Transcript for:
Seven Steps to Personal Transformation

this video is not going to change your life and I think that you know this you've been wanting to improve your life and you've probably even already started setting goals for yourself and creating new habits but things are not changing as fast as you'd like to see am I right bro the harsh reality is that you're not just one small adjustment away from making millions dating tens being jacked and living that lifestyle nah a new morning routine is not going to do [ __ ] for you and neither is some online course I can tell you from personal experience having been frustrated and unhappy with myself for the first 28 years of my life for me nothing changed until I finally went ghost mode and disappeared for some time like Bruce Wayne leaving Gotham City climbing this remote Mountain being mentored by razal ghoul and then returning as [ __ ] Batman like I left as this young innocent boy and I returned as as a man and these are the seven steps that I took number one make strategic alliances so question for you do you have true friends in your life or do you have more of these like past thetime acquaintances that you hang out with for me growing up I always felt a bit like a loner I didn't really care to spend that much time around other people but at the same time I didn't want to be a complete loser so I always had two or three close friends throughout high school and University and then once I graduated and and I was on this path of wanting to improve my life I still felt this this urge or this need inside me to hang out with friends two or three times a week because I was afraid otherwise I'd look at myself as a compl complet loner isolated loser but looking back it was just this facade that I was creating for myself to feel okay because when I was hanging out with these people what was I doing I wasn't improving myself or having meaningful experiences we were just watching TV playing NBA 2K getting high I I was a legend in NBA 2k but be real with yourself bro the friends that you're hanging out with now is that a net positive or a net negative in your life some people might disagree and say you need socialization on a weekly basis but for me at that time it was definitely a net negative and mentally separating from that false need in my mind was probably the first big part of my Evolution realizing that look I can actually go weeks without seeing other friends and guess what not only am I okay and I'm not a loser but I'm making faster progress in all this [ __ ] that I've been procrastinated on for years before then like back then I was probably spending three nights a week with these friends and each night I was probably hanging out with them for 3 hours that's 9 hours a week that I was basically flushing down the drain just passing time away and naturally I started spending those 9 hours reading self-improvement books filming contents editing contents and probably most importantly of all I was protecting my mindsets because now I was only consuming the types of content and information that that motivated me and that's the funny thing man I thought that doing this was going to make me a loser but really is what made me a winner and just to be clear I'm not saying you should have no friends in your life but I look at friends now as strategic alliances I want to meet other men that are on the same path as me working on the same things but I don't need to see them each week we can each have our heads down in isolation and then you know once a week maybe we'll talk on the phone and then once a month maybe we'll meet up and and spend the weekend together if you've been feeling stuck it probably means it's time to disappear from your friends number two complete sacrifice so back when I caught the self-improvement bug I wanted to date a bunch of women get in the best shape of my life start making money online learn how to fight different marshal arts travel the world have all these crazy Adventures bro I wanted to do it all and I thought that this was this big strength I had that I was so motivated to do all these different things but in reality it's actually a crippling weakness you see our brains are very good at trying to take pressure off of us so that we don't feel stressed out and anxious and if you got all these different projects going on you're trying to level up your body meet more women start your first s hustle really all you're doing is avoiding placing a bets on yourself because this allows you to dabble in all these little different areas and you know you don't have to make that much progress because you're trying to work on all these different things at the same time like it's this built-in excuse that you don't have to go hard as [ __ ] balls to the wall on one specific thing because if you do that and you fail well damn that sucks and and that means I'm I'm a failure now right so here's my challenge to you I want you to select one goal that you're working towards one specific goal and from now on the mindset has to be that's is your number one priority and everything else in your life can be sacrificed in order to make progress on that one goal and you might already catch yourself kind of fighting against making this commitment because man I don't know what if this isn't the right one to pick man I don't I just don't know if I can do that cut the [ __ ] Bro anything less than that and you're never going to make the type of progress that you're hoping for the first time I ever did this was back in 2017 that's the first time I went ghost mode and I told myself this YouTube channel is the focus [ __ ] everything else that I'm working on right now I'm committing to two YouTube videos per week and I'm going to do everything in my power every single day to make the highest quality content possible I sacrific work on my dating life I sacrificed trying to grow my Instagram I deleted the podcast that I was working on at the time and guess what for the first time ever I had a breakthrough 100,000 subscribers on YouTube baby it is time to stop