Transcript for:
Dr. Diamonds' Fitness Habits for Success

the five simple and fastest underrated habits to get lead especially if you're starting at 30% hi my name is Dr Michael diamonds I'm a medical doctor and I'm also a new professional natural bodybuilder I've been doing this for a decade and I'm going to share with you the five underrated habits that I have utilized to be able to transform my physique multiple times I'm an endomorph if you'd like to describe it that way I easily build muscle but I hold on to fat very easily and I gain it very quickly and that has allowed me to utilize all the signs that I've been able to accumulate over the last decade apply it on myself and see amazing results but not only that to do it on my clients as well like look at my client here Dominic 60 years young and once I implemented these five habits that I utilize in this video Dominic released the weight had a six-pack in amazing shape look at my client Dwayne 80 years young you look at his transformation and that just tells you there's really no excuse and it's just that you're lacking some information and if you watch this video to the very end you can achieve a transformation like Dominic or Dwayne but not even that look at my client Harry we had an interview on this very Channel he dropped 80 lbs utilizing these five habits the same goes for Sandra and every single client I've coached over the last decade let's not waste any more time and let's dive straight in habit number one is going to be the 15,000 rule the big advice that I can give everybody in that we have control over I'm sure you've heard of the diet each and every single single time but the one thing that I've seen with each and every single one of my clients is that they get 15,000 steps I calculated and tabulated all of my client steps and they eventually get 15,000 steps daily and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that as a habit now before we talk about how to do it I'll tell you why we should do it on the fat loss and scientific basis of the fat loss research has shown that when you walk your body the energy source you're using is mainly your fat stores compared to your carbohydrate sler glycogen stores when you're sprinting so why not walk more and the reason is people don't want to walk because it feels too simple and the second reason scientifically why we prefer walking to running is that it's much easier to guarantee that I can walk 365 days in a year compared to running 365 days a year or using an elliptical or any machine so making it with the least resistance walking is one of the best things research has also shown that on the simple way walking 10,000 steps is incredible so I highly recommend on a simple fashion the habit of 10,000 steps is going to be amazing for you and every client I have will tell you that walking is by far one of the best things that you can do as you are form of cardiovascular health it's amazing for your heart so if you think about your heart as a system think of your heart as the pump and all your arteries and veins as the pipe and if you're walking more you're improving the bloodflow throughout the pipe so you don't have anything clogging into the future when you're in your 60s and 70s and avoiding any cardiovascular health so on a longevity basis this is amazing for you research has also shown that it's amazing for your mental health what I really love about walking is that it's a task you can do accompanied by another task for example if I'm on the phone if I'm texting I should I have a rule that I should be walking if I'm reading a book I can actually walk and read the book or listen to a podcast this is actually a way myself and my wife actually spend some quality time sometimes we'll go to the gym together and we'll get our steps on the treadmills and just have a conversation if it's about business about life or any plans we have so it's an amazing way to Habit stack and build some healthy habits more importantly what people struggle with once they've lost the weight is keeping it off walking is going to be that insurance policy for you and I have actually tested this Black Friday we always love contacting our clients and seeing if they need help and most of them never need it because they've stuck to the very simple habit and that's something you should Implement so simply start at 10,000 but work your way up to 15,000 the easy math is this 10 minutes of walking will give you 1,000 steps so you need roughly 150 minutes in your day but you can do this very easily walking to the gym there and back if your gym is 15 minutes away you can get 1,500 steps to the gym 1,500 steps back from the gym what I also recommend to everybody is when you're exercising and the minute rest you have to have between every set instead of just sitting on your phone walk and if you have about 20 sets per exerc per day in your exercise routine that's about 20 minutes of 2 fre minutes within that workout period and in there you can get 2,000 easy steps so in total just going to the gym and back and in the gym you can come home with 5,000 steps another easy thing you can do is wake up earlier and just walk so something I do I get on to meetings in the morning with my team or with my clients and I'll walk in there and you don't have to walk really fast as long as you're moving and in 1 hour of a me eating I get 6,000 steps and utilizing and just being very conscious carry an Apple Watch