Transcript for:
Lecture on Mythic Plus Tank Changes and Effects on Blood Death Knights

in what seems like a recurring video we are back now yet again after a week of Mythic Plus testing and this time we're going to talk about my thoughts on the actual tank changes so if you've seen I made a video on like reading the post like we always do this is not the like third time we've done this because the other times were about posts on a fixes and then we come into the game and try them out and then I give you my thoughts on them and this time it's about the tank changes uh mostly we'll also talk about the fixes and the dungeon stuff but yeah the tank changes specifically blood DK if you watch the video you know I was very uh sour on it um and a lot of questions in that live stream are something that I'm going to have trouble summarizing frankly so the live stream was like yeah it was almost like four hours I think so it's hard to watch but honestly I think you should give it a shot if you want to see it in real time what I'm going to talk about and show here it cannot like it cannot elucidate it you need to see it you need to understand what's happening when I talk about about these things so I'm going to go ahead and talk about them like you already know what you're seeing but you may not um so anyway what I'm trying to get at here is the changes uh are substantial a lot of people are out there saying uh you know U basically like there's a lot of weird conversation between people saying it's really really really bad like I'm going to quit the game over it and then other people who are saying uh it doesn't matter at all it's totally inconsequential I don't even notice it I think the reality is everybody who read the post is thinking it's it's going to be super bad and everybody who's played the game after reading the post thinks it's not bad at all and I think this is a trap like a logic trap that you've fallen into if you are one of the people who were saying this because you read the post and you thought it was going to be really bad and now you're comparing it to what your expectations were when you played the game and you're like oh this isn't even that bad but in reality if you start looking at some actual numbers and the situations that are occurring in the dungeons you realize this is very bad and it's not very bad in the way that uh the class is now unplayable and you're never going to succeed and you should quit and you should stop playing tanks or all these people are saying these things it's really bad in the fact that blizzard is effectively failed to do exactly what they said they were going to do by like a million miles like they didn't even come close not even close from what I could tell okay now get it I only did three hours of dungeons or whatever it was uh I'm not an expert on this topic but honestly I don't know how many people out there have more experience and blizzard is making themselves a Fool by saying this give us feedback so my biggest feedback is fix the [ __ ] dungeons like you made this situation here impossible because you're putting the crazy changes to tanks out after you already made crazy changes to Mythic plus that make them way way way harder than they've ever been before on top of dungeons that are very poorly tuned with very difficult mechanics and that are frankly not very balanced against each other and you're asking for feedback on how difficult it is to tank well guess what bro it was hard to tank before the changes okay so I can't give you feedback because you put put us in a situation where we can't figure out if the difficulty of the survival is because of the content being overtuned the scaling on our characters the difficulty of the mechanics or the tank changes you made but I'm still going to give you my best shots and I think the clearest way of showing you guys this uh first of all we're going to look at all of these stats but this is how we're going to start take a look at uh this this stuff here we used to do this all the time okay uh we're going to start by looking at uh well first of all yeah me me to be on overall we're going to look at healing take healing done okay here is the healing done chart I still blew the shaman healer out of the water I'm going to tell you right now these guys who are have boxes under their name they're Chinese players they had 15s done on the beta these are some of the best players I've ever played with and they were in uh a beta dungeon okay so they are very good players I have no idea what's going on that people are doing 15s but regardless these are real players this is a very very good group and uh there was some DCS that ultimately stopped us from finishing the last boss we weren't going to upgrade the key so I guess people still care about that and they leave but anyway I'm telling you that this Shaman knew what he was doing he used the CDs exceptionally well and this is what the chart looks like so everybody uh who commented wow wow did you embarrass yourself by the way the people who did this I'm really glad that they're nerfing tanks so they can't solo bosses anymore or I'm really glad they're nerfing tanks so they're not out healing me anymore uh yeah that didn't happen uh and that's not even the worst like the most aggressive way that blizzard failed to meet what they said they were going to do on paper um so we'll keep going but anyway let's talk about this because this is more important so here here's what the healing chart looks like by the way um right out of the gate you're going to see blood Shield obliterated like obliterated compare this to live wow obliterated it would be like it would probably be double on live wow okay it would definitely be above Death Strike probably be 800 million on on live well so this is a a massive Nerf