Understanding the Tragedy of the Commons

Aug 21, 2024

Unit 5: The Tragedy of the Commons


  • Tragedy of the Commons: Concept where individuals overuse public/shared resources, leading to depletion, as they don't bear the immediate negative consequences.
  • Objective: Explain the concept of the Tragedy of the Commons.
  • Key Idea: Individuals use resources in self-interest, depleting them.

Concept Explanation

  • Coined by British economist William Foster Lloyd regarding overgrazing on public lands.
  • Popularized by ecologist Garret Hardin in 1968.

Key Points

  • Resources must be public and subjected to depletion.

Examples of the Tragedy of the Commons

  • Overgrazing: Too many animals on shared land.
  • Overfishing: Depleting fish populations, affecting future generations.
  • Water and Air Pollution: Result from shared resources being overused.
  • Groundwater Overuse: Example of Nestle in Michigan pumping groundwater.
  • Public Restrooms: Lack of responsibility leads to poor maintenance.


  • Lack of Ownership: No one bears consequences directly, leading to neglect.
  • "If I don’t, someone else will" Mentality: Individuals exploit resources to benefit before others do.
  • No Direct Consequences: Especially in developing nations.


  • Resource Depletion: E.g., Atlantic cod overfishing leading to economic and food crises.
  • Air Pollution: From vehicles and coal power plants, causing health issues and higher healthcare costs.
  • Pesticide Use: Contaminates water sources, impacting health and local economies.

Negative Externalities

  • Costs from activities not borne by the responsible party, e.g., health issues from pollution.


  • Privatization: Making shared resources privately owned or government-managed.
  • Fees and Taxes: Charging for resource use to encourage sustainability.
  • Punitive Measures: Taxes, fines, or criminal charges for pollution.


  • Environmental Acts: Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act empower EPA to penalize polluters.
  • Bureau of Land Management: Charges grazing fees, conducts land quality studies for conservation.

Practice Exercise

  • Identify another Commons and propose a solution for managing it.


  • Call to Action: Like the video, subscribe for updates, and remember to think critically about environmental issues.