deals all the way from Switzerland that's awesome we got Trinidad man just crazy uh Rafael says RJ B third is the number one wholesaler in my personal opinion thank you Rafael I appreciate that um Omaha Nebraska New Jersey man Puerto Rico all over Rhode Island man that's awesome thank you guys so much for hopping in here um so let's let's just get into this right um share my screen here show you guys this is the actual closers formula that we're giving away for free um I'm not going to show the whole D just kind of want to give you an ideas idea of what it is that you could get um for free kind of breaking down it's 13 pages and that's what I'm going to go through today all right now one of the things I want you guys to understand is is that I've been doing Acquisitions now for well realistically since August of 2014 okay so we're we're approaching a decade of me doing Acquisitions and it hasn't always been like this so this is kind of a formula to fast forward the process for you all right kind of skip all of the bad phone calls the on the the deals that I missed out on and and kind of get you right to where I'm already at after this you know decade long process all right as well as I think on my YouTube channel I've probably put out more live seller conversations than anyone else and I say that to say this is not hey I'm sitting back here and I put together a script that I'm letting someone else in my office use this is literally the form fora in which I have created through trial and error and it wasn't with the pretense of hey I'm going to create this formula to then provide it for other people it was this is what we needed to do to be able to to achieve deal flow volume in our business okay so it works and it's worked over and over and over again now the mindset that you need to have going going into these calls is that this is crucial crucial you are the buyer and they are the seller and you're gonna it's going to be funny by the end of this you're going to be like man the things RJ said were so simple yet not really ever said by anybody like think about all of the things in life that you purchase you buy you don't go in and try to sell yourself as the buyer you go in with other confidence that you're the one with the funds and they have the product so they are going to sell you on the product that is what we need to go into with the mindset in these calls is that we are going in initially embracing no that hey I have the funds they want to sell their property they want my money I'm going to find out if the property is what I want for my funds that's a mindset shift we're not deal manufacturers we're deal finders okay so if you break down into lead generation uh methods that I did during the last 50-day challenge Le zos is where we got over 50% of our contracts which are YouTube leads inbound to a website and it's a paper lead model right cost us $100 per lead I closed one out of every seven here's the thing the six that we didn't close on is it because six sellers told me no it's because I chose that those six properties are not the right fit for us and I know it sounds simple but that is a mindset shift that you need to have going into these conversations okay so start there mindset shift right there all right now the next thing is is embracing no throughout the conversation at any point in time if it's not the right seller it's not the right numbers it doesn't cash flow it's going to be a difficult property to dispo because there's no buyers in the location that's where we cut off we refer them to an agent or we just say hey we're not the right solution for you and we move on all right these are critical things on your mindset when we're going into talking to sellers everybody get that if we're falling along give me a thumbs up there in the comments okay the next thing is is I want you to become a machine where the way that you introduce yourself to the seller is similar the words that you use I'm going to give you the words that I use today and the reasons why you could change it a little bit to sound more like yourself like for example it you know when I say tell me a little bit about what you got going on okay that's that's Southern that's Texas boy all right might not sound the same it might not sound genuine coming from someone from New Jersey all right maybe change that up a little bit but regardless the point here is be a machine you could change the words a little bit to be more your personality as long as it's still fitting the formula and still getting the same point across all right that's very critical you the reason why is because when we break this down and we start talking about all of the other things that you are going to have to do during the phone call outside of talking to the seller you don't need to think about what you were saying it needs to be repetitive the same thing over and over you don't have to think about it a machine doesn't have to think about what they're doing it just does what it's meant it was built to do okay so very repetitive in how you say things how you ask questions so you're not having to sit there and think especially early on in the conversation all right third thing is is don't overthink the process okay by overthinking it at any point in time if you don't know what to say it's okay not to say anything at all more often than not the the mistake that someone makes during a close is by talking too much so you can pause wait until you know exactly what you want to say and then say it and ask okay because more often than not what that will do is it will allow the seller to interject and tell you more information about their property okay so just don't overthink it don't panic Don't Panic ask questions it's a very common thing all right we don't know what to say so all a sudden out of nowhere we just ask them about the roof or the foundation all right don't overthink that all right the other thing is is make sure you have your clumping tools available make sure you're set up is set up for Success okay I have four monitors all right on this far right monitor all right CRM this is where my leads are so I'm looking over here I'm getting the phone number I'm dialing boom soon as they answer I'm taking that address and I'm copying and pasting it into my comping system on another monitor already up for me I will have prop stream privy and batch leads open and available for me to comp okay so make sure you're set up for Success all right um I know it sounds simple but a lot of times we just don't think about these simple things that can make a huge difference and then last but not least make sure you're having fun during the process okay utilize your personality don't think it's if you're not utilizing your personality and having some humor during the conversation it could be extremely stressful for the seller okay we do this all day every day the seller might only do this two three four times in their entire lifetime all right so just make sure you're having fun during the process all right let's get into the five steps we ready man I'm excited 110 of you guys in here that's amazing thank you guys seriously means a lot to me all right step number one one confirm they want to sell oh it's mind blowing right prepare to get your minds blown today okay we're going to break this down where it's super simple this is the thing though majority of time closers don't want to ask this question for whatever reason they they think that hey if we ask the simple questions then it's going to seem weird or awkward I don't care about the lead generation I don't care if this is a straight Cod call okay hey is this John yep hey John this is RJ Bates I was just calling to see if you're still interested selling 123 Main Street that's it it's the most important question that we can ask do they want to sell the property now how often do we ask sellers if they want to sell sell and they respond back with if the if the offer is right if the price is right maybe maybe in the future I don't know okay we get a lot of these objection responses to this right now remember what do we Embrace no so if we can't get this out of them we need to immediately start kind of walking away because the more that you were willing to walk away the more they're going to be willing to chase you and that is a fact in life but it's very difficult when you spend a 100 200 300 400 $500 to get a lead to walk away from it right who here right now wishes they had more money for marketing I do everybody does right but understand that if you were chasing after it that will more than likely make them run away from you that's why it's called chasing so right out of the gates we want to verify you want to sell this property right now if they say something like if the price is right I love that answer what's my next question what's the right price because it leads you right into the Second Step so step one everyone write down confirm they want to sell super simple everybody can do that we do that already right hopefully hopefully we're already asking that number two is we want to establish the price okay establish the price so hey John just reaching out about one two three main street you entered on my website you still looking