Transcript for:
Complete Python Pandas Tutorial

hey what's up everyone and welcome back to another video super excited for this one in it we're going to be doing another complete python pandas tutorial walkth through so first off super grateful for all the support on the previous iteration of this video but it's been like 5 years and I've learned a lot more about pandas there's been a lot of updates to the pandas library and there's just a lot more modern tools that we can incorporate into a tutorial like this so figured it was a great time to do another walk through this video will be great for for someone that's just getting started with python pandas you'll learn all of the basics that you need to know working with and analyzing manipulating spreadsheet tabular data with python pandas but this video will also be great for more experienced users that have maybe used pandas a bunch in the real world but really want to uplevel that skill set and apply new types of things to your day-to-day I know personally that I'm learning new things about pandas almost every day it is really a goal of mine to communicate some of that and hopefully everyone can walk away from this video with some concrete action items that you can apply to your own data sets enough of me talking though let's get right into the tutorial there's many different ways you can get started with pandas probably the easiest is by going to cab. and you can edit code and use pandas right there in your browser but if you prefer to work locally maybe you like using visual studio code or pycharm or Jupiter lab then you can go to the repo that is corresponding responding to this video you can copy this link you can open open up a terminal window and clone the repo so I'm going to go into my code folder I'm going to colog the link that I just copied and now we have once it loads there's a bunch of data files here so it might take a second then I can go into that folder and we can look at the files there and then a good next step is to this is just good python practice is to create a virtual environment and activate that virtual environment I'll make sure to put the corresponding Windows command up Source M tutorial is where I just created the virtual environment bin activate and now we can see we have it activated and I want to install all the necessary libraries for this tutorial which can be done with Pip 3 install requirements requirements.txt again though don't worry if you don't follow these exact steps this is just kind of the best practice for most python projects but you can kind of install packages as you go and you don't necessarily need to have a virtual environment set up like if you're using Jupiter if you're using the cab. research. gooogle totally fine okay perfect now next step I use Visual Studio code personally usually so I'm going to open up the folder that we just created and I'm going to go ahead and create a IPython notebook so I'll call this tutorial. I python notebook and in here I can start running python commands I do want to set my python interpreter to what we just set up for that virtual environment so I'm going to do command shift p on my Mac I think it will be control shift p if you're on Windows select interpreter and we see we have this new virtual environment tutorial select that and we can go ahead and and do print hello world and then we can go ahead and import pandas as PD and that will accomplish the first step perfect we now have pandas installed again if you're using collab research. Google just run import panas at PD ASD already exists all right given you imported pandas correctly let's start learning about data frames and a data frame is really the main data structure of the Python Panda's library and you can basically think of data frames as tables with all sorts of extra functionality sprinkled sprinkled on so it allows us to work with spreadsheets and other types of tables very easily within python okay so what is a data frame look like well we can create our own data frame very easily by doing something like DF equals pd. dataframe I'm going to just sprinkle in some dummy data one two three we'll make this a little 2D array 1 two 3 four five 6 7 8 nine run that well we can start looking at things within this data frame and start seeing the components that make it a data frame so we can do data frame. head to see the first five rows in this case is just three rows and there's a couple different things that we see there I'm going to also add real quick columns equals a b and c all right there's already a few things that we can look at first off we have the header here so we specified with that with columns but oftentimes in our files that we load in this will be kind of populated by default and we see that we can view the data with DF head I could look at just the first row by doing DF head one I could look at the first two rows by doing DF head 2 I could look at the bottom two rows by doing uh DF tail 2 but there's some useful functions that we should know first off if I just wanted to see what the headers are I can do DF do columns if I wanted to see if we look at the data frame again these values right here this is known as the index and I can access those by doing DF do index and I guess you could also do two list to really see it index can be helpful we can also specify this as a non-numeric it's going to automatically populate as you know 0 1 two Etc by default but we could also specify our index we're doing something like x y z and now if we look at our data frame get this and if I did DF do index we see we get YZ other useful things to know about data frame right out of the box is we can do do DF doino to see information about our data frame we see right now that we have three different columns they're all int 64 types that means they use 64 bytes bite is eight bits of information so we're using a little bit more than we should probably right here if you want to be more efficient this is one thing that you'd play around with is like these data types it's going to be using numpy under the hood by default later on in this video we'll see how we can change kind of the the engine under the hood to make things more efficient we see the size here 96 bytes another thing that's useful to do is we can do DF do describe and this will tell us some meaningful information about our data such as uh the number of items in each column the mean of the items in those columns standard deviation Min value Etc and it might be look helpful to look at this side by side with the actual data frame you can see that we can also do unique to find the unique values in each number unique to find how many unique values are in each column uh this is sometimes also helpful if you do you know filter by specific column and then you can find those specific unique values not that interesting in this very toy example but useful in other examples also very useful to know we can do do shape which gives us the shape of our data frame if we added an extra let's say row 10 11 12 and we see that it has four rows three columns row columns useful in info it shows us the memory impact so 128 bytes we could also just see the total number of items by doing size all sorts of useful things defining a data frame like this manually is one way to do things but in the real world we're going to be loading our data in from files so let's start with some warm-up data there and work our way up into more complex real world in this video we'll be doing Olympics data set analysis using pandas let's work our way up there in the repository that we cloned and don't worry if you didn't clone the repository I'll show you how to load these data files in in another way but we have two folders We have data and warm-up data the first thing we'll want to see is how we can load in a simple data frame using the pd. read CSV function and you can see this is just a week of coffee sales at a madeup coffee store CSV means comma separated values file and we can load this in with python pandas by doing the following pd. read CSV we're going to go into our warm-up data folder and then we're going to load in coffee. CSV we'll save that as coffee equals pd. read CSV coffee and if we look coffee. head we see we have that file loaded in one really cool trick you can do with pandas is if you didn't download this file locally you can actually go to the repository you can click on warmup data and this is all Linked In the description you can click on copy. CSV you can see the sample right there but what we actually want to click on is raw and you can copy this URL and actually paste it in within quotes to our repository and we'll see that we still have coffee file there for the sake of this tutorial I'm going to go back to the other version but this is good to know some things you should know about loading in files is that CSV is probably the most popular file format but it's not always the best file format depending on your use case one nice thing about