Introduction to Pushdown Automata (PDA)

Sep 1, 2024

Lecture Notes on PDA (Pushdown Automata)


  • Welcome to this video by Geet Smashers.
  • Important points of PDA (Pushdown Automata) will be discussed.
  • This information will be beneficial for competitive exams and college/university level exams.

Review of Finite Automata

  • Finite Automata (DFA, NFA) are used to recognize regular languages.
  • Regular languages are powerful, but some languages are more powerful than regular languages.


  • Example: 0^n 1^n (where n >= 0)
    • Only 0^n: Can be recognized by Finite Automata.
    • 0^n 1^n: This is more powerful because the number of 0s and 1s must be equal.
    • It requires a comparison, which cannot be done by Finite Automata due to its limited memory.

Need for PDA

  • Due to limited memory, extra memory (stack) is needed to compare the number of 0s and 1s.
  • Adding a stack to Finite Automata creates a PDA.

Features of PDA

  • PDA has push and pop operations.
  • For example, put 0 on the stack when it comes and pop 1 when it comes.
  • PDA can recognize both regular languages and context-free languages.

Formal Definition of PDA

  • PDA is defined using 7 tuples.
    1. Q: Set of finite states
    2. Σ: Set of input symbols
    3. Γ: Set of stack symbols
    4. δ: Transition function
    5. q0: Initial state
    6. Z0: Initial stack symbol
    7. F: Set of final states

Transition Function

  • Transition function is based on state, input symbol, and stack symbol.
  • Changes can be made to the stack based on input and stack symbols.

Stack Application

  • Adding and removing symbols from the stack is possible.
  • Z0 is on top of the stack as an initial symbol.
  • In the end, if there is a proper transition, the stack can be modified to disappear.


  • Further examples will be discussed to understand how the PDA model works.
  • Thank you!