to sell that property yes awesome confirm that you heard them okay people love to be recognized that they are heard awesome step number two how much are you looking to get for that property I don't know if you noticed that I can feel it I said that different than how I'm talking to you while I'm thinking did you guys hear it I didn't have to think about that how much are you looking to get for that property it just rolls off of the tongue because I've said it so many times it's different than when I have to sit here and think about what I'm about to tell to you guys even though I live eat and breed this and it's and it's my formula I still have to think about how I want to convey the message to you guys but being a machine step number two how much are you looking to get for that property just rolls off off the tongue feel smooth right now here's the reason why we're asking that right out the gates it's so different than what everybody else teaches nobody else says Hey ride out the gates ask them how much they want for the property but it's so weird you don't go into a store and not know how much someone's asking to sell something for there's a price on it they're the seller we're the buyer we asked them right out of the gates do you want to sell y okay cool what's your price because you're selling it so if they push back and they say well I don't know you called me or your website said that you would make me an offer all right that's okay say well I don't know anything about the property except some vague information on the internet and I thought you wanted to sell I figured you would just have a price now listen the thing about this is is that it's so counter of intuitive see this look at this price is always last the four pillars I don't know what that is not in this this second baby right out of the gates we don't want them to get comfortable we don't want them to get comfortable in the conversation where they build up confidence because here's the thing if you ask them right out of the gates what their price is it's going to be so different than everybody else they're just going to tell you a number majority of the time and I'm I'm not talking about 51% of the time okay I'm talking about the vast majority of sellers when I call them it will tell you right out of the gates 100,000 if they say they don't have a price you can approach this one to two different ways all right you can go real hard in the paint and say would you like to call me back when you know how much you want for the property now that's that's [ __ ] legit pull away method all right and I've done that before I got a video on my YouTube channel called The Art of how to shut up okay and I did that right there on that call what you asking Bryce no I don't know what are you offering okay you guys want to think about it call me back when you've got a price sure enough husband screams in the background 100 Grand okay now the other way that you can handle this and probably the more safe and conservative route and the route that you should probably go the majority of time is move on to the next question and then we'll revisit price later on in the conversation because here's the thing you're always going to be dealing with different personalities all right sometimes with specific types of sellers mainly going to be like male tired landlord business type people um investors okay a little bit more difficult to get out if it's maybe a tened occupied property it's already cash flowing all right maybe they're going to want to see where you're coming in and also to gauge if you're like a experienced wholesaler or real estate investor or maybe you're a newbie all right so it could be they're trying to gauge out your credibility during the conversation all right so we can always come back and touch base on price after step three or you can go the the hardcore route and just say you want to call me back and see if they chase after you that's that's the game that you're playing right there right you're you're saying hey in the chess game here I'm moving my piece to say let's see if you're G to chase me or not now what I will say is on an efficiency level it will help you if they're lacking motivation if you pull away on step two and they don't chase after you because a highly motivated seller is going to chase after you at that point I can promise you that now step one we need to confirm they want to sell right we've got a yes then we want to establish price let's move on to step three okay discover their motivation and their pain okay now you've got to do this with open-ended questions okay difference between an open-ended question and a close-ended question there's so many scripts which by the way I hate scripts don't know if y'all know that or not there's so many scripts out there that immediately goes into condition or occupancy or timeline and we close down the conversation with the seller right we say what's your timeline I'm wanting to sell 30 days cool what did that get us what can we do in the time we have a piece of paper here all right and we say what's your timeline 30 days okay that 02 seconds are we got to get them to talk okay we want the other person on the other end of the line to talk to us we don't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] we don't know the occupancy we don't know the condition we don't know their motivation we don't know their pain we don't know anything so if you ask a bunch of closed ined questions you're going to be on the phone for 45 minutes ask open ended questions they're going to open up to you about what is important to them so what's your asking price how much do you want to get for that property $100,000 awesome tell me a little bit about property what you got going on very vague very open they could talk about anything that they want to this is how it discovers their motivation and their pain because they're going to jump into the condition because it's bad and that's why they want to sell they're going to talk about the occupancy and that's why they want to sell they're going to jump into what they feel is most important for you to know and is going to then allow you to discover why you're on the phone or if you should be on the phone with them moving forward see see the the difference there is is at times we don't think that we shouldn't be on the phone with this seller because of what they're telling us we're thinking it because hey we don't like this person or maybe the numbers aren't working out yet based off of what they're telling us but in this moment right here we need to determine are they a motivated seller because what are we doing in this process remember I got my CRM I plugged this into my p in tool so I took the address I plugged it in the prop stream okay I said what's your asking price 100,000 okay I wrote that down I've now got my comps pulled up awesome tell me a little bit about property what you got going on now they're going to start telling me okay property's been occupied for a long time needs some rehab tenant just moved out I just don't want to deal with it anymore I'm a tired landlord we've all heard these stories right I'm going through a divorce I inherited the property you know mom lived there for 70 years and it looks like 1970s you know all these different things the motivations that we hear what we're doing at this point is is step four okay step four is we're analyzing and comping the property so this is happening at the same time step three is we're discovering their motivation and their pain Point step four is we're analyzing and comping the property to see if this is a good fit for us numbers wise based off of what they're telling us because here's the thing if they tell us that the price is $100,000 and we look it up and all of the comps are $100,000 we're way off even if it's in perfect condition we're way off right now we can get into the details there of exit strategy first determines the acquisition strategy and that's where creative Finance like sub2 Novation cellery all of this comes into play All Right facts of the matter are 94% of all deals are still cash deals all right so don't want to get lost in the weeds here talking about what we could do with those full retail deals and how we can still close them we're breaking it down and we're keeping it stupid simple all right if we're looking at it and it's a let's just use something that couldn't potentially cash flow it's a $400,000 arv and they want $400,000 all right we probably don't need to go very far unless they're screaming that they're highly motivated if they're highly motivated on the phone with us then that's where you can ask them how'd you come up with $400,000 as your asking price okay we need to understand we need to like verify how they got to that number because sometimes it could be a symbolized well that's what Zillow told me and then we have to educate right Zillow doesn't take into consideration the the condition though it doesn't know that hey the kitchen the bathrooms are 1970 it's missing floors and oh by the way there's 27 holes in the wall all right educate at that point based off of the answer that they give us see how the conversation is kind of flowing here but we're always still