Kubernetes Course Notes

Jul 12, 2024

Complete Kubernetes Course Notes

Introduction to Kubernetes

  • Course Format: Mix of theoretical explanations and hands-on demos.
  • Objective: Give an introduction to Kubernetes and its main components.
  • Structure:
    1. Basic concepts of Kubernetes, its problem-solving capabilities, and architecture.
    2. Introduction to Minicube for local Kubernetes clusters.
    3. Usage of kubectl (command-line tool for Kubernetes).
    4. Understanding Kubernetes YAML configuration files.
    5. Deployment of a simple application in Kubernetes locally.
    6. Advanced concepts (namespaces, ingress, Helm, volume persistence, stateful sets, service types).

Section 1: Basic Concepts of Kubernetes

Definition and Importance

  • Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration framework by Google.
  • Container Management: Supports Docker and other container technologies, suitable for various environments (physical, virtual, cloud, hybrid).
  • Problem Solving: Kubernetes addresses issues of high availability, scalability, and disaster recovery.

Kubernetes Architecture

  • Basic Components: Pods, nodes, services, config maps, secrets, deployments, stateful sets, and volumes.
  • Pod: Abstraction over containers, smallest deployable unit.

Pod Communication

  • Virtual Network: Each pod gets its own internal IP address.
  • Services: Static IP addresses for pod communication, load balancing, and association of pods.
  • Ingress: Manages external access to the services.
  • ConfigMap & Secret: Used for external configuration(sensitive credentials stored in Secrets).

Installation and Setup

  • Minicube: Tool for setting up local one-node Kubernetes clusters.
  • kubectl: Command-line tool for managing Kubernetes clusters, works for all clusters including local, cloud, and hybrid setups.

Section 2: Minicube and kubectl Installation

Installing Minicube & kubectl

  • Prerequisites: Requires hypervisor (VirtualBox, HyperKit, etc).
  • Installation Command: Minicube installations come with kubectl dependency.
  • Commands Overview: kubectl and minicube CLI commands for managing clusters and deployments.

Verifying Installation

  • Checking Nodes: kubectl get nodes shows cluster nodes status.
  • Starting Cluster: Use minicube start --vm-driver=<driver-name>.

Section 3: Basic kubectl Commands and Working with Pods

CRUD Operations

  • Creating a Deployment: kubectl create deployment <name> --image=<image-name>.
  • Scaling Pods: kubectl scale deployment <name> --replicas=<number>.
  • Editing Deployment: kubectl edit deployment <name> updates deployment configs.
  • Listing Resources: kubectl get pods, kubectl get deployments, kubectl get services, etc.
  • Logging: kubectl logs <pod-name> displays logs of a pod.
  • Exec Command: kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- /bin/bash for interactive terminal of a container within a pod.

Managing Configuration with YAML

  • Apply Command: kubectl apply -f <file.yaml> to create/update resources from a configuration file.
  • Configuration Files: Store and manage kubernetes application deployments.
  • Editing Configs: Direct edits in YAML files for deployments and services.

Section 4: Understanding Kubernetes Configuration Files

File Structure and Syntax

  • Three Parts: Metadata, Specification, and Status.
  • Templates and Labels: Used for deployment, service configurations.
  • Selectors: Connect services to their respective pods.
  • Ports: Defining service ports and target ports for communication.
  • Status Section: Auto-generated by Kubernetes.

Section 5: Deploying Applications in Kubernetes

Practical Example

  • MongoDB and Express Setup: Demonstrates microservice architecture with dependencies.
  • Steps: Setup MongoDB Pod → Create Services → Deployment of Express App → Configure External/Internal Services.
  • Use of Secrets & ConfigMaps: External configuration for sensitive data and environment-specific settings.
  • Accessing Applications: Through browser using services and Ingress.

Section 6: Advanced Concepts


  • Purpose: Organize resources for isolation, multi-tenant environments, and logical separation.
  • Default Namespaces: default, kube-system, kube-public, kube-node-lease.
  • Creating Namespaces: kubectl create namespace <name> or via configuration files.
  • Setting Namespace Context: Use tools like kubens for switching default namespaces.
  • Resource Quotas: Limit resources per namespace.


  • Purpose: Manage external access to services in a cluster.
  • Configuration: Includes host, path, backend service, and options for TLS (https).
  • Controller: Addons for managing ingress rules.
  • Usage: Handle multi-path routing, subdomains, default backends.


  • Features: Package manager, template engine, release management.
  • Usage: Facilitate complex deployments using reusable Helm charts.
  • Structure: Chart.yaml, values.yaml, templates, dependencies.
  • Tiller: (Deprecated) Previously used server component managing releases.
  • Version 3: Removes tiller for improved security.

Storage & Volumes

  • Types: Persistent Volumes (PV), Persistent Volume Claims (PVC), Storage Classes.
  • Purpose: Data persistence across pod restarts, used with stateful sets.
  • Dynamic Provisioning: Using storage classes for automated volume creation.
  • ConfigMap & Secret: Specific local volumes for configurations and sensitive data.

Stateful Sets

  • Purpose: Deployment component for stateful applications.
  • Characteristics: Ordered and unique pod identities, unique network identifiers, stable storage.
  • Use Cases: Databases and applications with persistent state.
  • Configuration: Defined like deployments but with state management features.


  • Types: Cluster IP, Headless, NodePort, LoadBalancer.
  • Cluster IP: Default, internal communication.
  • Headless: Direct communication with individual pods, needed for stateful sets.
  • NodePort: Exposes service on each node's IP at a static port.
  • LoadBalancer: Cloud provider-managed external load balancer.


  • Learning Outcome: Comprehensive knowledge of Kubernetes fundamental and advanced concepts.
  • Next Steps: Explore more advanced Kubernetes topics and tools, stay connected on social media.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or to connect on social media!