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Super 60 Class: Emphasizing Pranayama Practice
Aug 20, 2024
Super 60 Class with Athena
Welcome to the Super 60 class.
Focus on pranayama breathing: good for lungs and respiratory system.
Pranayama Breathing
Heels and toes touching; solid foundation.
Interlock fingers; knuckles and chin maintain contact.
Exercise steps:
Inhale: head down, arms up, stomach tight, rib cage showing.
Exhale: head back, chest lifted, elbows together.
Repeat with emphasis on slow, deep breaths.
Warm-Up Exercises
Half Moon, Hands to Feet Pose (Ardha Chandrasana, Padahastasana):
Arms over head, palms together, interlock fingers; stretch up.
Warm-up by stretching right and left.
Bend body to right, pushing hips left.
Bend body to left, pushing hips right.
Backward bending, touching wall behind.
Forward bend, grab heels, elbows behind legs.
Utkatasana (Awkward Pose)
Feet six inches apart, arms parallel to floor.
Sit with flat feet, maximum weight in heels.
Spine straight, chest up, stomach in.
Rise on toes, sit down, spine straight.
Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
Arms overhead, twist arms like ropes, palms together.
Sit down, twist right leg over left, tuck foot.
Push knees, align body in the mirror.
Repeat with left arm and leg.
Balancing Series
Standing Head to Knee:
Shift weight to left leg, interlock fingers around right foot.
Right leg stretches forward, elbows towards floor.
Repeat for left leg.
Standing Bow Pulling Pose:
Right hand grabs right ankle, left arm up.
Charge forward, kicking leg up and back.
Repeat with left hand and leg.
Balancing Stick Pose:
Step forward, lock knees, arms and leg parallel to floor.
Separate Leg Stretching Series
Separate Leg Stretching Pose:
Step right, stretch forward, grab heels, roll forward.
Triangle Pose:
Step right, bend knee, elbow to knee, arm up.
Twist body back, chest open.
Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose:
Step right, chin to chest, forehead to knee.
Pivot, stretch, and repeat for left side.
Tree and Toe Stand
Tree Pose:
Right foot on left thigh, hips forward, arms up.
Repeat for left foot.
Toe Stand:
Balance on toes and hands.
Spine Strengthening Series
Cobra Pose:
Hands under shoulders, lift upper body with spine strength.
Locust Pose:
Arms under body, lift each leg separately.
Full Locust Pose:
Arms out, everything lifts up together.
Bow Pose:
Hold feet, kick legs back, chest lifts.
Final Poses
Fixed Firm Pose:
Knees together, sit between heels, arms back.
Half Tortoise Pose:
Knees together, stretch forward, arms above head.
Camel Pose:
Knees apart, hands on hips, drop back, hold heels.
Rabbit Pose:
Knees together, chin tucked, forehead to knees, lift hips.
Final Stretching and Twisting
Head to Knee and Stretching Pose:
One leg out, forehead to knee, pull toes.
Spine Twisting Pose:
One leg over, twist torso, look back.
Final breathing exercise.
End with Savasana (relaxation).
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