foreign foreign have low boiling point but with increase in molecular mass the boiling point increasing gradually properties boiling point foreign foreign foreign increases it prevents the formation of hydrogen bonding molecular size 0.65 so degrees foreign having comparable molecular mass hyalurons and hydrocarbons is [Music] foreign foreign nucleophile foreign [Laughter] foreign foreign in the conditions come here is rch2 foreign r o okay sodium oxide is sodium next year alcohol is ch3 carbon ch3 foreign foreign [Music] [Laughter] foreign foreign uh three paraphil electrons conjugated conjugated so in the conditions foreign [Applause] foreign [Laughter] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] double bond cancel yeah foreign foreign foreign you know foreign in the ionization conditions because of SP2 hybrid is for example ch3 The ch3 Watch es numbers foreign foreign in the hydrogen axis bronsted acid nature in the look of alcohol yes foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] yeah so double bonds yen minus so in the conditions [Music] foreign [Music] foreign