Morning Routines Experiment
- Problem: Feeling behind and unaccomplished every morning.
- Goal: Establish a morning routine that works best by experimenting with two distinct routines.
Day 1: Full Hustle Culture
- Wake-Up Time: 6:00 AM
- Activities:
- Cold shower
- Chugging a glass of water
- Going to the gym
- Observations:
- Chugging water before gym felt terrible.
- Got a cold shower done; disliked it.
- Felt accomplished by 7:30 AM.
- Breakfast: 2 eggs and a plum.
- Made the bed despite mismatched pillowcases.
- Applied BLS sunscreen, blush, and Vaseline.
- Made a to-do list (3 tasks).
- Worked using Pomodoro method (25 mins work, 5 mins break).
- Task: Edited “Live Laugh Larry” podcast with dad.
- Tidied up during breaks and did laundry.
Day 2: The Winkler Way
- Wake-Up Time: 8:45 AM
- Activities:
- Going to the gym
- Hot shower
- Breakfast: Smoothie and an egg
- Applied skincare steps.
- Used Pomodoro method.
- Responded to texts in timed blocks (recommended).
- Observations:
- Started the day with an anxiety spiral, shared openly.
- Engaged in sponsored content for Skillshare.
- Felt unaccomplished by noon.
- Recognized value in good anxiety pushing goals.
Lessons Learned
- Push through discomfort for overall happiness.
- Early wake-up avoids anxiety ball in chest.
- Breaking anxiety spiral best with immediate activity.
- Fondly remember times of emotional and physical exhaustion as productive and happy periods.
Final Routine
- Hybrid Morning Routine:
- Wake up at 6:30 AM.
- Start day by going outside for sunlight.
- Drink hot water slowly while outside.
- Go to the gym.
- Have breakfast: Smoothie and an egg.
- Short cold shower followed by a hot shower.
- Quick skincare routine.
- Make the bed.
- Use Pomodoro method for work.
- Embrace a personalized routine for better productivity and happiness.
- Push through initial discomfort for long-term benefits.
Encouragement: Figure out a morning routine that works for you and stick to it for a better day.