all right so remember this class we're talking about man's sin and salvation it's obviously our first you know couple weeks need to be dealing with the doctrine of man what I decided to do today is kind of do a uh a jet Tour survey of the doctrine of man to summarize perhaps in I don't know how long it'll take me a half hour 45 minutes or whatever to kind of summarize the whole doctrine of man in a short period of time it's a uh like it's a jet tour it's a you know the helicopter above the forest looking down sort of thing uh doesn't cover all the details but uh sometimes I think it can be helpful to look at things broadly before you before you get into the details obviously details in the big picture should work in harmony with each other the big picture should be based on the details and then the the details should line up with the big picture story you know God is a god of order so what he reveals connects with everything else so I would liken what we're going to do here to you know if you have let's just say you have a uh a a long movie that you're watching on your on your machine and you you fast forward it at three or four times the speed you're obviously not going to catch much dialogue but you're going to you're going to see where the movie is going where the scenery is and you know if you go through it really fast you don't feel like you grasped it all but you kind of feel like you got the big picture kind of like where the movie is going that's kind of like what we're doing here we're kind of getting the the remote control and doing a zip tour but I think I think it'll be helpful uh because the doctrine of man is something that you find from Genesis 1 through revelation 22 it's also something remember God is instituting a kingdom plan throughout history that makes sense and also perfectly intersects with all the other major doctrines so one of the things we want to do with a with a theology class like this is to connect the dots I mean we should be able to know how the doctrine of man fits with the doctrine of sin and the doctrine of salvation and the doctrine of Christ and the doctrine of eschatology and you know there's all all the end up inter interrelating with each other so so let's begin here I've uh I've I I've identified uh 10 steps here again not every detail is covered somebody might say well why didn't you add this or this or that you might even have a good point U but I think when you look at these uh 10 10 points or 10 steps you can get a pretty good picture of where uh the doctrine of man or why the doctrine of man is so uh significant and so U the first point uh is going to be closely tied with Genesis 1 and again I'm a real big believer in uh knowing Genesis 1 and2 really well and understanding Revelation 20 to 22 really well because you know Genesis 1:2 is the Once Upon a Time and Revelation 20-22 is they lived happily after and then the rest of the Bible is connecting the dots of how we go from what you know the the Bliss and the Garden of Eden to the fall to the restoration of all things so uh you can't you can't overemphasize the importance of the Genesis 1 26-28 for the doctrine of Man part of the reason why I say that is it's obviously significant when you read it because you're talking about the image of God you're seeing what man is task to do but you're going to see this in in inner passage connections inner textual connections when you get to Psalm 8 you'll see Psalm 8: 48 is basically a commentary on Genesis 126 to 28 you're going to find other references in the New Testament to Psalm 8 which is a commentary on Genesis 1 uh and so there's this theme of man's responsibility in regard to the world uh now on this first Point here when we mention the kingdom mandate U this the and and by the way U you know I'm I'm a firm believer that the kingdom is the is the primary theme of scripture I think I think all the other major doctrines can be subsumed under that um and obviously all major themes are going to are going to harmonize when properly understood but I I do believe that the kingdom uh is the is the primary theme of scripture I get more into the wise of that perhaps in theology for but you should know that um when it comes to the kingdom mandate under the federal headship of Adam again a federal head refers to somebody who is representing a people group so there's Federal headship in your family usually with the father there's Federal headship with countries we have presidents and leaders that make decisions on behalf of all all of us there's Federal headship in regard to man so under the federal headship of Adam man is created as king and Son which I think is at the essence of what it means to be in the image and likeness of God um man is created as king and Son again that's a small K King God is capital K but uh when being created in the image of God means that man is a representative and a vice Regent to do God's bidding upon the Earth so there from the very beginning there's kingly applications in regard to mankind so under the federal headship of Adam man is created as king and son to fill Rule and subdue the Earth for God's glory Genesis 1 26-28 he is also created to be in three relationships with God other people in creation so when you look at Genesis 126 then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule that word for rule radat is used later on in the Old Testament for kings that rule it's used of the messiah's rule in Psalm 110 so let let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so man is made in the image of God and his task is to is to rule it's to rule and subdue the earth now that word for subdue is a very strong term very much in the sense of controlling and dominating and making things how they're supposed to be verse 26 seven says God created man in his own image and in the image of God he created him male and female he created them and you see another task that they're supposed to do according to verse 28 uh God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth so there needs to be procreation and the filling of the earth notice and he brings up again and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth so like I said all all scripture is equally inspired um this passage though in particular really gives you the uh I would call it the charter for mankind I would call it the kingdom mandate some have called it the cultural mandate and I'm comfortable with that because I think this involves culture as man rules and subdues his environment that involves the animal kingdom it involves agriculture it involves architecture involves music and art and all those sorts of things yes is is this what Cav guys called the cabinet of Works um for them Covenant of Works would be more Genesis 2:15-17 with the test the The Obedience Disobedience thing in regard IND they usually call this and I would say rightly so at this point the uh the cultural mandate I would broaden it out here I I I would totally agree with them this this includes culture this includes man interacting with this beautiful world and environment and doing what God wants