Understanding Cell Biology and Structures

Aug 17, 2024

Cell Biology Notes


  • Cells are the smallest living units of an organism.
  • All cells share three common components:
    • Cell membrane: Separates the inside of the cell from its environment.
    • Cytoplasm: Jelly-like fluid inside the cell.
    • DNA: Genetic material of the cell.

Categories of Cells

  1. Eukaryotic Cells
    • Have organelles, including:
      • Nucleus: Control center of the cell, contains DNA.
      • More advanced and complex (found in plants and animals).
  2. Prokaryotic Cells
    • Lack a nucleus and membrane-enclosed organelles.
    • Genetic material is not contained within a nucleus.
    • Always unicellular (e.g., bacteria).


  • Definition: "Little organ"; specialized parts of a cell with unique functions.


  • Contains DNA which dictates cell functions.
  • Chromatin: Spread out form of DNA.
  • DNA condenses into chromosomes during cell division.
  • Contains nucleolus where ribosomes are produced.


  • Synthesizes (makes) proteins.
  • Can float freely in cytoplasm or attach to Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER).

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

  • Types:
    • Rough ER: Has ribosomes attached.
    • Smooth ER: No ribosomes attached.
  • Function: Membrane-enclosed passageway for transporting materials (e.g., proteins).

Golgi Apparatus

  • Receives proteins and materials from ER.
  • Customizes proteins into usable forms (folding, adding lipids or carbohydrates).


  • Sac-like structures for storing materials (e.g., water in plant cells).


  • Garbage collectors of the cell.
  • Contains enzymes to break down damaged cell parts.


  • Powerhouse of the cell.
  • Produces ATP during cellular respiration for energy.
  • More mitochondria in cells that require more energy.


  • Maintains cell shape.
  • Composed of:
    • Microfilaments: Thread-like structures made of protein.
    • Microtubules: Thin hollow tubes.

Chloroplasts (in Plant Cells)

  • Site of photosynthesis.
  • Contains chlorophyll, giving plants their green color.

Cell Wall (in Plant Cells)

  • Provides structure, support, and protection.
  • Animal cells do not have a cell wall.

Unique Cell Structures

  • Cilia: Microscopic hair-like projections (found in human respiratory tract).
    • Helps trap and expel inhaled particles.
  • Flagella: Tail-like structures for movement (found in some bacteria and sperm cells).


  • Eukaryotic Cells: Have a nucleus and membrane-enclosed organelles (e.g., plant and animal cells).
  • Prokaryotic Cells: Unicellular organisms without a nucleus or membrane-enclosed organelles (e.g., bacteria).
  • All cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and genetic material.
  • Both plant and animal cells have mitochondria; only plant cells have chloroplasts.