to blood blood Shield everything I said in the video that I made prior about this is still the exact way I feel about it so if you haven't seen it like tldr the changes they're making are way bigger than they think they are and it's going to make uh you know this kind of preemptive mode where you're in Mythic plus where you're not really taking a lot of damage but then suddenly you're in danger it's going to make it a lot harder to survive which would be the biggest opposite of how to get the tank to be less squishy right and less One-Shot a so they did a terrible job there we'll come back to that so blood Shield's now nerfed uh people are saying like Master is going to be I have no idea honestly they also nerfed blood plague so umbilicus gets nerfed they basically nerfed everything we do everything we do across the board we get nerfed these are still the results look at the charts right like I mean what what is the problem it's not a big change when you compare it to any change ever but it is a big change when you compare it to what we had last build because now we're substantially weaker substantially less likely to be able to sustain oursel entirely without the healer's help but they did not get what they said they were supposed to get done done they did not make us passively better they did not eliminate us getting one shot like at all like it's still super spiky I don't even notice the difference it feels like the exact same yet they made that uh an obvious like goal so what are they talking about it didn't happen so when you hear this what are your first thoughts like right now just think of something in your head right what are your first thoughts I bet a lot of you are probably thinking blizzard sucks at making the game or that they're incompetent right but my first thoughts are they're not done that this if if this is a goal of theirs they failed and that's bad because now they're going to do it even worse they're going to make it even more the case Okay so if you read those comments from blizzard and thought Oh this is bad this is a big Nerf and then you come in the game and you're like ah it really didn't Nerf us that bad um and and then you also realize like oh they didn't accomplish their goal go at all either like the goals are just like like completely like they didn't come close what does that mean you think they're just going to stop they're just going to give up I mean I don't I think there's a lot of people out there who think they will and maybe they will but uh anyway that's my point on that uh but yeah in terms of overall healing this is how we got on this point here's what the healing looks like okay here's what the healing of the Healer looks like okay so you see uh he wasn't I wasn't even his top healing now that's abnormal every other dungeon we did I was their top healing and some of them by a lot we did one before with a monk and he was I was 40% of his overall healing that guy was very good too I felt like so it's a little bit inconsistent hard to tell what's actually happening here this is the truest test of it this is what we used to do all the time uh as far back as Legion people always used to say you know a warrior is a better tank than a blood DK this was back in Legion uh and because they can reduce more damage than a blood DK can take and I said but you haven't really looked at it and blood DK gives you the option to look at it cuz prop Warrior you can't fully tell how much you're actually reducing it's very very very difficult to do in especially Real Time Blood dek gives you that opportunity cuz this is how you do it you look at the overall healing done so I did 1.96 billion healing over the course of that whole dungeon then you look at the damage taken so I took 2.23 billion so I already did the math on this that is 88% of the damage I took I healed now if you've never seen this number before you're like oh my God this is ridiculous how overpowered is this it's not for every other time I've ever looked at this from Legion through shadowlands and I kind of stopped doing it a lot in dragonfly because it just kind of got wary I just kind of got bored of it every other time I looked at it it was 95 or higher 96 was common 97 sometimes we saw some 98s now the reason we never saw 100 was because the Healer would accidentally heal you all the time so if we take overhealing into account I do think it would be 100% in almost every situation like can I survive everything on my own yes do I need to no so that's why it would never be 100 now the fact that it's 88 or whatever it was that's bad that's a huge drop that's potentially a 10% differential on that it's probably more like a 7% differential on average maybe a 6% differential on average that's a big Nerf cuz that's all we have do you understand that now it's also tempered by the fact that we have more survivability passively but like I said they did not hit the mark on this uh not even close I'm still as squishy as ever I feel like I could be one shot especially on the pole constantly but there's a caveat here they change the class like actual crazy class changes that people may not be aware of so before the way it worked was bone storm they they changed bone storm if you're not aware massively changed bone Storm from live wow it now consumes bone Shield instead of runic power and you would think for six months now or six weeks now bone Storm's consumption of runic or of bone Shield would remove the duration like other things for insatiable blade right of dancing Rune weapon it didn't work like that for 6 weeks it [ __ ] works like that now I don't know how long it's worked like that cuz last week I was on vacation but I'm pretty sure it's this build that they changed it so on top of all the Nerfs they buff the hell out of the spec because