him to do um but I think it's I think I think because I see Kingdom as the theme of scripture I tend to view this more as the uh man's role within the kingdom program so it's very important to understand uh obviously from you know from Genesis 1 and 2 particularly Genesis 1 131 that the world God created was very good so that automatically makes us different from the from the Hindus and the Buddhist and the platonist and the gnostics and all these different groups groups that like to denigrate the Physical Realm God cares about the physical world uh the material and the immaterial realm um are important to him so he doesn't create man here you have to remember uh you know we talk more about this in theo4 but there's a kind of a spiritual vision model approach that kind of views man's Destiny as sitting on a cloud with a harp doing nothing all day or just singing hymns all day um that's not man's Destiny from the beginning nor is it in the future um so this is this is very it's very Earth oriented God is capital K King he's the Creator man is image of God as a small K King to represent God to rule and subdue the Earth for God's glory that's that's his task so now on the at the end of this last point I also include that he is also created to be in three relationships with God other people and creation I would just say by the very fact that he's created by God um there's a Creator creature relationship and if you read Romans 1 you'll see the problem with the problem with sinful man is they're not giving the Creator Glory they're not they're they're they're doing things for themselves sinfully and suppressing the truth so uh man is immediately put into a relationship with God um he's also put into a relationship with other people because he you know as we and obviously Genesis 2 will flesh this out more what that means in regard to the first man and the first woman with Adam and Eve and then but the very fact that we're talking about out here the uh filling of the earth that also is going to include children so obviously man has a uh vertical relationship with God and also a horizontal relationship with man but he's also put in charge of the earth which means he does have a relationship to the creation so I guess there's a sense in which man is uh when it comes to relationships he's looking up he's looking vertic horizontal with other human beings and down in the sense of he's uh uh to be ruling and seding the the creation that God gave him and I would say that he was created in a right relationship with all three of those okay so that's the first part of the story that's a very significant thing to understand is that there is a there is a charter there's a mandate there is a this is what man is supposed to do and obviously it's centered in his right it's there's the Assumption there that as a creature he's doing this to honor the Creator this isn't just for his own just to do it for his own uh desires without relationship to God okay now that brings you to the second the Second Step which would be man disobeys God and fails the kingdom mandate to rule and subdue the creation so so he you know he fails I mean he's he decid he decides to do what he wants to do obviously that's through you know eeve what Eve did and then with the federal head Adam so he disobeys god let's just put it that once he disobeys the kingdom mandate can't be filled fulfilled as God wants it it does not do away with the kingdom mandate cuz I'll just just speak for myself I think kind of it my general Impressions when I first became a believer in my middle teenage years was that you know I'd read this passage and go oh yeah you know man was supposed to rule and subdue the Earth but once we get saved our destiny is to fly away to heaven and live there forever to live up you know in an immaterial realm and I think the thing that we're going to see is that man can't fulfilled this task anymore but Hebrews 8 I'm sorry Psalm 8 and Hebrews 2 will tell us that this has never been forfeited this is still expected it's just man can't do it right and the creation's going to work against him so he fails the kingdom mandate to rule and subdue the creation and it also affects the three relationships that he was placed in he becomes spiritually dead to God I mean he's you know spiritual death takes place there's separation uh God promised them uh you know in Genesis 2:15-17 that if they obeyed they would surely die uh obviously there's a their relationship with God is severed at that point spiritually they Sinners at that point um because God has a Salvation plan he doesn't physically execute them at that point that's where Genesis 3:15 comes into play but the process of death is in MO motion and then you know they do in human humankind All Humans will end up dying so the three relationships suffer the uh man's relationship to God suffers personto person relationships suffer you know you can get we can get a little bit of discussion we'll do that later about the you know you know he will um you know your desire will be for him but he will rule over you we can discuss whether that's physical desire I actually lean more towards it being indicating more of tension within the relationship um for sure when you get to the when you get to Cain and Abel you see that that you know that the first when you're dealing with the first Brothers one of them becomes a murderer and so obviously Mankind's relationship with each other has been filled with uh murders and you know strain ever since the fall and obviously with the creation I mean you read Genesis 3 and you'll see that the the ground is cursed because of what man has done man was supposed to rule over it but now it's going to work against him so all three of those relationships were hurt okay so the fall helps explain why things went badly number three the third point on here uh God promises a coming seed of the woman a man who will destroy Satan and reverse the curse so that's why Genesis 3 is so important I do believe it is a Proto evangelium I do believe it's a first gospel because I think this has to be Beyond more than just just a physical snake I think it's talking about the cosmic battle Satan was the power behind the serpent oh and if you notice in Genesis 3:15 as God speaks to the serpent he says I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed he shall bruise you on the head you shall bruise him on the heel so notice there's a battle between your seed and her seed um which indicates you know which is going to culminate in a certain he again when you're dealing with the seed Concept in the old and the New Testament there can be a a one and a many aspect to it um OB obviously I would see that the the he shall bruise you on the head as ultimately being fulfilled with Christ you shall bruise him on the heel you know there he also strikes a blow at the at the uh at at the Savior um but he's but the but the power behind the serpent is ultimately going to be cursed I think this is the beginning of the seed line promise we'll get more into that later but you'll you'll see the seed line become more