csvs is that it is they are readable you can look at a big CSV file and understand what's going on within it but one of the big issues with CSV files is if we look at the size of a CSV file so for example we'll look at this results which is Olympic Results for all sorts of athletes for I think the Olympic data from like 1860 onward we see that this file results. CSV is 31 megabytes there's other file formats that we can use such as the feather file format which is 12.2 megabytes for that same exact data or a paret file which is very popular in the data engineering World which is only 4.74 megabytes for that same file alternatively you could combine multiple CSV files into an Excel file and that would work too but it's going to also be a bit of a larger file format within python we can load in all these other files by doing the following so we'll say results which is Olympic Results equals pd. reads we'll do Park of data results. par run that and we do results. head we see that we get all these Olympic results in a data frame pretty easily we could also load in a Excel file by doing the following we could do Olympics data equals pd. read Excel pass in that Excel file which was data/ Olympics data I think it was Excel X is that right ah give it a shot it looks like it's loading it took a lot longer to load in though and then with that Olympic data we see that we get the Olympics bios information by default but we can also specify specific sheets within an Excel file such as let's say there's a results sheet here and we could rerun this and we'll see that when we run the Olympics data. head that the results change again look at how much longer it took to read an Excel file versus the parquet file if Speed and Performance is high priority for you probably better to work with pares but if you have to work and collaborate with people that maybe aren't comfortable with format like paret or feather then probably stick to CSV or Excel CSV is usually a pretty safe bet for most situations and if we run olympics. head we see that that now changes note if you're curious about where this data comes from it's all SCP from a site called and I actually did a tutorial on cleaning this data set that I'll link right here so there's going to be three different data files that we're working with throughout this video and just to simplify things I'll just load them all in now so we'll also have Olympic bio information and I'll read in that CSV file corresponding to that also worth mentioning while we're here but you'll see later on in the the video there's also a similar two CSV two Park two Excel functions that you can apply directly on data frames that make your life easier if you have to resave these okay next let's see how we can access data and different ways using pandas so we have this coffee data frame again we can see the first five rows of it by doing coffee. head we can see the full data frame by just listing out coffee and if you're using a different editor that doesn't automatically show this stuff when you run a cell you could do something like print coffee just within most notebooks they give you some nice syntax out of the box you could also get that same syntax with these notebooks by doing display and running that but this is our data frame it's some coffee sales for a week at some random madeup store and we got that by just doing coffee okay so again we can access the first five rows by doing coffee head we can access the first 10 rows by doing coffee. head and passing in a value we can get the last five rows by doing coffee. tail we see that it's you know Friday and Saturday and Sunday versus Monday Tuesday Wednesday and you know if we didn't pass in a value there also would give us five by default could do 10 that's one way to access data if you wanted to just access random data you can do coffee. sample and you could pass in some values this is helpful if you you know your data scattered and maybe the top and the bottom isn't that important but you kind of want to get a sense of things and so you'll see if we keep running this cell and I'm doing control enter to keep running this we see we get different pieces of data as we run this you can also pass in a random state to make this uh what is the word I'm looking for like repeatable so like it doesn't change I forget the actual technical word here next things you want to know is that's great for getting the top and bottom and r rows but what if we wanted to access specific values well the two functions you'll want to know about are Lo and IO so let's start with lo lo allows us to filter by rows and Columns of our data frame so our data frame again is coffee and we can use Lo and then rows comma columns is what we kind of pass in to this so what rows do we want and what columns do we want within this l function so to start let's say we wanted all rows or like maybe just the first row we could do coffee. lo0 and that's based on these indexes here and that would give us you know just this first day of our data frame I'll show the data frame again just so you can easily follow along see this is correct if we wanted the let's say zeroth first and second location we could do do this and we'll see do we get the first three rows this is nice because we could also you know put in like the fifth row here and get different things we can also use actually the slice syntax so I could do 0 to three I could also do something like zero onwards maybe it would be more interesting if I did five onwards you could do 5 to 12 5 uh eight all sorts of things you can do here and then additionally as I mentioned before this is rows and column so if I do a comma I can also grab rows so maybe I wanted to grab the day only the day maybe I wanted to grab the day and the number of units sold we see that so you can combine these things if you wanted all rows and just certain columns you can do this IO is pretty similar but instead of using labels like this it uses just index locations so if I did IO of this we see we'll get an error error but if I grabbed the zeroth indexed and the second index we'll see we get the same exact information in this situation the io so passing in values like this because the index is a integer value it is actually the index it's the same exact thing but one thing that you can do is I could do something like coffee. index equals and so I can access specific columns by doing Dot column name or by doing Coffee Day if I set the index now if we look at our data frame we see that there's no numerical values there anymore and if I used a DOT a Lo and tried to grab just the first three rows we'll get an error but I could now do something like L Monday just get the Monday values I could even do something like Monday through Wednesday and filter by just those values and maybe I just wanted to grab units sold so you can combine all these things very useful so to you know in summary Lo allows us to get the rows and columns I look lets us grab the rows and columns as well but only using index values and then finally I think one thing that's worth mentioning just going to reload this coffee data frame so it has the index back to normal and finally one thing that I think is worth mentioning is let's say I wanted to set a specific value so look at our data frame coffee maybe we had a mistake in our data in the unit sold on Monday for lattes was actually off maybe it was actually 10 units sold I can modify that value by doing something like coffee the row would be dolo one because it's the first index the value I want to edit is going to be units sold and I want to set it now to be equal to 10 if we look at our data frame after this step we see now it is 10 you could also set multiple values so maybe multiple values were 10 and if we run our data frame again we see we get 10 for all of those values so you can start modifying values within your data frame using L as well going to rerun coffee again worth really quickly mentioning that there's a slightly more optimized way to get specific values and that's using I at and at so if I did at and I specifically wanted zeroth index unit sold and just one single value could do that but if I try to pass in multiple values here it's gon to yell at me same thing with integer at it's not going to like me if I try to grab multiple things at once but I can grab a specific item like Monday this way but this only works for specific values I could also very similar just do IO here I find I use IO and lo way more than I would use and I but if you really needed to efficiently grab one single value quickly those would be the ones to do it all right this is all good but there's other ways to access data first off as we mentioned before to grab columns you can do brackets column name we can also if it's a single word you can do coffee dot just the value of that so I could do coffee unit sold like this but I think it you there's no way because it has a space in it I don't think you can do maybe you can yeah it's