a Fitbit any tracker will just give you a good estimation of how much your body is moving and I promise you this habit will be life-changing I've actually had a client I'm showing you here on the screen we did a Step Challenge right so in my clients and this picture I'm showing you is 4 weeks apart he went from 10K to 15K steps and lost all his belly fat the big picture is you're burning more calories and you're doing it the simplest way it's an easy it's a low hanging fruit the formula to build muscle and to lose fat is this 30 to 50 g of protein multiplied by a caloric deficit plus weightlifting will equal your ability to build muscle and lose fat let me explain to repeat protein 30 to 50 g multiplied by caloric deficit plus weightlifting equals your ability to build muscle and lose fat protein in Greek Proteus means first rank it means it's the most important in Greek so why I put this first is that protein in my books is the most important macronutrient and that's my opinion I'll tell you why it has the biggest benefit if I were to compare it to carbs and fats number one it will help you build muscle number two what's amazing about protein is that it will restrict your calories you've never heard someone get fat on eating too much steak or too much chicken breast and the reason for that is that protein has this peptide YY that actually in excites satiety It Makes You full so every meal eat 30 to 50 g of protein and it will automatically put you in a caloric deficit it will help you build more muscle the third beautiful thing about protein is it will increase your thermic effect of food which is a sexy way of saying your body burns more calories trying to break the protein down and think about it takes you more time to chew a steak compared to rice or oatmeal and there's so many benefits to protein that it should be the main thing you you should focus on and why it's so underrated so if you're eating 50 g of meal if you're 200 lb in four meals you want to have 50 g in each meal and that will give you 200 g of protein very easy and I'm going to give you a cheat code I call it the 26810 method two scoops of any wheight protein will give you 50 gs of protein 6 oz of chicken breast cooked will give you 50 g of protein 8 oz of cooked steak I recommend top side steak will give you 50 g of protein and 10 oz of tuna will give you 50 g of protein and and literally now you have half of the equation figured out you know for breakfast I can have a protein o for lunch I can have chicken breast and any carb for dinner you can have a steak and potatoes for example and maybe as a snack you can add some tuna on rice cakes voila right it's very easy and simple and this will allow you to lose weight quickly because you're going to be eating less cuz you're eating so much more protein the second part of being in a caloric deficit is yes I highly recommend using apps like my fitness pal if if you just Google calorie calculator you can calculate how much you should be losing one pound per week but just make sure you're eating roughly 1 gr of protein 20% of your total calories to fats and the rest towards carbs there's so many tools on Google that help calculate this for you actually if you're watching this video if the advice I'm giving so far is right it's up to you to tell people in the comments that it's true cuz people are going to go in the comments and see hey should I just do this share your story did the steps help you did the protein and being in a caloric deficit even the apps I'm mentioning did it help you I'm telling you it will inspire someone if you're enjoying the content so far leave it with a like I'd greatly appreciate it underrated habit number three I call it the Awakening and I want to tell you guys something I lied there's not three habits I'm going to give you 10 and from five onwards there're actually amazing little habits you can incorporate that could be what helps you lose 10 more pounds so let's just stay with me the Awakening is sleeping 7 to 8 hours is a must it must be the foundation of your entire process the way I want to you to think is like this when you go to bed it's when you're able to take your car into the mechanics to fix everything you did to it during the day imagine you took your car out onto a track you're racing it down the streets you doing so many things to it you need to fix it so it's prepared to race again the next day and that's what sleep is if you don't sleep enough maybe you didn't change the tires that you were supposed to change maybe you've damaged the engine a little bit and the car is going to break down and that's exactly what happens to people sleep in 5 to 6 hours I'll tell you why number one for men and women the main muscle building hormone is testosterone when you sleep less it can decrease by 30% and if you're wondering why you're feeling low on energy or you're not performing as well or you're mentally foggy it's probably cuz your testosterone is in the gutter as a result of sleeping poorly the second thing is even brain wise there's a direct correlation between dealing with Alzheimer's or dementia because you're not allowing your brain enough time to clear all the waste material cuz you're not sleeping enough right so again that analogy that you're not taking it into the mechanics to fix everything and you become more insulin resistant and what that basically is is your body doesn't put carbs where it's supposed to be and