specific as time moves on start with Adam start with Noah you get to Shem gets to Abraham Isaac Jacob and then David and eventually it ends up in Christ Galatians 3:16 refers to Jesus as the ultimate seed ultimate Seed of Abraham so I guess what's important to understand here is that there is a seed of the woman who's going to defeat the power behind the serpent so in other words there's going to be a man I mean there's going to be a man who's going to I like to call this to reverse the curse and restore all things so God's God tasked man to rule and subdue the Earth he has failed and yet there's hope that's what come Genesis 3:15 is so beautiful because in this from our perspective awful CH awful consequences described in this chapter there's hope that's given and there's the promise here there's going to be someone come from the from the seed of the woman from the line of the woman who is going to who is going to bruise the head and defeat uh the power behind the serpent so that's important thing to understand here is there need there needs to be in the realm of the mediatorial kingdom and what's going on on Earth victory over uh um the the powers of Darkness okay that leads us to our Point number four which is that you know this probably could be a subset of three but I I separated it here the people of God anticipate this coming man who will be a savior so you know if you look in Genesis 41 not everybody agrees with this standing but it seems like there's becoming more and more of an acceptance of this view uh Walter Kaiser holds this view um I think a Gentry from Southern and his kingdom through Covenant view has promoted this views become more popular uh the belief that there's the real possibility that Eve may have thought that Cain was going to be the deliverer uh now the man had relations with his wife Eve and she conceived and gave birth to Cain and she said I have gotten a Manchild with the help of the Lord some will just some just believe that that should be translated you know I have you know I have I've gotten a a child even the Lord you know some believe that Eve is making a declaration that this this may be the Fulfillment of the Genesis 3:15 like I said not not everybody agrees on that but I think that is very possible I also think it's interesting in Genesis 5:28-29 that Noah's father thought he might be the one who would reverse the curse Genesis 5:28-29 lamech lived 182 years and became the father of a son now he called his name Noah saying this one shall give us rest from our work and from the toil of our hands arising from the ground which the Lord has cursed so there's the possibility there that there was the you know the expectation that uh Noah may be the one to reverse the curse so like I said the not everybody agrees on those understanding but you know if you put Genesis 4:1 with Genesis 528 to 29 seems to indicate to me that there could be that that there is is an expectation of a coming one and by the way I'm a huge proponent of there being a Messianic hope in the Old Testament I really believe that there was the expectation of a coming one a seed of the woman a specific individual not just a corporate idea but a specific individual and if that is the case then there's not only is there the promise of a one to defeat the power behind the serpent but there's the expectation in the people of God that there's this coming man who will do this yeah is seed of the woman the seed is normally associated with the man man right right um do do you think that then is from this point on you'll see that right go ahead I'm interested to know if you think that that may refer to the Virgin birth or since it says seed of the woman it's just unusual to say seed of the woman yeah some people do the I mean I think in a sense I I think with that because because you're dealing with I think seed has the corporate and the individual sense so and I think both are there I mean I I I so I I'm seeing in Genesis 3:15 I'm seeing I'm seeing I'm seeing corporate and individuals a seed line that ends up in the ultimate ultimate seed um I probably have to do a little bit more thinking to come to a hard and fast conclusion on whether it's specifically referring to the I mean that that it could have I mean I obviously think it has implications for it do I think that that's spec that's it's only that specifically that it's referring to I would say no because I think there's that corporate aspect to it I would say that it's related to it but it's not just that okay any other questions at this point okay so that brings us to number five and this takes us to Psalm 8 so if you jump over to Psalm 8 what's interesting about this is the I like to call Psalm 8 4:8 basically the commentary on Genesis 1 26-28 and I'll just go ahead and read I'll you know point five is this man's right to rule and subdue the Earth is affirmed even in a fallen world so if you look at Psalm 84 Psalm of David David says what is man that you take thought of him and the son of man that you care for him him yet you have made him a little lower than God you crown him with glory and Majesty you make him to rule over the works of your hands isn't that interesting the language of this word there you crown him with glory and Majesty that's kingly talk right verse six you you make him to rule over the works of your hands so that again emphasizes that man is an image Bearer is a king he's a small K King but he's God's he's supposed to be God 's man and he's to rule over the works of your hands the end of verse six says you have put all things under his feet all sheep and oxen and also the Beast of the field the birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea whatever passes through the pass of the Seas so again I mean that's sounds a lot like Genesis 1 I mean the creation all these certain sorts of things man's created with glory and Majesty he's to rule again the rule term being a very uh very kingly then you get the subjects of it the sheep and the ox ox and the beasts the birds of the heavens the fish you know all those sorts of things so when I read Psalm a what that indicates to me is Genesis 1 126 to 28 has never been revoked so like I said it's not the case before the fall it's the Earth after the fall our destiny is just to uh to fly away someday and to have nothing to do with the Earth ever again it's not the case so remember 01 we're talking about the kingdom Mandate of Genesis 1 26-28 Point 2 that's the fall man disobeys God fails the kingdom mandate and is you know separated from God spiritually number three you have the promise of this of of a coming seed of the woman who will destroy the power Behind The Serpent and reverse the curse for the people of God anticipate the coming man who will be a savior five man's right to rule and subdue the Earth is affirmed even in a fallen world so that's where we stand right now as this is progressing point six this brings you to the New Testament and uh what Jesus means again there's I mean there's obviously a I mean Jesus is going to be what brings completion to everything that's talked about in