not going to work like that so if it is a single word you can do the dot syntax to grab a column but you can do bracket syntax always so bracket syntax is a bit more robust that graes us a column one thing we may want to do is sort our data so we can do sort values and we can provide a column name such as units sold and run this and we see now it's in increasing order if we wanted that instead to be in decreasing order we can pass ascending equals false now it's in decreasing order you could also filter by two parameters so I could do first filter by let's say unit sold and then I want you to fil or to sort by the coffee type so this means there will be it will first sort by unit sold and if there's ever a value Val such as this first one that has the same exact unit sold for both then it will sort by coffee type in this case coffee type is a string so that would be in alphabetical order by default and you can specify different things to be in in a sending descending differently by doing something like 01 so this would say unit sold is false don't make it ascending but for coffee type make that ascending so this would be alphabetical order and this would be decreasing order also I don't really recommend this for a lot of use cases but there are times that you just need to iterate through row by Row in your data frame this is going to lose you some of the memory performance benefits of python pandas but if you wanted to do that you could do for index comma Row in coffee. Itor rows and you could then print index print row and I'll print some spaces here just so you know that I'm actually getting each row one one at a time so output is truncated but you can see what I mean and this is helpful because for a specific row I could grab like just the units sold so iterating but you lose some performance by doing something like that but still good to know my recommendation is use that sparingly but oftentimes performance isn't the most crucial thing if you're just doing some analysis fine to do it that way but just know it's not the most pandas syntax it doesn't align as closely with the panda syntax and what pandas has been optimized for so try to stick to pandas built-in methods when you can let's get into some more interesting items and we'll start with filtering data so I think for the most of the rest of this tutorial let's work with more interesting data and start manipulating those Olympics data sets that we loaded in so we'll look up specifically the Buy so looking at the BIOS information we see this is like tons and tons of Olympic athletes throughout the years and we see some information about them we could also do bios. tale to get the end of this but what would be interesting to do here and filter on so I think it might be interesting to start with filtering by let's say height and weight so if I look at this data frame and do do info we see that height is a float 64 and weight is a float 64 if I wanted to filter based on that I could do something like bios. Loke and I want to let's say let's figure out what athletes are greater than 220 centimeters tall so quite quite or 20 let's say 10 centimeters tall what these are the tallest Olympic athletes probably I could do bios. Lo bios height cm is greater than 215 and I want to grab all columns do that and we'll probably see I guess it doesn't say exactly what sport these people comp competed with but knowing basketball players I know that Shaquille O Neil is very much a basketball player and is on this list probably going to see a lot of Olympic basketball players by doing this filter if you wanted to just make this a little bit simpler you could grab specific columns by doing let's say name and and height centimeters like that and get a reduced list here so we filter the rows based on this condition and grabb these specific columns one nice thing that we can do here is there's a shorthand syntax that allows us to filter a little bit more simply I could have just done bios bracket bios height is greater than 200 5 and I could have run that and we see you get the same exact name Shaquille oio still there we can see their heights and I could have grabbed the specific columns by doing bracket let's say name and height centimeters here we get that so two different ways this bracket syntax this kind of binary syntax is kind of a shorthand method cool what if we wanted to combine things things what if we wanted to have multiple conditions that we filter on well we can add parentheses to this we can add an and character and then parentheses again and add some additional conditions so if we looked at our data one of the parameters is their born country so maybe I'd be curious about basketball players that were born specifically in the USA so I could do um bios born country equals equals USA and now if we look at that we see it's a much smaller list and Shaquille O'Neal is still there holding it down and look how much more he weigh has weighed as an Olympic Athlete than some of these other people big big man Shaq if you're watching this probably not but it'd be cool if you were shout out to Shaq cool that's two conditions and this is based on a string condition we can start getting more more interesting with our conditionals by doing some specific filters based on string operations so one thing that I like to do is maybe I wanted to look at just the names that start with Keith bios name. string do contains let's say Keith run this oh no there's no keiths in the Olympics I guess well there was a small mistake there I probably should capitalize this this is going to by default be case sensitive so there's this string method that gets the string property of a data frame field and there's items like contains that are very useful contains has some additional things such as case which I could set case equals false and if I run this again with the lower case we see we do get all these names Duncan Keith I'm an ice hockey player so I always thought about getting a Duncan Keith Jersey that would been cool cool bunch of keiths maybe I want it to see if it contains Keith or Patrick so this you can start using regex syntax this is saying or Patrick I don't know why I I was totally thinking SpongeBob that's why I said Patrick cool real quick I want to just stress how powerful these regular Expressions can be in pandas so some additional examples of what you could do with regular expressions with be finding all athletes born in cities that start with just a vowel you could find athletes with names that contain exactly two vowels you could find athletes with names that have repeated consecutive letters like Erin and EMT and if you started this with a carrot and added a case equals false here you could just get double letters at the start there's all sorts of things you could do find out athlete names ending with sun or sen do that and if you added made this a space instead of a dollar sign dollar sign means end you could have it just be the first name of sin or sen so Carson Jason Tyson Etc the na equals false is just how you handle null values in the row name so by making it false it makes the contains always false so it just kind of filters those out find athletes born in the year starting with 19 could do something like this find athletes with names that do not contain any vowels you could do this find athletes whose name contains a hyphen or an apostrophe find athletes with names that start and end with the same letter find athletes with a born city that has exactly seven characters uh find athletes with names containing three or more vels so you can see there's a lot you can do pretty much anything you can imagine you could probably create a regular expression to filter by that if you want to understand regular Expressions more I did make a video on Regular Expressions I'll link it up above and also in the description but I do want to just stress that these can be very very powerful regular Expressions combined with pandas and if you ever wanted to turn off the regx search capability you can also pass in the keyword argument to do that you just do regx equals false and then we'll see this Keith or Patrick will not return anything because there's never a exact match of this it's no longer using the Reg X search functionality you can other there's other methods such as like string. is in and this is going to be a trickier thing it's going to say okay you have a list so maybe my list is just Keith and it's saying which of these names is in Keith we run this it fails fails again I think maybe we just run do is in sorry no no value specifically is in Keith but this is more interesting if we did maybe like born country and we use some abbreviations so if I did like USA France Great Britain would that work I don't know if it's gbr yeah it is gbr we can filter based on that condition and again we can combine this so I could do and bios name equals equals or string. contains I think I can even do starts with Keith so if I didn't want last name Keith