Transcript for:
House of the Dragon: A Comprehensive Breakdown

welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down house of the [Music] Dragon the dance and dying of the Dragons is a big part of the book with it seeing a civil war Brewing between the greens and blacks throughout this video we're going to break down their dragons and talk about all 17 in the series so sit back strap in and say Dr Caris because this is about to be your ultimate guide now for the first one I want to talk about is a dragon we actually meet however we do see the skill of the creature and he retains a big presence in the show like literally that is bararan the black dread who used to belong to viseris we could see a statue of him in episode one and also the dragon's skull at the end of the entry Allison also gave viseris a model of bararan as a gift so he could complete his nice little train set bararan is basically used to highlight the past and the Legacy that the targaryens have it's fitting that viseris tells of the prophecy in front of his skull because initially bararan was egon's Dragon Valaria was destroyed by a volcanic eruption which was known as Doom this killed a lot of the dragons and completely wiped out the Kingdom at that time Valaria had conquered most of esos with the beasts and they United them under one rule however when Valaria fell they ended up having to go to it which led into them taking the realm valaran was a key piece in conquering westros and this is the perfect place to tell of the prophecy as you can guess the black dread was black but it's also thought that his fire was as well born in valyria he was one of the biggest dragons to exist and eventually he succumbed to old age bis ended up riding him too and he withered away and died so it's fitting that we feature him in the first episode and also that he had viseris as a writer valarian represents an old age as does the cats poor dagger also every time I call out that someone kicks off but yeah just calling it that cuz that's what it became famous as I'm old school like that now alongside the black dread was also vegar who's a dragon we meet in the series hatching on Dragon Stone in the sentury of blood Vega was named after a valarian god Queen vien first Ro vear and she too was a key piece in conquering westros vear then became the dragon of Prince Balon who was one of Jar's Sons Balon was named Hannah the king but when he was out ring he complained of a stitch returning home it said he died of a burst belly which these days is called appendicitis had that myself and yet not fun thinking about how I would have died when I was 25 if Medical Science was how it was in medieval times either way this allowed uto high tower to come in and become the hand which laid the groundwork for the series eventually AAR was taken by Lena with a dragon eventually killing her to spare her of her Agony at least that's what happened in the series the book said Lena knew she was dying and she went to the dragon to ride her one last time however she ended up collapsing on the steps and sadly the character passed away it was then aan who conquered Vaga on drift Mark which took place after Elena's funeral aan ended up losing an eye but in the end he said it was a fair trade and just in the same way Vega became a key piece in egon's Conquest she also became a key piece in the dying of the dragons killing Luc Saras is up the stakes of the Civil War because the rules are that you don't kill an Envoy this led into the Sun for sun Arc which would then lead into a big escalation of the war aan did try and call her off but it's clear vear doesn't respect him maybe it's to do with her long life or all the Riders but yeah she's still a bit of a wild card B is going to do some big things in the show and it's a stand out dragon in the series who I do kind of want to touch on is who vear ate which was Luke drag and ARX aged just 14 when he was killed bar ax was completely dwarfed by the giant if we look at this diagram of all the dragon sizes you can see how small it is compared with bagar that's vegar up at the left with a little arax right down at the bottom a size Matters mate it turns out it does which my marriage is over now J and's kids looking very very strong it was suspected that arax wouldn't hatch however when it did it cleared up some Dow but but come on mate there's just something off about them anyway ARX kind of lets me segue toir and her family's dragons Joffrey one is who we haven't seen much of with this being known as thraxis who is a main stay though is Cyrax with that yellow scale Dragon belonging to rira this was the first dragon to appear in the show with it taking us on a tour of Kings Landing from the sky though it's smaller than a lot of the other dragons it's more than capable of standing its ground described as a young dragon Cyrax stood up to Caris and later laid several clutches of eggs this end allowed riro to recruit dragon riders with a lot of the later dragons springing directly from him Cyrax was key cog in several of the assaults including storming Kings Landing we won't get into spoilers beyond that but Cyrax is extremely important in this Civil War now that is of K joined along with Caris who sided with riro alongside Damon known for its large red appearance and high pitch shaks crais is a terrifying dragon now crais was one of the oldest dragons in the realm with it being about half the size of vagar hatching from his egg in 72 AC initially he was roded by Aon Targaryen at the time he was the head of the throw and crais was considered the fiercest Dragon nicknamed bloodworm he aided the fleet in the fourth dornish War har aan was shot in the throat with a crossbow and thus he needed a new Rider that of course came in the form of Damon who claimed the dragon in 105 AC taking myara and ditching King's Landing Damon ended up leaving for Dragon Stone the Beast was used heavily in the war for the step stones with a dragon lighter being at the Forefront of the assaults later on when Damon W Elena crais would join vagar in the sky flying over the free cities of ES the pair took their honeymoon to the air the tours apparently gathered massive crowds but the pair were of course doomed lovers not to spoil what happens down the line but vagar and coraxis become bit Rivals this is due to their Riders hating each other and yeah aan versus Damon going down soon now if you're excited for the show and want to show your allegiances then definitely check out our house of the Dragon inspired merch right below the video whether you're team black or Team Green we've got a t-shirt for you and also our dragons drum and Destiny shirt that we just launched last month it all goes to towards helping videos like this get made and cheers mate you bloody helped this video get made so I appreciate it now we've touched upon Laris but his brother jeris is dragon is someone we haven't talked about that is Vermax again Jace went through all the rumors that his brother did with being huge rumors that he was also a bastard well