the Old Testament so we're not covering every every area of doctrine that could be here there's all kinds of soteriological implications we're not getting into this point but uh Jesus is many things he's the ultimate Seed of Abraham uh he's the ultimate David but one of the things that we know about Jesus too according to uh 1 Corinthians 15 I think verse 45 he's referred to as the last Adam there's a connection between Adam if you look at I think with Matthew's genealogy you know he's referred to as the son of David and the son of Abraham Luke's genealogy links him you know with Adam which obviously is the case for all of us but the uh so Jesus is many things I'm emphasizing here more more in regard to his uh direct connection with being uh the last Adam and by being the last Adam there's Federal headship implications with that in the sense of the one acting on behalf of the many but Jesus as the ultimate man and last Adam gives samples of dominion over the Earth with his first coming and so now when you get into this whole issue of the purpose of Jesus's Miracles you you know it's it's it's pretty disputed the uh kind of the Common View very very common today in theological circles is that Jesus's Miracles meant the inauguration of the davidic Kingdom which I don't believe that I mean I get more into that in the4 um what I do believe I do believe they are related to the kingdom in the sense that he is giving demonstrations of the Kingdom in his person and work but we also know that there's two of the Messiah we also know that he's rejected he came into his own and his own received him not and thus he is fulfilling the promise of Psalm 1101 that there needs to be a session of the of the Messiah at the right hand of the father until he begins his Reign from Jerusalem uh Hebrews 10:12 to13 says he's at the right hand waiting from that time onward until you know he begins to rule over his enemies so my understanding of the miracles of Jesus is that they are they are demon they're really demonstrations of what the Millennium is going to look like on a big scale by the Millennium I am referring to a future coming Millennium um so when Jesus you have to remember uh when we're talk when Jesus does a healing Miracle that's really a demonstration of Isaiah 35 which promised that people were going to be healed in messiah's Kingdom you know the lame are going to walk you know those that are sick are going to be healed when Jesus does a healing Miracle that's a demonstration of widespread healing in the kingdom when Jesus raises somebody from the dead that is a demonstration of the Resurrection to life that's going to take place on a grand scale when he comes again uh when Jesus does nature Miracles when he's walking on Waters or making donkeys appear in places that they're you wouldn't think that they would be or would would seem to you know those those sorts of when he does nature Miracles when he multiplies food all those sorts of things are showing his Mastery over nature you have to remember that the restoration of all things in the Kingdom obviously includes people being in a right relationship with God but it also involves the creation so he's he's doing those things um he's giving demonstrations of that so uh The Healing Ministry the resurrection Ministry the nature Miracles they're all glimpses of what it's going to be like in the Kingdom like I said if you read Isaiah 11 it talks about Harmony in the kingdom when you read Isaiah 35 it's talking about physical Miracles when you read Isaiah 65 you know it's talking about agriculture and those sorts of things so there there is that uh relationship and by the way I do I to me when it comes to the miracles of Jesus they have multiple purposes I'm not just saying it's just that I mean obviously they're acts of compassion he's showing evidence of who he is so there's multiple purposes but they are they also are demonstrations of uh what of of the kingdom and the restoration of all things next step here would be number seven that the writer of Hebrews affirms man's right to rule the world but affirms that this does not happen yet so if you look at Hebrews 2 you know you're getting the superiority of Christ in the first couple chapters of Hebrews um and if you look at uh Hebrews chap 2: 5 for he God did not subject to Angels the world to come concerning which we are speaking so it's important to understand here that you know you know U Hebrews has a lot more eschatology in it than a lot of people think you know here we're talking about the world to come you know in Hebrews 13:14 it says we're seeking the city which is to come so although there is a lot of already eschatology in or or some already in Hebrews there's also some futuristic eschatology but he he's talking about the world to come it's not subject to Angels we're told in verse 5 but according to Hebrews 2:6 but one has testified somewhere saying and what you have here is a quote from Psalm 8 remember Psalm 8 is a commentary on Genesis 1 26-28 but here's the quote what is man that you remember him or the son of man that you are concerned about him you have made him for a little while lower than the Angels you have crowned him with glory and honor and have appointed him over the works of your hands you have put all things in subjection under his feet so now what's interesting about that is that again is another affirmation of the Kingdom Mandate of Genesis 1 um so notice again here Genesis 1: 26-28 Psalm 8 Hebrews 2 we're still seeing that God is concerned about man's relationship ship to the world in this particular case the world to come which is involving messiah's Kingdom now notice at the end you know when you come after the quote in verse 8 it says for in subjecting all things to him and again at this particular point it's talking about man now when you get to 1 Corinthians 15 we'll see that PSAL made has specific reference to the federal head of man which is Jesus but at this particular point it's still referring to man collectively for in subjecting all things to him he left nothing that is not subject to him so in other words even in a fallen world the world's still still supposed to be F ruled over by man but notice the next part of the verse but now we do not yet see all things subjected to him so in other words it's still not fixed yet that's what come we have the world to come that's what come we have the city to come and that's come just to give a little footnote to that that's come I think we have to have a proper understanding of what's fulfilled at the first coming of Christ and what's fulfilled at the second coming of Christ there are certain things fulfilled with this first coming we can call those already fulfillments there are still things that need to be fulfilled at a second coming those are you know second those are not yet fulfillments so uh sometimes when I think people make errors and they're looking at the big picture of theology they either overemphasize fulfillment with Christ's first coming and don't do very have very little for the second coming or they see very little fulfillment with Christ's first coming and perhaps overdue fulfillment that needs to be done at the second coming we need to make sure uh that we have the proper balance on that I guess what I would see is I would see that the uh obviously the suffering servant Ministry of Christ fulfillment is emphasized with his first coming um if you look at acts three I think acts three actually gives the perfect balance to this this is the perfect already not yet by the way when I use already not yet I'm not being Lan um a lot of the time by you know George lad's kind of not that he's the one that invented the concept but the uh that the davidic kingdom is already but then that's also not yet I'm not talking about davidic Kingdom already not yet I'm talking about God's purposes broadly there's certain things fulfilled if you look at uh acts 3:18 as Peter is addressing the men of Israel according to verse 12 we're told in verse 18 but the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets that his Christ would suffer he has thus fulfilled so when it comes to suffering servant Isaiah 53 th that's been fulfilled I mean that's already I mean there is already esoy the Old Testament promised a suffering servant to die a substitutionary death that has been fulfilled notice it's that's been fulfilled that which was talked about by the mouth of all the prophets that has been fulfilled now look at verses 19 and following therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send Jesus the Christ appointed for you that's a second coming whom Heaven Must receive until the period of the restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets from ancient time now isn't it interesting he again appeals to the Old Testament but he says that's still needs to come that still needs to happen that's still in the future so so as we come back to the uh you know what we're talking about in Hebrews chapter 2 um verse 8 we do not yet see all things subjected to him that's not yet in other words the I think we can say that the rule and subdue the Earth mandate which still belongs to man it's not it's not being fulfilled as it's supposed to be today um because of Jesus the ultimate man Adam last Adam it is going to be fulfilled and that's going to lead us to what we're going to talk about next point which is point8 Jesus the ultimate man and last Adam returns to earth and binds Satan and Reigns over all in the millennial Kingdom and fulfills the rule and subdue mandate and so that's where we believe that this the doctrine of man will intersect with the millennial kingdom here um um I know this is a little bit of eschatology here but remember if you're premillennial you see a future Earthly Kingdom that is an Earthly Kingdom okay um if you're not premillennial you have Christ Messianic Millennial Kingdom taking place in heaven today you have the reign of the Saints being their intermediate state in heaven today or regeneration there's different views among those who are non premillennial in that view you the let me just put it this way the the reign of the last Adam is an Earthly reign of course there's a Heavenly session of Christ right now at the right hand of the father but to put it this way Jesus needs to rule from and over the realm that the that the first Adam failed and so that has not occurred yet but that will occur in the millennial Kingdom and thus I would take you to 1 Corinthians 15: 24- 28 1 Corinthians chapter 15: 24 now I know this is another issue more for 304 I I do think that Paul's talking about three stages of the Resurrection program he's giving an order Christ the first fruits then those are his at is coming then comes the end I think the end is after the millennial Kingdom he's giving an order of things usually an order doesn't just include two things it's usually a progression of things I think the order here is a reference to Millennial Kingdom but it does say in verse 24 then comes the end when he notice hands over the kingdom to the God and father when he has abolished all Rule and all authority and power for he must Reign notice the word must he must Reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet now it's very interesting about this passage here is it's talking about Jesus handing the kingdom over to the father and that's the Eternal state so what's interesting here is it it indicates that there has there must be a successful Reign before the transition over to the Eternal State and what I would say part I think part of the reason why that has to be the case is is remember there's always been a universal kingdom of God that's always existed in eternity but when God created the world he tasked man to do it right so that and that's who Jesus ends up being end up being of course he's God Son of God but he also ends up being the last Adam he ends up being the ultimate David he's the Messiah when he talks about that he must Reign I think that's an indicator that there has to be a mediatorial vice Regent rule upon the Earth before the transition to the Eternal State and then notice verse 26 The Last Enemy that will be abolished is death now notice in verse 27 notice the Old Testament quote for he has put all things in subjection under his feet that's a quote from Psalm 86 so notice the connections here Genesis 26-28 Psalm 84 to8 Hebrews 25-8 now we're looking at 1 Corinthians 15 now a good question might be here is well wait a minute Psalm 8 was referring to man collectively as having the right to rule the Earth right right uh when you get to Hebrews 8 it seems to be still be broader you know to man it's been you know subjected to rule over the earth now we see this Psalm 8 quote in specifically in regard to Jesus this is an individual here that we're talking about so what is it is it Collective or is it individual I'm going to say it's both because that's what federal headship is about you end up having the one that can represent the many so what I guess what I'm arguing here is that since the fall no man is able to fulfill the kingdom mandate right because men are sinners but there ends up being the ultimate man in verse 45 of this chapter he's Jesus is referred to as the last Adam he is the one that does it so he's the ultimate seed he's the ultimate son of David he's the ultimate Adam so I guess what we're saying here is that when it comes to the Fulfillment of the Genesis 1:26 to 28 Mandate of which sa made affirms it ends up being linked to Jesus so that that's what's key here and notice he must Reign until all his enemies have been put on Earth's feet uh the end of verse 27 says all things are put in subjection it is evident that he is accepted who put all things in subjection to him notice verse 28 when all things are subjected to him to Jesus then the son himself also will be subjected to the one who subjected all things to him so that God may be all in all so do you see a transition that's taking place here you know Jesus has to reain and I would say Reign Over the Earth and when that's done successfully he hands the kingdom over to God the father and that particular point I think you'd see a in a