I could do this run that and we see some keiths from USA Great Britain and I don't think there's any french keiths but you can do this with your own name see what Olympic athletes there were cool given I'm being super full of myself and using myself in all the examples I think I think this is a good time to shamelessly plug if you've learned something from this tutorial so far make sure to hit that subscribe button and throw this video a like but let's keep moving on another cool thing we can do by filtering data is we can use so like one issue sometimes is that like by doing this there's just a lot of like repeat characters it seems a little bit clunky to have to do bios and then bios again and then bios again so one cool thing that we can do is we can use a query function and I could get stuff like born I pass it into string here and I basically say born country equals equals USA it's like kind of another way I guess I have to use single quates sorry it's another way to oh foreign country equals USA and I need to pass this in in quotes but it's another way to filter data based on a condition so look at query functions may be useful I honestly don't see it a ton in the wild but maybe that's just because not enough people know about it and forign City equals Seattle cool so another way you can do that I think that's good for filtering data all right let's go ahead and see how we can add and remove coms from our data frame so looking at this data frame we do couple different things here let's say we just wanted to add some sort of price column and maybe the price for both espressos and lattes is a flat coffee is expensive these days it's like you know $4.99 right run that and we see that we now have this new column called price cool that's a good start but what if we wanted to be a little bit more I guess specific with the column we added so one thing we might want to do is let's say we had one price for espresso one price for latte well we can do that with call this new price we can leverage a numpy helper method here so we're going to import nump as NP and we can do this np. wear which allows us to use conditionals so let's say we said espressos were a little bit cheaper than latte so we could do coffee coffee type equals equals espresso if that's the case if that's true then we want it to be about 3.99 and otherwise we want it to be 5.99 so lattes are actually quite expensive and let's see our coffee that latte is now 5.99 and espresso is 3.99 that looks cool but now we kind of have two prices we don't want two prices so how do we drop that one column we could do coffee. drop and we can specify so if we don't specify it's going to drop an index so if I dropped let's say Monday oh I guess that didn't work I guess it's not the label because it's not the index right now but I could do drop zero and we get rid of the zeroth index the nice thing is if we look at coffee again we didn't actually modify the actual data frame we just ran that command and that returned a modified version of it so we could do drop and because we couldn't just pass in like price it won't work we need to specify that we want to drop the columns equal to price and now you see that it's only the new price there however again if we look at coffee we see that it still has that price because we didn't actually modify it if we want to actually modify it we need to do in place equals true and now we'll see now we'll see just what we expect couple caveats here that I want to mention so I'm going to load in the file from scratch again let's say I want to do this all on a new new data frame so I'm going to say how about coffee new equals coffee now I want to modify make all these modifications on coffee new so if we look at Coffee new we'll see it has that price column cool the thing is that's weird is that if we also looked at Coffee we see that it also has the price thing this kind of comes down to how panda stes memory right now the way we set this coffee new is just pointing to the same memory space as our data frame coffee so if we wanted to actually make this separate we'd have to do coffee new equals coffee. copy and just so you can see what's actually happening here I'm going to load in coffee one more time and I know I said I was going to use the Olympic data but I feel like this little data set is easy to use for some educational points like a coffee no price but if we did coffee new. copy and then we looked at Coffee we see no price that's cool but if we looked at Coffee new dude I need coffee right now uh it worked cool cool I don't really care to mod like I'm fine modifying the original one though so I'm not going to do the copy necessarily maybe I'll leave this code in here anyway though um okay so coffee new price equals NP Weare I going to bring this back to normal though coffee equals this all right we're going to rerun this line if we look at this we have two things so we saw that in place true works we also could have done this same exact Line Coffee equals coffee. drop columns price this also would have worked we're basically just dropping that one column and then resetting it to coffee and now if we looked at Coffee uh we see we just have the new price another thing we could have done is we could have said coffee equals let's say like coffee and we only we could have just set it to equal it with only the columns that we wanted so like day coffee type unit sold this is a little bit slower of a way but it can be helpful if we you only need a couple specific columns this also would have worked to drop out that price column all right now we have a data frame that looks like this I could see it being very useful to have a column that's called Revenue so I might do coffee Revenue equals coffee units sold times coffee new price and you so you can actually multiply and combine columns like this and if we see what we get if you want to do the math in your head but 25 * 3.99 so that's like close to 25 * 4 that' be 100 and 100 minus the 1 C off that's 9975 so that looks good another thing we might want to do is not new price we might want to rename that column so coffee. rename and now you can specify what you want to rename so I'm going to say columns and I'm going to pass in a dictionary I'm going to say if the column is new price I want it to be equal to price and now we see we get price there instead of new price but once again if I look at Coffee it still says new price because we need to do input Place equals true or set this um back equal like this so I typically I feel like like resetting something like this look at that couple of additional things you might want to see so let's now move over to our bio bio information on our athletes esape y to make this a code cell after being marked down and I think a good thing would be maybe to get just the first name from these people or maybe to just get the birth year from this date how might we do that few different things we can do so if I wanted to just get the first name I might do bios first name equals and let's make a copy of this real quick bios new equals bios. copy if I wanted to just get the first name I might do bios new first name equals bios new dotname dolit or string and sometimes I really recommend having a editor that gives you autocompletes because you can see all the functions you have available and this definitely is helpful but string dot split basically all of our string Methods are going to go off of this do string method split we'll split on a space and then we want to grab just the first element from that I think we'll do this think that this will work let's try it bios new and we're going to see the new column all the way over at the right here and now if I looked at bios new um let's say query first name name equals equals Keith we'll get some results I guess not oh it always it needs to be in quotes because this is a string cool other new columns we might want to add another new column we might want to add is just the birth year so if we look at bios new. info and we check out the data types we see like we have this athlete ID that's int then we have a bunch of objects some floats and some more objects to work with dates like this more easily I recommend converting them to a datetime type object so if we go to bios new and we do born date we can set this to a date time object by doing bios new or I guess we can do pd. two date time and then pass in this bios new and how about we call this uh could either set it as a new column let call it a new column let's do born date time how about just so it's it's separate bios new born date we run this and now if we look at now if we look at this and we look at the new column that was created doesn't look any different but if we look at the info we see that it is a datetime object and why is this useful well what you can do with this new column is you could create a year column by doing bios new have a born year equals bios new born date time date this is this is like string where