[Music] for weeks oh my god you're pregnant no really you are pregnant and you're already four weeks seriously pregnancy is actually measured from the first day of your last period so even though you can see it only two weeks ago you're technically four weeks along your baby is about the size of a poppy seed and thanks to the flood of pregnancy hormones you may not be feeling quite like yourself you may be nauseous bloated have sore boobs feel exhausted and moody your first step should be calling your doctor who will confirm your pregnancy with a blood test you need to check that any prescription medications you're taking are safe during pregnancy don't panic if you experience some mild spotting it's probably just implantation bleeding which is when the embryo embeds itself into the lining of your uterus if you're not already taking a prenatal vitamin you should start now and you need to start taking certain precautions you should cut out alcohol there's no proven safe amount the same goes her recreational drugs including marijuana if possible avoid changing cat litter cat poop contains a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis which can have devastating effects on your baby if you can't delegate this task wear gloves and wash your hands with soap and water immediately afterwards also you'll want to get the flu vaccine it's safe and recommended for pregnant women welcome to week 5 your baby is now the size of an apple seed while it may be tiny your baby's brain spinal cord and heart are already growing rapidly major organs like the stomach liver and kidneys as well as the digestive circulatory and nervous system are developing too changes are happening to you as well you may be peeing more than usual this is thanks to the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG but it's important to stay hydrated during pregnancy so keep that water bottle close as your pregnancy progresses your body will also double its blood volume which has to be processed by your kidneys your kidneys expand to keep up and push against your bladder you may start to have strong food cravings or aversions you may also find you suddenly have a supersonic sense of smell and we have some bad news for some women morning sickness doesn't just happen in the morning some women find that eating small frequent meals which can help prevent indigestion nausea and fatigue can help be sure to eat lots of protein and foods with vitamin C like oranges tomatoes Kiwi and bell peppers welcome to week six your baby has doubled in size from last week it's now the size of a sweet pea it's taking on a slight C shape and its arms and legs are starting to sprout its digestive circulatory and nervous systems are also busy developing your pants might be feeling a little tight but it's not a baby bump yet that's just progesterone causing bloating and gas if you have any pain or discomfort when keying you need to rule out a urinary tract infection which can be more common during pregnancy you might also feel a little backed up the best way to avoid constipation is to eat lots of fiber and drink plenty of water the bad news is you can't drink alcohol who's in the mother's blood is passed to the baby and regular consumption can affect the baby's development causing lifelong physical behavioral and intellectual disabilities it can even lead to miscarriage or stillbirth but here's some good news you don't have to give up caffeine it's safe to consume up to 300 milligrams a day that's 2 small coffees or 3 teas but don't forget that caffeine can also be found in pop chocolate and energy drinks high caffeine intake has been linked to low birth weight which can lead to health problems for newborns this is also the time between 6 and 11 weeks pregnant when your doctor and Midwife will likely schedule a dating ultrasound to get a better idea of your actual due date and check how many buttons you have in that oven welcome to week 7 your baby is half an inch long now and is as big as a cheerio your tiny cheerio is developing more of a mouth and tongue Plus arm and leg joints and is starting to develop more defined fingers and toes her genitals will begin to form - as for you if you belong to the 50 to 80% of women who suffer from nausea during the first trimester here are some things that may help frequent snacking keep dry cereal or crackers on your bedside table and eat them immediately upon waking even before you stand this will allow you to start moving slowly and avoid dizziness which can lead to more nausea ginger has been shown to help reduce nausea so you can try ginger tea capsules and lozenges or great fresh ginger into your food sadly ginger ale doesn't contain real ginger and is loaded with artificial flavors and sugar avoid smells that trigger nausea thanks to a surgeon estrogen your sense of smell has turned you into a bloodhound you also might want to switch to fragrance free products one all-natural trick is to take vitamin b6 an ingredient in prescription anti-nausea medications and vitamin b12 you can also boost your vitamin b6 levels with certain foods like chicken avocado and bananas see bands and bio bands soft cuffs that press on the pressure point below your wrists can also help with nausea and speaking of pressure prenatal massages can have the same effect if your practitioner is well versed in pregnancy massage you deserve it for some women a more serious form of pregnancy induced