playing it safe and go all in on one thing let's get started now real quick after I filmed the video today during the workout I just did it popped into my head that I need to correct something because I do think there's one area of a man's life that should not be sacrificed not even during ghost mode and that is Main maintaining a fit physique because let's be real if you look in the mirror and you're clearly out of shape you're going to move with less confidence and be less effective in whatever it is that you're doing and other people they're not going to take you as seriously if you're clearly out of shape bro and realistically it only takes 1 hour in the gym three or four times per week to maintain a great physique it's not this huge time commitment so right now if you are not proud of your body my challenge to you would be to make this your first priority in ghost mode get in really good shape because once you're in that shape it's going to be cruise control to maintain that for the rest of your life like you're just [ __ ] your future self over by putting this off and if up until now you have struggled to get in shape then I would highly highly highly recommend you try out the beastly app because the beastly app removes all of the guest work out of getting jacked you literally just have to show up to the gym and follow the app it automatically incorporates all of the proven scientific variables to guarantee you make progress in the gym there's video breakdowns of every single exercise so you always nail the form there's workout routines in there from 3 to 6 days per week so you can always find something that fits your schedule not to mention it has the world's easiest calorie counter macr tracker built into the app so you can finally stay consistent with your diets and actually see the results and because you're watching this video I'm going to hook you up with a free 7-Day trial just click that first link in description to download the beastly app now and get started you cannot afford to put this off any longer let's get back to the video number three remove the fillers question bro right now what is your favorite sports team what's the number one team you're cheering for next season myself I grew up in Boston Big W for the Celtics this year in the NBA my family's from seevilla and Spain I used to watch every seevilla FC football game Tom Brady in the Patriots dynasty the best sports team ever man I was living in Boston through that entire Arc and the funny thing is the wild thing is that all the way through University really up until 2017 I had this urge inside of me that like I have to follow sports like I have to keep up with my teams or I'm going to miss out bro or something like something bad's going to happen I just have to know how they're doing well guess what 2017 that year I went all in on YouTube I also sacrificed following my sports teams and I survived I was okay nothing bad happened in fact something amazing happened and my life the trajectory in my life completely changed forever like back in the day you could mention any NFL or NBA or soccer player in the world and I would immediately know what team they were on you know where they went to University what their stats were this year what their power ranking was I took a lot of pride in that [ __ ] but how much of my you know short-term memory and my mental focus was being diverted to be this Sports Savant I can tell you that it was a significant mental cost and no longer do I follow any sports teams or know any statistics yes I watch some of the Celtics games in the NBA Finals but when I finally unplugged myself from that Matrix of sports leagues it was a game changer maybe for you it's not Sports Maybe gets video games had a long long video game phase as well like bro when it came to playing Call of Duty or FIFA or Halo I was the best of the best I was better than you bro but like what are those [ __ ] bragging rights of who's better at what video game worth at the end of the day they're just another net negative another thing preventing you from from Reaching Your Potential bro cut out this stupid time fillers you think Bruce Wayne was up in the mountains worrying about his kill the death ratio you have to commit to g mode number four introduce new rewards so look I want to be realistic because I know that this removing all these things from your life that you like to do can make your life feel kind of depressing if you enjoy playing video games and watching sports like that's not going to be sustainable just to you know there's no fun there's only work cuz we're self-improvement guys now like that's stupid bro humans we need something to look forward to if we don't have something in the near future we're looking forward to to doing that that's going to allow our brain to decompress we're going to get depressed so what I do now is throughout my week I schedule things that are going to be fun and enjoyable to do but they're not going to be something I have to commit to doing 3 hours a night like playing video games you know for example tomorrow night we're taking the boat out I'm continuing my wake surfing Journey learning a new skill every Sunday night Julia and I will go get a get a nice massage I look forward to that all week I love massages bro maybe you have a terribly busy packed week and the only thing you can look forward to is your workout out tomorrow afternoon well at least you have that you have to give yourself something bro this makes it so much easier for me to wake up just commit balls to the wall going diving deep into my work without worrying about distractions when I know that hey guess what tomorrow I'm doing something cool so I can focus now number five the zero morning routine so I think this phase has passed a bit with self-improvement but for the longest time it seemed like in order to be successful you have to have a morning routine a strict morning routine where you wake up at 6:00 a.m. then you take your cold shower then you meditate for 30 minutes read a book for 30 minutes go outside ground