if your body doesn't put with the carbs where it's supposed to be what does it do it stores it as fat so if you're noticing you're gaining weight the first thing is sleep you need to focus on that and it's the Bedrock to an entire transformation and it has to be here not only does that happen but sticking to a DI diet is 10 times harder I'm telling you this I notice the difference when I sleep 5 hours I am craving for a burger I'm craving for candy but when I'm sleeping 8 hours I'm so motivated I love eating the foods that I'm eating so if you're noticing you're trying all these things right nothing's working for you you have to first focus on getting to 7 to 8 hours of sleep for all of you guys who are working hard you maybe have very demanding jobs every day that you sleep less you're shaving years off of your life and I don't mean that as an exaggeration it's the truth you will pay a price for sleeping less so just do it now and the hope I can give you is that I was that medical student sleeping 5 hours a night when I became the medical student sleeping 7 to 8 hours I was unbeatable I was incredible in the hospital I was incredible in my exams you are the best version of yourself 7 to 8 hours so why not show up that way um some advice I I can give you guys to sleep more is set a routine bedtime what's more important than an alarm to wake up is actually an alarm to go to bed so set a bedtime your last meal and drink at least 3 hours before bed so if you want to sleep at 10: p.m. make sure your last meal and your last liquids is at 7:00 p.m. make sure that your caffeine intake you don't drink any more caffeine past midday so that's my advice to you and then finally when you wake up make sure you expose yourself to some light because this will reset your circadian rhythm your internal clock and maybe it's dark where you live you can buy like a cheap $1 $20 Amazon light it's called like a desk sunlight lamp and that will reset your melatonin so those are some pieces of advice for tip number three but if I can get people to sleep more it'll be life-changing let's move on to underrated tip number four train in the AM eat in the PM this method has been very effective for all of my clients so what do I mean train in the am I've noticed my clients are a lot more productive including myself training in the morning and I a base level you get the training out the way you get to benefit all the endorphins you feel more energetic you feel good once you've trained in the morning you've ticked off a box contrary to what people believe is that you're going to go to work tired it's actually the quite it's the opposite so I highly recommend trying to train in the morning and you'll have a great workout and you'll actually have a lot more of a productive day right after this video I'm going to go train eating in the PM allows you to only focus on your most important tasks in the morning you don't have to focus on eating food or like making your body potentially slower and you get to save all of your calories for later and the likelihood that you follow your diet is much more likely because you if you're eating 2,000 calories instead of spreading it on in the day you get to eat like a king in the afternoon so intermittent fasting is something I practice the simple way for most people you don't have to do the classic 168 which you've heard of you can actually start your diet in the beginning or your process and fast for 12 hours and eat in a 12-hour window period right like there's no specific rule and then over time as you progress and get better you can increase your fasting window to 14 hours of fasting and then move over to 16 hours of fasting right so you can go 1212 1410 168 and develop this way and I'll also say in the beginning a couple of days it will take an adjustment period cuz you'd be used to eating in the morning but you'll actually feel a lot more energetic and for those who feel like hey Mike what about I was I was always told I need to have a meal before training that's true it's a good idea but you can always have caffeine as a source of energy if you don't have any caffeine issues so I do that I'll have a pre-workout or I'll have a cup of coffee before my training session and I'll feel as energetic this is very productive and this allows my clients to follow a plan a lot more regimented again this isn't a blanket statement that this should apply to everybody we're all different people we might have different chronotypes but I highly recommend training in the morning eating in the afternoon this is a beautiful formula let's move over into step number five so for all my hey Mike I cannot track my diet it's so complicated it's so busy I'm so busy we all have the same 24 hours I coach NFL players I coach Fortune 500 CEOs very very busy people the point I want to share is that we all have the same 24 hours don't use you being busy as a limiting factor right where you give up find a solution with eating I highly recommend tracking the day before so this allows you to think of your day plan for your day if you're like have a meeting at this time this time and this time I'll be home at these hours you can spend a day uh an evening just tracking and already figuring out what you want to eat the next day and you don't have to stress about it the next day so track the night before and even better just track once that week and then repeat the same food each and every single day so