Study Routine for Learning Cloud Computing

Jul 10, 2024

Study Routine for Learning Cloud Computing


  • Presented by GPS from Microsoft
  • Discussing the study routine used to learn cloud computing and other topics
  • Emphasis on depth of knowledge rather than quick certification wins

Essential Materials

  • Calendar: Physical or digital to schedule study sessions
  • To-Do List: App or physical list for daily tasks
  • Note-Taking Tool: Physical notes, apps like Notion
  • Synthesis Tool: Blog, YouTube, etc.
  • Timer: Phone, physical timer, or watch

Study Preparation

  1. Daily Scheduling (10 minutes) of Study Sessions
    • Example: 7:00-8:00 AM and 7:00-8:00 PM
    • Minimum of 2 hours per day split into two 1-hour sessions
    • Reference: Cal Newport’s book "Deep Work"
  2. Session Division
    • Session 1: Focused work on material, deep learning, and note-taking
    • Session 2: Synthesis of notes into clear, shareable formats

Benefits of Split Sessions

  • Easier to fit into busy schedules
  • Utilizes Barbara Oakley's concept of Focused mode and Diffused mode from her TED talk "Learning How to Learn"

Session One: Focused Study

  • Choose material, e.g., books
  • Outline achievable tasks for 1 hour
    • Example: Reading and understanding chapters/pages
  • Take minimal, raw notes to deepen focus

Session Two: Synthesis and Review

  • Review notes from Session One
  • Synthesize into comprehensive format (e.g., blog post)
  • Purpose: Reinforcement and clarity of learned material


  • Studying from the book "Linux Basics for Hackers" chapter on text manipulation
  • Session One: Deep reading and exercises, raw notes
  • Session Two: Create synthesized blog post with screenshots and explanations

Advanced Steps

  • Build projects or longer summaries based on learned material
  • Example: Publishing projects on GitHub

Final Notes

  • Routine can be adapted for various subjects (Python, .NET, Azure, Docker, etc.)
  • Continuous improvement and practice in learning methods


  • Watch Barbara Oakley's TED talk and read "Deep Work" by Cal Newport
  • Engage in consistent practice and don’t rush certifications
  • Share synthesized notes for community feedback and personal reference