Lecture Notes: Building a Full-Stack Expense Tracker Application
In this lecture, we learned how to build a full-stack Expense Tracker application using Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, and Drizzle ORM. The lecture walked us through the application's UI, backend setup, and deployment process.
Technologies Used:
- Next.js: For server-side rendering and static site generation.
- React: For building the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling.
- Drizzle ORM: For database operations.
- PostgreSQL: As the database.
Application Walkthrough
1. Landing Page
- Social Authentication: Users can log in using their social accounts.
- Dashboard: Displays an overview of budget analytics, total budget, money spent, and the number of budgets created.
- Charts: Integrated using Recharts for visual representation.
- Latest Expenses and Budgets: Displayed on the right side.
2. Budget Section
- Existing Budgets: Displayed in a list format with options to create new budgets.
- Emoji Picker: Allows users to add unique emojis for their budgets.
- Real-Time Updates: Budgets update without the need for a page refresh.
3. Adding Expenses
- Detail View: Clicking on a budget shows the details and allows adding or editing expenses.
- Progress Bar: Shows the amount spent and remaining budget.
4. Deleting Items
- Delete Functionality: Budgets and expenses can be deleted with confirmation prompts.
- Responsive Design: The application layout adjusts according to the screen size.
Backend Setup
1. Setting Up Drizzle ORM and PostgreSQL
- Drizzle Configuration: Configure Drizzle ORM with PostgreSQL.
- Schema Definition: Define tables for budgets and expenses.
- Database Operations: Insert, update, delete, and fetch data from the database.
2. Implementing CRUD Operations
- Create: Add new budgets and expenses.
- Read: Fetch and display budgets and expenses in the UI.
- Update: Edit existing budgets and expenses.
- Delete: Remove budgets and expenses after confirmation.
User Interface Components
1. Header and Hero Section
- Header: Includes the logo and a button for social login or user profile.
- Hero Section: Displays application tagline and a dashboard preview image.
2. Budget List and Forms
- Budget List: Lists all budgets with an option to add new ones.
- Forms: Forms to create and edit budgets, integrated with validation and emoji picker.
3. Dashboard Analytics
- Total Budgets, Spent, and Count: Summary cards displaying key metrics.
- Bar Chart: Visual representation of expenses using Recharts.
- Latest Expenses: List of recent expenses with delete functionality.
Pushing Code to GitHub
- Initialize Git: Initialize a Git repository and push code to GitHub.
- Create a GitHub Repo: Set up a repository to host your code.
Deploying with Vercel
- Connect to Vercel: Link your GitHub repo to Vercel for deployment.
- Environment Variables: Add necessary environment variables for configuration.
Going Live
- Once deployed, the application goes live and can be shared via a Vercel-provided URL.
Responsive Design
- Ensuring all components and layouts are responsive.
- Using Tailwind CSS classes to manage responsiveness.
Loading States and Skeletons
- Adding skeleton loaders for a better UX during data fetches.
- Disabling buttons during loading to prevent duplicate submissions.
Key Takeaways
- Full-Stack Knowledge: Building full-stack applications involves both frontend and backend integration.
- Database Management: Using ORMs like Drizzle makes database operations simpler and more structured.
- Deployment Practices: Effective deployment requires understanding of platforms like Vercel and managing environment configurations.
- Responsive Design: Ensuring that the application is usable across different devices is crucial for a good user experience.
Next Steps
- Explore More Charts: Experiment with other chart types and data visualizations.
- Enhance Authentication: Add more social login options or multi-factor authentication.
- Optimize Performance: Look into performance optimizations for faster load times.
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