all right we're ready to go yeah so we're doing one of these very highly requested videos lots of people messaged us on Instagram asking for Dutch in Indonesia so it is we're gonna start off with introductions okay my name is fair man and I speak bahasa indonesia my name is Yammer and I speak Dutch or Netherlands perfect okay so the way it works is each side gets a word they read the word and you try to guess what the word is okay some of them are gonna be they're gonna seem very easy and a lot of them will probably surprise you but see how it goes if you get stuck so I have to guess the the English yeah yeah okay yeah it's a terrific and then if you get stuck just you can ask for hints do it I got very first one come on room that was too easy easy yeah bears ik sitting in barrack Oh pshh yeah what a stick yeah just one get one for us right that's the break yeah you say around through yeah yeah yeah mean breaking hunter Duke hunt look Oh Han Duke towel yes now you see that some of them are not gonna they're not gonna sound exactly the same so the pronunciation changes a little bit yeah this interesting yeah breasts I think that's the the zipper yes it hits sliding your it's yeah it's s energy sound oh yeah thus a bag yeah that's a call okay say that again sick up one more time it's a clock big things it's the way it's pronounced I think yeah it's probably cuz I just realize not because I'm like yeah if someone speaks fathom you would do what you say Scott yeah but then I'll say sub W getting with it's a shovel yeah obviously so happily would say yeah yeah that's because her geez are harder like an S CH we say two dozen GS oh so you say how's a G yeah how do you process [Laughter] righto sorry portal 401 or told our cameras Garrett yeah sound oh that's your a balance like sir yeah exactly yes okay what was it I saw it balanced it's like you're in your cell though your how much money you have yeah okay okay cuz I was gonna say cuz we have two words for balance and I was wondering if this means the same balance yeah yeah yeah knowledge about balancing oh yeah that's called Asian from Bose Oh like raspberry like berry right yeah but we don't use that often yeah no you guys have no actually I think we found both mostly the general to describe babies okay so but when you're talking about like raspberries and strawberries don't just say raspberries strawberries so that's still exists no you're just not I think commonly yeah but I think it's gang Oh huh that's a hallway yes um because the G's are again so your G is H like more like I mean it's like a deep throat sound by your CH is more like a G yeah so the CH ng we pronounced the same they're like the same sound you call the soft and the hard one it's nobody more both feel like yeah bring my Emer let's tilt it bang bang em er their headstones it bring man and mer nah nah strong yeah that I had stand to get the work the only one that would make sense like amber amber like like a bucket yeah I don't say in that chickens yeah I'm sorry go fake bang man em er in our headstones I bring my buckets to the beach that's a win that's a win for us so I think you know like we could do something interesting with this last one pick out two more words or whatever from here and then I guess and then combine it we lose okay okay let me see this yeah yeah won't party I'm thinking I'll show you the word okay and think about you know take out take as many words from there something has to make sense right yeah yeah yeah that's not emphasized yeah if you got a really good one here's a bit tougher oh yeah I can I can away something sentences sarcopenia added Edelen come a bigger event a second I become the Sakura and I become a leader under the hammer I got and you didn't have to do a ton said that probably and yeah you got the kind word and sorry can you say the beginning one more time say Katya become laughable Tonto I'm my well the first floor is to cop the one that others have yes yes yes the shovels is in my hands that's a tough word that is yeah so makers makes me a little personal I will try to pronounce this as well as I can in my toss is it man rock and man hundred oh I think you've lost Hamptons yeah I try to get the whole sample yeah nothing the world is rock yes like like a skirt yeah right and the sentence is is it this the skirt and the towel is in my back yeah [Music] nice see like I was interesting yes you probably didn't expect any and absolutely not no yeah and I never expected to be like that's right now I can go there and I know some words yeah because result like bag and basic [Laughter] combos I can go to the groceries and get a whole meal there and I can ask for a backhand point or gets yeah I get a bucket I can smell yeah yeah yeah honestly stuff you can know Chinatown this I was in Amsterdam oh yes that would be good to enjoy on to try it on people next time you go you got so I hope you guys enjoyed that yeah that's good chickens yeah yeah thanks a lot yeah thanks guys [Music] [Music]