if you do DT once it's a daytime object you have access to all sorts of useful things so you could even like create a column based on like the day of the week they are born but we want specifically the year and run this we look at our data I'll just show the how about two columns name and born year we see we just get that year cool and this gives you access to all sorts of useful things that would be hard to write from scratch like one thing I just saw there is like is leap year you could add and if you wanted to find just the Olympic athletes that were born in a leap year or even on leap day you could do that with useful date functions off of this converted using this two date time one thing you should know about the two date time is that sometimes you'll to get errors because the format won't be the same so you can like course your errors which will help resolve them gracefully you also can specify a format and I recommend looking at the documentation to understand this more so if you know your column is set up in a way that it's like year month day let's say you can pass in the format explicitly and that will help this to date time convert things properly these percentage symbols I'll link in the description a cheat sheet of all the different things you can use here very useful to know especially because like here in the United States we use month day year and I feel like everywhere else in the world does day month year so it's helpful to specify what you're converting and then if we wanted to save our updated bios new data frame this is just making explicit something I casually mentioned earlier we could do2 CSV we could do SL dat bios new. CSV I typically recommend doing index equals false otherwise it will save a extra column with all these values which aren't really necessary but because of kind of how pandas was built and backwards compatibility they keep in Saving the index by default save that and if we looked in our data we would now see this bio's new that has the updates that we made in the new columns that we added taking this a bit further we could add custom columns to our data frame by doing something like following let's say we wanted to classify people into short average and Tall we could do something like bios height category equals bios height cm and then we could apply use this do apply method and apply a Lambda function that looks at the values so just going to say short if the x value is less then let's say 165 and then we could do lse average if x is less than about 185 and then we could do else or else tall run that we look at our data frame we look at the final thing tall average tall and you know you can find someone that would be short in there as well so that's applying a custom function you can do anything with I'm using Lambda again because this is custom it's not going to be optimized perfectly with Panda's built-in so use a built-in whenever you can but something like this Lambda function can be helpful if you need to do something you know very specific another thing if we wanted to take this even further maybe we gave them like a weight category like you know how big is this person and big could either mean tall or heavy we could do something like Define a function that would be called like categorize athlete take in row data for this function and how about if you know the row height is less than how about 175 and row weight is less than 70 they are considered light weight and we could add any custom logic we want in here we do lsf row height centim have a less than 185 so kind of keep copying what we had before I guess slightly different cuz we had 1 75 the first one and row or how about or row weight kg is less than or equal to 80 then we return middle weight then finally else I return heavy weight and we could apply this to our data frame by doing bios app so just like we had the Lambda function before but this time we want to pass in our function and we need to specify that this is on rows so we need to say axis equals one one is rows zero is columns and we run this again it not optimized for pandas by doing this custom functions but sometimes you just need to apply something and it doesn't matter how fast or slow it runs if we look at bios we get you know this and we could add any logic we want to here very very useful but I'm going to go ahead real quick and reset our bios to be what it was default all right next we'll build on the adding and removing columns and we're going to do that at scale with merging and concatenating data so looking at our bios information one thing that we might want to do is take this born country and we see we just have a three-letter code we might want to convert into the actual country name and that actually could be separate from where they compete so there's definitely people that compete for example we see born in Great Britain and competed in France so I think we want to make it more explicit ways to compare where they are born and where they competed and maybe just filter on data based on that so in the data folder within those repo there's a file called we'll just call it NOC equals pd. read CSV data/ regions. CSV I found this file on a pre-existing kaggle data set so shout out to that I'll link the kaggle data set in the description we look at this file we see there's this code threel code and the region SL country so what we can do here is we can go ahead and merge the dat data so we had our data looked like this and we want to take this column it's a little bit confusing because we also have a column called National Olympic Committee and we basically want to do a born country full or something like that so we can do pd. merge our BIOS with the no's and because they're two different column names we're not going to use the same column for both normally we just do on equals say nooc but we actually want to compare no from this data frame with a different column this born country for this one so we can actually specify left on is born country and right on equals nooc we want to specify the how so this is very important I think by default it's inner which basically just looks at takes basically all the rows that both have in actual match so like the born country exists and it pairs up nicely with something in the no's and you just take those rows but if you wanted to make sure all of your rows in this original bios were kept and even if there wasn't a perfect match for one of these country codes it didn't it just used like a nan which is like a null value you could do how equals left I'll pop up here a little visual that can help you understand [Music] this cool and and we could set this you know either back to our original data frame or we could call it like iOS new we run this now we look at we're going to see over here on the right we have this region now and so it might make more sense to call this we'll do a rename to how about born country full and we'll do that in place equals true and we see now it's called Born country full and one thing to note is that because both of the original data frame and the new data frame had this nooc column it adds a suffix to both of them and you can specify that suffix by doing left suffix oh suffixes equals I think if you just do a single thing oh I think you actually have to pass in two so I could do like bios and I could do nodf or something like that if I ran this again we would see the new suffix is this specifying it but I don't really like that new suffix but I just wanted to show you that you could do that if you had duplicate columns run that I hate these suffixes go back to the original and we will compare bios new nooc X is not equal to believe not equals this way we want to compare it to bio new uh born country full this was a lowercase x cool so there's actually a decent number of people I guess we actually wanted to compare it to yeah that looks good and you might simplify this just to see you might want to just grab the rows you want do it this way cool and so in some situations it looks like we just didn't properly convert things so you might want to do some n filtering and whatnot here too but this gives you an idea another thing you might want to do is let's say we just wanted to take people from the USA USA equals bios bios forign country equals equals USA we'll make a copy and maybe we wanted to have a Great Britain equals bios bios born country equals equals gbr do copy we can look at these two data frames see everyone is USA everyone's USA gbr doad everyone's England cool if we wanted to make a new data frame that's just USA and England so new DF we could do pd. concat and we can pass in a list of data frames so USA gbr and by default it should just append them top to bottom there might be some situations where you would want to append on them to the other side but usually I think You' just use a merge in that situation like you would just want to append two data frames together but if we look at our new data frame and now we look at the