kind of looking at potentially pulling away we're kind of trying to find are the reasons why I don't need to be on this phone call any longer I said this over and over and over again during the 50-day challenge where I'd be on the phone with a seller and I tell the seller at this point right here tell me a little bit about what you got going on with that property and they would say hey it's a great condition we're just looking to upgrade okay I've pulled the comps they're asking full retail I'd say hey looks like I'm not going to be a good fit for you I'm an investor you should probably list that with the realtor move on soon as I get done with that conversation and look right at the camera and i' say hey the next one's going to be a motivated seller thank God I got to that in three minutes instead of wasting 30 minutes right we make those six NOS super quick and efficient this is how you end up getting 125 contracts in 50 days by being quick and efficient to no not being long winded to yeses not trying to play mental Mind Games to convince people to sell you their house okay so at this point I'm finding out their pain and motivation let's say they tell us 400,000 let's go back to lower numbers more more common let's say they tell us 100,000 and the aab is 200,000 that's right in our wheelhouse right that's where the money is made when we're buying houses at 50 cents on the dollar 40 cents on the dollar right this is where all of our money is made during that Acquisitions phase so boom we know we've got a potential deal there we're listening to their motivation you still want to ask how did you come up with that price because we I genuinely want to know and here's the reason why a lot of times the reason why they came up with that number is because of a need we want to understand is the $100,000 because you need $100,000 because you have a mortgage that is $100,000 you have back taxes you have leans you're going to uncover a lot and see how we're still uncovering a lot of information with these open-ended questions tell me about what you got going on with the property explains their pain and motivation tell me how you came up with that price it forces them to talk to us and open up and so far what have we done we've really just stayed out of the way this is the key this is not about you it's about them we want them to sell us the property we want them to explain to us what they need so we can be the solution the seller has the problem and we have a potential solution we're just verifying that we are the right solution so even when we're here we're revisiting price so let's go back to step two establish the price okay remember when I said hey if they don't want to give it to you move on to step three discover their motivation you ask them the same thing all right tell me a little bit about the property what you got going on they answer they tell you you find out there is some motivation there right now you can go back so how much were you looking to get for this property again you sure you don't have a price on there this it works I know it sounds crazy to go back and ask it again but a lot of times when you're dealing with that sophisticated investor that tired landlord maybe just by opening up and them realizing hey you're pretty serious that's where they will tell you listen I just need to get out from underneath this because you know I just had to evict my tenant they tore the place up I owe about 75k on it I've owned it for 10 years I'd love to get 100K walk away with 25,000 cool boom now we're moving somewhere okay navigating the conversation by asking open-ended questions and staying out of the way and being being consistent with this becoming a machine with it and doing it over and over and over the same way you guys can go watch my Instagram reels my Tik toks it's the same thing over and over I actually told my editor one day I was like dude we might have to change up my reels a little bit because I think people are getting confused that it's the same one over and over the only difference is is what the seller is telling us that's how this should flow for you all right so step four we're revisiting the price we're analyzing we're copying property we've now determined hey this is a good fit numbers wise it looks like it could be a potential deal right location wise we feel like this is good for us to dispo the property there's pain in their motivation so they have a problem we could be the solution all right so through four steps we're looking pretty good now we want to close the property so that's step five okay so step five is where we need to close the deal and this is also an area where people have a huge problem with this I've been lucky enough to compete in three closur Olympics and I've gotten to do quite a bit of lives with with people on YouTube watching them this consistently is an area in which people don't know how they want to close the deal and I want to break it down and make it super simple for you if we've already gotten to this point the ideal scenario is we get them to give us the final number we never actually want to make an offer what we want to do is say yes to their price this will do a couple different things it will eliminate sellers not wanting to perform on contracts it will eliminate Sellers from having sellers remorse and calling you the next day and saying hey we we don't want to do that anymore because you're essentially saying yes to them all right so at the end what we want to do is we say hey if I covered all of the closing costs and there's no reals or commissions what's the best best price you could do for me now I didn't think that this was like special and I still don't think it's special I hear people say it I just think the timing of which you say it is a little bit wonky at times what I've seen in this is this typically leads if we haven't already gotten them down now there's times where the super motivated sellers will have already price dropped themselves by just talking okay but if they haven't done that yet what this will lead to is somewhere in the range of a 10 to 20% price drop okay so like the person that wanted 100,000 they'll be like I mean if you're going to cover the closing cost and there's no realt to commissions I could probably do 990,000 that's where I say what's your email address or I've got your email address here is RJ titanium props.com I'm gonna go ahead and send you over a contract right now for the 990,000 that is the ideal close right there now you're probably sitting here and you're thinking to yourself man RJ um what about like really needing to understand the condition what about like the roof and the HVAC and the foundation and the plumbing and electrical and all these different things okay let's go back to step three when we ask them tell me a little bit about the property what you got going on okay if they're closed on that and they don't just openly like give it to you you can ask them the specifics about tell me a little bit about the condition and if you need to close it down and ask some specifics you can specifically like if you look look up on Google Maps and you see like hey the roof is highly distressed you can ask like hey I see here on Google Maps the the roof looks like it needed be replaced when this was taken on Google Maps in May of 2022 has that roof been replaced no but then you want to get back to the open-ended questions okay but realistically you want to keep that to a minimum you do not want to get lost in a bunch of close-ended questions like that you want to keep it very open keep them talking tell me a little bit about the condition what's going on with the occupancy like keep it vague where they continue to talk all right buddy 40 minutes I can't believe it took me 40 minutes to get through that I want to answer some questions for you guys because I'm sure that you guys have specific questions based off of what I kind of went through there um so the Sicilian Bros what's up guys um solid advice go for the know as quick as possible there sand Sandler method um yeah a little bit I would say we don't do a whole lot from Sandler um I have read Sandler books um previously I I don't love all of it because I try to stay away from some of the mental mind games um realistically what I want to do with the go for the no as quick as possible is really just Embrace that you're the buyer um and if you're embracing that then more often than not when you're not getting the contract it's because it wasn't a good fit for us that's why I think more often than not um it's very rare for me to make an offer and they get turned down we try to stray away from that as much as possible um can you repost the the link for the 13 page PDF yes I can um it's King closers formula.com is where you can get it just dropped it in there again um using your five-step process are these for pre-qualified leads or cold calls if cold calls do you switch up do you still look at cell for are you interested in selling great question um these are for All Leads okay so you might have to change up a little bit of the language up front like a lot of times what I'll say is it say if it's an inbound lead to our website I'll say hey is this John yeah this is