nausea and vomiting called hyperemesis gravidarum can make it nearly impossible to get an adequate intake of food and fluids hg can lead to weight loss and dehydration and in severe cases result in the hospital stay to rehydrate and receive nutrients through an intravenous drip if you suspect that you may have hg mention it to your care provider right away if you haven't told anyone that you're expecting it's likely been challenging to hide your nausea and fatigue from others now's the time to start practicing the art of asking for help make rest a priority and ask for extra support from your partner close friends or family welcome to week eight your baby is about the size of a Swedish berry now and is being shaped during the past six weeks your little Berry has grown from a single cell to nearly 1 billion cells right now your baby's ears are developing and her islets are forming her teeny tiny heart and liver as well as other major organs are already in place too now is the time to start thinking about which health care provider you want to see you through your pregnancy it's common during the early weeks of pregnancy to be worried about the possibility of miscarriage as well as misunderstandings about what causes miscarriage doing moderate exercise having sex dancing or eating junk food will not cause miscarriage keep in mind that some worrisome symptoms don't necessarily mean your pregnancy is ending while light spotting isn't uncommon during the first trimester if you experience any heavier bleeding call your doctor your nausea might be reaching peak puke right about now and sometimes that prenatal vitamin can feel like it's making things worse try not to take it on an empty stomach or consider taking it at bedtime instead of in the morning now is a good time to take a closer look at which cleaning products you're using around the house be sure to read all labels for warnings about pregnant women beware of greenwashing though not everything labeled natural is actually any better or safer if you can afford it switching to eco-friendly and organic options can't hurt they're also less likely to have a chemical smell which your newly sensitive nose will appreciate changes to your skin can be a big part of pregnancy - with the new flood of hormones many expectant moms find themselves dealing with acne for the first time in years using a mild daily cleanser and keeping your hair and hands away from your face will help because increased sebum production is causing trouble you should also always double check with your doctor before trying any over-the-counter or prescription products some acne treatments aren't safe during pregnancy on the plus side you might find that your hair becomes extra thick and glossy this is because you're shedding less hair thanks to those higher estrogen levels welcome to week 9 now your baby is the size of a piece of macaroni if you could take a peek inside you might be able to start guessing whose nose he has because your baby's facial features are becoming much more distinct and even though it's too soon to tell by ultrasound your baby's genitals are becoming more visible your baby's heartbeat is also strong enough to hear with a fetal doppler on your belly as for you thanks to pesky levels of HCG you may be feeling extra nauseous moody and exhausted the extreme fatigue typically lets up once the first trimester hormones simmer down but in the meantime sleep whenever you can and keep eating small snacks throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels stable you might notice that your pants don't feel as comfortable as usual that could be your growing uterus which has already doubled in size you can put off buying maternity pants a little longer by using a belly band or by simply looping an elastic band through your button pole and wrapping the band around the button many women notice that their waist lines thickened before their bumps begin to show loose flowing tops over leggings are another great way to keep your secret under wraps a little longer you may also find you're gaining weight this is a good thing after all you're growing a human your ideal weight gain depends a lot on your pre-pregnancy weight a woman with an average body mass index or BMI should gain about 25 to 30 pounds over the course of her pregnancy of course every woman is different some women even lose weight during the first trimester due to the severity of their nausea or food aversions welcome to week 10 your baby is now the size of a strawberry her bones and cartilage are now forming and she's able to kick her tiny legs though you won't be able to feel it yet her organs are fully formed and beginning to function - she's practicing her swallowing and her fingernails and hair starting to grow at your next prenatal visit you'll probably be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with the use of a handheld Doppler device however if your doctor or Midwife can't find a heartbeat don't freak out sometimes the baby is uncooperative or hanging out in a hard to locate position or the placenta is in the way an ultrasound is a much more reliable method for hearing that rapid swoosh swoosh swoosh heartbeat sound you may also find that you're starting to have especially vivid dreams this is a common experience during pregnancy dreams typically occur during REM sleep and because you're more likely to be waking up throughout the night thanks to heartburn