Transcript for:
Monitoramento da Saúde Mental com NLP

welcome to are you okay but this is our program for the hack NC 2022 we have developed a website that takes in a user's text file and we use a natural language processing to analyze sentiments in that file so that we can then take it into a function so we can see how urgent it is that we should send this information to the user's therapist and then with all of this we can check for users quality of life whether they're feeling down or happy or anything else so the way our website works is we come to Iowa kpad and then uh of course you must register so rather simple process uh we used uh Google Cloud firestart application to do all of this and our database is also made with the same program Google Cloud Authentication once you submit the form we go to login we use the same data that we have already used then once we enter we text we talk about our day this is something that we usually we intend for the user to do either weekly or daily here I have a command already and then uh this is just an entry about their day and with this file uh our program was uh uh function that sees how urgent the therapists have seen this information so this is what we we see once our NLP analyzes the text we're gonna get from -1 to 1 as the output and then based on this we have this quadratic function that gives us how urgent it is from purple to Blue it is more urgent to least urgent um of course the higher the y-axis is the more urgent and we're going to send a personalized email for each of the