now this spell is absolutely going to be mandatory and you're now going to have basically a 20 second dancing Rune weapon CD if you do it well it's like a 25 second dancing Rune weapon CD that's if both this and Tombstone are up I don't think there's any other ways to game it but if both are up and you use them perfectly it looks like it's about a 25 second CD Now the problem is that's now such a short CD that those spells are not back so it's a 1 minute CD so by the time the next dancing run opens back you would be wasting it if you used them back to back so it's a b a bit of a clever change really it's more clever than I thought it was going to be it's not as big of a buff as you think but it does mean that in any difficult pack where all three things are up when you pull that pack you will have basically 50% maybe like more like 70% dancing room up and up time depending on the length of the pack this again is tempered by the fact that they nerfed Everlasting Bond and they nerfed dancing run weapons parry and all these other things we talked about so it's still a net buff but it's not related to the changes they made so I'm not going to calculate that in when I'm commenting on these things but it is important to understand cuz now we have higher dancing run weapon up time we have better passive armor and I also switched my weapon enchant from Fallen Crusader to stonkin gargo it's a very controversial thing to do for some reason uh people really uh obsess over these types of things on the spec um I've always had an admiration for ston skin guard go if you don't know what it does you honestly may not if you've never played blood DK in in an era where I guess I'm not allowed to look at it for some reason Uh something's wrong with the UI all right well anyway the TLD drr of it is increases all your stats primary stats by 6% so that's strength which is good not better than fall Crusader over the course of the dungeon even though they Nerf fall Crusader uh it's still I think it's like a 9% on average over the course of the dungeon strength proc which is good good because you get extra strength from bone Shield right now that they buff that but trading that 9% on top of that dancing falling Crusader also heals you a little bit but I think that heal is almost entirely circumstantial like it never helps you survive almost ever um on top of that you also from Stone from gargoyle the gargoyle one you also gain 6% stamina okay which is a lot now considering we're talking about a 50% cap on our health pool for the Mastery and it doesn't scale with v blood right so like those things are something to now reconsider and on top of that you also get armor from passively from stoneskin gargoyle so to me I feel like I did gain a lot of passive mitigation it just did such a little impact on the on the like if you look at the game play you can't tell that I gained it so to me that they failed right like I mean I changed a bunch of stuff they buffed the class basically with bone Shield uh or bone storm impacting this it should be a net gain physically defensively right no not even it's not you don't notice it there's may be a couple times I'm like I'm really surprised I didn't die there but I honestly think that's more about the the Fallen Crusader to stoneskin Cargo change than it is about anything else because the passive Health just gaining that it's like okay well I didn't get one shot there now you know so anyway it's really hard to decipher exactly um they also nerfed a bunch of the damage components this is the overall so now if you watched the last time I looked at this Blood plague was like probably again almost double yeah it's probably like almost 200 million in this case and uh now it's 9 so it's got nerfed substantially but I also don't have consumption anymore so here's the talents I'm taking now I already kind of showed them but I'm not taking consumption now I'm just taking bone storm instead that's really the only change we made another thing they talked about doing was less Runing power that may affect some people it does not affect me I am somebody who often times sits on globals and runic power in general to make sure I can Death Strike when I need to I love playing the spec this way this is a hot topic again in shadowlands because that wasn't how you're supposed to play this spec uh because of uh the parry and everything with dancing run open and the set bonus I would still play this way I do not like uh just throwing globals out and then getting caught in the globals that's how you how you die especially when you're reading chat at a blood DK um so I don't really end up feeling like I'm ever lost for runic power if anything I'd be lost for globals now so that might make haste better than Mastery we talked a lot about that I do think Mastery is uh obviously plummeting in value but it's probably still the second best defensive stat I don't know uh versatility is even better now because of the changes to death strike and everything about it um so yeah I'd still go versatility over everything but I think haste is probably much better defensive stat now comparatively uh but yeah I don't know that's pretty much everything I got to say about blood DK so the tldr people constantly ask me this every pretty every five minutes somebody asks this question do you feel the buff the Nerf yes obviously so so I'm talking about an 87% healing over the course of the D dungeon versus the damage taken where it was 95 to 90 to almost 100 the lower that goes the more you feel it right there was one dungeon we did where it was only 76% and the lower you go the more likely the Healer can snipe you you know what I mean so do I feel it yes obviously I feel it I play Blood DK all the time I have these patterns ingrained in my memory I understand what it