Complete Kubernetes Course Notes

Jun 10, 2024

Complete Kubernetes Course Notes


  • Mix of animated explanations and hands-on demos
  • Focuses on key concepts and practical application
  • Encourages hands-on experience

Topics Covered

Part 1: Introduction to Kubernetes

  1. Basic Concepts

    • Definition: Open-source container orchestration framework
    • Problems Solved: Manages apps made up of containers in various environments (physical, VM, cloud, hybrid)
    • Main Components: Pods, nodes, services, etc.
  2. Setup and Tools

    • Install Minikube for local Kubernetes cluster
    • Essential kubectl commands: create, debug, delete pods
  3. YAML Configuration

    • Define and configure components using YAML files
    • Practical use-case: Deploying a simple app

Part 2: Advanced Concepts

  1. Namespaces

    • Organize components using namespaces
  2. Kubernetes Ingress

    • Make app available externally
  3. Helm

    • Kubernetes package manager
  4. Detailed Components

    • Volumes: Persist data
    • StatefulSets: Manage stateful applications
    • Service Types: Different use-cases

Additional Points

  • Minikube and kubectl setup and usage

Kubernetes Overview

  1. Definition
    • Container orchestration framework from Google
  2. Problems Solved
    • High availability, scalability, disaster recovery

Key Components of Kubernetes

  1. Pods
    • Smallest deployable units in Kubernetes
  2. Nodes
    • Worker machines, can be VMs or physical
  3. Services
    • Expose applications as network services
  4. Namespaces
    • Virtual clusters inside a Kubernetes cluster
  5. Volumes
    • Persistent storage solutions
  6. StatefulSets
    • Manage stateful applications
  7. ConfigMap and Secrets
    • Store non-confidential data and sensitive data respectively
  8. Helm
    • Package manager for Kubernetes

YAML Configuration and Examples

  1. Deployment Files
    • Define deployment and services using YAML
  2. Creating, Editing and Deleting Deployments
    • Use kubectl commands

Practical Use-Case

  1. Deploying an Application
    • Steps to create and setup pods, services, and deployments
  2. Volume and Persistent Storage Setup
    • Configure volumes and claims to persist data

Managing Namespaces

  1. Why Use Namespaces
    • Organize resources, prevent conflicts, limit access
  2. Creating and Using Namespaces
    • kubectl namespace commands and configuration files

Ingress Configuration

  1. Ingress Rules and Use-Cases
    • Define rules for routing, configuration for TLS
  2. Practical Example and Setup
    • Install ingress controller, configure ingress rules

Advanced Components and Techniques

  1. Helm and Helm Charts
    • Package and distribute collections of Kubernetes resources
  2. Storage Classes and Dynamic Provisioning
    • Configure and manage dynamic storage resources
  3. StatefulSets for Stateful Applications
    • Deploy databases and other stateful applications

Cleanup and Best Practices

  1. Deleting Resources and Configurations
    • Best practices for clean-up and management