your feet get the sun in your eyes say your daily affirmations to yourself and then maybe then maybe after spending 2 hours doing this every morning maybe then you'll be a real winner and I'm guilty of this too I played a part I've done my share of morning routine videos but what I've learned is that having a zero morning routine something that just allows me because look I think it's stupid not to have any morning routine as well because then you wake up you're in bed you know looking at your phone you kind of do what you feel like doing you have to have something that sets the tone to start the day but what I've realized is you want to do something that sets the tone as fast as possible it gets you in the right mindset so you can spend the actual time of day getting [ __ ] done for me what that looks like right now is I'll wake up but get the sun in my eyes that's a big Andrew huberman thing that has a lot of physiological benefits like it wakes me up reduces my need for caffeine makes me sleep better at night and then some days I'll take a cold shower if I feel I need that extra jolt otherwise I just get to work just like that that's 15 or 20 minutes then boom I'm sitting down on my laptop dialed in ready to go you cannot afford to waste the mornings the mornings is when humans are most alert we have the highest energy levels the most willpower we can think with the most Clarity that's when I dive in and solve my biggest problems plan my next YouTube videos work through whatever problems the businesses are facing if you're wasting your first 2 or 3 hours jerking off or on your phone or doing some stupid long morning routine you're never going to live up to your full potential because you're wasting the time of day when you can operate at the highest possible frequency number six 11:00 p.m. question for you do you have any of the following symptoms low energy levels brain fog inability to focus anxiety you know these are probably the most common struggles that each of us experience on a daily basis and what do you think the cause of these things is do you think it's some you know deeply rooted psychological complex that you have some condition or maybe maybe just maybe is that you're not getting consistently enough sleep every single night like if you're watching this video You're clearly trying to improve your life which is commendable but if you're not getting s or8 hours of sleep every single night what the [ __ ] are we even doing here bro like why are you even trying to set new goals for yourself and make more money or get a girlfriend or get in good shape if you can't take care of the one most basic fundamental [ __ ] thing in the world yeah it's it's it's stupid I don't like calling people stupid stupid but it it's stupid if you're not prioritizing this man sleep is the foundation for everything we do and it it just still bewilders me how many guys struggle with this and guess what in order to solve this you don't need a bunch of sleep hacks you just need to go to bed earlier if you need to wake up by 7:00 a.m. well what's 7:00 a.m. - 8 hours that's 11:00 p.m. that's when you need to go to bed there's no there's no reason ever why that shouldn't be the case and if you can't have even that little smidge of discipline to go to bed at a time every night just just just give up bro just give up just just stop and number seven maintain Focus so something I like to do every single week is a weekly review I'll be honest I need to be a bit more consistent with this lately I've I've been off my weekly review game but this is another foundational habit that can really change the course of your life because it makes sure it's a way to guarantee that you're always incrementally improving and you don't just get lost on some random side quest and procrastinate and don't make any progress for 2 years and literally all you have to do at the end of each week you do this you know Friday when you get done with work or Sunday morning is when I like to do it you ask yourself four simple questions number one what did I do well over the past week for me this week I did a good job of eating healthier than normal going to bed on time and you know I created a bunch of new content for Beast Nation for my guys in Beast Nation we just filmed the personal branding module that's going to help you take your Instagram profile to the next level so you can leverage that to get dates with more attractive women or if you're working on building up your side Hustle so get clients that will pay you the top premium dollar question two what could I have done better this week well you know I got a bit upset with Julia one night I need to have stronger emotional control in in times of high stress also I procrastinated a little bit on creating the next clothing collection for Edge lifestyle I I can't let that go any longer and question three which of the things that I didn't do well is going to be my number one Focus to improve this next week for me it's Edge lifestyle get getting that next collection locked in and the beauty of these three questions is that first of all they reinforce positive behaviors so you're proud of the things that you're doing well you're more likely to do them again two they allow you to catch the things that you're doing wrong before they turn into these really bad habits to get you way off track and third it allows you to refocus on the most important highest leverage thing over the next week to make sure you stay on track it's a simple weekly routine that is [ __ ] gamechanging now for those of y'all who've been feeling a lot of resistance that's been holding you back from finally going for that that you've wanted to go for you need to watch this video next it's about how realizing that no one cares about me completely changed my life and allowed me to go for those things that I was putting off click there to watch that now if you're new to the channel click down there to subscribe asz I release two new videos every single week and you don't want to miss him I'll talk to you in the next video Stay beastly