John hey John I saw that you filled out a form on my website saying that you were looking to sell One two3 Main Street is that correct yes awesome how much you looking to get for that property 100,000 cool tell me a little bit about the property what you got going on now say it's a cold call okay what I would say there now we pre-qualify our cold calls through virtual assistance okay so a lot of times what I'll do there is I'll say hey I see that you talked to Mar about selling that property you're still looking to sell that property right now if I were the cold caller what I would say is hey this is RJ calling about two3 Main Street are you looking to sell that property yes cool how much you looking to get for it so change up a little bit of the wording based off of the lead generation but you don't want to get too changed up in the process all right do you disqualify a non-motivated seller instead of qualifying a seller see if they're serious or not um I don't think I understand the question I'm sorry maybe reward it for me it just maybe my adrenaline's flowing too much I just I can't comprehend what the question is there sorry about that um I get a lot of I just want your offer from my direct mail campaign how do I handle that um so just want to verify you still want to sell you do want to sell the property right are you're interested in selling it yeah I just want to hear what your offer is um a lot of times what I'll do on that is is if they say I just want to hear what your offer is well I I just want to make an offer only if you're interest in selling like I don't want to just make a bunch of offers because I don't want to make an offer for you know hundreds of thousands of dollars and then you know you call me back 60 days from now and say Hey I want to accept that offer and I've already bought somebody else's house so again kind of pulling away a little bit of fear about them missing out but also just finding out if they're motivated to sell right now Direct Mail is gonna have a lot of people that are just kind of calling just to get a feel for what their house is worth so you kind of want to weed through those especially depending on what Market you're in um you know you you could only be getting like less than a 1% response rate on direct mail so it kind of sucks to pull away but again remember you're either chasing them or they're chasing you so you just want to kind of weed through those to get to the more motivated ones uh if they say I just want to hear what your offers they won't give you a price move on to step three right tell me a little bit about what you got going on open-ended questions follow listen keep asking an open-ended question questions get him to talk more and more about the property if there's motivation there go back to price if there's not motivation there then you can probably pull away at that point and say well it sounds like you've got a awesome house that you're just looking to get full retail right I mean I'm an investor it's probably not going to be a good fit pull away that's how IID handled those situations great question how are you coming up with your offer a percent off Propst stream estimated value so no we're not ever using the estimated values those are not accurate okay no matter what system it is the estimated values are not accurate so what I do is and what Cassi teaches uh my partner um she goes deep into how to comp how to underwrite using our profit calculator that is not part of today's live but it is part of the closure formula that we're going to be teaching here on Thursday and Friday at our office I think that quite possibly is the most important part this process is understanding how to come up with the correct numbers but realistically you should already have a pretty good idea if you're getting the property at a discount from Full market value from the comps like as soon as you get it pulled up and then you have to nail down on how you get the official number there but to the point of today's live is just to go into how to navigate the conversation with the seller all right uh let's see here seems before you make the call you already have a buy criteria mind so you know what you're looking to determine a buy fit for you right um well yeah I mean we have our our profit calculator and we know what buyers want to purchase so yeah I mean we're we're going to know based off of pretty much based off whatever the arv is we kind of know this is what a flipper would want to make this is what the cash flow needs to look like then also based off the location but it's not like going into the conversation I'm like okay I've got to get this property at this price or I'm getting off the the conversation that's not I don't ever comp properties before I get on the the call anyways um is your approach to disqualify a seller who might be a tire kicker and not waste your time yeah I mean yeah that's part of it but it's also just to make sure that it's a good fit right um we just don't want to have to be trying to convince someone to sell us the property what we want to do is say yes that's the ideal scenario okay with a virtual Market how do you overcome them not wanting to sign before we send with someone to go out and see it it happens sometimes with older people or people not wanting to tie the property up great question um that's not our process it's not how our business functions uh because see here's the thing I talk to people all day every day and if I were always going out to see their property prior to getting it under contract I'd be wasting my time driving all over town just to go see a property and then you could change your mind overnight so if you're willing to sign a contract for $100,000 right now I'm willing to sign that contract and go through our due diligence process because you're under a binding legal contract if you don't don't want to do that then I'm probably not the buyer for you and it's not a good fit because we're business we have non-negotiables the non-negotiable for us is we do not go see the property prior to getting under contract open door doesn't do it offer pad doesn't do it why would you do it all right um I struggle with understanding changes in my market changes in your Market should be dictated by the comps comps are going to show you days on Market they're going to show you the price um that should show you right there um what's happening in your Market um besides lead Zolo the other one would be speed to lead so our lead generation is lead solo speed to lead cold calling and then we also get leads from my social media which is kind of crazy um William if you want to come to the closer formula on Thursday it's king closer.com um I'd love to have you um we're we're we're already set up for it um but we we could probably fit some some last minute people in here um if you can uh if you can make it out here love to have you okay let's see what e signature do you use dropbox sign how often do you have to renegotiate price after signing or usually is it spot on so yeah I mean there's times where we definitely have to renegotiate that's going to happen um I would say it's probably about 30 35% of the time but we let the seller know that up front like we're you're going to tell the seller there at the end especially when they want to know about your process okay so how does your process work that's a pretty common uh question asked by a seller it's hey you're going to sign a contract today on anre agreed price we're going to come out we're going to inspect the property then we're going to come back to you and we're going to say hey based off the inspection results we're good to move forward at this or hey I wasn't aware that we needed to replace the roof or the foundation was off by 4 Ines so you know we're going to have to renegotiate the price of this but it's always going to be based off of information that was not provided to us upfront that's how we kind of navigate that and then once we go out and we have our buyers look and they tell us what price they need to be at that's where we go back we the buyers or the seller where we need to be um let's see um we instantly send the agreement to title uh speed lead is free to use the only thing that it's going to cost you is just the purchase of the leads our due diligence process is going to be for the length of the contract um now there's times where a seller will negotiate that but majority of the time they're not now I will say don't be an [ __ ] and terminate day before closing okay all right we're adding three young hungry individuals our team for cold calling how can they overcome the fear of not being super knowledgeable or experienced in making these cold calls in order to feel confident to lock up some potential deals for the team when making these calls I think they need to watch this I think they need to download the the the closure formula guide there um and then the other thing is is that you're going to have to let them screw up okay you're going to have to allow them to make mistakes you're going to have to allow them to to fail a little bit and then you're going to have to coach them you're going to have to to let them know what they did wrong and how they can get better you