sense the mediatorial kingdom merging into the universal Kingdom at that point I guess if I was to if if we're Connecting the Dots here you know we're going to say Genesis 1 26-28 it's the it's the mandate to man and then we go over to Psalm 8 mandate affirmed then we go to Hebrews 2 5 to 8 mandate affirmed we're still seeing fulfillment future now we come over to 1 Corinthians 15 24 to 28 and we're seeing mandate to be fulfilled in Jesus who is Ultimate man so when Jesus fulfills it he fulfills the Mandate we'll get here shortly too that as he does that that also involves those who identify with him so there's going to be that corporate aspect as well I would just say you know after teaching the New Testament use of the Old Testament class this summer I think there's there there's two there's the the concept of corporate solidarity and federal headship is like key to understanding God it's not the only key but it's one of the keys to Understanding God's purpose this concept of the one representing the many so just like with the seed concept is the seed many or is it one well it has implications for both so in this particular case it's broad broad Broad and then it Narrows into Jesus but as it Narrows into Jesus it'll go broad again because everybody who identifies with him gets to participate in that Reign so the I guess the thing that you should get from uh this point8 at this particular point is that Jesus's return and I'm not even going to Revelation 20 at this point I mean it it seems to me that you have a reign of the Messiah following the second coming if the chronology of Revelation 19 to2 follows which I think it does okay now this brings us to point number nine Okay so we've understood Jesus is the one who fulfills the Mandate of man those who identify with Jesus also Rule and reign in the millennial Kingdom as a result of their identification with the last Adam the federal head of mankind allows other men to succeed with him so this is where you're going to end up getting although this doesn't specifically refer to Genesis 12628 it has you know uh it has implications for it Revelation 510 Revelation 20 4: 5 um if you look at uh if you go to revelation 510 there's this scene in heaven it's a Heavenly scene it's in the Universal kingdom of God up in heaven you have the father on the throne you have the lamb who is worthy he takes the Scrolls out of the out of the out of the hand of uh of of the of the one on the throne now and then you have this song in heaven and it says in Revelation 510 you have made them and this is and the them is referring to people that were purchased by the blood of Christ people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation and then in verse 10 it tells us you have made them to be a kingdom and priest to our God and they will reign upon the Earth notice that those that have been saved they they belong to Christ they're positionally a kingdom it's looking forward to their reign upon the Earth and this ties in closely with that concept that when when the Messiah Reigns those who are identified with him they also Reign so not only does there need to be a reign of the Messiah and the last Adam in the realm that the first Adam failed there also needs to be a reign of those who identify with the Messiah in that realm so um and by the way I would as you're looking at that Revelation 510 you would closely want to connect Daniel 7 with that if you look at Daniel chapter 7 Daniel chapter 7 uh it's talking about you know what I would consider to be the the the tribulation period coming up if you notice in Daniel 7:13 it says I kept looking in the night visions and behold with the Clouds Of Heaven one like a son of man was coming he came up to the Ancient of Days was presented before him and to him was given Dominion glory and a kingdom and then at the end of verse 14 says his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion so the son of man gets a kingdom right now if you notice when you when you jump down in Daniel chapter 7 it talks about the this little horn who's persecuting the saints of God you know I would believe that to be the Antichrist you know verse 21 says I kept looking and that horn was Waging War with the Saints and overpowering them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the Saints of the highest one and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the Kingdom now it's important about that is these Saints are being persecuted on the Earth but then God flips it the Ancient of Days comes along judgment is passing and guess what the Saints took possession of the Kingdom they take possession in the realm where their persecution was taking place and then if you look down at verse 27 or verse 26 and 27 it says the court will sit for judgment his Dominion of the Antichrist will be taken away annihilated and destroyed forever then the sovereignty the the Dominion and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the Saints of the highest one his kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom and all the dominions will serve and Obey him so this is kind of like the picture I see is like the saints of God they're persecuted in this world that we live in you know in this world you shall have persecution and trial right but there comes a point where there situation is flipped evil is defeated and you see that they take possession of the Kingdom so so not only does Jesus need to rule in the realm that the last Adam failed and also the realm where he was rejected at his first coming so too must those who belong to him the saints of God are persecuted in this realm they too are going to be granted a kingdom in this in this realm as well so and of course I would tie uh if you look at Revelation if you come to Revelation I'm actually going to have you stop at Revelation 6 9-11 and then we're going to go to Revelation 24-5 in Revelation 69 you see that these there are people and I would say it's during the tribulation period but these are people killed because of their testimony for Christ when the lamb broke the fifth seal I saw underneath the altar The Souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the testimony which they had maintained so these are people that died for the sake of Christ their souls are up in heaven I mean their bodies on the in the ground decaying at that point looking forward to Resurrection their souls are up in heaven they say in verse 10 how long O Lord holy and true will you refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth isn't that interesting when they get up to heaven they're not reigning in a kingdom at this point they're they're wanting Vengeance in the realm where their death occurred so one thing I think is interesting about this is like don't get me wrong I mean I affirm all the uh to go be with Christ is far better that you know the the pains and sufferings of this life are all gone but I find it interesting that these Saints who end up in heaven what's what do they want to do they want to get back down to the Earth with Christ's Kingdom so it's kind of like how long oh Lord