Mathematics of Regression Explained

Sep 9, 2024

Lecture Notes on the Mathematics of Regression

Introduction to Regression

  • Discussing the mathematical intuition behind regression problems.
  • Previous examples covered simple and multiple linear regression.
  • Focus of this lecture: detailed explanation of regression mathematics.

Linear Regression Basics

  • Equation of Linear Regression:
    [ y = mx + c ]
    • m: Slope of the line
    • c: Intercept of the line

Example of Regression Application

  • Problem statement: Predicting house prices based on size.
  • Data points represent size vs. price.
  • Goal: Create a best fit line to predict future prices for given sizes.

Understanding the Intercept and Slope

  • Intercept (c):
    When size (X) is 0, price (Y) equals c.

    • This point indicates the starting price when the size is zero.
  • Slope (m):
    Indicates how much Y (price) changes for one unit change in X (size).

    • Ex: If size increases by 100 sq. ft, how does price change?

Finding the Best Fit Line

  • Multiple lines can be drawn; need to minimize errors between actual points and predicted points.
  • Cost Function:
    [ J(m, c) = \frac{1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} (\hat{y} - y)^2 ]
    • ( \hat{y} ): Predicted value
    • ( y ): Actual value
  • Objective: Minimize the cost function to find optimal m and c.

Gradient Descent Overview

  • Gradient Descent: A method to find the minimum cost function.
  • Plotting cost function against slope values (m) shows how cost changes with different m values.
  • The goal is to find the m that results in the lowest cost.

Convergence Theorem

  • The theorem aids in reaching the global minimum:
    [ m = m - \alpha \frac{dJ}{dm} ]
    • ( \alpha ): Learning rate
    • Process iteratively adjusts m to reduce cost function.

Implementation Steps

  • Choose initial m value and calculate cost function.
  • Adjust m using gradient descent based on the slope of the cost function.
  • Continue until the slope is 0 (indicating optimal m).

Multiple Features in Regression

  • If multiple independent features are present, gradient descent will extend to higher dimensions (3D or 4D).


  • Understanding the cost function and gradient descent is crucial for implementing linear regression.
  • Encouraged to review the video for deeper understanding and practical implementation links will be provided.
  • Thank you for attending the lecture!