need to record their calls and you need to have daily coaching on based off of those calls uh being virtual what is your percent of contracts that fall out and don't close it depends on the lead source so I will tell you our highest Fallout our highest termination is JV deals um it's almost so bad that I'm at the point where I'm gonna say we're not doing JV deals anymore um I think JB deals is at like a 50% Fallout um lead solo speed the lead and the social media um we were at by the end of the 50-day challenge out of the 125 contracts um just south of 70% I think it was 69.2% uh but JV deals was at like 50% so and and to be honest with you I think it was just a lot of times it wasn't because the deal couldn't be sold it was for other reasons um what percentage of sellers are open to owner financing no not many just being honest with you uh no more texting texting died a couple years ago let's see probably well probably at the beginning of this year end of last year is really when it was dying how many calls does it take to normally get a deal for you um we're about to find out so I'm about to call something for you guys um what is the biggest reason deals fall out lack of communication from the JV partner to the seller um that's normally number one and then not not following this sales like script I mean not to call it a script but this formula I mean they they go and they follow another script that is just mental manipulation Mind Games convincing um but then not communicating with them about what's happening what the process is like if you don't have a process then the seller feels lost and kind of loses faith in you and the majority of the deals that got terminated um from JV deals at least with us over the past like six nine months has been because of the seller not wanting to move forward with the JV partner anymore how do you deal with Savvy sellers who know you're a wholesaler or want attorneys involved I have no problem telling a seller that I'm a wholesaler there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever in fact I love it because it then just expedites the process and we don't have to play any games we can just be fully transparent about what's happening if they want to get an attorney involved well I mean we do deals in attorney states where attorneys have to be involved um so there's nothing wrong with it um if they want to get somebody like that involved then hey that's their decision I'm not paying for it so that that's what you want to do I would ask what's the reason why you want to get an attorney involved is it something that I didn't um explain to you or is it something that I need to to do better um then then yeah I would ask those questions all right let's see what if we actually have a finance department or a sales manager so great question because some companies out there actually do and I assume the reason why you're as this is that you do um I think that's okay if you really do now I would say maybe you need to look into like giving your closer more freedom to make the offer because clearly if you have a finance department or you have a sales manager there's a level of training that they had to make the determination to send out that contract Why can't your closers have the same training and the same knowledge base to make that decision if you need if you actually need to put a seller on hold to get like clearance or approval from the finance department or sales manager to do it then you should put them on hold because that is truth that is reality I don't think there's anything wrong with that what I don't like is is basing the whole first conversation with a seller on a lie like I'm just G to put the seller on hold so I can hear them talking in the background or I'm going to go pretend to talk to somebody when I'm sitting in my bathroom cold calling like and I it's just me like I don't think that that is genuine authentic and I I think that's what sellers strive for is having an authentic real conversation with Real Estate Investors the the buyer that's what they want and so if that's truly part of it then hey be real about it and put them on hold I would say it would probably be better for you to be more efficient in your organization if that one person or two people weren't making that decision and you found a way to train your closers to actually make the same decision that that person person's making how do you deal with sellers changing their minds about signing the contract or even selling after sending the contract even if the conversation went well and we agreed on price or do you suggest keeping them on the phone until signed always keep them on the phone if you can now there's a lot of times where there's scenarios where they're in the car they want to talk to a significant other maybe there's multiple parties that have to sign there's a bunch of scenarios in which you're not going to be able to keep them on the phone okay and there's ways to overcome that hey could we get the husband or the wife on the phone and things like that um but the reality of it is is that there are going to be times where you have to send a contract and then you're have to follow up and and yes there are going to be times where contracts that were sent don't get signed um I talk about 125 signed contracts in 50 days but I sent out 170 so there was what is that 45 contracts that we agreed to that we sent out that didn't get signed now funny enough since we finished the 50-day challenge we've continued to follow up and also some of those sellers have come back to us and signed those contracts so sometimes just timing's not right something happened in their life I think a lot of times we play games in our head and we say well this must be the reason why they didn't sign they must have sold to somebody else or you know various reasons as what we come up with sometimes just because of Life happened okay in the due diligence process do you only send one or two VIP buyers when the homeown is president at the house at the time of showing yeah we want to eliminate we do we don't do the the bti up game on on dispositions we do first come first serve you absolutely want to send your VIP buyers your known buyers people that have previously bought deals from you before first and foremost um and then also if it's a owner occupied house yeah you want to be respectful of that and uh make sure that you're getting good solid feedback on the property right and then also you're not wasting that owner's time and also potentially scaring them in a situation where they're like hey what's going on here like I'm not I'm not vibing with this absolutely empower the closure all right so after going through all this who wants to see me call some sellers anybody if you want to see me call some sellers slap some Emoji in the comments there it was funny when we were talking about this live the team said hey keep it at 30 45 minutes and um you know just go over the the formula and that'll be good and then I was like yeah you think I'm going to talk about this for 45 minutes an hour and not call some sellers get out of here get out of here all right let's go the Google F Wireless subscriber you have called is not available please leave a message after the tone hey Richard this is RJ Bates call batch property there in Corpus Christie you had entered this on my website if you could give me a call back 817 7108 689 thank you mailbox belong to9 full and cannot accept new messages at this time please try again later El Le says she's selling for emergency reasons and she's got a full mailbox and hot lead got to send her a text now the person you have dialed is not able to receive calls at this time jeez that one's foreclosure what's crazy about that is is somehow this person had internet access to be watching YouTube but they they don't have a phone on hello it's Jesse there hello Jesse you there this is uh RJ Bates calling about double Run Road you there huh let's call him back they answered hey team can we look into that hello I that actually went to voicemail all right all right well that's not good PDFs are not going through wonder if we broke the system I mean that would be a cool problem to have um we have done that before hey you reach please your name number and a detail message tell me what your call come on someone answer is that a in North Carolina hqua Verina it is huh we're g to skip that one since don't know where that is did I say it right just north of Charlotte maybe I should go back to that one that's right Justin your favorite place to dis deals um sharing the Drive Link would be slightly uncool because we do want to like be able to communicate future things that we do by capturing your email address that's typically the reason why you give something away for free just being fully transparent many people have gotten it so I think it might be just a short-term little issue there um over a thousand days short sale in Hawaii your has forward to an automatic voice Mage any by they must know I'm live right now [Music] so give it just a minute on the uh we literally broke our system there's the they get the Guide um but yeah we literally just broke the system some so they're fixing it right now that's a good