track on a Sunday and then from Monday to Saturday eat the same food every day and maybe if you must again maybe on Wednesday your routine is going to change you're traveling to another location on that Tuesday track again and then eat the same again for Wednesday Thursday Friday so what this does is that it allows you to be Forward Thinking it allows you to plan it allows you to prepare right cuz if you don't prepare you'll fail and this system works really well it takes away the pressure of needing to figure out a different diet and I've actually noticed my clients get better results because it decreases the variability in the foods that they're eating so their weight's fluctuating less they can actually manage their energy better cuz they know where they're going to get their energy sources from and they don't need to maybe get a crash from eating too much carbs so I highly recommend tracking once a week minimum and then eating the same Foods over and over again and for all my oh I'm a foodie I need to have different food like just do it for a week and maybe get some motivation with your plan right so those are the five but let me give you the bonuses number six they're very simple I've noticed clients see a lot more success by weighing themselves every day and I'll tell you why and what we call this is it is a system of self-monitoring so what I've noticed by weighing in every day is that when you step on the scale in the morning don't get emotionally attached to the number but it can affect your behavior so let's say you step on the scale right you're trying to lose weight and you don't see any weight changes it'll make you think like hey am I not doing something right and you'll be a lot more conscious of what you're doing throughout the day let's say you do gain weight over the next 3 days 4 days it'll make you question what's causing this and it will make you aware and you'll correct for the mistakes you're probably making you're like hey maybe I ate out last night or something happened but it will make you aware this process of self-monitoring it creates a positive feedback loop and on the positive side when you do start seeing weight loss when you do start seeing the number go down it will motivate you but it will also tell you hey this is what I need to do and it's a great indicator for Trend right so it's basically going to serve as a compass not a GPS a compass it will tell you if you're trying to go north it will show you North and if you're not going north you'll know okay I need to adjust a little bit and as you lose weight as you Trend in the right direction it will continue telling you if you're going in the right direction so that's a beautiful thing it creates a positive feedback loop I've noticed with a lot of my clients when we in instill this habit the likelihood that they're successful beyond my program is a lot higher number seven is drinking a gallon of water for all the amazing benefits that water helps you with transporting the nutrients around your body improving skin you'll be surprised a lot of the the times you're not hungry you're actually thirsty but your brain can confuse the signal of hunger and thirst when you drink a gallon of water you can make sure you tick The Thirst box and you'll be less hungry not to even mention all the other benefits of just drinking a gallon of water now you guys may Wonder like that's a lot of water to drink the scientific way of how much water you should be drinking you can use a few different rulers to kind of determine at base level the easiest one if you don't have clear urine then very likely you need to be drinking more and you can use the color of your urine as a benchmark to determine if you're under hydrated or overhydrated you want to have it clear the second Benchmark you can use is using half of your body weight in fluid ounces so if you're 200 lb you should at least be drinking 100 fluid ounces per day and if you're 220 lb then you should be drinking 110 and then the third one is simply a gallon a day and this will automatically help you lose weight because you'll stop having these hunger signals which are confusing for actually thirst signals let's move on into the next tip number eight is Zone 2 cardio I just finished reading Dr Peter Tia's book I've known this myself but it's brought to light so much more information a very good correlator to longevity is actually your cardiovascular health which makes a lot of sense right how well your heart's pumping how efficient your heart is pumping plays a massive role in avoiding one of the horsemen the dark Horsemen of death in the the future which is cardiovascular health right and you will be shocked by the statistics of how many people deal with chronic disease that has to do with your cardiovascular health so not only is cardio amazing for fat loss it's amazing for living longer which should actually be our main concern so Zone 2 cardio can be defined as being at or exercising your heart rate between 60 and 70% of your max heart rate right so that is usually between the 110 to 120 beats per per minute depending on how fit you are but I highly recommend you do at least three sessions of 20 minutes a week of Zone 2 cardio getting your heart rate to 120 beats and above a big benefit is that you can actually burn a lot of fat people consider this the fat burning Zone doing it at that level but what's also amazing about it is that it is a amazing tool and