Transcript for:
Apple Watch Series 9 - Double Tap Feature

An Apple Watch user sleeps in a bed. An alarm on their Apple Watch set for 2.15 p.m. starts.

The user taps their thumb and index finger together twice. The alarm snoozes. Now Apple Watch users answer incoming calls with Double Tap. Hello?

A rock climber hangs from a hold with one hand. Hello? A user brushes their teeth. Hello? A beekeeper holds a beehive panel.

He swats away bees. Now a user baking cookies double taps to start a four-minute timer on their Apple Watch. Two people hold hands at a carnival. One answers a call with his free hand with Double Tap. Hey, Mom.

Sleeping children leaning against their parents. A mother resumes an episode of Foundation using Double Tap on her Apple Watch. Whoa. A family poses for an iPhone photo. An Apple Watch user double taps her fingers to capture the image in camera.

Now in a live video. library, a student talks on a call on her Apple Watch. Oh no, Tina.

Shh. She rolls her eyes at a librarian, then double taps her fingers. The call ends. Apple Watch users double tap their fingers. Titles.

Magic. At your fingertips. The napping Apple Watch user snoozes her alarm again. The Apple Watch Series 9 logo.

Titles. iPhone XS or later required with additional wireless service plan. Some sequences shortened. AirPlay requires Wi-Fi and compatible smart TV or accessory with connection from your nearby iPhone.

Apple TV Plus and Apple Music require subscription.