holy and true until you avenge our blood you know in the realm of the earth and then if you read verse 11 they were given a white robe and they were told that they should wait a little while longer in other words you guys just hold on here I mean it's playing out so your frustration your frustration will be uh soothed or alied and you want to know where it's where it's elied it's it's uh it's soothed in Revelation 20: 4-5 Revelation 19 discusses the second coming Revelation 20 1:3 discusses The Binding of Satan remember Satan's the power behind the serpent so you see Satan dealt with and then in Revelation chap 20:4 we're told then I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given to them and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God and those who had not worshiped the Beast or his image and had not received his mark on their forehead and on their hand and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a th000 years so Revelation 24-5 is the answer to the Revelation 69 to11 remember Revelation 6 saints of God on the earth persecuted killed their souls end up in heaven how long oh Lord until you you know avenge our blood upon the Earth Revelation 20 occurs second coming comes Satan is bound they're reigning they're given Thrones they come to life that's a physical Resurrection this is not just a statement of regeneration or spiritual Resurrection these are people that were killed physically in Revelation 6:9-11 they're now giving a they're given a Resurrected body and they reign with Christ for a th000 years on the earth because remember always connect Revelation 24-5 with Revelation 510 they will reign upon the Earth here they're resurrected they're they're given Thrones and they come to life and they reign with Christ for a thousand years so what I'm getting at here with with this verse 9 is not only does is Jesus the ultimate man who fulfills the Mandate but you see that those who in other words the Saints Reign too they reign with Jesus those who identify with Jesus also get a partake in the Genesis 1 126 to 28 mandate so it's kind of like a both and it happens because of Jesus but those who identify with their Federal head Jesus they participate in the reign as well so is again it's kind of that both and situation so those who belong to him participate in that Reign which Revelation 510 tells us is upon the Earth yes I'm just kind of thinking about communion as you're talking about identifying with Christ um how do you think that relates to that in like 1 Corinthians 11 or just in communion in general I maybe I'm not asking any specific question I don't know as far as the concept of identification yeah yeah I'm just trying to think how that how does that tie because now we don't we're not fully um we're not dead yet we're not with him yet but how does it last while we're on in this earth well we have Union with Christ and what the New Testament would say that that includes I mean I I would say the main aspect of the union with Christ is the uh the New Covenant I and I do believe there's an already aspect of the New Covenant indwelling Spirit forgiveness of sins a new heart all those sort we have you know in you know the Holy Spirit Christ you know living within us so in that in that sense there's that and again we we we keep the Lord we we Proclaim that until he comes so even as we do that it's present but it's also forward-looking um what's interesting about that What in in in Luke 22 when Jesus is instituting the Lord's Supper he says I'm not going to eat of the fruit of the vine again with you until we do it in the Kingdom so he has a physical meal with them and then he says we're not going to do this again until but there needs to be the re the remembrance of that pointing towards it so even in the Last Supper there's a lot of eschatological implications okay all right now this brings to point 10 and then we can open it up for some questions or discussion on this but uh now again here I'm I'm really playing closely off the truths of 1 Corinthians 15 I you you really need to grasp that in 1 Corinthians 15: 24-28 that there is a transition remember we're told that in verse 24 then comes the end when he hands over the kingdom to God and the father so there is there has to be some sense in which Jesus hands the kingdom over to the father okay it's when he has abolished all Rule and all authority and power for he must Reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet it's almost not almost that Paul is saying here is there must be a successful reign of Jesus before the transition to the Eternal state that doesn't mean Jesus stops to rule because we know that you know he rules forever if you read revelation 22 the first few verses he's on the throne with the father but there's something specific about this mediatorial Kingdom rule that has to happen before the Eternal State can begin and again remember verse 28 when all things are subjected to him then the son himself also will be subjected to the one who subjected all things to him so that God may be all in all so this leads me to my point 10 here this is the uh uh Genesis or I'm sorry point1 is the uh Once Upon a Time this is they lived happily ever after because this is on once once this mandate is perfectly fulfilled it rolls into the Eternal state so when when the mandates to multiply Rule and subdue are completely fulfilled by Jesus and the Saints in the Millennium the kingdom then transfers to the father's Kingdom of the Eternal State mission accomplished exclamation point as a result of the ultimate man Jesus the Earth has been successfully ruled and subdued Satan has been defeated and the curse has been forever removed and we could even add too everybody's been heal you know Believers resurrected healed restored Nature's in harmony all that sort of stuff just think about that everything that went badly in Genesis 3 is restored and more at this particular point and also last Point man is in proper relationship with the three relationships God other people and creation and it's done perfectly man's task is a success because of Jesus the ultimate man so so it ends up being those so in other words I guess what I'm saying here is the I think this is the connection of man from Genesis 1 through the into the Eternal State and I probably should have included one more verse but if if you look at revelation 22 verse 5 This truly is the ultimate they lived happy happily ever after verse because if you look at the very last verse that describes the Eternal the Eternal State because you have to remember is verse 5 Revelation 225 cuz when you hit six it's epilogue remember there's a lot of stuff to come after verse 5 but it's epilogue so here's the last statement Revelation 225 there will no longer be any night they will not have need of the of a of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun because the Lord God will illumin them and they will reain forever and ever isin't that interesting Genesis 20 what what was the command here it was to rule it was to rule and what do we get when we get very to the end here with