an indicator for longevity reading aa's book it shows that people at a higher quot out the more you do Zone 2 cardio the longer you'll live so I highly recommend this asides from the fat loss benefits and my clients as well and my recommendation to you is I get clients who start with me and they're above 30% maybe their body cannot deal with Zone 2 cardio yet so we'll start off slow but eventually we'll integrate this plan so I highly recommend you do three sessions 20 minutes what you can do is get on an elliptical get on a stair Master an inclined walk and this will have amazing benefits for you and personally I've also noticed that when I do cardio my appetite is actually reduced I don't eat as much maybe it's an effect because I'm more conscious about the efforts I'm putting into getting healthier but I do notice that I can fast a little bit longer and I'm not as hungry this may be controversial is cheat more let me explain so I'm sure you've heard you need to be in a 500 daily caloric deficit the math works is that one pound of fat if we were to burn it up right which calories is a measurement of energy spent right so if I were to burn in a whole pound of fat it would roughly equate to 3,500 calories right 3,500 energies divide that by 7 days in a week that's where you get that number of 500 calories a day to lose a pound of fat a week however but you can do which is a little bit smart is actually do 100 caloric deficit now the caveat here is that you need to really track your Foods accurately and you'll get better results this way this is actually a skill we practice in my program but track really accurately and do a 600 caloric deficit and what I like doing to my clients is having a refeed meal every Sunday or Saturday so they go out to eat with their family so basically what happens is because I've set a 600 caloric deficit you end up establishing an extra 700 calories right cuz now instead of 500 it's 600 daily which is a bigger Difference by 100 100 * 7 is 700 calories so basically on a Saturday and Sunday or Sunday I give my clients the opportunity to eat any meal that they want can be a pizza it can be a burger all they need to do is swap out their dinner for a dinner of their choice and what this does is a few things number one it creates a positive feedback loop as a reward for following the plan really well and it takes away this idea of a marathon and they just look at their process on a week- toe basis it gives you positive food Association because now you don't think of this food is good and this food is bad because you're starting to eat cheat meals and you're still losing weight you just realize you needed to a bit more conscious the third thing research has shown this that individuals who have refeeds actually they will both lose the same amount of weight compared to the person who doesn't however the person will maintain more muscle mass doing a refeed and you'll be like why why do they maintain more muscle mass because on the day that they eat more carbs more fats the following 2 to three days will they will have a marked improvement in their training output they'll train harder and stronger so we know there's a direct correlation between how hard and how strong you can train and the amount of muscle mass you have so if you do this every week you're likely to be stronger at the end of a 4mon period compared to not doing it at all inherently the person who does the refeeds once a week will have a lower body fat percentage cuz they have more muscle mass that's why I say cheat more but be intelligent about it and be smart this is a little strategy we Implement give it a go and I think you'll see amazing results but I always say if you start a diet give yourself 2 weeks to really track make sure you're doing it all right and then implement it after once you've established a good Baseline and the final one is going to be recipes so let me explain the issue many people have is they don't have enough tools to utilize so one thing that I teach I have over a thousand recipes on the back end is I make very healthy alternatives to the meals people love tacos burgers fries pizzas it can be anything all the foods you see there are healthy alternatives to those Foods so if you could find those Alternatives include them in your plan it turns this from being a diet to a way of life just the way you eat every day and you've just made better decisions you've swapped out that McDonald's Big Mac for your own version of a Big Mac you've swapped out that Domino's Pizza for a homemade version with thinner crust higher protein I eat an ice cream every single day and it's just calorie friendly so I highly recommend and I'm actually for all of you who watch till the end I am going to leave a recipe book with 21 recipes of all my favorite foods that are great macronutrient wise it's in the description below and comment down below mashah if you got here and if you downloaded it leave the video the like I greatly appreciated if you want to work with me um there's a link in the description um the people we work with they're usually Executives and CEOs fill out the application if you're interested but I'll see you guys in the next one if not if you don't follow that criteria no no problem just watch my videos there's 800 videos on here all that information you need to be successful is in here but if you need someone to streamline your process that's us see you in the next one cheers