restless leg syndrome and not pesky bladder you're more likely to experience REM sleep and remember your dreams you may experience some mild stomach cramps around this time in your pregnancy they usually feel less intense than period cramps and they're often described as a slight tugging sensation in your abdomen that's your uterus beginning to stretch as it grows at an exponential rate if your crabs feel worse than your period cramps touch base with your healthcare provider lower back pain sometimes sets in around this time too due to the pressure of your changing uterus a warm beanbag or bath can help alleviate these aches it's best to avoid most medications during your first 12 weeks of pregnancy so talk to your healthcare provider before taking any generally speaking acetaminophen ie Tylenol it's considered okay in small amounts welcome to week 11 your baby is now about the size of a large Brussels sprout he has lost the webbing on his hands and feet and now has ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes his head is oversized it's about 1/3 to 1/2 of his length the bones in his little face have formed and he has ear buds nasal passages hair follicles and a tongue thanks to his brand new diaphragm he's breathing small amounts of amniotic fluid in and out and maybe even getting the hiccups though you probably won't be able to feel any of this just yet he's starting to stretch out do somersaults and kick practicing those moves that will have you groaning closer to the end of your pregnancy if you've decided to do genetic testing the process begins as you near the end of your first trimester some women will do a blood test now and get the results later around week 16 others will have a combination of blood tests and an ultrasound scan often referred to as the nuchal translucency scan which measures the fluid and tissue at the back of the baby's neck and checks for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome doctors can also sometimes spot congenital heart problems at these games your doctor or Midwife will combine the results of the blood tests and NT scan with your age to identify your risk of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality you'll get a number back with your chances of having a baby with a genetic difference a high-risk number will be one in a hundred and fifty or less a low-risk number will be more like one in 1500 or more together with your doctor and Midwife you can decide whether you'd like to pursue further testing with all the nausea and fatigue you're feeling exercise may be the last thing you want to do but there are a lot of benefits to stay inactive during pregnancy making Fitness a priority can help regulate weight gain and prepare your body for all the changes that are coming it won't hurt or jostle the baby think of it as training for the ultramarathon otherwise known as childbirth if you're already exercising regularly be sure to let any instructors or trainers know you're expecting keep in mind that you're changing balance and loose ligaments might make you clumsier than usual low-impact exercise like water aerobics free weights and prenatal yoga or pilates with a certified instructor are good options you'll want to avoid exercises that require doing deep twists line on your tummy or stayin on your back for long periods check with your health care provider before starting any new youtubes here's a bonus exercise can help you sleep more soundly which is great for balancing those mood swings welcome to week 12 your first trimester is almost over your baby is now the size of a large mushroom your baby now has all her organs muscles limbs and bones she's looking more like a person - thanks to her eyes moving in from the sides of her head to the front of her face her skeleton which is made of rubbery cartilage right now is starting to harden into bone she's also making sucking movements and opening and closing her little hands while your baby might only be a couple of inches long your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit thanks to all the progesterone and estrogen in your body your boobs have been looking fuller for the past few weeks too with the end of the first trimester your risk of miscarriage drops significantly only an estimated 2 to 3% of pregnancies that make it to the second trimester and in miscarriage after 20 weeks that drops to less than 0.5% that's why a lot of women come out of the closet around week 13 if you're telling everyone about your pregnancy this week get ready you're about to get an onslaught of unsolicited advice get used to it this continues throughout pregnancy birth and Parenthood have you made up your mind about whether or not you're finding out the sex of your baby after you make the announcement everyone is gonna ask you what you're gonna do as your baby bump gets bigger you may need to bite the bullet and buy some actual maternity clothes start with some new bras maternity pants or jeans are also worth the investment you'll wear them a lot and you'll want some stretchy tops now that you're moving past the fatigue and nausea of the first trimester you might feel more like exercising but don't push yourself too hard be sure to listen to your body you should be able to carry on a conversation while you're exercising and ask your instructor if you need to make any more modifications to your routine congratulations you're going to be a great mom you