Beginner Python Programming Crash Course

Aug 22, 2024

Python Programming Tutorial


  • Presenter: Mosh Hamadani
  • Aim: Learn Python for data science, machine learning, or web development from scratch
  • No prior programming knowledge required

What You Can Do with Python

  • Machine Learning & AI: Python is top-ranked for data science projects
  • Web Development: Use Django to build websites (e.g., YouTube, Instagram)
  • Automation: Streamline repetitive tasks

Setting Up Python

  • Download Python: Go to and download the latest version
  • Ensure Path is Set: Check "Add Python to PATH" during installation on Windows

Installing a Code Editor

  • Pycharm: Recommended IDE, available in Professional (paid) and Community (free) editions
  • Setup: Download and install, then configure default settings

Writing Your First Python Code

  • Create a new project and file in Pycharm
  • Print Statement: Use print("Hello World") to display messages

Variables in Python

  • Definition: Store data temporarily (e.g., age = 20)
  • Types: Integers, floats, strings, and booleans
  • Boolean Values: True or False
  • Updating Variables: Change the value by reassigning

Receiving User Input

  • Input Function: input("What is your name?") for user interaction
  • Concatenation: Combine strings using + (e.g., "Hello " + name)

Data Type Conversion

  • Convert Types: Use int(), float(), bool(), and str()
  • Example: Convert user input (string) to an integer for calculations

Working with Strings

  • String Methods: upper(), lower(), find(), replace()
  • Immutability: Strings cannot be changed after creation

Arithmetic Operations

  • Operators: +, -, *, /, //, %, **
  • Augmented Assignment: x += 3
  • Operator Precedence: Use parentheses to set order

Comparison and Logical Operators

  • Comparison: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
  • Logical: and, or, not

Control Flow with If Statements

  • Syntax: if, elif, else
  • Use Case: Make decisions based on conditions

Loops in Python

  • While Loops: Repeat code while a condition is true
  • For Loops: Iterate over sequences (lists, strings, etc.)

Lists and Operations

  • Lists: Ordered collection of elements
  • Methods: append(), insert(), remove(), clear()
  • Slicing: Access sublists using start:end syntax

The Range Function

  • Purpose: Generate a sequence of numbers
  • Syntax: range(start, end, step)

Tuples in Python

  • Definition: Immutable lists
  • Use Case: Ensure data integrity
  • Methods: count(), index()


  • Further Learning: Comprehensive courses available at
  • Additional Resources: Tutorials on web/mobile development, 30-day money-back guarantee