Beyond Boundaries: Self-Motivation and Empowerment
Jul 15, 2024
Beyond Boundaries: Self-Motivation and Empowerment
Theme: Beyond boundaries
Boundaries signify rules, regulations, and restrictions
The importance of figures who enforce boundaries (parents, teachers, supervisors)
These figures hold us accountable
Need for accountability to do the right thing
Beyond boundaries: Leaders who inspire us to do more
Doing beyond the call of duty out of will, not compulsion
Empowerment: Key to self-motivation
Management view of empowerment: “Get it done” with fewer resources, time
Feeling empowered: Self-motivation
How to assess self-motivation:
Based on research, not common sense
Three Questions to Feel Empowered
Can you do it? (Self-efficacy)
Belief in one’s ability to perform a task
Required time, knowledge, training
Will it work? (Response-efficacy)
Belief in the effectiveness of the process
Educational and theoretical backing
Is it worth it? (Motivational question)
Based on consequences and rewards
Concept of “selection by consequences” (B.F. Skinner)
Feeling Competent
Answering yes to the three questions leads to feeling competent
Importance of feedback and recognition
Helps individuals feel competent
Role of autonomy (Choice)
Sense of having choice enhances self-motivation
Positive vs. negative consequences (positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement)
Importance of pursuing success over avoiding failure
Paradigms and Perception
Paradigm: Influences motivation and communication
Success seekers vs. Failure avoiders
Communicating choices and perspective
Importance of perceiving and communicating choice
Importance of social support and connection
Sense of relatedness enhances motivation and well-being
The Cookie Thief by Valerie Cox*
Illustrates misunderstanding, perspective, and community
Question of independence vs. interdependence
Culture Shift: From Independent to Interdependent
Society encourages independence
Need for a shift towards interdependence
Four “C” words for self-motivation:
Personal Story: Drum Lessons
Learning to play the drums at age 10
Vision and accountability: Inspired by famous drummers, parental accountability
Teacher’s influence: Competence through learning, practicing, feedback
Struggle with learning a drum roll, leading to distress and learned helplessness
Breakdown method: Simplifying complex tasks to overcome challenges
Importance of reciprocal learning: Learning from students and peers
Emphasis on community and mutual support
Importance of fostering self-motivation through perceptions of competence, understanding consequences, offering choice, and building a sense of community
Humility and courage: Essential in accepting feedback and supporting each other’s learning
Call to action: Help each other to feel self-motivated and actively care for community