we have giraffe schools i use the word giraffe you see as a symbol for non-violence we'll see today that the language we're going to study is a language of the heart and so i use giraffe language for that because giraffes have the largest heart of any land animal so so for these political reasons and theological reasons we started to develop a language that i call jackal language it's a language that cuts us off from life and makes it very easy to do to be violent very easy to be violent in fact in that book i mentioned wink says that domination cultures one of the things you have to educate people is to make violence enjoyable see and we've done a good job of that we make violence enjoyable in our culture the two hours a night from seven to nine when children are watching television the most and 75 percent of the programs they watch the hero either kills somebody or beats them up you see so we and when does this happen at the climax of the program we've been educated for quite a while to make violence enjoyable so even though i think what that song was about is what is really closer to our nature this natural giving we've been educated to make violence enjoyable and educated in a way we can even be violent to our children so what is jackal language like see jackal language as i've mentioned is the language of moralistic judgments you think in terms of who's right who's wrong who's good who's bad and when you mention change yes we want change at times so how do you get change in the jackal system watch a parent try to bring about change in the child this is a parent teaching a young child say one of the most important words in jackal say you're sorry i'm thawy you're not really sorry i can see it you're not really sorry i'm sorry okay i forgive you can you imagine a game like that can you imagine a parent responding to a child that way and if a parent is going to do that to a child in their own family what are they going to do to people from other cultures who behave in a way they don't appreciate so of course you're going to have violence wherever you have this kind of thinking in cultures that do not have this thinking you don't see violence you see so that's how we got off target even though we could be playing the game make life wonderful each moment we have been educated for quite a while to play another game who's right so what are the parts of this game of who's right i've just mentioned one of them one part is moralistic judgments learning how to go up to our head and think basically in terms of right and wrong good and bad normal abnormal so let's see if whether what you wrote down answered the question i ask is it an observable behavior or did you mix in any evaluation and my two friends here will help us to make this evaluation um this animal has been taught to somewhat like a police dog to sniff out narcotics if there's any jackal mixed in he will howl if you answered the question this animal will dance so sir what did you write down [Music] okay my dad makes harsh harsh judgments and insulting remarks oh my god you've killed my poor jackal he could have handled the harsh that was one judgment but insulting harsh and insulting you know so you know those are two judgments that actually it does use insulting words no there is no such thing after today in fact seriously by 4 30 this afternoon you will never hear another insult it won't exist insults will not exist i'm going to show you to use some technology today that takes insults and criticism out of the waves airwaves so that no matter what your father says you can never hear another harsh statement or another insult because we're going to show you today how to use this technology [Laughter] and with this technology it will be impossible for you to hear criticism harsh remarks insults with these ears all you can hear is the only thing human beings are ever saying please and thank you see that's all we're going to show you today that all what used to sound like criticism judgments blame are simply tragic suicidal expressions of please