problem to have I didn't even know that uh having this much traction to website could could break it okay it's fixed your call has been forwarded to an automated voice messaging system Dana it oh I want to talk to Dana is not available at the tone please record your message when you finished recording you may hang up or press one for more options to leave a call back number press by hey Dana this is RJ Bates call about your property on Maryland Street give me a call back 817 710 8689 thank you come on baby I do all the car on speed the lead I've never done the fixed price mod hey is this the owner of 4459 in right yeah hey this is RJ Bates you uh had entered this on my website saying you looking to sell that property you still looking to sell yeah awesome how much you looking to get for that5 215 all right tell me a little bit about the proper what you got going on 350 clean minimum work it's really clean so it don't even need much uh three stories all historic well not label historic but it's it's a pretty um brick one of those brick strong houses you know those strong houses that be you know around so one of those poies got a lot of intrinsic value it's near um a neighborhood where it's like a couple blocks away on the other side of the street called Delmore you look at the map it's million homes over there so is moving way overing so that's AER gotcha are you the owner or you wholesaling it gotcha um well do you know me my name's RJ Bates yeah do you know me at all okay so I'm a I'm a wholesaler I'm actually live on YouTube right now with like 105 people watching me call sellers so say hi to YouTube up YouTube um I mean I could probably I don't know if you need help dispo in this deal but we've got cartel level andest lift we do a lot of Nationwide wholesaling we move about 60 deals a month um um I mean if you I can verify the numbers on this but what's the square foot of the actual property let me Che 2236 I make sure cuz yeah I mean we could we could probably move this for you pretty quickly if you wanted to JB on it 20 did you did you see that no 2700 2700 yeah 2700 all right um let's do this why don't I get you on the phone with one of my dispo guys and uh have y'all talk about it he just moved a deal right there in St Louis like I think we closed on it last last week let me get you on the phone with him and uh y'all can work out the the arrangements there give me two seconds because I don't know how to transfer a call they only get transferred to me so hold on one secondy can you come transfer this okay I said I don't know how to transfer a call to them because they only transfer calls to me so I'm having him come in here to transfer it give me two seconds there we go please while I try to connect [Music] you hey man this is g with titanium how you doing all right well might get a JV deal that's how you handle those now as funny as that is like that being a uh a call on this live I think there's still value in there to understand how the closur formula helped me okay um it's at the bottom of the RJ tab it's St Louis yeah so the value there in that call is is because of how I navigated that um it was very simple for us to understand that that was a wholesaler right by asking for the price up front he had a number 215 very specific number and then tell me a little bit about property what you got going on he drops arv is 350 boom that triggers wholesaler done JV deal let's get the thing moving Garrett will take that deal over he just got done moving it property in St Louis um talked to a lot of buyers right there he's already established relationships so this could be like something that we could probably move in like one to two days so great example of how the formula can kind of help you in more ways than just closing a direct to seller uh what call it well for cold calling we use batch dialer um for this what I'm doing right now um we're just using our our landline phone system that's through Spectrum sorry I miss your call dang it Cassie's mad at me she said I wish I knew you were calling today would have set you up on our system did you guys get value out of today forward to automated while we wait to get more people on the phone here did that help answer some of the questions maybe you had with the uh the closur guide that we sent out anytime you're awake no I haven't really seen like specific times that are better hello you reachone Sor there's not like a time that's like man that's just a much better time to be calling see if we can get somebody on the phone here [Music] hello hey Jessica there hey hey Jessica this is RJ Bates G about property on SA Paul Street you still looking to sell that property yeah you're with who uh my name's RJ Bates you uh you had entered your information on my website saying you were looking to sell your property on St Paul Street yeah sorry what my company's titanium Investments you saw an ad on a YouTube video I got you yeah you remember that yeah yeah yeah sorry over I got you but you're you're still looking to sell right yes awesome how much you looking to get for it um but negotiable if we can close quickly I mean I know there's a lot of people that say oh yeah I can do that and then they can't not a wholesalers you know and I'm not really looking for that so there's that okay um tell me a little bit about the property what you got going on on there uh it's a 31 and the moved out end of October um we're just not wanting a rental right now I gotcha is it 984 square feet is that right yeah yeah thats it's like yeah 984 but you said it's a 31 right yeah okay that's weird it 984 but it showed up as a 21 was something like converted or changed yesing downstairs I gota so how long ago did did the tenants move out I'm sorry how long ago did did the tenants move out it was the end of October okay so not that long ago around the 28 like 2 26 something like that does it need quite a bit of work or is it still in pretty good condition no okay so the roof the roof is 7 years old the AC the AC and the water heater are three um it's got vinyl new vinyl windows all the way around it it's got cosmetic things that need to be done but all your major systems are are NE um it's got some she Rock stuff that needs to be done like painting um it's got think what else um there's nothing major it's all cosmetic stuff all right Tor up I gotta when you say close quick how how quick are you uh wanting to close there um I mean if soon as possible um I got some other things going on I need to family and got all right let me let me see what I can do here if you had to put a dollar on how much repairs is needed what would you think like 25 H I'd say less than that honestly um I would maybe 10 15 h it ain't even that much I don't believe it's completely rentable and as it is now it just depends on what you gonna do with it yeah I mean I'd probably want to fix it up and potentially keep it as a rental but you know I still want to have the potential to sell it for maximum value if I can you know right um where did you come up with 85 at what what made you come up with that number um nothing in particular other than it's a very good school it's a good school district you you there you broke up on you said it was a good school district and then it went silent yeah a good area it's a desirable area and again it's negotiable well we just do it you know Straight Cash no real to commissions I cover the closing cost all that stuff can you hear me yeah I can hear you can you hear me okay I said we just do you know Straight Cash I cover the closing cost no commissions anything like that I mean you said negotiable what's what's like the best price you could do for me there um I know you got n give me you can give me a Range I'm sure um you know here's the thing it sounds like you're being fair and sounds like you probably have a number in mind I have a number in M but I hate doing that because I'm probably going to say yes to whatever you throw out my number was was uh a little bit lower than yours but I also wanted to get a deal so I can go home so I I have a feeling I I was thinking 75 H can you do 78 I can okay and how could you let me see here I I'm going to go go back into my email and see when the last time I closed a deal in this area how long it took I think it um I'm both so I do buy and I also wholesale as well probably are that doesn't necessarily mean I'm G to wholesale it it just means I do wholesale um Sam Gibson do you know Sam Gibson I don't know if I know that name so she's with uh abstract no it's with the abstract and Closing Services I'm looking back to see how fast she was able to get title for me the last time because I think the last time I I did a deal with her she sent me an email talking about some BS something happened titles taking longer so I wanted to see what she said if he did if you did anything in h County that would be that would be the problem if it was something in hind County County got haed and it shut the whole system down for a while it was and then we got Thanksgiving too I mean what do you think about the first week of [Music] December yesterday um and I'm them and just a little bit um my pay off's only good for so long what well the only concern I have is is Thanksgiving