taale of that we'll see the Great Britain so that was us joining both of those with con P so that's putting one on top of the other an additional example of merging that we might want to see is we take our results here and we see that this is a specific event for a specific person and because we have an athlete ID we can tie that with their bio information so I might do combined DF equals pd. merge First Data frame will be our results in this situation second data frame will be the BIOS the on here will be a Elite ID and the how we really want to just make sure that all of these events are kept we don't care if the events are most important this time we want to attach the bio information to the the event information so we'll say how equals left run that and if we looked at our combined DF now we're going to have a bunch of columns because now we've appended that so another example of merging two data frames together in this case we had a shared column name athlete ID and it worked a little bit more straightforward next let us look at how we can handle no values in our data so going back to the simple coffee data frame let's imagine we didn't have all this information let's say we had some null values going back to previous stuff we learned we could maybe say like maybe there was a null value on the unit sold for specifically the indexes zero and one so this row and this row that's going to equal np. na I think we can do this if we look at our coffee data frame now just look at the full thing we see we get these not a numbers here you'll see these all over the place with your data frames and you can keep track of them if you do the dataframe doino you'll see that part of this has the non-null count so like 12 in this situation can use the is Na and do like a sum here to see the number of explicit n values but what would we do if in the real world we looked at our data frame and saw we didn't have unit sold for our Monday value here well there's a few things we could do one of them is you can do a Phill a and in this situation there's a couple things you could do you could just arbitrarily P pick like you know 10,000 and run that and you see changes that obviously that's you know maybe not the smartest thing we can do but it does work a smarter thing would be to do coffee do unit sold and we can actually do a do mean I'll show some more about this in a bit but we run this then it's 35 and that's you know a much more realistic value because that's the mean of that whole column so make sense even smarter still might be to like conditionally fill this based on the coffee type another cool thing you could do is use this interpolate fill that oh I guess it didn't work in this situation it didn't quite know how to do it but interpolate is cool because if there's a pattern with your data it will know to continue that pattern in the column and interpolate basically looks at the neighbors of this so because we're doing interpolate on the first one I think that's why we got the N so I'm going to try this again but instead of doing the unit sold here I'll do two and three rerun this look at coffee again I guess now we need to repopulate the initial values for one and two we could say like you know 15 how about oh I guess it was zero and one look at coffee we can do the interpolate which if we look at this right looks like they're kind of steadily going up they get the highest around the weekend so we would hope for a value between 25 and 35 and 15 here if we interpolate on the Tuesday values so I'll do coffee units sold do interpolate and watch what happens we run this we get values there and you see that those two values that were added are nicely between kind of the values that we expect in our data frame so that's cool to see and to set this to the actual value you could do coffee units sold and you look at that interpolate is another cool way to handle Nan's um you could also maybe just drop the rows that are are n so again we reset this to Nan's maybe you just wanted to throw out any data that had n you could do drop Na and we see that we get the data frame back without those missing na rows this is a little bit you want to be careful on because it drops the full entire row maybe you wanted to do something like only if unit sold was n do you want to do this whereas if the price was n you could fit fill it you can do subset equals like just unit sold to only drop rows if it's the unit sold that's specifically na uh and then again remember if you want to actually change this in memory you have to do in place equals true or you have to reset this using coffee equals that one last thing that we might be useful here is going back to looking at a data frame if I wanted to just get the rows that had Nas in them I could do you know coffee oh oops what just happened do isna we could do something like this to just get those rows and if we wanted a rows that didn't have unit sold we could do a na and do our filtering conditions like we've seen in the past cool stuff here that's kind of the basics of null values find that if they exist in our data frame fill them if you think it makes sense but sometimes it also just makes sense to let them be and not worry too much about them in our data as we continue down the tutorial one thing that's super useful is how we can aggregate data so combine things group things uh use pivot tables Etc probably the most basic aggregation that I find super useful is going to be value accounts so if we look at our bio information on our athletes maybe I'm really curious what the top cities for Olympic athletes to come from are I could do bios. value counts and I would explicitly want to do the value counts on the column born City and we see Budapest leading the charge with Moscow second Oslo third and we can start combining things here I could do bios bios born country equals equals USA and then maybe I want to do get the born region and do value counts on that so filtering only on people from the us and we see that of the states in the US most Olympic athletes have come from California makes sense California is massive then you get New York second definitely makes sense Chicago and Illinois third uh Massachusetts where I am at most of the time rounding out the top five and you could you know look at the tale of this as well well uh Wyoming not producing many Olympic athletes I was proud to see New Hampshire had a decent amount I think I had all the go all the way back yeah to the I guess right at like 83 not many but probably some skiers and stuff when we're beating Vermont so that's important I'm from New Hampshire so cool that's some value counts what else can we do here so bios cool maybe we would want to group by a specific Sport and then then check what the average weight or height is based on that sport or maybe like we would want to sort by country and see what the average height of athletes coming from that country are you could imagine doing all sorts of things one interesting thing might be shorting by like birth de and seeing the height and weight and how it changes over time so a useful function in the pandas world is Group by and I think it'll be easier to understand some of this stuff if we start with the the toy coffee examples I'm going reload it from maybe I'll just use the interpolated value just going to fill this data so we have no nans guess it doesn't really make sense to have a fractional unit sold but that is Life okay aggregating data group buys are useful so we could do group bu and maybe we wanted to just do some calculations on the coffee type so you do group by do coffee type and then maybe we wanted to grab just the total number of units sold based on that coffee type and we can do a sum like this we see 246 for the espresso 203 for the lot we can also do like the average per day for each of those types one thing that's cool is let's say we wanted to calculate different things based on our data we could doag and actually pass in a dictionary here so maybe for our unit sold we wanted to calculate the sum but for our price it wouldn't make sense to calculate the sum of the price but maybe that one we would want to calculate the average price and we see we get that because the price never changed for either of those we see it's just $3.99 and $5.99 but it's cool that we can see like the unit sold this and then taking the average price you'd get like a and you multiplying that you could get something useful there Group by very very important very helpful you can actually Group by multiple properties so you could also like group by the day of the week here too wouldn't be as useful in this situation because I think we only have one day of the week for each but you could imagine in a different use case where you wouldd want to group by multiple things and then do these aggregations similar to group buys another useful thing is what's known as a pivot table so we have our coffee right one way to do the same type of things but maybe is a