Introduction to SQL and Databases

Sep 22, 2024

SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners

Overview of SQL and Databases

  • SQL (Structured Query Language): Language used to interact with relational database management systems (RDBMS).
  • RDBMS: Software application to create and manage databases.
  • Course Structure:
    • Basics of databases and SQL.
    • Installation of MySQL (popular for beginners).
    • Writing basic SQL queries (CRUD operations).
    • Advanced techniques and database schema design.

What is a Database?

  • Database (DB): Collection of related information.
    • Examples: Phonebook, shopping lists, social media user data.
  • Storage Methods:
    • On paper (manual lists).
    • Digitally on computers.
    • Mentally (in memory).

Types of Databases

  1. Relational Databases: Organizes data in tables (rows and columns).
    • Example: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL.
  2. Non-Relational Databases: Any database not structured in tables.
    • Examples: Document databases, key-value stores.

Core Concepts of Relational Databases

  • Tables: Structure to store data (e.g., Student table).
  • Keys:
    • Primary Key: Uniquely identifies a row (e.g., Student ID).
    • Foreign Key: Links to another table (e.g., branch ID).
  • CRUD Operations:
    • Create, Read, Update, Delete data.

SQL Basics

  • SQL Commands:
    • SELECT: Retrieve data.
    • INSERT: Add data.
    • UPDATE: Modify existing data.
    • DELETE: Remove data.

Installing MySQL

  • Install MySQL through the official website and set up a local server.
  • Optional: Use a SQL editor like PopSQL for writing queries.

Creating Tables and Inserting Data

  • Data Types:
  • Creating Tables:
    • Use CREATE TABLE syntax with defined data types.
  • Inserting Data:
    • Use INSERT INTO syntax to add entries to tables.

Updating and Deleting Data

  • Updating: Use UPDATE command with WHERE to specify conditions.
  • Deleting: Use DELETE FROM with WHERE to remove entries.

Basic Queries

  • Utilize SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT to retrieve specific data.
  • Use DISTINCT to filter unique results.


  • JOIN: Combine rows from two or more tables based on related columns.
    • Types of JOINs:
      1. INNER JOIN: Only matching rows.
      2. LEFT JOIN: All rows from left table, matching rows from right.
      3. RIGHT JOIN: All rows from right table, matching rows from left.
      4. FULL OUTER JOIN: All rows from both tables (not supported in MySQL).

Nested Queries

  • Nested Queries: A query within another query, often using results from one to filter another.
  • Example: Get employees who sold more than $30,000.


  • Trigger: A block of SQL code executed automatically upon certain events (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE).
  • Useful for automating tasks and maintaining data integrity.

ER Diagrams

  • ER Diagram: Visual representation of the database schema, illustrating entities and relationships.
  • Composed of entities (tables), attributes (columns), and relationships (connections).

Converting ER Diagrams to Schemas

  • Steps to convert ER diagrams into database tables:
    1. Map regular entity types to tables.
    2. Map weak entity types (with composite keys).
    3. Define binary relationships using foreign keys.
    4. Handle one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.
    5. Define attributes and constraints in tables.


  • Practice designing ER diagrams and converting them into schemas to solidify understanding of SQL and databases.