Comprehensive Python Course Overview

Sep 3, 2024

Python Course Overview


  • Instructor: Mosh, a software engineer with 20 years of experience
  • Focus: Everything to get started with Python, including core concepts and projects
  • Popularity of Python: Used in automation, AI, and web applications (e.g., Instagram, Dropbox)

Course Projects

  1. Build a website for an imaginary grocery store using Django
  2. Machine learning project: Predict music preferences based on profiles
  3. Automate repetitive tasks, e.g., processing spreadsheets

Installing Python

  1. Go to and download the latest version (e.g., Python 3.7.2)
  2. Follow the installer instructions, making sure to add Python to PATH

Code Editor

  • Recommended: PyCharm (a powerful IDE for Python)
  • Install PyCharm from JetBrains
  • Create a new project in PyCharm

First Python Program

  • Create a new Python file (
  • Write your first program:
    print("Your Name")  
  • Run the program to see outputs in the terminal

Variables in Python

  • Variables: Used to store data in memory
  • Types of variables:
    • Integers (e.g. price = 10)
    • Floating point numbers (e.g. rating = 4.9)
    • Strings (e.g. name = "Mosh")
    • Booleans (e.g. is_published = True)

Input from Users

  • Using the input() function to get user input
  • Example:
    name = input("What is your name? ")  
    print(f"Hi {name}")  

Control Flow

  • If statements for decision making
  • Logical operators: and, or, not
  • Comparison operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=


  • for loops: Iterate over a sequence
  • while loops: Execute a block as long as a condition is true


  • Define functions using def keyword
  • Pass parameters to functions and return values
  • Example:
    def greet_user(name):  
        print(f"Hello, {name}")  

Classes and Objects

  • Introduction to object-oriented programming
  • Define classes and create objects
  • Use constructors to initialize object attributes
  • Example:
    class Dog:  
        def bark(self):  


  • Create new classes based on existing ones to avoid code duplication
  • Example:
    class Mammal:  
        def walk(self):  


  • Organize code into modules and packages
  • Use built-in modules and create custom ones

Exception Handling

  • Handle errors using try and except blocks
  • Example of catching ValueError and ZeroDivisionError

Working with Files

  • Read from and write to files using built-in methods
  • Example:
    with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:  
        content =  


  • Covering core concepts in Python will set you up for real-world projects
  • Focus on building practical skills through hands-on projects
  • Excited to move onto practical applications like automation and web development
  • Next steps: Start a web application with Django, explore machine learning projects.