little bit more easy to work with longer term is to create a pivot on our data so what I mean by this is we have this original data frame looks like this how about we get espresso and Latte as columns and we just look at the units sold based on the day of the week or like the revenue four of those based on the day of the week so we could do pivot equals coffee. pivot The Columns will be equal to Coffee type the the index will be equal to the day and the values will be how about our Revenue so pivot table takes our data that looks like this as is on the screen right now and it converts it into into a format that looks like this one thing that we see is a little bit annoying here is that it did make this weird order of our day a bit different you can leverage categorical variables to reorder this the way that you want I don't know if I'll cover that right now but with these pivot tables one thing that's cool is like now you can you have a new way to access this information that's pretty easy like I could grab Monday's latte count very easily like this I could also do a sum on the table and see the total revenue for both espresso and Latte we could also look at the total revenue on a day count by doing sum AIS equals one and we see we get the total revenue summed the other way so sum is useful pivot tables are useful let's do some more I guess Advanced examples maybe with our sports information let's say we wanted to group people by the year they were born to do that we could do something like bios. group by you know we maybe have to add a I think we could actually just do could do born date I just want to make sure this is a date time first date. year and then we could do a DOT count count here and we see not as useful looking at it like this I could even just do name. count and we can see how many people were born by each year maybe it would be more useful to to sort values you can reset the index which basically if we look at our grouped by right looks like this if we reset the index it's going to look more like a nice table with these values here and a born date and then a new index looks like that and that's easier to do sort values on name uh and we see if we do ascending equals false 1972 most popular year for Olympics athlete athletes to be born so far I feel like you'll probably see uh this shift maybe uh as they add more Sports and as people that you know they're still probably our athletes they're very much still our athletes you know in the 75 beyond that are competing in the Olympics so you you probably expect these number to taper off and maybe some of these that you could even aggregate by like the month born and the year doing a lot here now apparently I can't close my parentheses I think if we converted this a bit different way and did this ahead of time it would probably work for us we want a first group by the year born then we'd want to group by the month born and you could see there that 1971 in January most popular month you see it seems like there's a lot of January born dates I don't know if that's because maybe these months are missing or something and it's just defaulting to January or maybe it gives you an advantage to be born it definitely makes sense at the start of your year because if things are separated by birth year let's say the people born in January compared to the people born in the same year all the way in December the people in January are much older than the people in December so they kind of have this upper hand I know that that was the case at least in ice hockey you'll see a lot more early month borns January February March even though I'm a February birthday I guess I didn't reap that Advantage because I'm very much not a Olympic ice hockey player but uh it's something interesting to think about group by cool I think that's good for group by for now you could play around with other aggregations cool that is group buys let's quickly touch on some more advanced functionality some things that come to mind to me are shift rank rolling functions trying to think if there's anything else cumulative sum I guess sum is a rolling function specific one start with shift let's say you wanted to see how your Revenue was doing compared to the day before or something like that or you can imagine like aggregating things by week and then shifting to compare last week to this week Etc can be useful so in our coffee data if we did like yesterday Revenue that would be equal to Coffee revenue. shift one and we look at now our new coffee so now you could compare like I guess this wouldn't be a perfect fit I would have to shift it to to get it perfectly to fit because there's two types but now you could easily compare like okay on Tuesday we had a revenue of $120 roughly yesterday's Revenue was 99.75 and you could do like a percent increase which would be percent change would be equal to revenue divided by yesterday Revenue might error out because of the N I'm not sure hopefully it will just fill the nans with n cool so like this was a 120% increase and if you really wanted to make things explicit I guess you could even multiply this resulting value by 100 and we get this so this would be the actual percent but if you wanted the fraction it was what we had before so that was a shift by two periods you could also shift backwards um by doing negative values here what else might you want to do well if we go to our biographical data here on our athletes maybe you would want to look at where someone's height and weight compared to the rest of the athlete so you could do bios height rank equals bios height C Rank and that will compare the heights you know to everyone and give someone a rating so if we now sorted our values based on height Rank and we'll say ascending equals false guess probably would want to do short values pass this in we see that Yao Ming is number one so it is cool to see and we'll see that his height rank um the way that it's done is I guess this is the max value and we can specify I guess uh how do we specify this another Advanced functionality is using GitHub co-pilot so if you are using uh Visual Studio code you can install GitHub co-pilot I think through the extensions extensions GitHub co-pilot install this and I think Co co-pilot chat you might want too I guess that would be using this both are useful but if you have co-pilot installed I could do something like set height rank to bios height centim do rank but make but make make tallest person have rank one we can use GitHub co-pilot to help us here so ascending equals false is what we'd want to pass here accept that so I use co-pilot a lot to help me figure out things like this and now if we sort values we get some really tall probably gymnasts here but if I now have it set like this we see Yao Ming again and this time his uh height rank will be one and this is just cool because if you're looking at a sample of the data frame let say like get like 10 rows you could see how someone's height compares to every other Olympic Athlete like right here in the so how about we do like name height rank uh right there in the data frame and if they don't have a height you know it's going to be an N here but it's kind of cool if you're like looking at a specific athlete that you like you could see how their height has compared to other people in the Olympics so rank is useful rolling functions coffee dot head a rolling function might or we'll look at the full coffee maybe you would want to see the last three days of Revenue so I could do cumulative sum or actually cumulative sum would take your total revenue over time I could run that oh shoot and maybe I would want to just get the integer data type columns you can use this select D types function cumulative sum that did not work I guess maybe in 64 let's go back I guess these are all floats so if we want to grab our floats columns and then do commun of sum and maybe I think reset the index that did not work how about this this grabs all the float columns but maybe we just want to do r now and we could do cumulative sum on that and set it to this would work and you see that it is adding things up as we go can be useful you could also do like Revenue over like the past three days and that would be something like rolling so how about we do a data frame of just our espresso or just our lattes because it's a shorter word maybe I wanted to do a cumulative sum over 3 days I could do rolling then I think we can do periods window equals 3 and sum and we probably would want to do that specifically on let's say like unit sold and you could call this latte 3day or something like that and now if we look at latte we see 15 + 28 is 43 plus 25 is 68 and there's that 33 so this gives us 3 days and there's ways to fill these values but just useful to know cool Advanced functionality let's quickly go into some of the new functionality of pandas and really the big switch from my previous tutorial to this one is the jump from pandas 1.0 version you know 1.x to 2 point