feels like to be unkillable versus what it feels like to struggle but will it matter no absolutely it's not going to matter at all it plays the exact same way they didn't Shore up the one shots they didn't change what they said they were going to change so why do it I don't understand what the purpose of doing it and all I could think is the dungeons are so freaking hard that they're like when you you Putt in golf they call it putting it through the breake where you hit the ball too hard that the ball just doesn't move at all because you hit it so hard it just goes right past the curve that's what they did here they they added break to the Putt and the dungeons are so hard you blasted it through the break 10 ft past the hole the dungeons are so hard none of this matters it's so difficult the fixes are ridiculous I I'm telling you right now this new fix they got on here is absolutely horrendous while it's up it is stacking a damage done debuff on every enemy in combat guess what even enemies not in combat it aggr them if they're close enough love that what a great a fix then you have to kill it so you have to switch Target it it's not like explosive you can AOE it it looks like I'm pretty sure you can but it has to be killed very quickly so you're going to have to Target it and then as soon as it's gone the debuff is removed from the mobs thankfully and you gain a whopping 20% crit to make up for that potentially 100% damage buff the mobs have while they're uh you know being channeled on now that's only if you fail basically but that happened multiple times cuz multiple people were dead if even one person dies or even like a few people don't Target it it's going to be like a 50% damage increase during it it's awful and again just like the previous fix it can spawn anywhere it's supposed to spawn in a location that's near where you're standing from what I could tell um but it can spawn pretty much anywhere and you could move away from it just like we had the same problem in grimo again uh with the previous AIX it's going to happen again if you ever have to move while it spawns you're totally screwed and unlike the last one where one person could handle it that's not an option this time you need everybody to switch to it ASAP and again what may not be obvious is like the first boss in stone Vault where he hits you for like 90% of your health when he hits you if that guy is there channeling on the boss it's like a 20 to 30% absolutely you're definitely getting to that value no matter what matter how fast you kill it that's a 20% damage buff during a mechanic that nearly One-Shots you you're going to die to it there's going to be tons of times where you just get killed by this a fix what AIX is harder than this man tell me a fix from Dragon flight that's harder than these affixes you guys asked for these affixes to be removed and they added harder affixes affixes that actually matter on bosses which no AIX currently in dragonfly does other than dispelling something right this is far far far harder and this is way harder than any tank changes they can make so frankly if you're out there talking about tank changes at this point um don't worry uh especially there's a lot of people come in and even on the video they're like you know I'm a 2.5k player you know that means they're basically struggling to get tens done um blah blah blah what is this going to matter it's not going to matter at all okay the content is not difficult enough for it to matter even though the content's relatively way more difficult than season 4 dragonflight it's still irrelevant like you're doing content that's not even giving you the full gear cap don't worry about this [ __ ] you'll be all right don't worry about it but if you're doing the hardest content possible you're probably going to notice it like the Gap from the beginning is like this and then the larger you go it's like a cone right like it gets wider the larger you go so if you're doing a 10 you barely notice it it's like a millimeter thick but then if you're doing a 20 it's like 100 it's like a kilog you know a kilometer thck you know what I mean and it just keeps probably going up I don't know how hard you can get at this point in the season but yeah and think about what we just talked about in the last time the jump from 12 to 13 to 14 is going to be astronomical now it's going to just destroy players they're going to be in this infinite feedback loop where they may potentially double upgrade a 12 and then just have no shot of even finishing a 14 do the a 13 get owned by it back to 12 double upgraded cuz like it's going to be a mess hardest season ever without question coming up especially if you play Blood DK these nerves are substantial don't let anybody tell you otherwise they obviously are having a big impact on the way the specs played but they just failed to do all the things they said they wanted to do it is not causing healers like the healers are not going to be able to impact our health pool I said this in the last video bro I have 10 million Health who's what do you look at the overall healing done dude he did 628k HPS he can't heal kill me like what's he going to do he can't there's nothing he can do like it's just not going to happen you know what I mean there's no way that this guy's going to be able to heal me for a substantial amount of Health when I need it my death strike will always heal for more than that so like best case scenario here is they're talking about non-blood decs when they make these statements I I knew this was going to happen uh and then the same thing about you know not getting one shot and being smoother uh they said like you know you'll take more damage but you shouldn't die more what are you talking about like that that didn't happen at all we just got nerfed