being right in the middle of this you know what I'm saying so um and just the title company and all that BS that we got to go through I mean because normally what I would have said would be November 24th but that's literally the Friday after Thanksgiving so because my son is having a baby so we're trying to get all this C up before then because I've got to be in Florida well we can send a notary to you what about what about the 30th your payoff is good through the end of the month yeah so what did we just set to closing for the 30th how are you gonna guarantee me this CL just out of curiosity how am I going to guarantee it you decide that you can't close you don't have a buy whatever it's inpection however right because I know there's an inspection period in it and that gives you an out right I'm very familiar with the game in you don't know no I yeah I mean I appreciate it I mean I do a lot of deals so I mean I that there's no way I could there's no way I could guarantee it I mean I'm just I'm not even GNA make that lie to you I mean the only thing that's guaranteed in life is tax and death so I mean you're absolutely correct so I mean I'm I'm not going to sit here and be like no I'm buying it for sure I mean even the person that just you know went and saw it yesterday I mean they're gonna close either you know I mean and also I've been on well I love it I mean I I don't know I I'm I'm pretty good at what I do so I would say you could look me up RJ Bates you can look up titanium Investments my company I mean we're pre-establish at what we do I more often not am going to close I can give you some metrics I would say I close on 70% of the contracts that I get signed so I guess the best way I can put it is is there's a 30% chance that it's not going to close but normally that's because either the seller didn't tell me something or because there's title issues sounds like there's not going to be any title issues abely no title issu for sure I mean I've told you everything that I do know I mean if we get in there and it's like missing all the drywall then I'm probably gonna call you and be like hey Jessica remember what I [Music] said theity I gotta get back up but that's it I mean it ain't nothing like I said it's all cosmetic stuff right and I think that's just where they were moving stuff around I mean like I said the majority of the time I don't close deals is because of some BS like that and here's the thing I don't want to waste my time anymore and you don't want to waste yours you know what I'm saying I don't get I don't make any money if I don't close on this property one way or another so so and just be honest with you deals that I'm closing at the end of November is what makes Christmas happen so I better close on some damn deals without having to worry about you know having to get back or whatever but because I gotta get to South Florida be there for that I mean the reality of the situation is is I mean I what I can tell you is is that we're professionals we're not going to waste your time we're not going to [ __ ] you and drag this out or anything like that we're going to send this off the title get title open tomorrow and get the process going and and we're going to do everything in our power to get this closed by the end of November I tell you what can you send me send me some information over um Let me let me take a look at it I'll probably call you back with some questions I gotta call my husband anyway um but let me let me take a look at some stuff um what did you say your name was RJ what RJ Bates RJ B andum Investments is that what you said yes um you want me to just go ahead and send you over the contract so you and your husband can look that over yeah that's I'm gon out the here and just see um what he's thinking and we'll talk it over tonight when I get back so did he make you an offer or is that or is that what you're calling to ask him about a little bit of both we left it we we left it as and we would contact each other today um he wanted to think it over over um but I will reach out to him and he course be talking a little bit anyway I gotta so what if he says he can do 78 what are you gonna do then well since he here and cl I'll be with you if he's here close then I'm probably gonna go with not gonna lie to you about it um but I will let you know either which way it goes what do you mean he can close if he can close in the next few days I'm probably gonna go with him um but and we can go walk in and get it done but again I let you know either way I'm not gonna keep you on the hook I got you how would he close in a couple days without a title he's just Clos without Title Insurance yeah it's yeah probably without Title Insurance ie% clear I mean I know you have to do deal with that to so I get it oh yeah I mean you sound nice but I ain't doing that yeah I could compete with a lot of things closing without title insurance and without pulling a title report no thank you if he wants to do that he he wins get but um we got one here that's pretty quick and they're familiar with us so not I'm not sick or worried about it um the only thing I've got to take care of is making sure you know Mak sure they understand [Music] Spanish anyway all right well yeah why don't you call him and let me know um I'm good at 78 and close by the end of the month okay all right thank you Jess I got you I appreciate that all right bye bye well that was fun that's a new one um overcoming the objection of the other potential buyer is going to close without Title Insurance we'll call a couple more see if we can get somebody else on phone then we're going to call it what' you guys think about that did you see the flow did you see the formula there Bud coming in with the jokes exactly be be yourself we're just using trollo yeah dude there's no way and I'm almost wondering if she making an assumption that that's what that buyer is willing to do like I actually don't know that that's the case because she never actually said that they discussed that all right let's see let's see what we got here the text now subscriber you are trying to reach is not available Mark it's something about when you're on Facebook like you have to agree to something for streamyard to be able to recognize so it's not everybody on Facebook right now is popping up as Facebook user appreciate you your has forward to all right one more and then I'm calling it that didn't count oh come on man at least ring all right we're just G to keep going till I talk to somebody I can't I can't help myself thank you Jeffrey hey is Raven there hey Raven this is RJ Bates I was calling about your property on West Brown Street are you still looking to sell that I am for let me go the other what I'm looking to get out of it will be 62 it's a three B one bath house and it has the turn around it's mine and it's got a pretty decent size yard a large barn and a shed on the property as well alrighty so you said 62,000 is what you want yes sir okay what's uh what's going on what you got going on with the property well we're looking to do something different and it's a sixer uper so I mean it's an older home we're just not liking where we're at we're trying to get more so into towntown where this is on a dead end Road and it's more secluded than I would like I have some health concerns so I want to be like within walking distance if need be to town and because of it being a dead end Road the school bus won't come down our road to pick up my daughter to go back and forth to school I see um if you don't mind me asking how did you come up with the the price 62 it's just what we have o and stuff like that in it so that's your your payoff yeah that's a little gotcha what when you said it's a when you say it's a fixer up or what needs to be what do you mean by that okay um now in the support um poll or not poll um the people at the house before us had did some Renovations and later we found out that the renovations that they had done after we already purchased were not legal renovation they backed up a wall that was in the kitchen and they pushed it back further so then they had a bigger kitchen area and when they did they didn't support the ceiling like it was supposed to be because it was a supporting wall and so basically we have a pole and cinder block holding it up because we're we're not Carpenters we don't know how to do any of that but you can see there was a little bit of sagging in the ceiling okay and then electrical it will need to be new electrical and we have most of the stuff there to put in the new electrical but again I'm not electrician either right the water works fine it's all City stuff City plumbing and stuff like that water works all that stuff works it just just like some TLC like one of the floors feels a little creaky when you walk on it and stuff to where it may need maybe just fixed or something some of the Lums a little peeled in certain places in the kitchen but like I said all that stuff was already there when we got it we just thought we were going to have a lot more money and time to put into it and I fell ill I'm currently in congestive heart failure I just want something that I ain't gotta work on and ain't gotta do nothing to right so then it's easier