I think it's like 2.2 right now or 2.3 as I record this video but we could actually I guess check that for explicitly by doing pd. verion I guess I need to type it Fly 2.2.2 2.2.2 point2 point2 is the incorporation of the pi Arrow back end and basically the difference between pi arrow and what was there in version 1.0 which was a numpy back end is that Pi Aro gives us a lot more optimization and can do things more efficiently and can interupt with a lot of other data engineering uh data sciency type tools probably more robustly than we can with numpy and some of the key things that you'll actually see as a user though come down to Performance so if I load both of these files in if I did something like results numpy Dost string. contains have or let's look at the just the the data frame real quick right we got this and and let's look at info cool we have some floats objects Etc if we go down and look at our results arrow and do we'll see that we have some different stuff first off we'll see we have these string types here uh versus the object types here and string operations is one of the biggest optimizations within the arrow backend versus numpy numpy is definitely not designed to handle string stuff stuff great you know super efficiently but in practice we can just basically do a lot more things efficiently uh another difference and and I'm not going to get into all the details here of optimizations I'll link a blog post that was posted when pandas 2.0 is first release that I I recommend checking out but just as a simple example if I did something like results numpy do uh let's say there's a name column which is basically as and you know it's an object here do as. string tains uh use my my name again that work what's going on run that I guess it did it pretty quick but basically nothing functionally changes this is still data frame in both situations but by using more specific types like these string types within Pi Arrow we can optimize at scale with operations that you know include strings that include Boolean values lot of different things we can optimize for here so really the this back end in most situations if performance matters I recommend switching to the pi Arrow back end you'll have to install pi Arrow but that was in the requirements.txt that was included with this video definitely recommend checking out the blog post that's one of the biggest things other new functionality and it's not necessarily like Panda specific but I think in this AI driven world right now it's worth knowing and doing a bit more with AI stuff so command I will open up co-pilot chat so maybe I said you know bios. head I could do like co-pilot chat and just say use my BIOS data frame to grab people that are Olympians from either New Hampshire from the Bourne region New Hampshire or from the born City San Francisco pretty complex query but copilot is pretty smart so this can be really helpful if you are trying to do some Panda stuff quickly so so let's look at filtered bios and look at that did a pretty dang good job shout out to Ral Garcia from New Hampshire could look it even more I could do a sample to check out more rows of this we're going to see probably a lot more people from San Francisco oh hey another New Hampshire cool so that was one thing with copilot chat another thing we could do though is I could pass that same type of query into chat GPT um to do that I could do something like I have a data frame called bios that looks like this and I just copied the you know the head there please give me the pandas code to filter the data BAS on finding someone either from New Hampshire or from I guess I probably should specify either from the Bourne region New Hampshire or the Bourne City San Francisco and it's going to give me something similar yeah as we can see that looks exactly like what co-pilot gave us another cool thing you can do with chat GPT I'm using GPT for but it should work well with GPD 3.5 as well but you can do something like please give me a toy data frame I can use to play around with pivot tables and so really interactively I feel like working on certain skills like this with little toy data frames can be super useful to understand how these things operate and I'm gonna actually copy this code and show you what I'm talking about here paste this in I don't like print DF I like just doing DF and I bet you it's G to have us pivot this based on the salesperson the salesperson will probably be our columns I would think and maybe the unit sold our values and probably could maybe keep the dates the same we'll see what they recommend and then it gives us this pivot table so the values are the unit sold index stays the date columns item a function sum oh interesting so it's summing the total number of items depend not not not worrying about the salesperson so if we look at the pivot table we see the total number of apples bananas and oranges sold we can also like look at the total number of units sold uh irregardless of it by the salespeople by doing salesperson here um so useful things you can do by interacting with chat GPT and I might ask like is there a difference between pd. pivot and pd. pivot table okay so it seems like pivot table has a little bit more than just pivot like such as the a function here so that's cool to know chat gbt very helpful all right uh is there anything else another way you might use chat gbt is let's say create a histogram plot based on my initial Olympic athletes data set of people's Heights in the Olympics use a log scale if you need to so plotting can be super helpful with the use of chat GPT and whatnot see some useful stuff here copy that paste it in run it if it ever says you don't have a library you can actually write in your um code editor do pip install with a explanation point I'll do M plot lib now it's installed didn't even have to open up any fancy terminal or anything and look at that we got our distribution of heights this is using I think a log scale this is the number of athletes with a log scale scale just so we can see the outliers so Shaquille O'Neal is up here somewhere you got some really short people over here but everyone large count of people in this range looks like a normal distribution cool another useful AI helper I think that's some of the the key things to know about for new functionality one recommendation I have is like you can get wild with the types of queries you send to chat gbt can be super helpful so definitely leverage that but I would say don't rely on it 100% you want to know the basics and have an intuition understand kind of what's working behind under the hood but use it to help speed up use the AI to help speed up your processes so I I recommend next to just keep practicing on your skills use your own data sets maybe explore these Olympics data set a bit more or have chat gbd generate you novel things to test out different pandis functionality all super useful stuff explicitly as far as tutorials go I recommend checking out a tutorial that I did cleaning the Olympic data set that you saw in a lot of this tutorial I'll link that right here or here I also did 100 minus some I think the the full repo had like 66 pandas puzzles and I find like doing all sorts of pandas puzzles super helpful so also did a video on that here or here or I'll link it in the description if not definitely recommend checking that out you can check out some other real world data analysis videos that I have also like platforms like strata scratch or analyst Builder also linked in the description that you can check out honestly too like I've learned a lot recently by just watching YouTube videos like kind of exploring you should I would say spend 75% of or more of your time actually building and using this code but do spend some time just reading papers or reading watching YouTube videos even though I have I don't know like 10 years of experience with has Panda's been around for 10 years yeah it definitely has uh like maybe not fully 10 years but like up there years of experience with pandas I'm still learning new things every day so you never know what you'll find even if you think you're an expert it doesn't hurt to check out videos and and blog posts that people post on these libraries there's always like little tricks and tips that you know never can be covered in just one single video alone definitely recommend that but I think that's all we're going to do in this video hopefully you enjoyed this tutorial happy to be back with an updated version if you felt like there was things that I was missing in this tutorial please let me know in the comments it will not only help me make better tutorials in the future but also let everyone watching this video know some other useful stuff to check out but I think with that that's all we're going to do if you like this video make sure to throw it a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't more tutorials on the way pandas baby we love it thank you all for watching peace