Understanding Sinusoidal Signals in Signals and Systems

Sep 8, 2024

Lecture Notes: Signals and Systems


  • The lecture discusses basic signals, both continuous and discrete time.
  • Focus on continuous time sinusoidal signals and their properties.

Continuous Time Sinusoidal Signal

  • Mathematical Expression:
    [ x(t) = A \cos(\omega_0 t + \phi) ]
    • Parameters:
      • A: Amplitude
      • ( \omega_0 ): Frequency
      • ( \phi ): Phase
  • Graphical Representation:
    • Displayed sinusoidal waveform.

Properties of Sinusoidal Signals

  • Periodicity:

    • A sinusoidal signal is periodic, meaning it repeats over time.
    • Defined period:
      • ( T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega_0} )
    • Demonstrated mathematically by substituting time shifts into the sinusoidal equation.
  • Time Shift vs Phase Change:

    • Time shift of a sinusoid leads to a corresponding phase shift:
      • ( t + t_0 ) implies phase change of ( \omega_0 t_0 )
    • Example: Sinusoidal signal shifted by ( t_0 = \frac{T}{4} ) results in a phase change of ( -\frac{\pi}{2} ).

Symmetry of Sinusoidal Signals

  • Even and Odd Symmetry:
    • Even Signal:
      • Symmetric about the origin:
        • ( x(t) = x(-t) )
    • Odd Signal:
      • Anti-symmetric:
        • ( x(t) = -x(-t) )

Discrete Time Sinusoids

  • Mathematical Expression:
    [ x[n] = A \cos(\omega_0 n + \phi) ]
    • Similar properties to continuous time but with integer values for n.

Time Shift and Phase Change in Discrete Time

  • Time shifts in discrete signals lead to phase changes, but reverse is not always true.
  • Must consider periodicity based on whether ( \frac{2\pi}{\omega_0} ) can yield an integer.

Periodicity in Discrete Time

  • Not all discrete time sinusoids are periodic.
  • For periodicity, ( \omega_0 N = 2\pi m ) must hold true.
    • Example:
      • ( \omega_0 = \frac{2\pi}{12} ) is periodic with a period of 12.
      • ( \omega_0 = \frac{1}{6} ) is not periodic since ( 12\pi ) is not an integer.

Differences Between Continuous and Discrete Time Sinusoids

  1. Time Shift and Phase Change:
    • Continuous: time shift and phase change equivalent.
    • Discrete: one-way relationship.
  2. Periodic Nature:
    • Continuous: all sinusoids are periodic.
    • Discrete: periodicity depends on frequency.
  3. Frequency Representation:
    • Discrete signals repeat every 2( \pi ) interval. Continuous does not.

Real and Complex Exponentials

  • Real Continuous Time Exponential:
    [ x(t) = c e^{at} ]

    • Positive a: growing; negative a: decaying.
  • Real Discrete Time Exponential:
    [ x[n] = c \alpha^n ]

    • Varies based on alpha's value (greater than or less than 1).
  • Complex Continuous Time Exponential:
    [ x(t) = c e^{at} ]

    • c and a can be complex.
    • Utilizes Euler’s relation to relate to sinusoids.

Summary of Key Points

  • Importance of sinusoidal signals as building blocks for signal analysis.
  • Differences between continuous and discrete representations.
  • Next lecture will cover step signals and impulse signals, essential for signal and system analysis.