what is up YouTube It's spooky lson I hope you're having a fantastic day so far finally finally newest dead by daylight chapter Dungeons and Dragons is here it is out on the PTV 8.0.0 beas here we got a new survivors but we're going to be obviously jumping in on VCA finding out what the new chapter is all about power the perks the Mory it's going to be a good time let's get started okay this is the portrait the Lich difficulty moderate okay few dare speak the lich's true name for that he may here or Worse take a look what it looks like very cool I shall make this place my wow okay a lot of Animation there uh very skinny loving the uh the corset here beautiful as always all right let's take a look at the perks in the power let's take a look it's going to be a lot of fun okay so this is how in our previous videos we went over like new Killers new chapters we've been able to read like a description of the killers and so so on and so forth uh but now apparently what we have to do here is this is the through the new store so we're try our best uh this is the power in perks we're going to take a first look at the very first perk weave Attunement when an item becomes DEET for the first time it is dropped you see the aura of dropped items survivors within 8 MERS of dropped items have their auras revealed to you when a Survivor picks up a Survivor item they suffer from the oblivious status effect for 30 seconds so once an item is depleted they'll drop it instantly so they'll so they're going to be littering wow you see the the AA of the dropped items and then also within 8 m of a dropped item Ora is revealed to you h i wonder for how long moving on next BK is called languid touch languid touch when a Survivor within 36 me of you scares a crow they gain the exhausted status effect for 10 seconds per because 20 second cool down really interesting so like perks like mindbreaker fearmonger you're exhausted for 5 seconds when you interact with the generator but what you like in this situation if they're within your if they're within your Terr radius and they like scare a crow interact with a crow they become exhausted for 10 seconds so double time on something like mind breaker fear Mark that's pretty insane and the last and final perk is dark arrogance increases the duration you are Blinded By Any Means in the duration of pallet Suns by 25% however that increases your regular Vault speed by at 20% so we're going to have yet another vaulting speed haste perk which is going to be uh pretty interesting so we're going to get tier five Myers coming up in the in the near future I'm uh I'm sure uh perks overall um pretty okay I I think languid touch is probably going to be the best one out of the three but we'll find out uh let's go a and try to tackle the power now I don't know a whole bunch of dunge about Dungeons and Dragons please bear with me but godamn the this is pretty big the power is called vile darkness when we watch the dev stream we my understanding is there's going to be four different spells within effectus power so let's just talk about the Spells as we go along to select a spell hold the ability button one to open the spell selection the Lich has four different spells first spell is called Magic hand creates a magical hand that lifts down pallets or blocks upright pallets for four seconds now we don't know how fast the casting speed on that is but it's seems pretty insane the next per I mean the next power sorry next spell God damn it is called Flight of the Damned conjures five entities that pass through obstacles and injured survivors maybe like some crows looks like it's a buckshot of U of of ghouls pretty cool dispelling sphere cast a moving invisible sphere that reveals survivors and temporary disables magic items ooh baby and the last magic spell is fly I'm really excited for this one briefly move faster ignoring vaults and pallets so it's it seems like like do I actually fly I guess we're going have to find out looks like I kind of just blow through that stuff which is interesting now there's a special items called magic items now there's treasure chests down there on the map that contain magic items for survivors to equip these include boots and gauntlets of so on and so forth so the the interloper when a mage Chan is used reveals Aura of affected pallets it applies haste for 3 seconds the night watch reveals the aura of Flight of the Damned the archist uh makes the spelling sphere visible the sky guard reveals the L's Aura during fly or for a few seconds after okay a lot to pack I'm trying my best to keep up with this special items hand and eye of vcna rarely treasure chests contain the hand or ey of vcna when picked up and used by a Survivor at full health they cost them a health State reveals their location with Killer Instinct for 3 seconds and grants him a special ability the hand of VNA a faster Locker entry teleports the Survivor to a further Locker repeat that a faster Locker entry teleports the Survivor to a further Locker that they get the eye of VNA a fast Locker exit hides the survivor's Aura and grants haste for 12 seconds so obviously the hand of VNA seems like it's uh the way to go but what it does say it's it's rarely the treasure chest contains the hand or eye of VNA so it's a rarity but it definitely could happen it's a lot to unpack there's a lot of crazy stuff happening with this I want to see the perks I want to see the power I want to see the Mory let's get into it the Forgotten ruins okay this is obviously in the decim Borgo realm this is the new map now I think like the shattered Square uh obviously that is going to look just like this this looks pretty insane uh vile Darkness let's take a look I can select my spells that is badass okay so this is going to be fly so let's try that out oh okay and I can stop Flying how long's the cool down okay so there's a little bit of a hefty cool down when you do do that it's pretty cool that is badass let's get another spell let's try this one a mage hand okay so that's the hold a pallet uh let's see this is uh just spelling sphere can it go through walls interesting okay does not go does it go through walls it does very briefly though well I am just play the dam ready let's do it okay I don't think I was able to do it but that's just a sphere that's pretty cool wow dude I haven't really got a chance to like check out this map but God damn look at this oh very close God damn that scream is pretty wicked uh I want to get fly back up dude all right let's fly over here oh my God the whole Squad is here D I move so fast it's insane all right okay so I okay yeah so the my spell book has a pretty hefty cool down it seems oh this is so badass I love the weapon the weapon's amazing so yeah so I think there's probably obviously going to be like the specific add-ons that will increase um the the recovery speed from some of these spells but fly is fly is insane dude I want to do it again I know know they're all like inside um it seems like they're all inside the castle oh oh hold on here hold on get my spell here we go actually you know what let's try let's try the mam one oh my god dude holy it's so good whoa what is this can I go through it uh uh yeah let's go dude holy I got to go I got to go get my down now okay so look look the item the item's already been used so if the survivors within 8 m of an item I get to see their Ora the entire time that's so insane okay they got her up can she go through it I we need her to go through it all right let's pick her [Music] up okay I want to try out of the perks like dark arrogance I'm going to go first I'm going to do is I'm going to get my spe sphere let's see oh this is Flight of the dams um I'm trying to this fing sphere okay okay so let's take a look here dude the the inside of this Castle looks insane look at this that is nuts oh my god wow that's that's incredible looking okay so I I don't fully really understand it seems like is that is that a magic item that looks like it's a magic item like a key okay nice I'm going to go and do a dispelling sphere dispelling sphere and go see how far it goes cuz it does move that's Killer Instinct good to know now I can have I can have the uh that together let's see dude there's so much noise can I chase after I can someone's in a trap wait wait what was that dude what is going on there's so much crazy happening uh-huh iron made it nice I want to see what happens when you drop a pallet that's what I want to see let's chop a pallet and let's go and cast the Mage hand and let's open it back up it's instant dude it's insane okay and my other spells are ready to go that's so cool dude that is so cool I'm if I'm making sure I can exhaust all my spells but they take a while to reload secret wow I haven't I can't really tell like this like I can't really tell the scale of this map and how big it is but it seems like the uh the dungeon portion itself is pretty large damn mister okay I think my favorite spell so far is is fly am I kidding look at this what do we got over here oh this is the eye this is the beholder right very cool next time that's super cool dude you know what like I I didn't think that I was going to get like a whole bunch of value out of we atum it but like I'm getting auras all over the place it's insane let's try a stun here so that's the stun I'm stunting a little bit longer with dark arrogance but my my vaulting speed is increased so I'm curious how do I get back up there again my volage speed should be increased but it's a little bit faster okay now I want to do cuz I want to try out the uh the scatter shot here we go ready wow that's so bad us and then we can go cast magean it's instant look at that it's so good yeah his uh his perks are okay I guess uh the the the M the Mage book is is is so much fun the fly is amazing and I can just stop right on the Survivor it's huge wow uh this one that shows his that shows the aura what the it's a mimic chest wow that is amazing it's so cool I we you know I'm not going to lie like when I first read there's a lot of things that are probably happening behind the scenes but when I was first reading like his his power and stuff like that I was a little confused I'm not going to lie but it it's like it's relatively easy I think you probably want to have Mage hand available when you're chasing a Survivor and then use other things as you go yeah dude like this like this dungeon is huge man whoa the map is so big over there I don't I don't know this takes me but here we go of many eyes I wonder I wonder if they're going to be giving us a new uh a new like a portrait for what's actually happening for the the mimic chest the wow this could actually down you all right it's time it is time for the Mory baby let's see what we can get fairwell that was it God that was like incredibly fast what what the hell was that that was fast for sure uh yeah that is amazing that hit there is pretty cool that scatter shot's nuts wow they have is there a shack here it looks like there's a shack too dude this map is uh it's pretty large man I love the I love the break animation that's cool these are the chests now do they all move or do they move if they're like a trap like a mimic chest in terms of perks believe it or not like languid touch is something I think we we probably have gotten value from um here and there just passively we have a tubement being able to see the orist of down uh of survivors that have down um items is actually pretty insane it's cool that you can do like you do stuff like this with with the spear at Shack and then Killer Instinct will alert it and then you just launch crows and stuff like that essentially and we switch over to this lift it right up there's a little bit of a cool now but it only stays up for 4 seconds so it's not too insane and then looks like it'll go right back down oh no it will stay up I thought it was I thought I thought it was only temporary that's my mistake all right let's get a let's get a better look at this Mory let's give this a shot there you will make a lovely [Applause] BL oh my God yeah I'm not okay what was what the hell was the first one uh let's let's let's get Amore downstairs let's go into the to the basement over here or to the dungeon come come equip your brooms make haste holy dude that's insane that's absolutely Bonkers man that orus it's that's insane the magic item stuff is crazy think this will do just fine this AR all right I'm going to bring you for just a little bit Yeah so like I'm like like I mentioned I'm not like the biggest Dungeons and Dragons guy at all apparently there's a lot of Easter eggs but this is this is cool God damn it's insane that is so it's so brutal oh my God flying is amazing flying feels so nice wow I like I like the kick I like the breaking animations oh super cool so I wonder what once there's one there's one trick chest it seems right since there's seven chests on the map so I wonder if it's just one that's a mimic okay okay it won't it won't do that I like I like how I can cast instantly this dude that seems so nuts can't drop the pallet that's freaking insane dude wow that is crazy my friends that is VNA that is jeez Louise man that feels so freaking good and there's definitely you know there's definitely going to be add-ons and things like that I haven't even got chance to get into those that discuss increase the Spells wow wow he's a lot of fun he's a lot of fun looks like dead by daily is definitely going into the more fantasy approach but that's exciting I'm really excited for that woo