Revelation 225 we're seeing that the people of God they Reign forever and ever what ends up happening between here and here ends up being the successful completion of that mediatorial rule that then transitions into the perfect Eternal Eternal state so this is partly why I to me the whole issue of the Millennium it's not just a little academic thing that we kind of like to debate here and there and okay I say it's here I say it's there I mean it a pre premillennialism is actually a major aspect of the Bible storyline it's a and I would say anthropology is part of a large reason why it would be premillennial it may seem kind of weird um because Millennium is are supposed to be an eschatology topic but it's very closely related to uh one of my problems with non- premillennial Doctrine is it has the the the the Messianic Millennial reign of the Messiah and the Saints taking place in heaven and you have Isis and all these nations doing their thing not acknowledging that doing their own thing that's not messiah's Kingdom a messiah's kingdom is established Zechariah 14 tells us his name will be the only one that that has to happen Revelation 510 upon the Earth okay that's the jet tour that's the jet tour of the uh go ahead in Revelation 6 the Saints who are seeking to be back on Earth to AV to avenge are they saints were only persecuted in the tribulation or is that when you say saints that includes persecuted pre before the Trib and during the trip um I think the because Revelation in other words I do think Revelation 6 let me just put that the way it's particularly about them I think there's application for Saints of all ages to be honest um so in other words the those are those who are persecuted in the tribulation um based on other passages which Revelation 2:26 to 27 promises that the church will reign in the Millennium uh Old Testament passages like Daniel 7 promised that Old Testament Saints will also rule I think it ends up being it doesn't exclude the other but it's primarily about them and it may be possible when you're looking at Revelation 20 there's debate on this it's hard to be dogmatic it seems like in verse 4 of Revelation 20 that there's there's a broader statement here then I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given to them and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded which is talking about the Revelation 6 tribulation martyrs there's debate as to whether the second group is just an explanation of the first group or if the first group is broader I'm not dogmatic on that but I think the first group is broader and because like you it may be helpful to look at the Revelation 2 26 to 27 passage but you know I I would definitely see this including the r the raptured church being a part of the uh the reign as well because it says in Revelation 2 26- 27 he shall rule um he who overcomes and he who keeps my Deeds until the end to him I will give authority over the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of the Potter are broken to Pieces as I also have received Authority from my father that's that's a promise to the church that they're going to be reigning over the Nations too so they're going to be they're going to be a part of it as well and of course Daniel 7:27 told us that the Old Testament Saints will be have the kingdom as well all right any other thoughts your question question y can you explain again the the concept Beyond feral Federal ofen and Christ okay yeah all right um question has to deal with the whole issue of of what federal headship is and its implications when you're dealing with Federal headship you're dealing with the one who represents the many Romans 5 particularly verses 12 to 21 make a strong implication that what Adam when Adam sin we sined now there's some debate as to how exactly what that exactly that means Adam sinned we we sinned um when you read the rest of the Romans 5 Christ does one act with implications for for others so a federal head does things that impacts others it's just like if the uh for those who are citizens of the United States if if the president declares war guess what you're at War you know what I mean the the the other the enemy doesn't say you know that's Bill Thompson down there he's not for the war we're going we're going to pass over him you know what I mean it's just like everybody the United States is at War um a father makes a decision on behalf of a family it's the whole so that's what we're talking about there so the uh if you read uh both Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15 being up Christ and Adam as doing things that impact Humanity so and you know of course Romans 5 goes through the 12 to 21 goes to the all the bad things Adam did for us and all the good things that Jesus brings to those who are his does that help yes yeah the the key thing that I'm emphasing with the with the federal with the federal uh headship view is the key the the Mandate it's I mean when it's first given it's given to Adam right but it's also given to mankind because when you hit Psalm 8 you know it's being reiterated to Mankind in general and of course when it ends up Jesus ends up being the one who's the focal point of it because he's the only one that can do it like said he gives glimpses of dominion over nature at his first coming but establishes it at his second coming and then those who are the Saints I probably should add the Daniel 7 to this as well particularly verse 27 these indicate that the Saints join the corporate Federal head in the Reign so when you come to the end of the Millennium mission accomplished on on the on the rule and subdue and fill mandate and then you transition into to the Eternal state where it's I I I I would call it the merger between the mediatorial kingdom and the universal Kingdom CU if you look at uh revelation 22 it says uh Revelation 223 refers to the throne of God and of the Lamb remember in the Millennium the spotlights on the Messiah the and in other words he's God he he's the one like the trusted General under Caesar that puts down a rebellion and makes it what it's supposed to be then he comes back to Caesar and says I've done it remember he hands the kingdom back over to the father so Jesus's Kingdom doesn't end but it merges with the father's Universal Kingdom at that point notice also to that you're seeing the doctrine of man intersecting with uh crucial other doctrines at this point you know we're dealing with uh intersects with christology it intersects with the seed concept it intersects with Federal headship obviously intersects with the whole issue of the fall and again a very important part of the the whole issue of what is the millennial Kingdom um like I said it's very cool today to not be premillennial or to act like it doesn't matter it's actually a pretty important part of the Bible storyline so it's a do you have to believe in the prism of course not I mean it's you don't have to be believe in that to be saved but I think to understand the Bible story line more accurately I think you do need to grasp it so it does intersect with uh eschatology