Transcript for:
Overview of Java Programming Course

hello friends and welcome to this Java programming course I'm very excited to be your instructor and I will do my best to give you all the knowledge and all the skills you need to become a programmer my goal in this course is to take you from a complete beginner to a professional programmer who can solve complex problems by developing programs so let's see why would you take this java course let's have a look at our outline we will talk about the target audience we will see the course syllabus and also we will see the course structure and finally we will see why would you learn the Java programming language let's start by the target audience this course is for anyone so if you have no experience in computer science or programming at all and if you want to develop your own programs using Java or if you simply want to be a powerful programmer this course is for you also this course is for beginners so if you are a computer science student or if you are a self Ladner but you don't know anything about java maybe you know some other programming language like C C++ or Python for example and now you want to learn Java or maybe you know Java but you want to know more and you want to understand Java more then this course is for you and finally if you want to be an Android developer this course is also for you because Java can be used in Android development now let's see the syllabus of the course this course is divided into two parts the programming fundamentals part and the object-oriented programming part in the programming fundamentals part we will talk about the basics of programming for example we will talk about variables data types operators conditions loops and methods and these concepts are the basics of almost every programming language so if you learn these concepts in Java you will be able to apply them in other programming languages easily so whenever we finish the basics and you have an idea of what programming is and you know how to write basic programs we will move 200p or object oriented programming which is a very popular style of programming so we will talk about concrete classes objects abstraction encapsulation inheritance polymorphism exceptions abstract classes interfaces and foil input/output so as you can see this is a huge course I will not hold anything back I'm going to teach you everything that I know to help you become a programmer now let's see the course structure we're going to provide micro lectures and we will focus on theory and practice so we will give you a lot of assignments so you are going to practice everything that you learn now let's see why would you learn the Java programming language first of all Java is a high-level general-purpose object-oriented programming language so what does this mean basically it is easy to learn because it is a high-level programming language and it can be used to develop any kind of programs and this is because it is a general-purpose programming language and Java is also an object-oriented programming language this means that the object-oriented concepts are found in Java so this makes Java a very popular and a very powerful programming language so as I said Java is popular and this is very important because you can find a huge online community for getting help because as a developer you will find yourself asking a lot of questions so because Java is very popular you will find answers for those questions now as we said before Java can be used in android development and underdevelopment is a very important thing these days so by learning Java you will get the skills that will enable you to dive in Android development okay and finally Java is a sea-based language and as you may know C is a very popular programming language and if you learn Java you will find learning C or C++ or C sharp easier because C++ and C sharp are also C based languages okay so I hope you are excited as I am and as I said I will not hold anything back I will give you everything you need to become a programmer so if you decide to take this course I will see you in the next video thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]