hatchlings bonding brought a fraternity with the brothers with them bonding together as well B Max was used to help jaay as an Envoy and he ended up traveling out to Winterfell the didn't sit well with the dragon though and they say ended up going south however however there were rumors Vermax a clutch of eggs in the Crips of Winterfell but whether this happens in the show or not we're going to have to see most people believe that dragons couldn't change sex and it had always been thought that Vermax was a male however the book says determining the sex of a dragon's difficult so we'll see if that appears in the show now the more Fringe dragons I get involved are who I want to tackle next these include R's Dragon M who was born in 75 AC the Scarlet Dragon possessed pink membranes on her wings because of this she was nicknamed the Red Queen and was known for her spe swiftness initially she belonged to Alysa tararan who used to fly alongside her son viseris as we mentioned he tamed bararan which was someone that she initially wanted however those in the dragon pits they said she'd be more suited to a smaller and swifter Mount she said to have strapped a nday old vus to her chest and then took him out for his first ride this is something that she also did with Damon with a pair loving being on dragons Alysa died during labor and th she was then tamed by Rise she'd often ride with Jaris and even arrived to her wedding on the back of the Beast this is something she insisted on with it apparently being a jaw-dropping moment at her wedding with Kus she was an extremely Fierce beast in her youth however come the show she has aged quite a bit the book describes her as being very lazy though it says she becomes ferocious when roused rise ended up using meley heavily in the dance of the dragons with her patrolling the Waters of Blackwater Bay she destroyed countless ships and was a formidable force in the war a her son Lor rode the dragon sea smoke who we saw throughout season 1 this Silver Dragon helped out heavily during the battle of the stepstones in which he ated his father KN in the books when Lor died he died for real the show had him faking his death so he may end up returning I really don't know though but either way sea smoke didn't have a rider he remained in Dragon stone for about a decade until he was then claimed by a Dragon Seed I'm not going to spoil who this is but in case you don't know these have valarian and targaryan blood these were the bastards of the Kings and their sons who frequented the villages on drift mark this led to several people possessing the blood of the Dragon which many deemed as meaning that they could claim dragons sea smoke ended up being claimed along with another known as sheep Steeler sheep Steeler was a wild Dragon who would hunt sheep at drift Mark and he'd often terrorize the farmers known as being skinny and brown he was later conquered by another Dragon Seed there all rumors that the person who did that who's called Nettles won't be in the show with them combining the character with another that is bayor who's now said to be the one conquering sheep stealer and I'm going to miss Nettles as she's such a good character but hopefully they combine a lot lot of her best moments with Baylor Baylor did have mooner in the book so I am a bit unsure what they'll do but we're going to see season two very soon now Moon Dancer was extremely small with it being no bigger than a horse however it was still strong enough to take to the sky and maintain a ride on its back now there's also the dragon dreamfire who used to belong to Rea Targaryen hatched during the reign of King Egon she bonded with his first grandchild when she was 9 years old now this caused some unrest in the family as her husband and brother Egon hadn't claimed a dragon yet so it was embarrassing when she was riding one everywhere whilst he could only ride a horse th dream fire remained in the dragon pit until Meo usurped the throne Raina snuck into the dragon pit and took her Dragon back which is when Egon claimed the dragon Quicksilver Meo mounted the black dread and the peir had a war within the house until it said that magor died on the throne it's rumored that he was cut by one of the swords on the throne which then eventually killed him dream fire ended up laying two clutches of eggs and she remained with Raina until her death in 73 AC there the Dragon remained in the dragon pit until she then bonded with Helena Helena doesn't really write it in the show but in the books she wrote it from the age of 11 this is alongside the dragon Sunfire who belonged to her brother/ husband yikes known as being a golden dragon Sunfire was then adopted into the Targaryen sigil upon egg on the second's crowning the Targaryen symbol was changed to gold in order to highlight this dragon now things happen differently at the coronation in the books apparently eggon mounted the Beast and roded around the kingdom for the people below this while the attendance with it making them enamored with the Beast due to this and what we know in the text Sunfire has been described as being the most beautiful dragon ever seen it had a formidable battle at rook's rest which is a pivotal Moment In The Wall now on top of this season 1 also teased veror Damon visited the caves below Dragon Stone and there he sang to the Beast come the time that season two starts veror is going to be almost 100 years old his egg was placed in Jar's crib which happened in 34 AC after Harris's death veror resigned himself to Dragon Stone where he remained for the next 30 Years that took him into being claimed by Dragon Seed which will no doubt happen during season 2 now the other dragons that reside here are the cannibal who as you can guess is 100% cannibal the source of the greaty ghost and Silver Wing with them all being dragons who the seeds attempt to claim anyway that's your rundown of all the dragons in the realm at this point I'd love to hear your favorites in the comments below and let me know which battles you're looking forward to I can't wait to see the Battle of Rooks rest personally it's a massive Moment In the book and it kind of throws a big curveball as uh some dragons lose some win and yeah it changes a lot of the Dynamics if you read the book you know what I'm talking about but if you don't you're in for a good time now if you've enjoyed the breakdown then please drop a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button you get early access to videos every week and it goes a massive way towards helping videos like this get made we also have our Theory Time shirts and more generic ones right below the video along with those house of the Dragon ones that I took before we drop new designs on there all the time too so definitely keep an eye out have you want some else to watch you get a break down of the final trailer on screen right now so definitely head over there right after this out the way huge thank you for sing through the video I've been your host Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace