of asean okay we have the prime minister of malaysia that the the chancellor of myanmar and we have here the philippine president rodrigo duterte and then the prime minister cambodia the prime minister of singapore the prime minister of uh [Music] myanmar cambodia the sultan rather the sultan of brunei as well as the prime minister of thailand as well as the prime minister of singapore i know uh the president is the president of indonesia and so on so you need to we really need to promote understanding of this organization because we are a member of asean because we are one of the founding when we talk a founding member or original country that created asean okay so this is just an overview of the [Music] so the study of the association of statistician nation is in natural development and outcome that accompanied the birth and evolution of asean as an emergent original and global identity so anywhere in the world you will encounter anywhere in the world they really know [Music] and as a discipline asean studies seeks to provide accurate insights about the asean in light of its individual and collective components okay individual meaning of course again every country have their own potential every country is independent okay the philippines cannot dictate thailand what to do the same is true with myanmar if you have observed in the recent developments in myanmar there is eco or kodita okay there is a military takeover in myanmar but what did the philippines do or command the philippines cannot do anything about the coup in myanmar because that is an internal when we talk of internal issue or problem is one of the principles of asean if if there is an internal issue or problem okay dynamics and development and its distinguishing features from other identities so another one that aspires to accurately deliver an in-depth knowledge and understanding of asean and its evolution so basically we will part of your readings later on is you will study the history why the these 10 member countries able to establish what they what is what are the goals of these countries i don't establish a landing at regional organization and what are the benefits when we became a member okay and of course what are the risks okay okay opportunities at the same time risks if we join in any organization so so in terms of the course outcome i just limit the since we are not having a face-to-face class and we were told to limit our uh outcomes on the most um important outcome essential rather essential among outcomes okay so that is why i don't first is to trace the development of asean as a regional institution so when we talk of tracing the development of course we go back to the history the historical evolution of the organization they became a member of the organization that is why if you look at this picture in your right side thailand became a member of asean in august 8 1967. the same is true with the five original members because the five original members these are thailand singapore philippines indonesia and malaysia they they are the original or the founding the founding states uh or members of asean so that's why every august if we celebrate the asean day because that's the start of the the constitution okay constitute asean as an organization and then later on brunei jerusalem became a member in 1984 in vietnam in 1995 in lao people's democratic republic in 1997 as well as myanmar also in 1997 and the latest member of asean is cambodia in 1998 so since cambodia became a member in 1998 no other countries that added to [Music] the to this regional black okay but of course as what i've said earlier papua new guinea as well as christie moore uh simply signified their their willingness to be a member of this asean organization so another course outcome is manifestation community consciousness awareness of asean regional identity that's why later on one of your requirements is to to really memorize make a video of yourself singing the asi and him if you observe every face-to-face flag ceremony part of the flag ceremony in any organization is the asean because that is part of uh our drive to to have a regional awareness okay so aside from our national hymn the our our pambansang abi we also sing the asean or the our regional team and anywhere in in the ten member states of asean they are required that is part of regional identity or awareness okay and then another and finally assess the contemporary issues and challenges in asean original blog so of course what is the the contemporary uh issues that the the organization is facing at us at this moment is basically number one and they may what are what are the issues and challenges brought about by the pandemic in the organization like for example supposedly um based on the the declaration of asean that they will help each uh each country okay however um based on the reports uh philippines as well as indonesia they are the leading countries in terms of the number of cases of government 19. okay yeah but um according to this study conducted and it was reported in the mainstream media singapore as the very as well as malaysia's very good um contingency plan according to the survey in fighting copied 19 but the philippines is on the bottom okay the uh the philippine government according to the survey though ampina callousing uh response pandemic but of course uh like for example lao any [Music] not undermining their capacity but they were able to um to mitigate the spread of coronavirus in their country but of course look at their population look at their uh yes basically the population one third or one-fourth of that still has populations of filipinos okay so in asia also indonesia why is it that there are so many cases in indonesia because indonesia is the large is the largest country a muslim country in the world look at their population populations of filipinas the philippines if the philippines of 100 million in 2020 and indonesia is more than 300 okay 300 million so it is because population and look at singapore these are just few contemporary issues and challenges that our asean is facing right now and many more like for example there are recent migrant workers the right the rights of uh terrorism because not just not only in the philippines that we have this problem including malaysia and our neighboring countries indonesia et cetera and of course the case of myanmar the rohingyas if you have observed if you are very much aware in the in myanmar they have this what we called as uh ethnic cleansing they have this um ethnic minority they call it tragens who are most um [Music] [Music] so basically of course outcome we will have uh three parts of our discussion for the entire semester so first unpacking asean when we talk up and talking sen we will discuss the history of asean the charter and the organization and then the theoretical perspective on asean integration and then in terms of second comparative okay comparative analysis of asean member states and of course we will somehow compare the uniqueness of every country of course we can although we belong to the same region we belong to the same race there are several and many aspects so that is why in terms of macro level in terms of um religion of course catholic dominant and filipinos but when you go to thailand when you go to cambodia buddhism then when you go to malaysia malaysia is in somehow melting part of religion another hinduism islam in malaysia as well as buddhism but the the in indonesia this is a indonesia especially in in indonesia as well as in brunei muslim dominant among countries and by religion itself every country in asean bloc is unique and then finally contemporary issues and challenges and my individual issues among asean states as well as the risks and opportunities of asti and integration okay and yeah so now i will i will stop sharing and then i will go back to the syllabus yes sir okay so now i will share the the grading system as well as the policies now just wait yes sir okay so in your um course syllabus and grading system so um i hope you already understood the changes in uh in our grading system start we started the implementation of our new grading system since uh last semester because of course we cannot adapt the old uh grading system because of the pandemic there is no face to face we cannot give a written examination inside the classroom with the four walls of the classroom so we need to adjust we need to adopt a new grading system so this is now the new grading system the same 60 40 40 for your major exam but uh major examinations but that 40 percent now supposedly before that composes your midterm and your final term examinations 40 of your grade but today 40 that will comprise your major output there is no midterm exam but only major output corresponding to the terminal course outcome of this subject and then the remaining 60 percent that is your class standing all uh modules or um which you will submit that in our google classroom that is part of the 60 class standing and that is your graded modular or online activities and outputs corresponding to the enabling course outcome okay so in a shop a great us i will stop sharing [Music] i observe this one experience in the previous semester many students are very complacent supposed bits among our requirements uh is it because of the no deadline policy what do you think angie what do you think what's the reason in terms of beating the deadline of submission of your requirements time so yes because some of my students are also my friends in facebook but and now so although i will because there's a policy of or there's a strict rule in terms of i will not have a strict rule in terms of uh deadline but i will really set the line in terms of submission of your requirements unlike in the previous semester moment uh final term december another submit casagara so i hope for this uh semester oh no because i will give you enough time to comply with or to finish all your requirements i'll give you enough time but for you to i know uh at the end of the semester so you really need to submit on time okay i hope you will also understand the side of your teeth now in our google classroom i will give you a an example of your any one of you guys yes sir okay very good so every time that you will submit because based on the i know [Music] um is um [Music] i know since this is a asian asean subject we will have um invited speakers uh coming from yes coming from thailand they are my friends i met them in in thailand as well as in india so they will be speaking i already invited them and they will be speaking in our class so i hope that when that time i'm just i'm just ironing it out congratulations on schedule there are a series of lectures that this um international speakers will discuss will introduce to you their countries they are students of political science in chulalongkorn university so they will be speaking in our class uh week after next so they will they will introduce what is thailand okay what is amazing thailand so we are looking forward for that and then of course um every time that we have speakers international speakers i hope that you will prepare questions okay i would really appreciate students that will ask questions to our speakers and then but of course you will ask your questions right after the presentation okay in an essay and then just be mindful that every not a lecture just be mindful of your uh microphone so that dilemma disturbs the speaker i told you to do not worry we will just schedule asynchronous session but delegate them synchronous of course asynchronous you are expected to read the module which i will upload in our google classroom and answer the activities and once you're already done then you can submit the activities prior to the deadline okay in allah okay question clarification reaction violent reaction or are there topics nadine or there are great parts about things yes we'll start uh by the way uh just uh addition every session synchronous session this will be recorded okay record then i will upload it in our in my youtube account then i will post it in our facebook so that those students who did not able to join in our synchronous session they have time to review the the recording so i will just record it then post it in facebook and now youtube and the link will be posted in our facebook page so that you can review anytime you want the the lectures and recordings of our synchronous session okay question [Music] yes uh louis you are recognized you can admit yourself uh good afternoon sir sir yes yes teacher namaste sister [Music] because my request was um oh as much as possible i want subjects thank you yes you're welcome oh yeah that's why i i inform you now that uh every synchronous session is recorded and [Music] but um highly encouraged me put them all i joined musa lecture and then communicate to each other just like in a normal classroom setting but of course uh i cannot expect our appeal and then okay but of course all your questions they are very much welcome just post it in our facebook page so just post it in our facebook page and then by the way just a reminder be mindful of the time okay always remember that there is an office hours okay and that is eight to five okay so beyond office hours so do not expect that the one mile right away okay because that's already family time so if your queries question just when you want your instructor to answer it right away post it or list it in office time okay eight to five eight in the morning until five in the afternoon okay question attendance [Music] okay yes sir it's your first time then there's ah first time then there hold on and there must have been it okay smile smile one two three so i will just post um our next synchronous session most probably uh friday gap on next week okay so that you will i'll give you a an introductory lecture of our subject then a week after i will schedule the first international lecture series coming from thailand okay so keep safe everyone see you next week bye-bye uh foreign foreign you