on me because it's to the point where I can't work on things anymore I'm sorry to hear about that um better me than somebody who can't handle it though well I'm trying to see if I can make 62 work um it I'm trying to see what the property could be worth if we came in and we fixed those things um there's a couple of properties that have sold for a little bit more right up the road there but um they were built just a couple years ago um or 2007 so in years was built in 54 so they're not they're not comparable to your property so I'm trying to find something of a similar age of your property yes to see to see what it could be worth um well now um I won't be around for this week but if there was a point where you would like to come and look if you can obviously it would have to be like next week or so but if you wanted to then I can let you look around the house and stuff and look around the yard but like I said I have not been able to get out there and cut the grass or nothing so I mean my grass is tall right well the main thing is is I don't want to waste your time I I don't want to waste our time and I just want to see if I could even be remotely close to the 62,000 um if I let's see just give me a few few seconds here and see what I can find around there I don't know if you know much about Brown Street but like the turnaround that's there next to my house I own most most of it there's like maybe I think like 10 feet or something that the neighbor owns or something like that okay but for the vast majority all the turnaround belongs to me as well and where that metal building is out there because there's a large metal building that currently we have a 24t bread truck in and it's all on a concrete pad and the people that were there before used to put their camper and stuff there so it's also got water hook up and electric out there too gotcha but the barn don't that's what I call a barn I'm I'm a city girl sorry but there's no roof on it right it's just the four walls I'm gonna I'm gonna be honest with you just looking at the neighborhood I I don't think I'm going to be able to get um very close to the 62,000 um it it looks like the most houses are going for in your price bracket is like one 114 15 15 um I'm looking up pictures right now of that property look like it was in fairly decent condition and based off of what you're telling me there on the repairs with it being like some structural issues and then some Cosmetics just based off square footage it looks like that's probably going to be probably somewhere in the range of40 $45,000 I mean just being honestly just by based off square footage so I um I just I don't see an investor being able to come in you know somewhere in that that price range of 62,000 I think it's going to be significantly lower than that okay um well what I can do is I can keep your number and if we try to hurry up and get out of it or something comes up to where we have to l quicker and we'll be able to drop the price and I can give you a call back and let you know okay and there's you know I would say probably on your mortgage do you owe somewhere in like the mid-30s is that where you're at on owing on the mortgage yes it might be better it might be better for you to consider um allowing some somebody to come in and buy the the property um subject to the existing mortgage which essentially just means allowing them to take over that mortgage and then just writing you a um writing a contract or a check to walk away so what I'm saying to get another place we have several places we've already looked at and everybody wants about 20% down and so that would cost we would need 30 to be able ble to get into another place which in all honesty is why the price is what it is gotcha um now the wants their money so when you're talking about the 20% down is that them seller financing to you yes sir gotcha um interesting I mean life you possibly have a duplex you're looking here in town and what we're trying to do is do half of it get a duplex where half of it would be where my husband my daughter and myself would live and the other half we would do a private studio for our Tattoo Show Gotcha well that's cool um there's a potential that I could help you find a duplex like that um and we could kind of do a swap aoo there but yeah if we were able to do something like that I would definitely because that's what my end game is it's because we rent from DeLuca I'm not sure if you know them no but rent is not very cheap and then with the mortgage and house bills and everything and we are like always at the tattoo Show Gotcha so I mean we're just trying find the duplex that with two bedrooms and are on at least one side the other side can just be a wide open space because we'll be putting a tattoo shop in well what I can do is is where do you need the where do you need the location of the tattoo shop to be just somewhere remotely Clos morlon yeah and somewhere that you know people can drive by and see or even even on these side roads like we found one here in town that we really were interested in that's a little off the beaten path but it's still on a you know decent busy road but it's a side street I mean it doesn't have to be like right in the middle of 10 right we can make it work either way because our tattoo shop what we're trying to get into is doing appointment only gotcha so I mean we'd be able to get people there as long as GPS would get you there and it's not out in the middle of the woods yeah there's a perfect one on St Joseph Street um they're asking 140 is it the one that was the kindergarten um preschool or something there was one that was a daycare or something like that something with kids right down the road and we are actually trying to get that one or seeing if he would but we didn't have the down payment and he's the one who told me how much the down payment would be and he said it would be 30 and it was 157 he was wanting for it did you ever tell the people that you have a property that you're looking to get rid of that they could potentially just buy from you sub two yeah they wouldn't do that because they're wanting to get out of owning a bunch of stuff and they it's just a smaller couple that's just I see so much headache any more because that would have been I mean I wish I had a d place right now and you were calling me I'd be like yeah I mean you can move in with no deposit just start buying you know buy this seller finance from me let me take that property over you know I totally be down to do that um well and I'm not in no huge hurry neither so I mean if in the next couple of weeks you just come across something and you're still wanting to do something I mean I would love nothing more right right well let me do this let me let me explore the area let me see if there's something that I could come up with there and if we can then you know maybe we could find that duplex for you sell or Finance it to you and then we could take over that other property and make it a win-win for both of us so I'm going to keep your information there Raven yeah let me let me see what I come up with I'm a pretty creative guy so let me see let me see what I can find there and hopefully we can uh be a solution for you okay well I look forward to talking to you next time all right Raven talk to you soon talk to you by bye bye well two very unique calls very different types of sellers but I think for the point in today's um live video I think what you guys got to see is is that this is why I use the closer formula that I use the conversations are very fluid very natural it gets them to open up we were able to find out the price very early on on both of them we were able to understand their motivation we were able to understand the the kind of the desire and the condition and everything that we need to know just with a few simple questions and never inside of those conversations did the sellers feel uncomfortable or like it was part of a sales pitch or that they were trying to be convinced to do something that they didn't want to do and that is the objective of this and just going back to the beginning of this live I just wanted to instill in each and every one of you that Acquisitions is where the money is made right but it doesn't have to be difficult there doesn't have to be [ __ ] games anyone out there can do what I just did just be yourself follow the guide step by step is super simple use your own words you don't have to use mine sound like yourself listen more than you talk and you're going to be able to get plenty of deals I hope you guys enjoyed this um we're going to be doing more lives like this in fact I think we're going to be doing them every Tuesday at 2:22 p.m. in case you didn't know 22 that's the titanium number that's why we're doing 222 uh appreciate all the love and support this is an overwhelming amount of people showing up today for the live um thank you guys so much for the support joining the community make sure you're joining our Facebook group uh the Vault okay make sure you're joining that there's so much information that we're providing right now we're really wanting to pour back into the community so love you guys appreciate it so much and we'll see you guys next week thank you