that's it flat Nerf nothing better like again they made changes coincidentally not related to these things the bone storm change and some other stuff that happens effectively can be looked at as a buff even though all the Spells affected did get nerfed it's still probably a buff that's not related to these changes they didn't make that to compensate for it they didn't even talk about it it wasn't even posted so it's just a Nerf we just got nerfed who likes getting nerfed nobody I get it who quits the game over a Nerf no come on don't be that guy it's not a thing you should not be I mean at worse you just go play froster like go it's not that big of a deal this is not a big deal everybody's overreacting to it you know myself included at one point uh try it out in the beta tell me how you feel I think you'll be surprised at how different the expectations you had versus the reality are and I think that's now everybody's reacting to that now that a few days have gone by and they're like oh this didn't change anything it's like no no no no hold on a second don't say that cuz you know that difference right that 6% differential between the damage taken versus healing do you know where that's come from it's not Death Strike it's blood blood Shield that's the big difference blood Shield is now pretty much obliterated to the point where you going to have way less physical mitigation despite the fact that they said they wanted to increase the armor to make make up for that uh it it's just not going to work that way I'm telling you the blood Shield change is the biggest change people ask me all the time do you think they'll um like go back on the change I think yes considering the fact that they're basically just like knee jerking at this point especially this late in the expansion what will I expect them to go back on I think the logical choice for them to go back on is the stupid can't Death Strike more than once for one damage Source like it literally worked that way since the game launched wrath came out with that and now they're getting rid of it and they're acting like oh this is unfair it's like bro well why the hell was it in the game for 15 years like can you explain that to me if you think it's unfair now what Chang it doesn't make any sense it's a stupid idea and it's way over complicated now like if you look how they handle it in game it's like what is this this is so stupid the stupid buff that you can't even like track in real time because your Buffs are flipping all around so you can't even look at it you need like two weak ORS to manage it you'll never be able to look at it it's pointless is what I'm saying so they do that they make it more complicated it's a stupid change they should undo that okay that's probably what they would do but that's not what they should do what they should do is undo all the things that impact the blood Shield change that is a far larger change and it's going to punish mediocre players like myself players who are not playing at the bleeding edge and relying on decent Death Strike usage not perfect Death Strike usage to survive in moments where we're not necessarily in great danger but then all of a sudden we are and those moments are what makes this back squishy okay so you're in a danger like you're taking maybe 1 million damage per second then all of a sudden you take 10 million damage per second and you die this happens all the time as blood dek all the time okay other tanks mitigate it because they have spells that they can use to mitigate it but death knight does not really have many of those options other than just having high raw health and using something like ice bound here and there so those are the times when bone uh blood Shield was very powerful and those are the times that are now nerfed right and everybody you know it's not really everybody it's just blizzard saying this won't matter while you're actively tanking of of course it matters there's so many times where you're not taking enough damage you start building up blood shield for the big time like especially with dancing Rune weapon up right you might not even be taking damage so you're building the dancing Rune weapons Parry on top of the blood the blood Shield so then as soon as dancing room is open you're not getting one shot you know what I mean that's how it works and then you're just in those windows of feast and famine and the best players are able to stay inside the window the whole time by managing CDs well and the mediocre players like myself and others we are just reacting we're just hoping that we do it well enough to survive and hoping we get lucky enough with parry's and uh you know other CS or and that's why I layer my CS the way I do and that's why I take towns that give me more beneficial um I could I could make mistakes and still succeed because I'm just not mechanically that good and obvious I'm reading chat half the time I'm playing anyway anyway that's it my rant over um let me know what you guys think I don't know anything about other tanks people are saying like Brew got buffed and all that is it the same way did Brew get buffed in the way that that that got nerfed it doesn't sound like it actually it sounds like Brew is in a much better State like mechanically like philosophically they sound like they're better but hey we got tricked by blizzard in the first place let me know what you guys think uh Sky's not falling to stop talking about quitting the game if anybody post that I'm just letting you know I have no respect for you if you quit a [ __ ] video game after it being out for 20 years because of one like class change that you don't even have any experience playing just you're you're just lying I mean let's be you're going to be back right thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one