Improving Spontaneous Speaking Skills

Oct 15, 2024

Notes on "Speaking Better in the Moment"


  • Discusses challenges of introducing oneself and making small talk.
  • Importance of speaking effectively in spontaneous situations.
  • Example: Stanford MBA students struggling with cold call questions.
  • Developed a methodology to help students feel more comfortable and confident.

Methodology Overview

  • Six-step methodology focusing on speaking in the moment.
  • Divided into two categories: Mindset and Messaging.


1. Managing Anxiety

  • Anxiety is common in high-stakes situations.
  • Two-pronged approach: manage symptoms and sources of anxiety.
  • Symptoms include dry mouth, sweating, heart pounding.
  • Techniques:
    • Deep belly breaths (exhale longer than inhale)
    • Warm water, lozenges, or gum for dry mouth
    • Cold objects in hands for blushing/sweating
  • Sources of anxiety often tied to fear of negative outcomes.
  • Strategies:
    • Be present-oriented to avoid future worries.
    • Physical activities, talking to others, or mental exercises like tongue twisters to stay present.

2. Maximize Mediocrity

  • Importance of not over-evaluating oneself.
  • Focus on being present and answering questions rather than perfecting responses.

3. Viewing Opportunities Not Threats

  • See spontaneous communication as opportunities rather than threats.
  • Improv exercise: "Give a Gift" to practice spontaneity.
  • Tools: Growth mindset, "Yes and", "Next Play", viewing mistakes as "missed takes".

4. Listening Effectively

  • Listen deeply, focusing on the crux of the message.
  • Strategy: Pace, Space, Grace
    • Slow down, give space, and use intuition.
  • Use paraphrasing and clarifying questions to enhance understanding.


5. Structure

  • Importance of structured responses in spontaneous speaking.
  • Common structures:
    • Problem, Solution, Benefit
    • What, So What, Now What
  • Structure aids in clarity and helps prioritize information.

6. Focus

  • Be concise and focused.
  • Have clear goals: information, emotion, action.
  • Use concise structures like:
    • What if you could, so that, for example, and that's not all.

Resources for Improvement

  • Podcast: "Think Fast, Talk Smart".
  • Book: "Think Faster, Talk Smarter".
  • Techniques for improving communication: Repetition, Reflection, and Feedback.


  • Emphasis on practice and continual learning to improve spontaneous speaking skills.