Understanding SQL Basics for IT Careers

Aug 22, 2024

SQL Basics

Introduction to SQL

  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
  • It's the "love language" of databases, essential for IT jobs.
  • Not necessary to be an expert unless aiming for specific roles like DBA.
  • Covers basics of databases: creation, updates, deletions, and queries (CRUD).

Importance of Learning SQL

  • Essential for various IT jobs.
  • Familiarity with SQL can enhance job prospects.
  • SQL skills can be used in roles such as cloud engineering.

Understanding Databases

  • Databases are systems for storing large amounts of data.
  • Compared to Excel spreadsheets:
    • Columns (fields) and rows (records).
  • Databases are used when data size exceeds what Excel can manage.
  • Example: A "Network Chuck Coffee" database might include:
    • Customers
    • Coffee offerings
    • Orders

Database Management Systems (DBMS)

  • DBMS options include:
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Oracle
  • All utilize SQL for database management.
  • SQL is standardized by ISO, making it applicable across different DBMS.

Types of Databases

  1. Relational Databases (RDBMS)
    • Most popular type.
    • Data organized in tables related to each other.
    • Example: Orders table linked to Customers table.
  2. Non-Relational Databases
    • No structured relationships.
    • Example: NoSQL databases.

Getting Started with MySQL

  • Installation:
    • Use any computer (Linux preferred).
    • Update repositories and install MySQL server using commands:
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install mysql-server -y
  • Accessing MySQL:
    • Use command mysql to start interacting with the database.

Creating a Database and Table

  • Create a new database:
    CREATE DATABASE nc_coffee;
  • Use the database:
    USE nc_coffee;
  • Creating a table:
    • Example for a coffee table:
    CREATE TABLE coffee (
        id INT,
        name VARCHAR(255),
        region VARCHAR(255),
        roast VARCHAR(255)

Basic SQL Commands

  • Insert data into table:
    INSERT INTO coffee VALUES (1, 'Default Roast', 'Ethiopia', 'Light');
  • Select data from table:
    SELECT * FROM coffee;
  • Filtering data with WHERE clause:
    SELECT * FROM Avengers WHERE origin = 'Earth';
  • Updating records:
    UPDATE Avengers SET last_name = NULL WHERE first_name = 'Groot';
  • Deleting records:
    DELETE FROM Avengers WHERE first_name = 'Jeff';

Advanced Querying Techniques

  • Using ORDER BY to sort results:
    SELECT * FROM Avengers ORDER BY age ASC;
  • Adding a new column:
  • Updating multiple records based on conditions.


  • SQL is a powerful tool for interacting with databases.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of relationships between tables.
  • Explore advanced features such as joins and views for comprehensive data analysis.
  • Encourage further learning beyond the basics taught.